Spring Break

“Hey love!” I called out as I entered my friend Conrad’s house. My long, black hair bounced behind me, swinging with my Asian hips as I shut the door and plopped myself down on his couch.

“Hey Selene! How has your break been?” Conrad asked me, grabbing a cup of water and joining me.

“It’s going well! It’s a shame we only get a week off for spring break, though,” I told. “College just takes up so much time.”

“Well, that’s why it’s college,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at me.

“But it’s so much work,” I while. “I swear. There’s so much snow, too. It’s so insanely cold!”

“That’s crazy,” he said, mocking me. While Conrad had chosen to stay close to home, I had opted to go ten hours north, and he wouldn’t let me forget it.

“You’re lucky that you’re still in North Carolina. I swear, it never snows down here.”

“It’s lovely weather,” he agreed.

“I can’t believe we’re talking about the weather,” I spoke dramatically.

“Want to watch some TV or something?” Conrad asked me, clicking on the screen. We settled on Modern Family and watched a couple episodes, laughing at the ridiculousness of it.

“So, how’s life?” I asked him.

“It’s going well! College is a ton of work.”

“You’re doing a business degree at a state college, how hard can it be? I swear, the computer science program is killing me.”

“You take that back!” Conrad mock yelled at me.

I laughed, nearly falling off the sofa. “S-stop! You could never pull off the ‘mean guy’ look. You’re not intimidating at all!”

“It’s true!”

“Ugh. Meanie.”

I rolled my eyes. “So, any significant others I should know about? Boy toys?”

“Well,” Conrad said, blushing.

“Ooh! Tell me all about it!”

“There’s this one guy…”


“We hung out and played at the pool. I swear, his chest,” Conrad said dramatically, drooling a bit.

“Dramatic!” I laughed at him.

“Shut up! But yeah. He’s really nice. And he’s so hot, oh my God. It’s like I died and went to heaven.”

“What’s his name?”


“So are you guys dating or something?”

“Yeah, we’ve been dating about two months now.”

“What?! Two months? Why didn’t I hear about this earlier? Don’t I have best friend privileges?” I gasped.

“Well, we’ve been fooling around for longer than two months…”

“Ooh, kinky,” I said, smiling and winding at him.

Conrad blushed but didn’t deny it. “He’s really sexy.”

“Twink.” I scoffed.

Conrad jumped a little. “I am not!”

“You’re acting like one. Twink,” I laughed a little as I grinned at him.

“I- I look nothing like that!” Conrad said, flustered and biting his lip. I frowned.

“Yeah, that’s why I was joking about it… Why are you so worked up about it?” I asked him, looking at him curiously.

“Um. I don’t know…” he said, red as a tomato.

“What, did someone call you that and offend you or something?”

“No…” he responded, drawing out the word and making it sound more like a question than an answer.

“S-stop,” he protested weakly, shifting in his seat.

“I’m really confused,” I stated bluntly.

“I- it’s nothing!” Conrad insisted.

“Yeah, somehow I don’t believe that,” I scoffed. “Besides, aren’t twinks young gay guys? And you’re not gay, you’re bi.”

“Mmm…” Conrad groaned.

“What? If anything, wouldn’t you be more of a bear?” I asked. Sporting a bear, leather jacket, and dark jeans, Conrad fit the stereotype pretty well.

“Oh God!” Conrad shouted, rolling over and burying his face into the couch.

“Conrad?” I asked, alarmed. Standing up, I walked across the room and sat next to him. I placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“S-shit,” Conrad panted. “Just give me a sec,” he said, jumping up and running into the bathroom.

“Okay?” I questioned in his absence.

Five minutes later, Conrad came out from the bathroom, blushing furiously. I leapt up.

“Are you okay? I’m so sorry; what did I say?”

Conrad blushed and held out his phone. “Here.”

“What?” I asked him, reaching out my hand and taking it.

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone.

“Hello, is this Selene? This is Parker.”

“Oh, Conrad’s boyfriend, right?”

