Strip Club Tease Toy: Dan Falls Into A Trap
Chapter 6: Lay Your Hands On Me
“Oh woooow,” Sarah giggled again, grinning more widely now as she began to lightly stroke the base of his dick with her forefinger. She looked incredibly pleased with herself. “That was beautiful Dan! You really know how to make a girl feel good about yourself, don’t you?! The problem is, that still doesn’t solve our dilemma does it? I mean…How can I make you cum with your favorite part of my body, if you just keep telling me you love every inch of me equally? Hmmm…” Again, the exaggerated expression of realization brightened her face. “Oh! I know! Oh man, this is perfect! We actually still have, what…five songs left anyway? Why don’t I spend one song on each of the options, and while I’m playing with you, you can explain to me why that’s your favorite part of my body. I really enjoy hearing you say all these nice things about me, so I think we should keep that going, don’t you? That way Ican compare your different reactions and decide which one is best!”
Dan looked at her, confused and terrified, and Sarah rolled her eyes and stepped back, looking at him like he was an idiot. “Look, Dan, it’s simple!” she exceled condescendingly. “I am going to play five more songs, and for the length of each song, I’m going to tease you with a different part of me! Your job is to beg as hard as you can, and compliment me as much as you can, so that you can try to convince me to get you off. Then I’ll decide if you sound believe or not. If I believe you, I’ll make you spurt that icky, dirty, sinful cum everywhere, and if I don’t…well, we can just try again with the next song! Make sense?”
Dan gaped in horror. 5 more songs? He had seen enough of Sarah’s behavior, and could read between the lines enough to realize that his sex crashed captor was essentially proposing keeping him on the edge like this for another hour. And Freebird? Holy hell, how was he going to live through this? “P-please Sarah,” he sputtered, desperately, “I…I don’t know if I can take that. Maybe…maybe you could choose? I promise I’d be so happy with whatever you choose, I don’t think we need to use the songs, you’re so smart, I can tell you’re smart and that you’d make a good choice. Just…oh God please. Please let me cum. Sarah, please…everything about you is wonderful, I…I think you’re so great, I promise, but don’t…don’t make me do it this way, please.”
He was struggling, and failing, to keep his composition, as he literally Shook with need, and he fight back tears again as he watched Sarah ignore him and saunter over to the speaker to switch it on once more. Again, the sight of her bouncing, juicy ass, swaddled gently in a tiny strip of bright red fabric, and the sound of her heels clicking against the linoleum became hypnotizing, and everything else fell away. His cock bounced, and a small drip of precum oozed from the tip as he struggled against his bonds, but the handscuffs were struggle, the wall anchor solid, and the combination of boots, belt, and bluejeans around his ankles was turning out to be a surprisingly effective way to bind a man’s legs. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Suddenly, the sounds of classic rock filled the room again, and Sarah spun around, her blue eyes flashing above a hungry smile, and her tits jiggling as she took him in. Dan had never Thought he could learn to hate the sound of a guitar this much. Sarah bounced back over to him with a bubble, exaggerated demeanor that made every inch of her exposed flesh bounce and quiver. “Well, what do you think, huh? Where should we start? I say, let’s start with my soft, dextrous, probing fingers…” She whispered, pressing dramatically against him as she leaned forward and plucked up the small bottle that she had placed by the door at the start of this harrowing encounter. Her breasts pressed against his chest again as she did so, and Dan thought maddeningly how satisfiedg it would have been to break his hands free and plumge his fingertips into the soft warm flesh of her melons. He wanted to grab, to grope, to twist, to squeeze…but his hands hung ineffectively above him, twitching slightly.
Then he watched as she flipped open the lid of the bottle and lightly drizzled a small stream of baby oil into her right palm with her left hand. She held his gaze, almost forcedly, as she did so. “Ooooooh this feels good against my skin! You know, every night before I go to bed I get completely naked, stand in front of my full length mirror, and rub length into every…inch…of my body. Skin care is soooo important, don’t you think? Sometimes my customers tell my skin feels like velvet.” As she spoke, she slowly and sensitively manipulated each digit of her hands in front of Dan’s eyes, her fingertips pressing delicately against the flesh of the opposite palm, and lightly drew thin bands of oil across her flesh as he watched, tracing down and around the soft inner wrist of each arm in slow circulation motions until her hands and forearms were slick and dripping with oil.
Still not breaking eye contact, she slowly lowered herself, so that she was kneeling before him. Looking up at him with false innocent in her huge piercing eyes, an angelic miracle of soft curves, Sarah continued, “Now remember, you’re gonna have to convince me if you want me to make you cum like this…I want to make sure this is what you really…really…really want.” With each “really” she lightly pressed down on the head of his helpless dick with a fingerprint, causing it to bounce lightly. Dan moaned as each touch sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through him, and he feel the cool air tingling maddeningly where her finger had left tiny dabs of oil. “Or maybe you want to try to tough it out, huh? Wait for something better to come along? I WAS thinking of spending some time tasting that cock meat of yours next, it does look sooooooooo yummy, after all. MaybeYou want to try to hold out for a blowjob?”
