Looking back, Tess wondered where she had gone wrong.
Was it when she and Jen were waiting in line for the bathroom at the house party and she pointed out the St. Andrew’s cross situationed nearby? She had admitted to her friend that the BDSM contraption intrigued her.
Or was it when they finished in the bathroom and Jen noticed that the large X against the wall was not being used? She made sure Tess saw, too, and the two of them approached it to check it out.
Or maybe it was even earlier, when Tess and Jen had left Tess’s husband, Mark, upstairs while they took what they expected would be just a brief trip to the downstairs bathroom, where the lines were shorter than at either of the facilities upstairs.
It might have even been when Tess stepped up to the frame and half-jokingly aligned her arms and legs with the giant X shape, even though she knew that Jen was probably going to fasten the restraints around her wrists and ankles.
Actually, now that she stood there, her face to the wall and her short skirt riding up almost high enough to show her ass cheats… now that Jen had left to go fetch Mark… now that she was pretty much committed, she wasn’t even sure she had gone wrong at all.
That last thought was still lingering as she waited for what seemed an interminable time. Jen had said she would be right back. Maybe Mark wasn’t where they had left him, and she had to hunt for him. Maybe Jen herself had gotten waylaid on the way upstairs. After all, she was the third wheel in their “throuple,” and while she fully intended to play around with Tess and Mark, it wasn’t as if she were handcuffed to them. A hot guy could have caught her eye, delaying her return.
But when she heard unfamiliar voices behind her, Tess began to feel very exposed indeed. Not that it was necessary a bad thing.
“Well, well… what have we here?” Tess was somehow saved to finally hear Mark’s voice behind her. “Has my lady was a bad girl? It looks like it.”
Her relief, though, was more than a little colored by her mounting anxiety. That wasn’t all she was feeling, though. With her thighs spread apart, she could tell by the way the air felt cool on the crotch of her thong panties that she was more excited than she expected to be.
Her first jolt of horniness happened when Jen had fastened the restraints. But she really noticed it when she first heard the voices behind her. As more of a crowd gathered to look at her, attached helplessly to the St. Andrew’s cross, she knew that her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. By the time Mark and Jen had returned, she was definitely feeling the need for… for something. She wasn’t sure what. But something. Something MORE.
Mark stepped up close behind her. His left hand plucked at the hem of her skirt, lifting it a little further so that he could place his palm squarely on her right ass cheek. He kissed the junction between her neck and shoulder and his voice was a stage whisper in her ear: “Hey, Tess… what are you thinking right now?”
Tess only moaned slightly.
“What was that? I couldn’t quite understand you. Did you say you wanted to get down?”
Tess finally managed to make her throat work properly. “No,” she said.
“Sorry, what?” Mark was speaking more loudly than was strictly necessary. Clearly, he was not only teasing his wife, but he was also playing to the crowd, which sounded like it was perhaps at a dozen people or more.
“No,” Tess said, more loudly. “I’m fine where I am. I need to be here.”
“Oh, is that so?” She could hear the chuckle in her husband’s voice. “I think I understand.”
He flipped her skirt up higher, expposing more of her ass cheeses. She whimpered, then forced her eyes, which had been tightly shut, open. Off to her right, Jen stood there grinning. Tess had to admit that Jen’s smile did nothing to calm the fire in her pussy.
Mark, still close to her ear, said, “Does my babyNeed her punishment?” Tess moaned again. “With a hand?” To emphasize his words, he pulled his left hand back and sharply smacked his wife’s ass. She could feel the jiggle of her flesh where the palm struck it, and then almost immediately felt the flush of warmth as blood flowed to the singing chef.
“Or perhaps the hand won’t do, because that’s what we use at home,” Mark said. “Here we have so much more to Choose from.” He stepped back and Tess sensed the movement as he moved across her body, heading for the hooks to the left of the cross.
