Jason hung alone in the shadows that secured his wrists high above his head. His hand was throbbing in agoy, knowing something was broken in it. His balls were also throbbing like nothing else on earth. He had been so close to being free, no this psycho bitch had him locked up in her nut house.
Jason looked around the room, his eyes taking in the various whips and restraints and even more sex toys. Jason muttered to himself as he took it all in. “Jesus fucking Christ this woman really is a head case, when I get home Jerry is getting his ass kicked for telling me NOT to bring my gun.”
“Not a head case but stubborn yes,” Kisha said as she turned on the lights, momentarily blinding him. Jason squinted in the bright lights and turned his head away from them a moment while his eyes adjusted. “What the hell do you want from me?”
“You wanted a chance for a new life and I want a playmate. But see I like to play rough.” Jason glared at Kisha, trying to stand up fully andTake the strain off his wrists. “And just what makes you think I want to be your playmate?”
“The way you reacted when we were fighting. You have it in you to take to the lifestyle I lead.” Jason turned obviously and hissed as his hand twitched. “Ahhh….well what if I don’t want to be your playmate hmm? This qualifies as kidnapping you know.”
“And who would believe you? I have more evidence of malicious destruction of property and since you aren’t from around these parts…” she let the threat hang in the air. A chuckle escapes from Jason’s lips as he looked at Kisha, “How about the best lawsers in the country hmm? My uncle just happens to be one of them. Oh and by the way, since I haven’t called in the last 24 hours he’ll be notifying the local police to start looking for me until I contact him.” Jason grinned bigger and let his own threat hang in the air.
“You are so silly. Never leave personal effects in the open. You never know who might actually access them. I’muse to the threats and the ‘oh I have loved ones looking for me’ litany. They all fight in the beginning but then when they give in, they feel great. You will feel great.”
Jason spat on the floor in disrespect. “Is it just me, or do I hear sirens in the distance hmm? GPS tracking works oh so well don’t you think?” Jason smiled as he did indeed hear sirens coming closer. “Maybe I’ll be lenient and just have you locked up for a decade instead of life.”
Mario stuck his head in the room. “Kisha, Stephen’s here with the medic. She wants to take a look at both of your injuries.” “Thank you Mario, show them in.” The smile drained from Jason’s face as he realized it wasn’t what he thought it was. In his mind the words formed. ~Crap…~
Stephen entered, followed by a drop dead gorgeous blonde who was about 5 feet 4 and had a sexy smile. “I heard you had a problem?” she asked Kisha politely. “Yes but he needs to be tended to first. He needs to be healed so that he can repairthe damage he did to my house. He’s all yours Stephanie,” Kisha said and stepped back.
Jason blinked as he took in the beauty before him, his mind going completely blank as he instantly put on the best smile he could muster. Jason took a breath and spoke in the smoothest voice he could manage in his current state. “I didn’t know the city was employing angels nowadays.”
Stephanie grinned. “Oh, the city doesn’t employ angels, but Mistress Kisha does. Now, if you promise to behave, they’ll let you free so I can look at your injuries.” Jason took a moment to think and surprised, seeing no other choice. “I guess I don’t have any other option do I? Kidnappings rarely do.”
Stephanie nodded and Mario lowered the chain on the shadeles. Quentin came over and unlocked the shadele to the injured wrist. Stephanie walked up and tenderly prodded his wrist, feeling for broken bones.
Jason rubbed his red wrists, the shadowle having left a definite mark. A long loud his escaped hislips as Stephanie prodded a broken bone! “Ahhhh careful”
“He broke it. bring that chair over here Quentin.” Stephanie waited until he was seated before bringing over her kit. She had stuff in it to mend broken bones. It was a must, especially when making house calls at Mistress Kisha’s house.
Jason gently sat down in the chair, taking this time to formulate a possible plan of action. He knew he had to get away, he just wasn’t sure how. His eyes watched Stephanie carefully, thinking. “So Stephanie…you don’t think it disturbing that this woman kidnaps people against their will?”
“Not really. I used to be one of her playmates too,” Stephanie replied as she carefully wrapped the plaster around his broken wrist. “Of course I wasn’t as opposed to her advances as you or most men seem to be when she first asks. I guess it something about the fact that she’s a dominatrix as well as a very intimidating woman that freaks most guys out. Women, well some of us are used to domineering, overbearing males in our lives so we don’t react as badly.”
