It was just for fun she said. Just so we could enjoy our sex life better. Just two mature people looking for a little erotic adventure in an otherwise ordered and peaceful lifestyle. She wanted to play at being dominant. I was sort of excited by the idea of surrendering to her and experiencing what it feels like to be sexually submissive — what people call a sub. She promised me that relinquishing control our sex life would ultimately mean more sex for me. At least that was how she justified turning me into her slut. Looking back now I can’t complain. I’m not allowed to. The truth is, once she took control, sex did become more exciting. And there was a lot more of it. In fact she liked the new arrangement so much that I was not allowed to cover myself most of the time.
Learning to be submissive was not an easy thing. It took training. I had to accept always being ready for her, no matter what. She didn’t care if I was in the mood or not. She made it clear that she was in charge, and when she wanted sex I was expected to respond quickly. Well, not me exactly. As long as my cock got hard when she wanted to use it, how I felt was not so important.
“It’s really all up to you,” she explained. “If you cooperate and get into it, you can enjoy yourself. As long as your cock does what I want, you have a choice. You can be miserable and resentful, or obedient and happy — totally your call.” Then she smiled because we both knew that was no choice at all. We both knew that if I was not I her obedient slut, I didn’t get to cum.
She decided that the best way to keep me in a state of perpetual arousal for her convenience was to have a no-clothes rule around the house. So whenever I was at home I was kept naked. That made it easier for me to stay semi-aroused, and semi-erect in case she felt like using me.
I went along with all of it, including the no clothes rule. I liked feeling on the edge almost all the time. She made my cock hard at her whim, whenver she felt like playing with her toy. Most afternoons I prepared dinner and she watched her nude man-toy, occasionally taking time to stiffen her plaything. She clearly enjoyed exercising her power, and often ignored the rigid boss she created, instructing me to return to whatever task she had me doing while she watched me try to work with an erection.
It just never got old for me. I thought the novelty of me being naked around her would wear off, like being at a nudist resort where being naked was the norm. But no one walks up to you at a nudist resort and handles your balls or deliberately strokes your cock until it stiffens. She kept me very focused on the difference between my striped body and her clothed self.
Sometimes she hardened my cock several times in an afternoon, taking me to the edge of cumming and then leaving me there. She said she liked watching me lose control. She loved hearing me grunt while she played with what she called her personal slut-control lEver. I was never allowed to make myself cum of course, that was her prerogative and she used it infrequently. I was only allowed to cum as a reward for obeying her, and she decided when I had earned my reward.
We had been playing at this for a couple of months, and it was working for both of us. But I sensed she was feeling a little held back and maybe wanted to up the game a bit. One afternoon she had me working on one of the menial kitchen tasks she liked to watch me do naked, when she changed things up suddenly.
“I’m having a friend over this afternoon. You will prepare tea for us and generally make yourself available for anything else we may need. The no-clothes rule still apply, so you will be naked. I know this will be the first time anyone else besides me will see your slut self, and you will be appreciate, but we need to enter your self-acceptance as my personal slut, and I think this will help that process along. Mary and I have been talking so she knows about our little Dom-sub experiment. I think she is on the verge of becoming a Dom herself and I want to help foster that evolution. You will help.”
“Mary! Apprehensive! Apprehensive? Are you kidding?” I could not believe what I was hearing.
I was stunned. I knew Mary well. She and her husband were our neighbors, people we went out for drinks with. We spent time together on vacations — we were all friends. Not once had I ever thought about Mary as being sexually dominant. Mary was a pleasant looking middle-aged woman with an athletic figure. I liked her ass, it quivered a little when she walked and I confess I thought about spanking it, but that’s as far as I allowed that thought to go. She was a mom, for Christ’s sake! When we got together socially all she ever talked about was her kids. She wasn’t anyone’s idea of what a Dom was. But it wasn’t Mary’s sexual orientation that I was worried about.
“What will she think about me?” I blurted out. “Does it even matter anymore? You already told her about our arrangement? What the hell were you thinking?” My panic was building as the implications of letting someone else see me as a slut began to sink in. Mary would know I was a slut. There would be no going back.
