* My first story in English which was put together rather quickly. Hope you don’t mind that it starts off slowly.
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
“You got to help me out here!” Alexander pleaded.
“Helping you out is the last thing I have to do. Consider yourself lucky that I even took this call. Should have blocked you a long time ago!”
There was no chance, Lillian thought.
“Come on! Don’t be like that! I’m really desperate. My landlord throw me out. Suddenly she’s afraid of Europeans. I might carry the virus, she says.”
“You’re saying she found out that there is something toxic about you? Welcome to the club! She’s a bit late though.”
“Lil, honey! Come on! Don’t be like that! I’m fucking homeless.”
“Well, just go back to Europe! As far as I’m concerned you should have never come here!”
“I don’t have the money, and there are no flights going out.”
“Then take a hotel. This isNot my problem! You are not my problem anymore. You must be crazy to think that I could take you in again! Don’t want anything to do with you!”
“Lillian, I don’t want to move in with you. I was thinking about that cabin, your parents own. Can I maybe stay there? Please? Only for a couple of weeks, until this Corona thing has blown over? Please? I’m really in need of some help here!”
“Sorry, pal. I don’t want any part of you in my life. And besides the cabin is not available anyway. My little sister is staying there. End of story.”
“Oh, okay… But I mean, it’s a big cabin. It’s easily big enough for two people. And I don’t need much. Can’t you just ask her?”
“You want to move in with my little sister? Forget it! Just forget it. I won’t let you near her.”
“Come on, Lillian. Your little sister is not that little and innocent. I remember your stories about her. You think she is a psycho! Your words! A fucked up bitch you called her!”
“She is still familiarly. You are not. And by the way, you are a fucked up pervert!”
“Okay, listen. I didn’t want to do this, but you are leaving me no choice here. Remember, that you still owe me? For New York? You remember that, right? You said you’d owe me for what I did there. I’m calling that favor now. Please!”
There was silence on the other end of the line. Alexander knew he had a point and so did Lillian. Their relationship had turned toxic but there was still a glimmer of the password they had shared once and it was this tiny memory of their better days that finally moved Lillian.
“All I’m asking is that you ask her. Okay? That’s all. If she says no, I’ll… I don’t know what I will do, but you won’t ever hear from me again!”
“If I do that, then we are done! I’ll block you on my phone, on Instagram, on Facebook, everywhere! I’ll get a restraining order!”
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really appreciate it!”
But Lillian had already hung up.
Alex didn’t expect to hear from Lillian for another day and maybe never, as he didn’t know whether she would actually make the call, but 20 minutes later his phone rang.
“She says, it’s fine.”
“Great! Thank you very much!”
“Under one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You can stay there with her, but on her terms.”
“What does that mean, her terms? What are they?”
“Dude, I don’t know. Her terms! Not mine! Her terms! I wouldn’t give you the fucking time of day! You can stay there but she makes the rules!”
“Okay. Sounds… interesting.”
“I knew that this would turn you on. “
“What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean. Your kink. Your perversion. You like women treating you like shit. You get off on that. Fucking creepy. Never liked that about you. What kind of a man lets his woman walk all over him?”
“So she knows about you. And your kink.”
“You told her? Are you crazy? I mean that was between the twoof us!”
“Apparently not. And she needs to know who she invites into her home. Relax, it’s not all that new to her. I told her about you ages ago. When we were still a thing. She was always weird like that. Into gothic stuff and black and all that morbid shit. You’ll probably get along just fine.”
Alexander didn’t know about that, and in his situation he didn’t really care. He Just needed a place to stay. Actually, Alexander didn’t remember much of Lilian’s sister. He had met her once. Very briefly when he had picked Lillian up. She opened the door and they exchanged a few words. He hadn’t paid much attention though. All he remembered was her pale skin and the dyed black hair, and she had forgotten black sweatpants. She had a small, cute nose, he remembered that. And her name: Samantha. That was essentially all. Lillian didn’t talk much about her. He got the impression that they weren’t all that close. Alexander sensed that Lillian might even be a bit embarrassed about her sister’s nerdiness.
