Stacey Tries Out Bondage Ch. 03

Sorry for the extremely slow third chapter, I intended to get this one out sooner but I just didn’t get into a writing mood. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see happen in the next chapters leave a comment. I would like to get some other people ideas into the story line, and that might help me get chapters out sooner, with me having something fresh to write about.


After a good night sleep I had a nice warm shower and noticed I was a little sore around my nipples and pussy. It was a reminder of what happened the day before. The soreness wasn’t necessary sore but just felt overly sensitive.

I had my breakfast and got dressed for work. There’s nothing to say about my day at work it wasn’t Interesting, well except when I got to the university campus to go into the labs there was a feminist rally. It got me thinking of my sexual desires, and sessions with Joe. Surely a feminist wouldn’t be happy about me giving all the power tothe “big bad men in the world.” Their words, well probably. Just as that thought popped into my head it was removed again by the words, who gave a fuck!

I decided to stay clear of them during the day and just get on with my work. The rest of the day was steady and I was just testing samples of various materials.

When I got home, I had chance to think about my last and next session. I opened up the email and started to fill it in. It was only then that it dawned on me that I was getting 50% off this session and that I should have booked the double session. I decided to call them up and see if I that session was still available and swap them over.

“Hello, Fantasy Hotel, Jackie speaking.” Said the receptionist.

“Hello, my names Stacey I have a session booked with Joe on the 30th of august. I am just wondering if the slot on the 1st to the 2nd of September was still available, and if so, would it be possible to swap mine to the double slot?”

“I can certainlylook into that for you, please hold.”

Queue on hold music.

“Hello Stacey, I can see that the double session is still available and I have swapped that over for you. I will give Joe an update when he gets out of his current session. If you could just wait till you get your next email from us before completing the session form, there will be some extra questions due to the session.”

“Thanks Jackie, I look forward to it.”

“Speak soon Stacey, have a good evening.”

A Few hours later and much screen staring, I decided to get some dinner ready. I made a special British dish, toad in the hole. Don’t worry its not as weird as it sounds, it’s a sausage cooked in between Yorkshire puddings. Oh Yorkshire puddings are kind of like puffy savoury pancakes. After I ate my dinner I checked my emails and finally it had arrived. I opened it up and the email itself was much the same, but when I opened the attachment with the form it was 2 pages. The first very similar to theone I have received before, except some of it was already filled in for me.

Dear Customer.

All the questions need to be completed for us to go any further with your request.

What fantasy do you want to try?

How many people would you like us to use in your fantasy and how many male and female participants?

Have you requested a specific member(s)? Joe

Do you want anyone else to be present to either participate or watch?

Would you like a recording or pictures? Yes for the website (50% off this session)

Please continue onto page two for extra details and questions on your session.

Page two

Hello Stacey, with a double/overnight session there are some things you need to bring with you the will be listed bellow:


•Shower items

•Driving licence or passport

•Any medicine taken in the evening or mornings

When you arrive there will be two forms to sign. One for the overnight contract and the one forthe video contract.

Joe has asked if you want anything special to happen for your session and whether you want to try anal in this session. He has also stated that that you need to bring something for cleaning your face and teeth and to shake/wax my public hair, and to remember not to shake around my vagina.


Fantasy Hotel.

I replied that I would like to try anal, and that I would like Joe to choose something to do to take my sessions to that next level. That I didn’t want anyone else there to either watch or participate unless Joe decides to introduce it to for that next level.

I sent it off and got a speedy reply thanking me for the filled in form and that we were all set for the 1st of September.

The next few days went by without any excitement. I did remember to book a day off

for holiday on Tuesday the 2nd of September.

During the weekend I went out to the shops and couldn’t help myself but to go into the adult shop in town.

I walked around and couldn’t stop picturing myself in all sorts of positions using many different toys and restraints, wondering what would be happening to me in 2 days time.

Before I knew it, it was time for bed on Sunday. One more day to get through then I can let loose I thought to myself, while wondering what would be happening to me.