Her voice cut through the air like a whip. I froze in mid-sentence, shocked, unable to complete my thought. How had she been able to do that?
“On your knees! NOW! Hands on your head and spread your legs!”
Her tone of voice demanded instant compliance. I dropped to the floor with my hands on my head and my knees spread apart, like the submissive slut she expected me to be. I didn’t think about it, I just did it. She closed the distance between us and stood in front of me, her crotch inches from my face, dominating her undisciplined slut.
“Enough! Mary will be here in about twenty minutes. You will do as you are told and you will stay silent unless told to speak, understand Slut?”
I nodded my head yes, still unable to speak, still processing what had just happened. She unzipped her jeans. The sight and sound of her jeans being unzipped inches from my face made my mouth dry and I could feel my cock growing. I knew what was coming. She had done this to me before. She knew that forcing me turned us both on. She unsnapped her jeans and pushed them down past her hips. No underwear. The musky smell of her pussy made my cock harder.
“Keep your hands behind you.”
Her voice was husky. I moved quickly to obey. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face into her crotch impatiently.
It was just one word but in that moment many things were suddenly clear. First, I responded to her command like a trained seal. I was clearly there for her pleasure, not mine. Second, the fact that my cock got hard the minute she ordered me to my knees told us both that I was inherently a slut. In this case her slut, to dominate and play with as she pleased. And finally,she owned me. Who was I kidding? We both knew who owned the cock. There was already no going back.
I buried my face in her soaked pussy and licked, happy to be of use. She moaned and ground her slit against my mouth. My tongue found her hard clip and I sucked on it. I heard her gasp.
“FUCK! Lick faster bitch!”
She slapped me across the face then grabbed me Both sides of my head and started fucking my open mouth, spearing herself on my tongue over and over again. Suddenly I was everyone’s idea of what a sub-slut was. I felt her shudder and my face was flooded with her cum. I swallowed as much of it as I could. She released her grip and petted my head. Then she put her hand under my chin and tilted my cum-slicked face up toward her.
“Lick my pussy clean Slut.”
I did as I was told, sucking the spunk from her swollen pussy lips and licking up the small rivers that ran down the insides of her thighs with my tongue. My stiff cock ached to be handledbut she had other plans for her slut.
“Stand up!”
I struggled to my feet with my hands still claped behind my back obediently, my face wet with her cum. Still flushed, but in control, she reached forward and snapped a leather strap around my erect cock and swollen balls. She stroked my cock for a few moments then smiled. I knew what that means. She had cum and she was satisfied. She knew it would not take much encouragement to keep my cock erect and useful for her afternoon entertainment. I realized that she had deliberately excited me and given me a hard-on for her guest to see. She wanted to show off her slut.
“Mary will be here very shortly. I don’t think I need to remind you that your role this afternoon is to be completely subservient. You will demonstrate to my friend what an enjoyable and sexually exciting experience it is to be a sub-slut. You will do this by obeying every command you are given promptly and enthusiastically. Basically you will show Mary whata good slut you are, and she will learn that’s it’s OK to indulge her fansies; that the men enjoy it as much as we do.”
That’s how I came to be standing in the kitchen, completely naked except for a metal-studded leather collar around my semi-erect cock and still swollen balls, making afternoon tea when Mary walked through the kitchen door. There was dead silence for several minutes.
“Wow,” Mary said. “You told me he had a nice ass, but that’s exceptional.”
“Yes,” my wife said walking behind me. “You should see it in motion. William, show me your butt.”
I stuck my ass out as ordered, and her hand traced the length of my back from my neck to my ass in one long smooth movement. I feel like livestock being appraised at an audition. My wife squeezed my flank then slapped it. The women laughed and sat down on stools at the counter top in our kitchen.
Before Mary arrived, my wife had instructed me to continue with my tasks as usual. She said she would tell meWhat to do and when. Otherwise I was expected to shut up, stand straight, not make eye contact with either of them, and keep my cock hard. Under no circumstances was I allowed to cover myself with my hands, or otherwise obstruct their view of the slut on display.
The two friends chatted while I bought myself with domestic jobs in the kitchen, trying not to think about what seeing me as a sub-slut was doing to my relationship with Mary and her husband Ron. Being watched by these women made me harder than I thought possible. I was also hyperconscious that they were fully clothed while I was naked and on display with an erection that would not ease up.
