Stacey Tries Out Bondage Ch. 06

It wasn’t long after getting home after my weekend away with Master that I started to feel very horny. It was only about 4pm and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I went to grab my laptop to put on some porn, when I realized I had left it at Masters on my first visit a few weeks ago. Since I didn’t have my laptop I picked out an old tablet put it on charge while I started to make My dinner. I made a tomato sauce ready for me to have pasta and when I had finished making it my tablet had over 50% battery, enough battery to get me off at least once I thought.

I brought up Google and typed “Whore gets paid and humiliated.” The results came up and I opened the first three videos on the search, went to get my dildo and got onto my bed to have some fun.

The videos were all online but the first and second videos were clips from a different site. I had never watched something and instantly wanted it to be me in their shoes so badly, well they weren’t wearing shoes but you knowwhat I mean. The first woman was in a bar with people watching and was getting eased into a fisting. Once the Mistress was happy she had eased her in enough she slipped, well when I say slipped there was probably some effort needed, so she pushed her fist into this slut’s pussy. The Mistress then started to move in and out slowly but keeping her fist in the pussy the whole time. After a while the Mistress decided she wanted to move to Another part of the bar and moved to the bar itself. Now this is when I started hoping Master would to this to me, because instead of pulling her fist out, the Mistress moved the slut around the bar while still fisting her pussy and pulling on her hair forcing her stand up.

Now this may just be me but surely that would either feel amazing or not too good, but lucky there is only one way to find out, and I am going to have to show Master and hope he either uses it for punishment because it’s not nice or, for a treatment because I have been a good whoe.

The video carries on and she is fisted till she squirts and then is used like a mop to clean up her squirt another thing I would like to try.

Now the next video was again from the same site and has a woman in a pool/snooker bar. She was tied up on a pool table and was getting fucked my both the Master and Mistress in the ass, not at the same time though. It wasn’t long into this one that I started to cum. It wasn’t a squirt and didn’t feel as good as one but, it was defiantly the best non squirt cuming I’ve ever had, and it didn’t take long I was that worked up.

I didn’t make it to the third video and I don’t even know what it was or where it was from.

It wasn’t until I had come down from my ferocious pussy fucking I had given myself that I started to wonder if I was actually allowed to fuck myself and cum. I decided it was best to say something, I didn’t was to have him find out later or feel guilty about it. I send Master a text to check and own up.

“Hi Master I am sorry to both you but I need to tell you something. I have just played with myself and afterwards, I couldn’t remember if I was allowed to or not, so thought it was best to tell you.” I sent Master.

I got a reply pretty fast and I got nervous before opening it.

“Thanks you for telling me slut. I did tell you before not to play with yourself but I think I did say that it was until I saw you this weekend so you didn’t break any rules. That said, I am now telling you not to play with yourself unless you get my permission first. If I do give you permission I will also tell you whether I want you to send me a picture or video of you going it. If you can’t do the picture or video then don’t fuck yourself!” Master replied.

Although I was happy I would be able to play with myself when I could get permission I wasn’t too sure about the video. The picture was one thing and I think I could do that but a video of me fingering/fucking myself, isn’t that a little humiliating. Oh wait yes and that’s why he asks for it. Ok I get it now if I get something then I need to earn it. I am a slave after all.

“Thanks you Master and if I feel the need again in the future, I will speak with you first.” I replied.

I cleaned my toy up, wiped my pussy clean and then got my pasta cooking. Once it was ready I sat down by the TV and enjoyed a TV dinner. I think it was NCIS I was watching while eating, I love that show.

I spent the rest of the night watching TV and got an early night to recover from my amazing but tiring weekend.

It wasn’t until Wednesday that I heard from Master. He called me while I was having my lunch at work. Before picking up I rushed into the toilet to get some privacy.

“Hello slut, I hope your being a good girl, how has your week been?” Master asked.

“Hi Master I have and I am good, how are you?” I replied.