As she spoke, she took each hand, now glistening in baby oil up to her elbows, and dragged all ten of her fingertips lightly from the base of his cock to his tip. Dan gasped involuntarily as she, never breaking eye contact, held her hands there, and began to lightly tap her fingers against his sensitive cock head at alternate intervals. It feel like a rainfall of soft, slippery, padded fingerprints, and Dan lost control, humping desperately forward and sobbing, but Sarah pulled back her hands and waited patiently for him to settle down and stop moving before she began the onslaught of tapping fingerprints again. She continued as if nothing had happened, “You’re a tit man, I can tell…Maybe you want to wait a few songs until I slide these babies up and down that luscious cock, and then you can really start your begging, so that I’ll let you spurt that gooey spunk all over them? Would you like that? Seeing those ropey strands of cumsplattered across my beautiful bouncing tits?”
Now she took a finger, and began lightly, slowly, maddeningly surrounding the exposed head of Dan’s dick over and over, around and around, smiling as she went on. He bucked again lightly, almost involuntarily this time, and she again pulled back her probing finger, and waited patiently for his movement to cease before beginning anew. “Mmmmm, or maybe you ARE a foot guy? We haven’t even broken out my talented little toesies yet! And…heh, I bet a little foot worship would do a guy like you some good, actually.” Miraculously, Sarah somehow continued to hold eye contact as she mocked him, and a playful, hungry smile spread her sensitive lips as she slip her right hand to the base of his cock, and encircled it lightly before slowly tightening her grip. Once she had a forceful grip, she pulled up slowly, sensitively in one fluid motion, tightening her grip slightly around the head of his dick, and then slid off with a wet slurping sound madeby the baby oil. Her arm flew up and over her head as she followed through with the motion, her breasts bouncing invitingly as she did so. Dan cried out, and then goggled unbelievingly as he watched her slide her left hand down to the base of his cock and repeat the motion. The wet “sluck” sound that erupted as her hand broke free of his shake echoed in his mind, and he struggled to collect his thoughts.
Sarah smiled and continued the motion again with her right, slowly milking him with alternate hands as she giggled and continued in a faux puzzled voice, her eyes dancing, as she watched his face contort and slacken in terrible pleasure. “Ooooh, but I said 5 more songs didn’t I? I mean, we definitely want to finish all of Side B if we can! Hmmmmm well if the first one’s hands, the second one’s my mouth, the third one’s my tits, and the fourth one’s my cute little feet…well would could the fifth song be for? Hmmmmmm…” Her brow furrowed in mock thoughtfulness and again, Danwas dimly aware of how much he was being mocked and ridiculed, but it was as if his entire brain now resided in his cock, and his entire attention was trapped within those hypnotizing, piercing eyes. Suddenly, she gasped, holding one glistening, oily hand up to her mouth theatrically as she slid up his throbbing member with the other. “Hold on….You don’t think…You don’t think I’d FUCK you, do you Dan? I mean…I talked about it earlier. I guess you probably thought I was kidding…But…oh man, what if I wasn’t? And it would probably feel soooo good.” She shifted slightly and spread her knees so that she was sitting flat against the linoleum, and then began to methodically flex her thighs, humping the floor theatrically as she held his gaze, her round bottom bouncing and jiggling, and lightly slapping against the ground as she did so. “And I’m soooo wet right now teasing you like this, Dan, I mean…you’d probably just slide right in! Oh wow, maybe you should try to hold out?”
Dan tried and failed to hold back a desperate sob. Sincerely, the thought of fucking this woman filled him with a hunger he hadn’t known that he had within him. He yearned to tear himself free of these damned handcuffs and descend on her like an animal. But he didn’t think he could wait any longer. The wet, slippery, methodical strokes were causing his balls to ache like a hot stone in his lower belly, but they were slow, so slow, and it was taking every fiber of his being not to move, not to thrust violently forward, so that the wonderful, torturous sensings would increase. “Please Sarah,” he rasped, not for the first or last time of the evening, and the instant he spoke, the alternative hands began to speed up, gripping his cock head more firmly with each palm as she slide firmly up and over, up and over, with a wet “sluck”, again, and again, and again.
Dan’s voice barely sounded human any longer, it was so weighed with need. “I need…I need to…please, I need to…” Hiseyes widened as if he suddenly remembered something, “It’s your hands! Your hands, I swear! That’s my choice! Please Sarah, please get me off with your hands! Your hands are my favorite part of you!” He was beginning to raise his voice in his panic now, not caring if anyone in the hall behind him could hear. “Your skin is so soft, and your fingers are… are lithe…and, and,” He was trying to Remember the word she had used, and then he pounded on it, “and…and dextrous! And they feel so good! Oh god please, I love your hands so much, they’re so sexy and perfect, and soft and warm and wet… and…” He was babbling desperately, and gasping in between ragged sobs, and when the closing chords of the song began to play and Sarah sat back on her heels to admire her throbbing, oozing, quivering, veiny masterpiece, actual tears finally began to spill over the lids of his eyes and down his shaking, panting face.
To Be Continued…
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