I got a restless night sleep and went to work as normal in the morning, again the same as the other days I have been going to the hotel, not much work got done. Don’t get me wrong I did my work, but I was a little spaced and only got the minimum amount done that I could get away with.

I got home had dinner and started to get ready at half 8. I got a shower, did my make up, pulled out an outfit that I looked good in, but I didn’t wear anymore just in case Joe ripped this one off me too. It was a pair of ripped bleach washed slim jeans, a casual white tank top and I thought I would make an effort for my underwear. I wore a red plunge heart-back piece of lingerie, it’s very open at the back and the front. The front has a long wide cleavage that ends at my belly button, and the back is backless until it hits my ass where it looks like a panty but missing a large heart shaped piece of material that covers my ass. I had a quick look in the mirror I was happy with how I looked. I then started to get my night bag ready with all the items I was told I needed to bring.

The taxi arrived earlier than before. Normally it was 30 minutes before the session but today it was 45. I went out of my house and got into the taxi with my bag.

The ride to the hotel was uneventful, except for an awkward moment when the driver looked at me in the mirror and said. “One of those nights aye, enjoy your time.” I didn’t reply but nodded and gave a little awkward smile.

Once at the hotel I went to the desk as normal and it was a man on the front desk. For some reason that made me extremely nervous, I had never spoken aboutThis or let a man other than Joe know what I was doing, it felt, embarrassing.

“H h hi I’m Stacey; I have a session with Joe tonight.” I struggled to say.

“Hi Stacey, yes you’re here for an overnight session. Could I just get a signature on these two forms, you can read them over there in the chairs and bring them back when you’re done.” Said Mark.

I took the forms and went to sit down. The first was about the overnight session. It stated that I was happy to stay the night and that I would be happy to be in the building till open the next day bla bla bla. The second was a waver that I was happy to be pictured and filmed for the website, and that I would have my face covered or blurred to keep my privacy.

I took the forms back after signing them and handed them back to Mark.

“Thanks Stacey, could I get your form of ID and card you paid for too please.”

I handed them to him and then he asked me to wait in the seating area, and that Joe would be down soon to get me set up before the session starts.

Only a few minutes passed before I heard Joe’s voice says my name. I jumped out of the chair and went over to meet him.

“Hi Stacey if you would like to follow me I will take you to the room and show you around.” Said Joe like we had never met before.

I greeted Joe and then followed him to the room, we went up to the 5th floor which is higher than I have been before. It looked nice and was quite quiet. The floor had a red carpet with red and black checked walls. It even had flowers on show.

“This is us Stacey.” Said Joe

He guided me into the room and closed the door behind him. Once through that threshold we because Master and slut/slave, it was like flicking a switch.

“There is a toilet and sink over there that you can put your face and teeth cleaning stuff. Do you have any medicine you need to take for the night or morning?”

“No I don’t have any medicine to take Master.” I said while taking mybag over to the toilet.

Once I got back into the room Master spoke again.

“This is a special floor slut, the walls are lined with a sound deadening material as there might be people sleeping around and others in a session or left to orgasm over night that could make noise, and we don’t want to keep people up who don’t need to be. The cameras you have probably spotted are filming and they will keep filming until Our second session ends tomorrow. They are linked up to the computers so there is no memory that can fill up.”

When I was walking around the room I noticed several cameras, one in each corner of the room and a few others around the bed and on the ceiling. There was also a large box in one side of the room, but no sign of any toys or equipment, they must be in that box.

“Right slut today we play a little game, and tomorrow I play my own game on you. I have written a few activates for us to do on pieces of paper and put them into a bowl. Some of them are nice, but some of them might have you nervous and maybe even worried. Although it’s all chance and we might only get through about half of them, what we do all depends on what you choose, so technically you hold the power to your first session.” Master said with a smile on his face. He knew I held little power in this room.

I placed my bag down and walked back over to Master ready to start our session.