“I am good thank you slut. I would like to invite you to my house tonight we are going to have some time together. I have decided to take us to the next level. I want you to spend the next 5 nights at my house. When you get home tonight throw away any food that will go off before you get home on Monday and bring all the clothes and shoes you wear.”

I was smiling from ear to ear, I love every minute with Master and I couldn’t wait to se him tonight and spend 5 nights with him at his home.

“Yes Master I cannot wait, how should I get to your house?” I replied.

“I will pick you up at 7pm, make sure to have dinner before I arrive though.”

We said our goodbyes and then I got back to reality and realized I was still in the toilet. I walked out and went back to work keeping myself busy until home time.

5pm on the dot and I was out of there, like a flash I got up, went to the bus stop, got on the bus, got home and then started to pack. I managed to put just about all my clothes into my large suitcase. The only clothes I couldn’t get it were ones I really sI put myself a sandwich and put some chips in the oxygen, and then I started to go through my food. There wasn’t much that I needed to throw away, Just some milk, bread and cooked ham. All the vegetables and raw meat got put into the freezer as I couldn’t justify throwing it away.

I was all ready to go with my suitcase by the door. I sat down with my dinner for a little rest at 6:40pm and watched what ever episode of The Big Bang Theory that was on TV that evening.

7pm sharp the door opened, I knew by now not to worry and that it would be Master so I just stood up and waited for him to enter. It will be someone else one of these times knowing my luck though.

“Hello slave, I hope you’re ready to go I don’t want to have to wait for you.” He said.

“Hello Master, yes Master.” I replied.

“Ok then got dressed while I put your suitcase in my car.”

It was then I realized my mistake. I had packed all of my clothes, and had forgotten I wasn’t wearing any.

“Master I have made a mistake, I have forgotten to leave out something for me to wear. I do have a bag of old clothes I could go through to find something.” I said with a naughty girl’s expression.

“No I don’t think so, you made the mistake so now you need to live with it. Lets go to the car with you as you are.”

I suppose I only had myself to blow. I was a little uneasy about going out of my own home naked. What if my neighbors saw. I mean I had to walk down the stairs of my apartment building and I was on the 4th floor. Well I suppose there was only one way this was going to end, so I walked with Master to the car.

I was relieved that I had made it without anyone seeing me, although someone could have seen me out of a window or there look glass on their door, but I won’t think about that today.

Once in the car Master thought it would be funny to put the heating on cold with the AC on and have the air coming through the face fans. He was wearing a jumper and warm trousers, I on the other hand was just wearing 2 very erect nipples. I mean you could cut glass with them they were that hard.

After 10 minutes of the cold Master put the heater on and told me to play with my nipples to keep them hard. By the time we got to Masters house I was warming up but still playing with my nipples to keep them hard. To my shock before Master got out of the car he pulled my hands away and took both my nipples in his fingers and pulled them hard. He was pulling them further and further for about 10 seconds and then let go.

“Right slut get yourself out of the car and get your own suitcase, I will leave the house door open, just walk in and close it behind you.”

I did a quick 360 degree look around the car then I jumped out. I picked my suitcase out of the boot and followed Master into the house. Once in the house I put my suitcase next to the stairs and went to meet Master in the living room.

“I haven’t got much for us to do tonight, I thought it would be a nice treatment for us to spend some time together without us doing anything sexual. I’ll put a movie on and then tomorrow we will get back to normal.” Master said.

I was a little disappointed to not get used tonight, but I was happy to just be with Master. We watched a movie called 2guns it had Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg staring in it. It was a good movie, funny and had some action, what’s not to love. Oh and I do love Mark Wahlberg.

When the film had finished it was just before 10pm, and Master had a task for me.

“I would like you to take your suitcase upstairs and put it in my room, don’t linger in my room, get in and get out. Take your washing bag out, I only want your clothesand shoes. Then get yourself to bed, you need to set your alarm for 6am. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Yes Master.” I replied and went to do my task.