“Oh god, does it turn you on, when I talk to you like that? Are you hard right now? You’re better not jerking off right now!”
“No, trust me. You are not turning me on. You are plain rude. There’s a difference.”
“Fine, asshole! Whatever. But you better behave yourself with my sister!”
Before Alexander could reply she had already hung up. Maybe Alexander hadn’t always treated Lillian as nicely as he could. But when she hung up, he questioned his taste a little regarding her
Well, he got, what a wanted. A place to stay.
That was the end of the conversation, and the end of a relationship that had started quite passwordately and ended in the same way. But every ending is the beginning of something new and this unpleasant ending of One relationship marked the beginning of a new one, which offered more excitement but also a little more struggles to Alexander’s life.
But all that was many hours of driving on empty roads away:
“So youare the infamous Alex. And we are going to bunk together for the next couple of… weeks, months, maybe years?”
“Let’s hope it’s not years or months. I mean, it’s just a virus, right?”
“I don’t really care how long it takes. I’m on a break from life here in the wilderness. Anyway. What do you bring to the team?”
“What team?”
“Our team. You and me.”
“We are a team? Cool, good to know!”
“I’ll definitely be part of the solution!”
“We’ll see. You are quite athletic. I can see that.”
“I’ll be able to outrun the zombies.”
“Really? Would be bad for me though.”
“Well, if they chase us and you are faster than me, who are they going to eat?”
“I’ll be carrying you,” he laughed.
“Sweet! You better.”
Alexander instantly liked Samantha’s nerdiness. She was almost exactly like he remembered her. Small, pale, had long black hair with a hint of purple. It had grown out a little though and a weak dirty blond appeared. She once again wore sweatpants and a tight tank top. He could see the nipples of her small, perky breasts poke through the fabric. He wondered whether she was aware of that.
For a brief second he felt bad for those thoughts. After all she was Lillian’s little sister. And he wasn’t there to hook up with his ex’s sister. But then again he felt silly. Samantha was only a few years younger. Around 21 or 22 he guessed. She was cute, he had to admit that.
Alexander was quite tired when he got out of the car. He stretched his legs. The drive had been longer than he had anticipated. Although the roads were empty. People stuck to the stay home advice.
“Well, come on in, infamous Alex! You must be tired.”
“Infamous? Really? That’s what Lill called me?”
“She called you a lot of things. Infamous was not exactly her choice of words. Let’s say she was less enthusiastic about you.”
“So, I’m that bad?”
“You want to hear a few?”
“No problem, I’ll tell you anyway. Shithead was one. Fuckface, Dipshit, European asshole.”
“Yeah, okay, I get it.”
“It’s no problem, really. I only remember a few of them: Scum was one. Human garbage and finally… perv.”
She looked at him, and her eyes seemed to pierce him on her last word. Alexander felt awkward.
“Perv? That’s what she called me? What has she told you?”
“A lot. Trust me. But your secret is safe with me.”
“Well, I assume you that I’m no perv.”
“We’ll see about that, she said and smiled after a few long seconds of a dry, sober look.”
Alexander felt uneasy. He had just got out of his car after a long drive and that girl that he barely knew already made a bunch of comments that he couldn’t quite place. Innuendos that he had to adjust to. He wasn’t sure where this was leading, but the longer this went on the more he became familiar with them.
Samantha felt his unease as well, and at the same time she enjoyed it and wondered whether she was a little too straight forward with him. She decided to take it a little more slowly.
“Come on in, I’m just fucking with you.”
She smiled.
“Alright, Samantha! That sounds good!”
He smiled back, but couldn’t find the right words. Somehow he felt interrogated and the fact that she knew more about him and than him about her, didn’t help. Alexander didn’t think that Lillian and Samantha had a very close relationship and that they would talk about him. But now he felt very insecure about her remarks.
Alexander followed her into the cabin, saved not to be under her scrutiny any longer. But the feeling didn’t last for long.
“Samantha? Ugh, nobody calls me that.”
“Sorry. What do you want to be called?”
“Sam. Justcall me Sam.”
“Okay, Sam. Is that a masculinity thing?”
“No, it’s a short thing.”