Jason snorted a bit. “Dominatrix? I personally think she’s more of a coward since she had these goons bring me here instead of coming herself. She’s as much of a real dominatrix as I am the president of Timbuktu.” Stephanie Shook her head. “You don’t understand. It’s not how the game is played. Have you never heard of S&M or bondage?”
Jason nodded. “Yes I have, ever heard of kidnapping being 100% illegal? If these chumps hadn’t gang jumped me like the bunch of pussies they are I wouldn’t be imprisoned here.”
“Oh, you’ve not been kidnapped. Not yet,” Stephanie laughed and then checked the cast for hardness. “If you hadn’t damaged her house she might have let you leave in peace.” Jason’s eyes narrowed. “She’s holding me against my will, that qualifies as kidnapping and everyone here is an accessory.” Jason was starting to get worked up again, glancing at the door way, judging his chances of rushing it.
Stephanie helped him put his arm in the sling. She looked over at Kisha. “Mistress, I humbly suggest you let him go. He’s not worth the effort and he seems to be an ungrateful person by nature.”
Jason humphed to himself. “At someone in this room has some sense.” Jason continued to glare towards Kisha, seeming as ungrateful as he could. “Perhaps you are right my beautiful sex slave. He does seem to be weak. Mario, take him to his room, get his stuff, his money and take him to the airport. Also give him an extra $200 for his hardship.” She turned to Jason. “Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you,” Kisha said calmly before leaving the room with everyone except Mario and Jason.
A slight smile formed at the edge of Jason’s lips as he thought to himself. ~Perfect, always a way out of things. Always do what you gotta do, no matter how degrading.~ Jason stood up as he was unshackled totally and shrugged Quentin off. “Good, I personally feel dirty after beingin this cess pool. Good day to you.” Jason moved to pass Kisha, letting his shoulder bump into hers roughly. “Might wanna put an ice pack on that shiner, then again. it does make you look better than before.” Jason continued past her, heading for the front door.
Quentin mumbled something but subsided when Kisha throw him a look. Mario was ready to spit nails but he did as Kisha ordered and took Jason to his room to get his stuff. He held out the extra $200. “She must really like you. She actually gave you money.”
Jason took his possessions and his own money but not the extra $200. “Tell her she can shove it up her ass. I don’t take charity from anyone, especially pity charity.” Jason picked up his bag in his good hand and headed for the front door. “Your loss man,” Mario said and led the way outside to the car. Stephanie was leaning up against it and Stephen was talking to her.
Jason put on as arrogant a tone as possible. “Oh I think I’ll decide on that when I’m lounging at home discussing the lawsuit with my lawsets. And I’ll walk back.” Jason turned from Mario, heading down the street, making sure he was out of ear shot before speaking to himself. “I can’t believe that actually worked. Thank god for Stephanie.”
Mario looked at Stephen and Stephanie. “He’s going to be in for some shocks when he finds out the repercussions of damaging Kisha’s house. I guess having those contacts and working as an interpreter for various countries is finally paying off.” Stephanie Shook her head. “He seems to me to just be an angry young man. I don’t know why she’s bothering with him anyway.”
“Is that jealousy we here?” Stephen teased. “Maybe a little. I’ve never seen her let so much go. I want to know why he’s so damn special,” she grumped. Jason made it to the end of the long road before he was forced to sit down and take a drink, the heat of the Florida day once more taking it’s toll upon his heavy set body. Wiping his forearm across his browser Jason felt for his cell phone and tried to remember the number of the cab company.
As he sat waiting for the call to connect, Jason’s eyes went wide as he felt pains in his chest. the sudden onslaught made his knees give way as his hand clutched at his large bosom. spots formed before his eyes and his breath caught in his throat as he fell onto his hands and knees.
As Jason lay gasping and holding his chest a group of gangster dressed youths appeared on the street from a neary alley. Spotting easy prey they pounded upon Jason, striping him of any and all valuables including his luckage, cell phone and money. Jason cried out as they landed in a few kicks, passing out before they were done.
Kisha was looking at the survey system and frowned when it hit the corner. Her eyes widened and she ran from the room, jerking out her cell and yelling instructions to Mario. It took her five minutes to reach Jason’s side. By the time she got to him he was not breathing. She rolled him over and immediately began CPR. A few seconds later Stephanie and Stephen arrived to help. The ambulance pulled up shortly there after and Jason was taken to the hospital.