I went upstairs with my suitcase, which was a task in itself with it being so heavy, then I walked into Masters room and opened it up. I pulled out my wash bag and mobile and then put the suitcase in the corner of his room and left. I Then went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and went for a pee. I walked into my room closed the door and got into bed. I set my alarm for 6am and tried to get some sleep.

It must have taken me at least an hour to finally get to sleep. Normally I would be sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow but tonight my thoughts kept me up. Although I had stayed the night before I was a little worried. It was strange for me to be sleeping naked in another house, but I suppose it was quickly becoming normal for me.

I was getting myself worked up thinking about what would happen if I didn’t wake upto the alarm. I decided the only way around it would be to set my phone alarm for 5:50, and 5:55am to make sure I would be awake and not get paid. Not long after doing so I was sleep.

I woke up to the first alarm at 5:50am and had enough time to get myself up before Master came in.

“Morning whore, get up we have some exiting things to do before you go to work. I want you to go to the toilet and meet me downstairs.” Master demanded.

“Yes Master.” I replied and went to the bathroom.

I went to the toilet, washed my face and made my way downstairs. I noticed Master in the kitchen making some breakfast.

“Master can I be of assistance?” I asked.

“No slut I have made you some breakfast, join me in here.” Master replied.

I walked into the kitchen and was allowed to eat at the table. Master had made eggs on toast for breakfast and it was delicious. It didn’t take long for me to get my plate clean.

“Well since you ate that fast can I assume you want your tasks?” Master asked.

“Yes please Master.” I replied.

“Before I do, I need to know what have you done in the bathroom today?”

“I went to the toilet and washed my face Master.”

“No I mean what did you do on the toilet. Did you just pee or did you go for a shit?”

I found this a little humiliating having to tell Master that I went for a poo but what else was I going to do/say.

“Sorry Master, I went for a pee and a poo.” I replied while my face must have gone red.

I don’t know why I got embarrassed telling someone I had just gone for a poo but its not something I have ever told or wanted someone to know before.

“Very good, I would like you to go back to the toilet and go into the cupboard. You will find a douche and some anal lube. Give yourself a clean out and then report back to me.”

“Yes Master.” I replied and then went straight upstairs to get my asshole cleaned out.

I went into the bathroom and opened the cupboard. Just like Master told me there was a douche and some lube. I filled the sink with lukewarm water, then filled the douche up and then set it down on the floor. I got onto all fours and put some lube on my finger and rubbed it around and inside my asshole. It was getting me worked up and I knew I wouldn’t be getting a release anytime soon.

I then applied some lube to the nozzle of the douche and inserted it into by butt. Once in I slowly squeezed the ball and emptied the contents into myself. I then did what Master had me do when we were in the Fantasy Hotel and sat on the toilet until I felt the urge to remove the water.

It wasn’t long before I needed to release my bowels and the water started to flow out of me. once I was empty I wiped my ass and went for round two. I did the same as before. I filled the ball and put lube onto the nozzle and inserted it and pushed the water into myself again. Again I waited for the water to force its way out and let it flow. This tI was when I wiped my ass it was clean and I waited another couple of minutes to make sure there wasn’t any water coming.

I cleaned off the douche with the cleaning stuff in the bathroom, put it and the lube back in the cupboard and went downstairs. Master was still in the kitchen reading something on my computer.

“I am all done Master.” I said.

“Good girl, now we need to fill you back up. I will give you a choice. Left or right?” Master asked.

“Left Master.” I replied.

Master pulled something out from under the table. It was a butt plug. I should have seen this coming but, well, I must just be that stupid! The plug was about four inches in circuitference which was about what I have taken before if not a little bigger. I took it from Master and he handed me some different lube and a towel.

“This is special lube that won’t get absorbed or just disappear through the day, as you will have this in for a while. Now I want you to go into the living room put the towel on the floor and stick that plug up your ass while I watch.”

I walked into the living room followed by Master, put the towel down and got to work. I got back onto my hands and knees in doggy position and started to spread some lube around and in my ass again. Once I was happy I put some lube onto the plug and started to push it into my ass. It wasn’t too difficult to get it in and with a little effort it popped in and my ass closed around the tapered shake between the plug and the base.