Tess was unsure how many people were watching by now, and found that in one sense, she didn’t really care. But in another way, the sensing of being observed by strangers in this intimate pose was exciting in a way she couldn’t quite put into words.
She turned her head to the left and saw her husband pick a riding crop off a wall hook. He held it in his right hand, gauging its flexibility. His eyes made contact with Tess’s eyes,and then he stepped back, outside her range of view.
She knew what was coming, but not when. The only warning she had was a slight “swish” through the air before she felt the leather thong at the end of the riding crop lick her bare ass cheek.
She heard the swish again, once, twice, three times, each time punctuated with the sharp crack as the crop danced across her mostly exposed buttocks. As with Mark’s hand before, she could feel her ass growing hot as the flesh turned pink from the singing swats. At the same time, she felt her face flush, her cheeks growing hot as she allowed herself to be disciplined in front of what sounded like an even larger audience.
“Jen, honey?” Tess heard Mark says. “Can you hold the skirt up for me while I trade the crop for a flogger?”
Tess turned to her right again and saw the smile on Jen’s face as she stepped up and grabbed the hem of Tess’s skirt. She lifted it high and whispered to Tess, “Are you finding this as hot as I do?”
“HOTTER,” Tess admitted. “I’m pretty sure that my thong is the only thing that’s keeping my pussy juice from running down my leg.”
“Oh, is that right?” Jen said with a sly grin. “Good to know!” Her eyes flicked away from Tess’s, and Tess realized that Mark was likely back and ready to start her next round of disciplinary action. She felt Jen tuck her skirt into the waistband of her thong and realized that her ass was pretty much now visible in all its glory to everyone who was watching.
The flogger made less of a sound than the crop when it moved through the air, but Tess was pretty sure she could feel every single strand as they swatted across her backside. Already tender from Mark’s hand and the series of crop strikes she had already endured, Tess’s ass Practically sang with the sting of the flogger. She immediately felt the strands strike her other chef as well. She imagined Mark sweeping the flogger in a figure 8, letting it kiss each of her ass chefs in turn,one after the other after the other. Occasionally she could also feel the flogger switch back and forth across the backs of her thighs, and pictured the thin raised welts that it must be leaving behind. She also imagined all the eyes glued to her exposed and abused flesh and felt another rush of blood — this time not to her poor ass cheeses, but to her hungry pussy. She moaned and squirmed against the restraints.
“Too much?” Mark said. He stopped swimming the flogger for a moment and once again stepped up close to Tess. She felt his hand cares her ass cheek and thought that he was using his touch to soothe her sore cheeses. Instead, his hand continued southward, and she felt his fingers pull the crotch of her thong aside. His fingers touched her swollen pussy lips and slipped easily into her depths. She hadn’t been joking when she said her pussy was driving with excitement.
“Nooooo, it doesn’t seem like too much,” Mark said. He withdraw his fingers and Tess could imagine that the slickness on them was fully visible to everyone watching. She felt a shiver at the thought. She shuddered even more as Mark brought his fingers to her mouth and allowed her to taste the musky juices she was producing. Realizing her sexuality was no longer a mystery to anyone there, she responded by eagerly slurping the slickness from Mark’s fingers.
He leaned forward again, kissing her neck once more and then putting his lips next to hers. They kissed briefly, and then she heard him whisper, below the range of the audience’s hearing, “What does my lady want now?”
“Your lady wants to be FUCKED,” Tess told him, loudly enough to be heard. “If you’ll unfasten me, I think there’s a room right over there that would be available if you wanted to take me in there. Jen’s invited too,” she added.
Mark reached for one of the wrist restraints, while Jen began working on her ankles.
“But that room doesn’t have a door on it,” Mark pointed out.
“I don’t really care at this point,” Tess said. “People have watched this much… let them continue watching if they want!”
“But what if…” Mark said as they entered the room.
Tess paused in her discarding of clothes long enough to press her finger against Mark’s lips. “Ssshhhhhh,” she said. “You started this. Now whatever happens, happens…”
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