When Jason’s eyes flickered open his vision was filled with the stark whiteness of the ward ceiling above him. His chest hurt and his head was pounding. As Jason tried to move, he winced and groaned softly. Jason closed his eyes once more and took slow shallow breaths.
“Young man you gave your girlfriend quite a scare,” the doctor told Jason as he checked Jason’s vitals. Jason cracked his eyes open and frowned hard at the doctor in puzzlement. “Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend man. I don’t have anyone here.”
“Could have fooled me. She’s out there pacing around and is even paying for your care. Now, how does this feel?” the doctor asked as he pressed on Jason’s arm. Jason frowned again as the doctor spoke and wince when he pressed against his arm. “Painful. Say doc, the chick standing outThere wouldn’t happen to have dark skin and a puffed up face like she’d been in a fight would she?”
“Yes, she would. We tried taking a look at it but she gave my nurses a glare that puts even my best intimidating one to shame and they left her alone. She has to be a tough cookie to withstand that kind of punishment,” the doctor said admiringly.
Jason groaned again and put a hand to his head and spoke quietly. “Do me a favour and tell her to take a hike will you? I don’t want to be within a hundred miles of her. Plus could you bring me a phone, I need to sort out how am gonna pay you.”
“She said you’d be stubborn and to not let you pay a dime. Something about owing you for a misunderstanding. So I didn’t ask any more. But you can use the phone by the bed. Dial 9 and then the number you wish to call.”
Jason sent and nodded slowly after glancing at the phone. “Either way, tell her to shove her charity up her ass. I can pay my own way and don’t need help from thelikes of her.” Jason winced again as he got a little angle.
“You know son, most people would be grateful for a good Samaritan to help out but I guess everyone is different.” Jason gave the doctor a look like he was crazy. “She is in absolutely no way a Samaritan to me. She tried to make me her slave, forcedly against my will. I was given a challenge, if I could kick her ass, her and her goons let me go. So I remodelled her face after she tried to kill me. See why I don’t want her anywhere near me now?” Jason was glaring now but his heart wasn’t in it, he was weak from collapsing and the kicking those thugs had given him.
“I will make sure she isn’t allowed in the room. You try and rest ok. You’ve had a rough day and your body needs time to heal.” Jason nodded and laid back in the bed, breathing slow and deep. Slowly Jason closed his eyes and let himself slip into a deep sleep.
Kisha sat by Jason’s bed and surprised. Never a more stubborn prospective sub had she ever met and it turned her on. Now if she could just get him in the mood.
Jason stood in his sleep as Kisha surprised and shifted position, the slight pain of moving dredging up memories of the fight he had with Kisha. As the memories flowed through his mind so did the underlying pleasure he had felt when he had struck her over and over again. He had in fact retired the action, as if it was a sweet elixir of life. He had always secretly enjoyed fighting someone, anyone, but always denied it to himself.
Kisha watched him, a thoughtful look on her face. She had felt his need for violence and submission. It was a heady mix. Now if she could just get him to see how good it could be…
Softly a quiet, barely audible moan escaped Jason’s lips as he continued to dream, the arousal spreading through his body as his sheets began to rise. Kisha smiled. And still he was a man. She reached forward and stroked him through the sheets. Jason took a deep breath in his slumber and another, louder moan was heard from him as Kisha stroked his hardening cock through the sheets. gradually a smile formed on Jason’s face.
So, he was unguarded in sleep. She carefully pulled the sheets off him. She quietly locked the door and closed the blinds before going back over and began sucking his cock. Jason shivered and quietly gasped as his dreams became hotter and felt Kisha’s hot wet mouth on his throbbing erection. Slowly Jason gripped the sheets in his fists, his mind slowly beginning to awaken.
Kisha continued sucking and then slowly began playing with his balls. Jason hips slowly began to move and he softly spoke. “Ohh Gods yes…now that’s what I call medical care” This was a clear sign that Jason was awake, however his eyes had remained closed, thinking it was a devilish nurse with a fetish for heavy set men.
Kisha spoke not one word but keep up her administrations. She couldn’t wait to see the look on hisface when he realized who was giving him a blow job. Jason’s head rolled from side to side slowly as his hand slip down to Kisha’s hair and gripped it tightly in his fist, growing now in lust. “Mmmmm yeah that’s it, you suck like a pro.” Jason was breathing hard now and trying to ignore the dull ache in his chest.