“What’s wrong with Samantha?”
“Samantha sounds dainty and petite and like a flower. Pretty and delicate and all that shit.”
“Well you are pretty and dainty and all that.”
He realized what he had said but it was already too late. The words were out.
“Thanks, but no thanks. I wasn’t fishing.”
“Sure. Apologies.”
She opened the door and he followed her inside.
“So you two have been here before? Lil and you?”
“Yeah, couple of times.”
“To do your little pervy games?”
She looked at him and then broke into a smile.
“Dude, relax! You are so tense! I’m not going to bite.”
“Well, not too much, anyway! You are cute when you are nervous.”
“Am I nervous?”
“You are literally shaking.”
She stared at him without saying another word.
“So here’s how it’s going to be. You can have the small room.I’ll have the big one.”
“I expect you to pitch in. With work and shit around this place. No slacking. And you better not be grumpy or moody or in any way uncooperative, understanding?”
“Or else?”
“You’re out.”
“Out in the cold Covid 19 zombie apocalypse.”
“Wouldn’t want that. Definitely not! Your rules. I’ll…” He paused, “…follow your lead.”
Alexander didn’t want to say “obey” and so he changed his words to sound less submissive.
“Yeah, you better follow my lead!”
She smiled.
“You must feel tired. I made hot water. If you want to freshen up. I’ll fix dinner in the meantime. Pasta. Quarantine food.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“It better. Now go! Take a shower!”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
He bit his tongue. The words had just slipped out. Unintended. Or maybe not all that unintentionally. His hope that maybe she hadn’t noticed was crushed immediately.
“Keep it up! I like where this is going!”
He couldn’t find the right a catchy reply, and so he remained quiet.
Alexander went into the bathroom to take his shower, glad to get some time to get a grip on things.
He did warm up to her verbal jabs though. It was just quite unexpected for him. He hadn’t expected to come to a friendly place. Or a place that would accommodate to his more intimate interests.
Thinking about all that, he now feel a stirring in his groin, a sensing he hadn’t felt for quite some time. Maybe since the beginning of the pandemic and all the stress that had come with it.
The water on his body felt refreshing. It was hot and brought him back to life. It washed away the exhaust and the grime of his journey. He got into some comfortable pants and a shirt and was ready to take Samantha on. Alexander felt invited when he left the bathroom.
“Sit! Dinner’s almost ready.”
Alexander noticed her casual, commanding language, and he liked it and took a seat.
It wasn’t the first time he sat at that table. Lillian and him had been here several times in the course of their relationship. A lot of memories were attached to this place. The first time they stayed here was spent almost entirely in the bedroom with loads of password sex in early spring last year. The next time they came here was during the summer. It was mostly too hot to do anything, and still they were so crazy for each other that they had nothing but sweaty and lazy sex all day. Lilian was a bit embarrassed about it. She didn’t want to be seen sweaty and in disorder. She was very self-conscious and always afraid to smell or sweat or have unwanted hair or any other imperfection. Alexander didn’t mind. He remembered how he had taken her right on the table he was sitting at. It was late afternoon and searing hot and Lillian had ordered him to pick her up, and he did what she had asked. Gladly. Their naked bodies pressed against each other, coated by a thin layer of sweat that lubricated their skin. He carried her through the cabin, her legs wrapped around his hips. Alexander remembered the warm smell of her hair and the fresh sweat and arousal.
They fucked like animals. Like they were out of their minds. He remembered how Lillian dug her fingernails into his shoulders so deep that they drew blood. Days later they still hurt, he didn’t mind. She told him what to do, and he obeyed. She didn’t call him a perv back then. He remembered being her “toy boy”, her “sex slave”. And these terms fired him up like nothing else, and she liked it as well. She liked the attention he gave her. How he could lay between her tights for hours, worshipping her pussy with his tongue. It was heaven for him just to be there between her legs, her arousal surrounding him, her scent, her silky legs, her womanhood. The things she didn’t like about herself. He loved it. He loved to be her pet, to please her, to be her toy boy, to satisfy her without asking for anything. When she wasin the mood to play with him, it was true bliss, and in these moments he wanted to savor this forever. He could really see himself serving her forever.