When I looked around I saw Master with a camera in his hand. He was filming the whole thing. This caught me off guard and I was shocked and felt naughty, dirty and like a whore.

“I thought it would be good to take some videos of your progress and then we can watch them back later. This was the first time you had put a plug into yourself. Also it’s a good deterrence to stop you doing something you shouldn’t or not obeying me.”

Well there wasn’t anything I could do about it before or now. Master does what the wants! I went into the bathroom cleaned my finger, wiped the excess lube from around my ass and then went back to Master.

“Ok get ready for work I have put some clothes onto your bed. I expect you to get a shower and get ready within 40 minutes then you leave straight after.”

“Yes Master.” I replied.

I ran straight upstairs, got shown and dried, put my makeup on, did my hair and picked my clothes up. I put my hair into a ponytail because then I didn’t need to fully dry it to save time. When I was getting picking the clothes up, I noticed Master had given me a nice outfit to wear. It was a white and red checked shirt and a skirt that ended just above the knee. I hurried downstairs to see Master before I left for work.

“Hi Master I am going to head off to work if there isn’t anything else you need me for?” I asked.

“One last thing slut, take the lube with you, you might need it if you need to take the plug out forthe toilet, and call me when you are on your lunch break.” Master replied.

Master spoke again. “Oh here I have a key for you. You are to hand it back when you get back, you are not privileged to have your own key yet, you need to earn that right.”

I put the lube and key into my handbag picked up my phone walked out the back door, got changed and then went on my way to work. I Walked to the bus stop which was only a 5 minute walk. Luckily I was only waiting a couple of minutes and my bus showed up. I went and sat down on a seat and jumped straight back up from the jolt that was sent through my ass from the plug. People started to look at me but I just started to rub my lower back to make it look like I had just got a pain, and not because I have a fucking butt plug in my ass. Luckily when I sat down slowly it wasn’t as much of an issue.

Once I got to work I went about my day as normal as I could. I was doing all my work stood up, which isn’t that absolute for me to doAnyway. I got through to our first break and went to the toilet. I was a little worried about having a pee, what if the plug falls out. I mean there could be a possibility of it. I reached around the back and held the plug with my left hand while I went for a pee. No risks today I told myself.

I went to get a bite to eat from the canteen and sat down carefully, I have to admit, the sitting down with a butt plug is starting to grow on me. I actually had to stop myself from grinding on the chair. I got through first break and went back to work.

It wasn’t long before lunch came. I was looking forward to it and I was sure Master wanted me to call him as he had more tasks for me to do. I went into the bathroom waited for the other cubicle to be empty and called Master.

“Hi Master I have just started my lunch break.”

“Hello slave, I hope you are ready for my next task, I don’t think its going to be something your going to want to do. Beg me for your task.”

“Please Master I need another task I am just a whore in need of control and sexual tasks from you. Please I want it bad!” I replied hoping to please Master with my begging.

“Ok if you insist.” Master sarcastically said with a laugh at the end. It was the laugh that scared me, and then he continued.

“You know how I said you might need the lube? Well I meant you will need it. I Want you to take the plug out of your ass and take a picture of yourself in the mirror of your open asshole, and one of you with 2 fingers in there. Then I want you to clean the toy and stick it back in your ass. But, you can’t clean the plug with water or the sink, you need to use your mouth, and to prove you are obeying me I want a video of you doing so. A video would show you actually sucking it and not just putting it in your mouth for a picture.”

“Yes Master thank you for my task. Can I start please?” I asked.

“Yes you may, stay in the toilet when you have finished. If I feel you haven’t done a good enough job I will have to give you another task before you go back to work.” Master replied.

I pulled my skirt down and stepped out of it. I kneeled on the toilet and started to pull the plug out. It wasn’t as easy to pull out as I remember but that may be because my ass had closed up around it and I was having to work it back out.


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