Despite the thorough planning of my late night visit to Amanda, I was slightly concerned I may have gone too far. I needn’t have worried, of course. If anything, the experience had made her even more submissive. First thing the next morning I received an email.
“Last night was amazing. The whole experience was so intense. It was as frightening as it was liberating. I loved how he just used my body then left. I loved how loud he was. I loved how noisily he drove off. The whole street must’ve heard him! I felt thoroughly used and utterly humiliated. Once I’d recovered, I had to get out my dildo to feed my aching cunt. I gave myself three more orgasms imagining him still on my back! I do hope he’ll come again.”
“I’m sure he will.”
While still living with my wife, I visited Amanda another four times in as many months. The wait between each visit had her climbing the walls with anticipation and I teased her with emails almost daily. I uploaded the intensity of the visit bytaking something new to try on her each time.
For the second visit I took a ball-gag. I also used her cunt for the first time. She must’ve experienced more than 20 powerful orgasms from my length and thickness before I pulled out and came hard up her arse.
The third visit introduced the industrial-grade handcuffs. This time, I’d instructed her over email to put up more of a struggle. She began slapping my leg so I took great delight in cuffing her hands behind her back so I could enjoy her anus unrestricted. And handcuffed anal became a default position.
Visit Four called for the addition of nipple-clamps and she was very noisy that night, even through the ballgag. During the fifth visit I took her from the front for the first time. Though, to prevent the traditional intimacy that such a position might suggest, I used a cloth draw-string bag as a hood. “I loved being your anonymous whore” was her response during the usual review by email.
A few days after thatfifth visit, my wife and I finally decided to separate and I was looking for somewhere new to live. I could’ve chosen anywhere near the centre of the city but required a couple of things from my new location. As I told Amanda, “I need somewhere close to a train station. But most importantly I need a local and convenient cum-dump.”
“My area has many places available,” Amanda suggested. “It is good for the station and the cum-dump comes as standard.”
The Intruder character was no longer needed. I became that character.
“It’s the obvious solution,” she continued. ” You already have my spare key. And if you lived nearby, you could let yourself in absolutely any time you wanted. Especially when you really needed to let off steam. As you know, I go to bed early but would be happy to lube myself up each night before I retire. I remain, as ever, your willing fuckpig.”
I immediately found a house round the corner from hers. The day I became her neighbor was the day shebecame my personal who; albeit a whore that didn’t charge and was always available. Her inability to get pregnant and close proximity to where I now lived made her the epitome of local bareback convenience. I used her relentlessly.
We switched to texting for future communication. As I was now living alone, there were no concerns of my wife seeing the messages. But after dozens of emails there was also much less to be said.
We soon established a rhythm where I would visit her on my way home from work, purely to empty my balls. I’d let myself in to find her on the bed. She learned to be lubed-up and ready; on her front, her pelvis supported by a pillow, legs apart, her hands pulling her arse cheeses apart so her cunt and anus were on full display. I simply chose a hole and went in. Once I’d unloaded I’d pull out, do myself up, then leave.
When cultivating a sub, it’s vital to maintain clear boundaries. I never arranged to meet her outside her house. I never invited herto mine and she never even knew my address. If I ever saw her in the street I completely ignored her.
For the next two years, I used Amanda just about daily. She really was the ultimate way to let off steam after a hard day. If I’d had a bad day at work I could take it all out on her. If I was getting shit from my ex, I could always take it all on Amanda. The more I used her as a set of fuckholes, the more she got off.
The unloading after work wasn’t enough to completely satisfy me though. I also used her late at night and would call round when she was sleep just like my initial visits. I’d just creep in and then use my cock head to ram open her anus. Once she got over the initial surprise she’d have no idea whether I’d be visiting for a quick unload or whether I’d spend the next two hours contorting her into every conceivable position while dragging her round the house by her hair. The only thing she could be sure of is that I’d leave as soon as I’d unloaded.
Occasionally she’d be out for the evening but I always had something very special planned for her when she got home. I’d be there waiting for her. Sometimes I’d jump from the darkness as soon as she came in. Other times I’d wait 20 minutes after she came home. She retired the adrenalin rush of being scared half to death as I literally tore at her clothes before using her body in whichever way would best satisfy my cock. These were always longer sessions and she was extremely good at playing the terrified victim of a home invasion. Often ending with her almost passing out with weariness when I finally saw fit to dump my load.
During my time as her neighbor I dated many others. Even worse than a bad day at work was a date that hadn’t ended in sex. But Amanda was always there to bear the brunt of my angry erection.
Even when a date had gone well, my sky-high sex drive means I’d still use Amanda. I’d walk my date to the station then call in on Amanda on my way home to fuck my remaIning cum into her. My other girls lived all over town but Amanda was so close by and very very convenient.
After two years of relentless use, work shifted me south so I had to move away from the area. It was five years before I saw her again.
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