“Straighten up Slut!” I snapped out of my reverie and arched my back quickly, but her hand came down on my ass anyway.
“He forgets his posture and then his cock goes soft,” I heard her say to her friend as she reached between my legs.
I spread my legs apart and pushed my ass toward her as she had trained me to do. She grabbed my balls with one hand and pulled them towards her while she stiffened my cock with her other hand.
“Good slut. Continue with what you were doing.” She let go of my cock and strolled back to her seat. I resumed my task with my back towards them, legs spread, my ass stuck out and my cock rigid. They watched me in silence. I could almost feel Mary’s eyes on my ass.
“Do you work him out?” Mary wondered. Her voice sounded deeper than usual, and a little breathless.
“Yes, he is exercised twice a day, in between milkings, and when I am not using him of course.”
“Of course, wait – milkings, what’s that?” her friend wanted to know.
“Seriously? You don’t know what I mean?” Mary shook her head no.
“Well, do you want to watch me milk him? You’ll need to know how to do this if you’re going to train Ron. It’s a theory of course, but the common practice is to make males cum at regular times to keep their testosterone levelsunder control. It makes them easier to manage and it helps train them to cum on command. Milking also reinforces the Dom-sub relationship. They’re often strapped to a milking table, but even if they’re just on all fours or, my favourite, knees and elbows, it’s fun to watch them loose control just before they cum.”
She knew all the talking was making me harder. I knew she wanted me to perform for her, and she enjoyed demonstrating her control. So she was delighted when her friend said she would love to witness my afternoon milking.
“Come here William.”
I stopped what I was doing, turned and walked over to the seated women. My eight-inch hard-on preceded me, standing straight out and bobbing obviously as I walked. Mary’s sharp breath intake told me she was impressed with what she saw.
“Closer!” I stepped towards my wife and her hand reached for me. Her fingers closed around my stiff cock and she pulled me towards her.
“Hands on your head, spread your legs andshove that cock forward.” “Don’t make me tell you twice.” She smiled at her friend, “He knows what to do. I think he just likes to be punished for disobedience.”
I stood completely naked with my hands claped on top of my head, my legs apart and my cock pushed forward. I was a well-trained cock slut, wake with hormones, submissively accepting female authority. I was addicted. Being her sub-slut was like a drug that somehow fed my need to be used.
“Go ahead Mary,” she said to her friend. “You have my permission to touch him if you want to.”
Mary reached out tenatively and her fingers closed around the hard cock being displayed for her. I felt a thrill wash through my body. I could tell by her touch that Mary was not accustomed to exercising her dominant side. But she was about to fix that.
“So, you milk him twice a day?” she asked, almost abstractly. Her hand glided casually up and down the shake of my boss as she spoke, making me breathe harder, and forcing my cock to be stresser. Mary smiled. She was starting to get into the swing of being Dominant.
“Yes, twice a day, unless I’m saving him for a special event like this,” she said. “Then I don’t let him cum for a couple of days. He’s always very appreciated and after repeatedly being teased to the edge for two days, he cums when I tell him to.”
“Oh Stop!” Mary said,” you can’t be serious! You really keep William naked, wearing a cock ring and bend him over anytime you feel like having sex? And you’re telling me he is such a slut that he goes along with this? How can that be?”
My wife smiled. “William, be a good slut and bend over for Mary.”
Reluctantly I pulled my cock away from Mary’s skillful hand and stood with my back to her. Then I bent forward, put my hands on the floor, spread my legs apart and shoved my ass toward her.
In the lingo that my wife and I had developed over the past couple of months, ‘bend over’ means get ready to be ass-fucked. So I thought I knew what to do. I felt the palm of Mary’s hand hesitate on my ass, then glide slowly down to wrap around my balls. With my balls in one hand, Mary seized my hard cock with the other.
“Is this how you milk him?” she asked.
“Not usually but let’s see how things work out,” my wife pursued. “Please, go ahead, he’s a natural slut so he’s very compliant. He Likes to please and he can fuck for hours, bent over like he is now I mean.” Both women laughed. “As you can probably tell, he needs to cum. But he has to have my permission to do that. So he will do whatever I want him to, on the off-chance that I will let him cum, won’t you Slut?”