“Yes, that’d be me. Listen, Conrad asked me to explain something to you.”

“Oh, yeah, I think I might’ve upset him earlier…”

“How much do you know about the BDSM community?”

Surprised, I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it. Shaking my head, I put it back up to my ear. “I’ve heard a good amount about it. Why?”

“Well, I’ve been training Conrad as my submissive. I’m his master and dominant.”

“O-okay…” I said,Confused. I raised an eyebrow at Conrad, and he blushed furiously, something that seemed completely out of character for him. “So why are you explaining this to me?”

“Well, you see, I’ve been playing with hair triggers and hypnosis with him. Conrad’s always had a thing for you-“

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, he’s always found you really attractive but was completely unwilling to risk his friend with you. So he asked me to explain this. But shh, don’t tell him I told you,” Parker chuckled on the other end of the line.

“Right. So back to the hair triggers?” I asked, winding at Conrad. He whimpered a little and buried his face in his hands.

“Conrad has three hair triggers: ‘fuck’, which amps up his arousal level a little; ‘twink’, which makes him feel like someone is trailing their fingers over him; and ‘bear’, which makes him feel like he’s getting a blowjob. They last a few seconds. However, he can’t cum until you tell him to by saying ‘leather flag’.”

“Fuck,” I said, grinning. Conrad let out a low moan.

“So, since you told him five twinks and a bear, and now a fuck, Conrad’s pretty horny. The sensings aren’t going on right now, except for the fuck, but you can make them come back whenever you want.”

“Anyone who says ‘fuck’ or any of the other words has the effect?”


“Why are you telling me this?”

“Conrad and I play a little game. He’s not allowed to cum until I tell him to, or until you tell him to now. He wants you to play the game. I know you guys only have a weekend left, but please feel free to torque you all you like. Conrad won’t admit it to you but he really loves it. He finds you really attractive, so use that to your advantage. Our only limits are that you can’t have sex with him.”

“Safe words?”

“Rain for slow down, hurricane for stop.”

“I think Conrad and I are going to have fun this weekend,” I responded.

“Enjoy,” he laughed. We both said our goodbyes and hungup the phone.

Conrad looked at me through half lidded eyes.


“I’m sorry, did I fucking stutter? Strip!”

Conrad groaned, biting his lip as he cautiously took off his clothes. He shed his dark jeans and leather jacket but hesitated to take off his boxes. After a pointed look from me, he quickly removed them. His cock bounced out, standing to attention. Conrad piled his clothes on the corner of the sofa.

“Now, what TV show should we watch? You know, I think The Wire has an episode you might really like,” I commented, taking the remote and choosing the show.

“Fuck,” came a voice through the speaker. “Fuck.”

“Oh…” Conrad whimpered as he shifted in his seat.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“You like that, don’t you twink?” I said, watching Conrad’s cock twitch and his eyes snapshut at the words. He moved his hand to grab it, but a stern “No” from me quickly stopped that.

“You can’t cum until I let you, can you? No matter how much you want to fuck your hand with your dick, nothing will help. While we’re watching this lovely show, tell me about your master. What’s your favorite thing he does to you? Is he a twink or a bear like you?”

“Augh!” Conrad yelled, writing in agony as his cock strained upwards, bright red.

“I’m waiting.”

“H-he’s so good at teasing me. I hate it.”

“Somehow I doubt you really hate it.”

“N-no…” Conrad admitted guiltily.

“When did you last get fucked?”

Conrad pumped his hips as the TV continued blaring out its barrage of “fuck”.

“A- a week ago.”

“Tell me, do you like pain?”

Conrad squirmed a bit more. “No, not really.”

“Are you telling me the truth, or just being modest?”

Conrad flushed, a full body flush, from his chest hair to the tip of his ears. “The truthh. I’m not a huge fan of whipping. I just like denial.”

“A little slut that doesn’t like getting fucked?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes while the TV reiterated “fuck”.