But Lillian wasn’t like that. There were times when she wanted to be in charge, but they were really few. She often pictured sex to be too clean, like in movies. He didn’t mind, but it often felt fake, like she was pretending, not really having sex but acting Like they had sex. Just to meet her expectation of what sex was like. He was sure that she was faking it. And to be fair, at times it turned him off so much that even he faked it himself wearing a condom. He didn’t feel like coming, he just acted like he did and then got rid of the empty rubber. But that was towards the end of their relationship, when it was already clear that they didn’t have a future but were not ready to admit it to themselves.
Eventually she told him to fuck her on the large oak table, and he did. He still remembered his thrusts and her cries for more, how the cabin seemed to shake under their sex. Later there was a small pool of her sweat and her juices on the table in the shape of her butt.
“Wipe it away!,” she said. “It’s disgusting!”
He didn’t wipe it away. Instead he got down on the table and licked it up. And she didn’t call him a perv, instead she liked what he did and said:
“That’s right! Lap it up! My little lapdog! That’s what you are!”
When he was done, she pulled him by the hair and directed him between her thighs, and his tongue continued its service there. He remembered this cacophony of smells between her legs. The musky scent of her skin, the slight and refreshing bitterness of her pussy. It was warm there, the heat and her scent encased him. Like a prisoner in a golden cage. He remembered thinking that he could stay there for the rest his life. Between her thighs, serving her. He remembered bringing her to multiple orgasms with his tongue that afternoon. His hands wrapped around her thghs, coated by their sweat. When she finally pushed him away at the height of her last orgasm, he looked up, past her belly button. Between her breasts in the distance there was her chin. Her moans sounded unlike anything he had ever heard. Like the cry of an insane animal. She let herself go. He was surprised. Lillian was always so careful not to let her guard down, and here she was at the height of her pleasure sounding like nothing he had ever heard before. He was proud that he was able to bring her to a place where she she she shed all her pretense and was herself. A real woman, not a pretend supermodel on the cover of a glossy magazine.
Her back was arched backwards almost unnaturally. It looked painful. All her muscles seemed to have contracted to preserve this sensing of lust.
For quite some time they lay there, she draped on the table recovering from her orgasm, he rested between her tights in the warmth, the humidity and the abundant smell of her sex. And like an addicthe just wanted to hold on to that moment for the rest of his life. He thought she’d appreciate what he was able to do to her, what pleasure he was able to give her. He thought that his sexual power might be some sort of currency with which he could make her buy some affection for him.
That he was totally different to all these other guys who only cared about themselves.
He was wrong. Of course it was all Towards the end of their relationship they had come here once more, both hoping to revitalize their relationship. Lillian had labeled the cabin their private paradise. But it completely misfired and all they did was fight. Paradise was lost. There was some make-up-sex, but it wasn’t able to erase the ugly things they had said to each other. Both of them knew that it was over. And the only thing left to do was to find a way to quit.
They didn’t have to say much. It was clear that it was over. Alexander would have preferred to just accept this, but somehow Lillian needed to find someone to blow, and so instead of just going their separate ways she started to blow him, and instead of just walking away he engaged in these accusations.
But all that was gone now.
Alexander’s fingertips tried to trace the long evaporated contours of Lillian’s juices while he looked at her little sister who seemed so very different. So casual, so authentic and real. His fingers tried to track the past while his eyes looked at the future.
The light caught her hair and made it glow blue and purple, some what angelic. It looked so silent and soft, inviting him to stroke it gently. Her whole body seemed so inviting. Although it was hidden under her baggy sweatpants, he could sense the curves of her petite body. There was something fragile about her and at the same time she emitted a radiating confidence.
Alexander liked women who knew their business.
Lillian however wasn’t as sure about herself as Alexander thought. She wasn’t quite certain what this world was about and what her place in it was. She had some ideas but then felt like things didn’t quite compute. That’s why she retired to the cabin, to readjust herself. What she did know though, was what she wanted sexually. She wanted to command over a guy. She wanted to dominate him, she wanted what Alexander apparently offered. And she was willing to grap that opportunity.
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