I managed a muffled groan. Mary was milking me. My neighbor’s wife was sliding her hand up and down my erection, and I was fucking her hand to show her what a good slut I was. Now two women knew. I grunted for Mary. She slapped my ass hard.
“Faster Slut! Fuck my hand.”
Mary let go of my balls and I fucked her hand, desperate to cum.
“Good boy William. Are you ready to cum for me,” Mary said.
“Don’t let him cum just yet,” my wife whispered. “Let’s let him percolate for a bit. Keep him on the edge and he’ll perform better for us.”
I grunted in frustration as Mary loosened her grip, then left me hard and drooling pre-cum, while my wife chatted to her about training male sluts. Mary’s hand rested casually on my ass while she considered what my wife was saying. She ignored the guttural noises coming from the naked sub-slut, bent over for her convenience.
“As you can see, with just a little basic discipline, any male can be trained. That includes Ron. Let’s be honest Mary. Aren’t they are all really just raging sluts waiting to be leaned by some confident woman? Once they understand that giving up control of their cock equals constant horniness, occasionally relieved by a guiding hand, it’s all over. Sex tops everything else for men and when we control that, they understand that they are our sluts, to do with as we please. It’s better for everyone.”
Mary’s fingers played between my legs, occasionally touching the stiff, ready to burst cock she had created, keeping me on the edge of cumming. It was maddening. My legs were shaking but I dared not move. I could not risk losing the opportunity for release.
“Ok, so I can see how well William responses. He’s obviously a well trained slut now, but how do I get Ron to play nice too?”
Mary’s hand squeezed my cock and I grunted for her again. My wife finally noticed my trembling body.
“Oh, … William, sit! Stay there beside Mary. I don’t think she’s done with you yet.”
I moaned and sank to my knees, on all fours. It was degrading to be treated like a sex-starved slave by my wife in front of her friend, but we were way past the point of social niceties. I no longer cared what Mary thought. I was fixed on unloading the build-up of cum that was leaking out of my swollen cock.
“Please! Please let me cum!” I begged. My voice was thick with need.
“Bad slut! Stay where you are, you disobedient bitch! You know you are not allowed to speak unless spoken to, and look at the mess you’re making. I have a good mind not to let you cum at all today,” my wife admonished.
I whimpered, but said nothing, my cock drooled pre-cum onto the floor and I panted like a bitch in heat. I desperately wanted Mary’s hand back on my cock. I wanted to touch myself but I knew I could not. So I stayed where I was, on my hand and knees, obedient, cock hard, waiting to see if they would let me cum – their sub-slut.
“Poor William” Mary said soothingly as she reached forward and stroked my back. “He really needs to get rid of that load. Can I finish milking him?”
“I guess,” my wife replied. “Ass up William, it looks like this is your lucky day.”
I quickly raised my ass back up into the milking position. Mary mercifully reached between my spread legs and wrapped her hand around my aching bonder, now slick with pre-cum. Her hand slid back and forth easily along the length of my cock.
“Fuck my hand William.” Her fingers tightened around my boss and I pumped it in and out of her hand, panting like a slut in heat.
“SMACK!” my wife’s hand slapped the ass pumping desperately in front of her and her friend.
“Fuck faster you little whore!” she shouted. “He likes to be humiliated and reminded that he is a slut, good for fucking and licking pussies. You like being my whore, don’t you, you fucking slut?”
I grunted an acknowledgement, but all my attention was on the cock about to explode into Mary’s hand. My wife stood beside us, yelling obscenities at me and slapping my naked pumping ass.
“Beg Mary to let you cum, slut! Tell her you want to lick her cunt and suck on her clip!”
“Please Mary! Please let me cum! I want to lick your cunt and suck your pussy till you cum!” I was desperate. I would say or do anything if only Mary would keep her hand on my cock.
“He’s ready Mary,” my wife said. “The slut is yours to command.”
Mary took control. Her hand pumped my rigid cock, slick with pre-cum and she found her Dom voice.
“SLAP!” Her hand spanked my ass hard.
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