“Right now we have gone over the room layout and session plan, remove your clothes.”

“Yes Master.” I replied.

I removed my jeans then my tank top and started to remove my piece of lingerie.

“Hold it Stacey; I want you to leave your underwear on. You have made an effort with it and I think that should be our first shot for the cameras.”

“Ok Master, thank you.” I replied.

Master showed me to a camera and got me to hold various positions. Some were sexy and some just plain. It was a nice feeling to have Master like what I was wearing, so much so thatI got to keep it on, even if it was only short lasting.

“Now its time for our little game, here take a piece of paper.”

I put my hand into the bowl, grabbed a piece of paper, and handed it to Master.

“Your first activity slut is to play with yourself for one minute and then lick your juices off of your fingers. I want you to keep your underwear on for this one too.”

I got myself onto the bed, lay down and started to rub my pussy over my lingerie. I was keeping it slow as I didn’t want to get into a state of climax as I was already very wet and aroused. After a few seconds I got a whip on my tits form Master.

“Faster slut, I said play with yourself not rest your hand on your fucking pussy!”

“Sorry Master.”

I was shocked as master got strict like a flick of a switch, I don’t know why I was. I mean that is why I am here.

I started to rub myself faster and thought I better put some fingers inside too, I didn’t want another whip for not doingthe task as Master required. The time went by fast and all I heard was master shout.

“Stop fingerprinting yourself slut and start licking.”

I pulled my hands away form my pussy and started to lick the juices off my fingers, they were very wet. I tasted sweet, I knew I tasted sweet from before but I wasn’t sure whether I might taste different this time.

“Right slut pick another; let’s get something a little more exciting. You’ve had a warm up now.”

“Yes Master.” I replied.

I picked another piece of paper from the bowl, handed it to Master and waited with anticipation as to what it said.

“Well we have an interesting one this time. You have to go into the hallway and knock on one door, wait there for 30 seconds and if they answer I want you to strip for them, apologise for interrupting their session, state your name and then ask them to spank you where they want however they want 10 times.”

I must have had a look of shock on my face, never before hadwe included other people. I had played with the idea, but I never thought I would be doing it today.

“Yes master, thank you.” I replied.

I got up walked towards the door and opened it. I walked into the hallway and had a choice of 15 other doors to choose from. I didn’t know what was happening in ay of them or even if they were all being used. I was going to go to the door opposite my room. I Thought better of it as Master might want me to be a little more daring. I decided to go to the door the further away from the elevator. Room 515.

I knocked with 3 loud knocks and waited what seemed like an eternity. 30 seconds later there was no answer and I felt a little relief but also some disappointment as I wanted to see where it would go.

On my way back to my room I noticed all the doors were closed, including mine. I went back to my room and tried the door, it wouldn’t open. I should have realized that would happen as they automatically lock after they are closed for security.

I knocked on the door and waited for master to open it. To my surprise it wasn’t Master who opened the door. It was a woman. A woman who looked in power. She was wearing a black leather dress and thigh high black leather boots.

I realized to keep Master happy and for my mistake I should do the danger for this room instead. I started to strip and dropped my lingerie to the floor, looked the woman in the eyes and I spoke.

“Sorry to both you Mistress. My name is Stacey Jenkins, please accept my apology and give me 10 spanks where and however you want.”

“Ok slave, I will take you up on your offer, please come in for me to give you your spanks. Leave your clothes on the door handle”

She walked into the room and I followed. When I got in there was another woman tied up to a cross.

“My Slave look what I have brought in; I want you to give her 10 spanks with what you want where you want. You have been a good slave today. But do be warned, if IFeel you are being kind to a fellow whore I will punish you. This is your opportunity to play Dom!”

With that she untied the woman and sat down on a chair.

“Hello fellow whore, lay on your back with your legs spread wide, don’t close your legs or cover anything at anytime.”

I lie on my back on the floor, spread my legs and waited for something to come down hitting my body.