“It’s kinda hot in here,” I commented, pulling off my sweatshirt. Under it I wore a white camisole with a pink and blue bra. The cami was a bit see-through, and I could see Conrad’s eyes soaking in the view. I saw that he had uncurled his fists and seemed a bit relaxed. The sensings must have passed.

“So, twink, what’s for dinner?” I asked, casually shifting in my seat and allowing my cami to get pulled down a bit.

Conrad sucked in a breath. “What do you want?”

“I’m thinking let’s order some pizza.”

“Sure. Whatever you want.”

“I’m bored with TV. Let’s play a game.”

“Okay,” Conrad responded eagerly, probably ready to get away from the TV show. I grabbed the remote and shut off the TV, making Conrad sight with relief.

I walked towardsthe foyer of his house and the staircase to upstairs.

“You want to go to my room?” Conrad asked, anticipation in his voice. He seemed a bit nervous. “You know I can’t…”

“Relax, we’re not going there. We’re staying right here.” I announced.

“Here? In the foyer?”

“Yup! Do you have any rope?”

“Umm… I have some in the garage. Let me go get it.” Conrad gave me a strange look and brushed by me on his way out of the side door. I scratched his ass as he went by. He flinched.

“Don’t take too long, bear!” Conrad nearly tripped and had to pause and grab the banner when he heard that. I chuckled and he ran off to the garage to get the rope. Meanwhile, I surveyed the foyer. The staircase didn’t present many opportunities, but the banner at the bottom went into a spiral column shape. It had lots of poles on it, and presented a beautiful opportunity. Plus, it was right in view of the front door, though not directly there. It would be easy to see if you opened the door, though difficult to see from the outside.

Conrad returned quickly, and I took the rope from him.

“Now, I think it’s time to up the stakes a bit.”

“Wait, what? Selene?” Conrad asked as I spun him around and started to wrap the rope around his wrists behind his back.

I moved back front of him and gave him a big grin. I leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear, “Don’t worry; it’ll be fun!”

As an afterthought, I added, “Besides, you always have your safe words.”

At this, Conrad groaned.

I leaned across him and tied his wrists to one of the poles of the banner, making sure to press my whole body up against him. I shifted a little, rubbing my jeans against his cock.

“Ohhh…” He whimpered, pumping his hips.

“No no no, don’t be a bad little sub,” I turned as I held them in place. I bent down and tied his feet apart, just enough to be slightly uncomfortable so he couldn’t get very much leverage but easy enough to stand.I finished tying him up and admired my handiwork.

“I’ll be right back,” I told him as I walked away, pulling out my cell phone and going into the other room.

“Selene!” Conrad called after me, sounding slightly panicked as he tugged on his restraints. I paused, but he didn’t safe word, so I grinned and left him waiting in the foyer.

“Hey, Jace?” I whispered into The phone in the next room, keeping my voice down so Conrad couldn’t hear our conversation.

“Hey Selene! How are you?”

“Doing pretty well! Listen, I’m doing a scene…”

“Yeah, what do you need?” Jace told.

“Can you pretend to be a pizza guy?”

“Really? You’re going that cliché?”

“Shut up,” I rolled my eyes, though it’s not like he could see it.

“Okay, okay. Calm down.”

“I’ll call in a few minutes. Rain to slow, hurricane to stop, no sex.”

“Got it.”

I grabbed my shirt from the living room and walked back into the foyer.

“Having fun there, bear?Hey, that rhymed!” I joked, though Conrad didn’t seem to find it very amusing. He pulled on the banner bars, and for a minute I worried about them breaking, but he couldn’t get loose and I relaxed again.

“Have you played with sensing deprivation?” I asked him curiously.

“Some, yes.”

“Let’s try this,” I said as I tied my shirt around his eyes. It was a bit sloppy, but it seemed pretty effective. “Can you see anything?”

Conrad shook his head, shifting his eyes to try and see.

“No,” he said, sounding defeated.

“Now let the fun begin!”


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