Kisha stifled a smile and kept sucking, proving just how good she was. Jason squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the cum begin to rise in his balls, it had been so long since he’d felt the pleasures of a woman that it was no surprise that his endurance was close to nil. “Ahhh fuck yes, gonna cum, keep sucking, mmm.”
Kisha sucked some more. She would bring him to the edge of cumming and then she was going to watch the shock and anger when he realized that he was going to be denied release.
Jason bit his bottom lip as he panted now. His grip tightened painfully in Kisha’s hair as his hips began moving faster, a long low groan building in his throat. “Ahhh yeahhere it comes, so close, gonna cum so god damned hard!” Kisha gave one hard suck, felt his cock twitch and then she jerked her mouth away from him and dropped her hand away from his balls.
Jason grew in frustration and opened his eyes to see what the problem was. “Hey what the hell…” Jason’s eyes went wide and he immediately reached for the nurse call button. “Don’t both, I unplugged it.”
Jason glared at Kisha and took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs “NURSE!!!” A few seconds went by and nothing happened. Kisha continued to sit calmly in the seat and stared at him. Jason was breathing hard, both from the earlier arousal and his current rising fury. “What the hell are you doing here?! How the hell did you get in here?!”
“I came to check on you. And I walked through the door like Any normal person,” Kisha explained as she crossed her legs and the tight brown leather skirt rode up her thighs exposing her panties. Jason glared at Kisha and gripped the side of the bed. “Get out of my room right now you psycho!”
“You keep saying that but I’ve not done anything remotely psycho. You have though, marking up my walls, trying to set fire to my place. I wonder who would be believed in court, you or me?”
Jason glared at Kisha and spoke with a cold tone. “You told me to go, and I left. Now you want me back again? How about you go to hell!”
“I’ve been there and got a t-shirt. But you, you still exist in it. Why? Why are you so angry at the world?” she asked him frankly. Jason snorted and slid back in his bed a little bit. “That’s no business of yours. Now kindly leave me in peace to recover and pay my own bills.”
“As you wish.” Kisha stood, stretched and her shirt and skirt both rode up, revealing a tan toned belly and sexy thighs.
Jason frozen as he saw the exposed flesh, the fog of arousal still linger in his mind. Softly he whispered. “Oh wow…” Kisha slowly lowered her arms and fixed her skirt and shirt.”Good-bye Jason.” She reopened the blinds, unlocked the door and walked out.
Jason blinked a moment as a question popped into his mind. Frowning he spoke after her. “Wait!” She stuck her head back in the room. “Yes?” Jason swallowed as he looked at Kisha. “Why is it that…you want me? You don’t look like the kind of chick that has a thing for fat guys.”
Kisha gave him a soft smile. “You’re not fat. Trust me, I’ve seen bigger. I’m sure you could shed what you do have if you had the right…encouragement. I also happen to have a thing for men who like to fight.”
Jason looked down at the bed and bit his lip again. “I see, so…you really like me?”
“I wouldn’t have asked you to come live with me if I hadn’t liked what you wrote in your application.” Jason shrugged a little bit. “It wasn’t much, just a couple of Martial arts hobbies, been a while since I’ve done it.”
“Would you like to be in shape and have great sex every day? That’s what I’m offering you,” Kisha said as she came back in the room and closed the door. “the only thing I ask is that you submit to me and my orders.”
Jason took a few minutes to ponder this offer Kisha was offering him. “Well I have been meaning to get into shape…what kind of orders?”
“Oh, I don’t know, like, “Lick my foot and don’t stop until I tell you to.” or “You will not cum until I tell you to.” Those kinds of orders.”
Jason drew his head back a bit, his face taking on a look like he had tasted something foul. “Licking your feet? I don’t know about that, sounds kind of gross.”
“You asked for examples, I gave them to you. I would be able to tie you up and do whatever I liked. Of course if it got to be too much for you, you could always use a safe word and I would stop immediately.” Jason pondered this for a few minutes once more. “Any other catches? Like do I still have to pay to stay there coz I’m a bit short right now…”
“If you agree to my terms you won’t have to pay a dime. Just be my play toy and I’ll keep you well fed, dressed and happy.” Jason took a long minute to ponder his options, idly rubbing his aching chest and nodded a little. “Alright, I agree to your terms but I don’t think I’ll be a very durable play toy since I just had a heart attack…”
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