I heard something swimming through the air and then smack. I got an almighty hit from a whip on my tits, it was harder than Master had ever done. I wasn’t sure if it was because this woman was enjoying her new found dominance, or whether her mistress hits harder than Master had and this is what was except of her.

“Does your Dom not request you to give thanks for whips slave?” Asks the main Mistress.

“Yes Mistress, Master does, please punish me for my error.” I reply.

“Well since you owned up to it and didn’t try to get away with it we will just have to start again, no otherpunishment. Well done slave for being honest.”

I got another 4 hits on my tits each one singing more than the last as they hit on the exact same spot each time. Every time making sure to thank my temporary Mistresses.

Next I heard her put the whip down and she spoke one more time.

“Right slut, pull your legs up, put your feet above your head and keep your pussy on show.”

I did as I was told and saw my new temporary Master knee by my pussy.

I saw what was about to happened and I had to fight every fiber in my body to not close my legs. With a high starting point her hand came down and slapped my pussy. This was not a slap that stopped on my pussy, oh no, this one hit my pussy but her hand carried on in a circle motion with no loss of speed. I twitched My legs but managed to keep them open. She hit me again 4 more times each time I was fighting to keep my legs from closing. Although I was having trouble concentrate on anything else but the slapses I made sure to thank my Mistresses again after each slap. One thing I didn’t want to happen was to start again. The last slap was one I was shocked with. I didn’t realize at the time but I had closed my eyes and I don’t know if that helped make the decision, but the last slap was a hard one across my face. That one had me jump into the air.

My Temporary Mistress moved away and went back to her restrains waiting for her Mistresses instructions.

“Well done both of you, my slut I am happy and you will not be punished, in fact I may reward you for that was some display. Now other slut. Get the fuck out of my room and take your slut wear off my door handle on the way past.”

I walked briefly towards the door opened and closed it and then picked my lingerie off the handle and looked to my right. There was Master stood in the correct doorway with the door open.

“What happened to you, where did you go I thought I saw you go towards room 515?”

“Sorry master I thought we werein room 507, I knocked on the door and a Mistress answered. Not wanting to disappoint you I did as you asked and did the strip and spanks for them.”

“It’s ok slut there are cameras in all these rooms, I will watch the recording after this session. Now get your ass back in here and hand me your underwear.”

I handed Master my Lingerie and walked back into the room. I saw master put the Lingerie in the corner and walked over to me with the bowl in his hand.

“I am pleased with you slut, I didn’t except you to do the challenge after the first door was a bus. I think its time for another challenge, this is the last one you are going to choose and then I will offer you two challenges for you to choose from. That should see us with a few minutes left to get you ready for the night.”

I picked my final piece of paper out of the bowl.

“Well, you have another nice one slut, this one is for you to give me a blowjob for 5 minutes.”

“Thank you Master.” I replied

I got down on my knees in the middle of the room, put my hands behind my back and grabbed the opposite arm, like crossing my arms but behind my back. Master came up towards me pulled his pants down and out sprung his cock. I always love Masters cock, it’s a thing of power to me, and I took it straight into my mouth.

I started by swirling my tongue around his head giving him as much pleasure as I could. Every so often I would take his cock deep into my mouth, pull it back out and start licking his head again. After a minute or so I removed his cock from my mouth and started to play with his balls with my tongue.

Licking them from left to right and back again, taking one or both of them into my mouth and giving them a suck. I then went back to his cock and tried to give him a deep throat. It’s something we tried in session 2 but also something I want to get better at. Last time I think I only managed about 4-5 inches before struggle, it was probably not much differentToday but it felt better to me.

Before I knew it, it was time up and Master pulled his cock out and demanded that I go into the toilet and clean my face up a little.

When I came back out Master was dressed again and had two cards in his hands.

“Well slave I have two cards both are pushing your boundaries and today you will be doing one, and depending on whether I can think of something better to do tomorrow, there is a chance you will do the other tomorrow.”


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