Dark Desires II

Hello dear readers this is your JJ not finding time to regularly come up with some hot stories to treat you all, but as of now I have decided to treat you with the best stuff as possible. Everyone of you must have come across in some stage of your life a stinking super rich women who have every damm thing under the sun at their beck and call except that long hard cocks to get fucked.

The submission is something of similar nature that happens in the heart of Chennai city, “ Anna Nagar Tower club was lazing away with the September heat members passing hoped in to chill themselves. Aradhana was true to her name and at 44 carved for sex like never before recently it’s been killing her and she was desperate to get fucked.

In a thousand years Aradhana never thought she’d find someone like him. Tall and dark featured, smart and confident, he caught her eye quickly. Looking hale and healthy a real stud who would be fitting in her arms and somehow she always wanted to have rough looking guy who would handle her in a way she always wanted. Thin and scrapny was never to her liking in men, she needed someone substantial to wrap her arms around and cuddle with, and to feel truly held when he was holding her.

Marriage was suiting Aradhana, but not fulfilling her. Her husband was a partner to stave off boredom at best, to play golf with, to have dinner with when he was home, and for occasional sex. Conversation was kept to a minimum because they really had nothing in common. Yes, he was handsome, a good provider, and he amused her once in a while, but overall he was not a great match for her, and far from her true mate.

Aradhana could not be herself with him, and as of late it was becoming a weight that was harder and harder to bear. She thought about sex constantly. At 44 it seemed her hormones were in high gear and had no designs on slowing down any time soon. Aradhana dreamed of a man that would fulfill her wildest fans and make her feel all of the things she desired, even the dark desires that seemed to be foresto most in her thoughts. The desperate need to be used and dominated, to be the girl-toy every man lusted after was becoming an urgent priority in her life. Her husband was simply not capable of using her the way Aradhana needed to be used.

When this new man walked into her life it was an instant charge, a jolt of electricity that could have lit up Chennai City for a week. Just the look of him was all Aradhana found sexy and erotic, and she felt the all too unfamiliar tingle in her belly and hardness of her nipples as she took him in. She simply wanted to lick him from head to toe, to hide away for days on end, never leaving the bed she would serve him in.

When Chris saw her, the look on his face went from nonchalant to that of piqued curiosity, and she knew without a doubt that he was feeling much of the same thing. The bulge that was now defining his zipper was a nice clue as well.

It wasn’t often that Aradhana came to Tower club for lunch, but today she wanted to desperately come out of her house that had become so lonely to her. Her husband was in Europe, again, and so dining out alone had become a comfortable ritual.

She watched this man sit down at the opposite end of the dining hall cum bar. He was still staring at her, she still locked in on him, and then he smiled. God what a smile!! She felt a gush in her panties the likes of which she hadn’t remembered having since college. Aradhana instinctively looked down, expecting her chair to show signs of her wetness. Her nipples were still hard from her first glance, and by the looks of his gaze falling lower he now know they were hard too. The pearl colored satin blouse when slipped unknownly from her shoulders that she was wearing made them even more visible to anyone looking at her chest.

Aradhana crossed her legs and looked away, took a sip of her favoritete ‘Hot Dog” drink and prepared to peruse the menu. Her clip was swelling; she could feel it growing and moved out of her lovely pussy lips to give herself a tiny wave a pleasure as her slick, wet folds rubbed together. With her husband hardly around, she’d becomes deft at the art of masturbation – she could almost make herself cum just walking down the streets of Shanthi colony.

Aradhana looked up, her intention to flirt with him some more, but when she glanced over he was gone. Scanning the place quickly she didn’t see him, but instead felt a hand on her back.

“Don’t move,” she heard whispered into her left ear. “You are the loveliest woman I’ve ever seen. I want to stand here and just soak you in.” The empty place gave them a chance to feel and play away with the waiters not interested in having a peek.

Aradhana could feel his head next to hers, nuzzling her hair for the shampoo scent, then her neck for theperfume she was wearing. Again she had to look down; the warm gush in her panties simply had to be showing thru her Mysore silk saree. She inhaled, felt his hand on the small of her back, and caught the magnificent cent of his cologne. It was perfectly hurt; he had to be this close to her for her to smell it. It was intotoxicating.

Slowly turning, Aradhana looked up into his face. She gazed into his deep eyes with the most amazing expression. She saw love and lust, sweetness and devilishness, right and wrong. He had soft lines around his eyes and mouth; she put him in his mid 34’s. His hair was cut short and in a current style. The goatee he was sporting was perfectly trimmed around his sensitive lips.

“I … forgive me,” she whispered, “I can’t stop looking at you.”

“Good,” he said in low velvety tone. He smiled coyly at her and said, “we’re even.”

They continued to simply stare at each other, without a moment of discomfort. He moved a little closer, and the bulge Aradhana saw earlier was now firmly resting against her hip. Fuck but he was hard!

Letting all inhibitions go and following only her libido, she leaned into him and said in a low voice, “I want you to take me here … no, I NEED you to take me here. I don’t care where, but on the premises and now.”

Aradhana’s lips grazed his ear as she said this, and made his cock ache for her. He wanted to take her right there, but decided the restroom would be the best bet for a modicum of privacy.

Chris never answered Aradhana verbally; he just took her hand and helped her from her chair. He noticed her pale yellow pumps and was working his way up the back of her legs to her soft round ass when she reached back and touched his cock through his pants. Chris could feel his precut dripping and know his briefs were wet with it. Only steps now from total release, the lavatory was insight.

Once inside, a password so primitive, so carnal, simply guided his every move. He was made for this woman and knew it, know what she wanted and how to touch her. Chris locked the door behind them and stepped towards her. Her should length hair left plenty to grab, so he immersed his fingers in her silky hair and pulled her lips to his with that fistful of hair.

Aradhana moaned and told all at once; giving him back the tongue he was sharing with her. She ran her hands over his cock again, up over his ass and then up his chest. Chris took her hands from his chest, grabbed her wrists and put them behind her back.

“Tell me now what you want,” he said a bit harshly. Chris already knew, but so much of the fun would be making her say it.

“I want you to fuck me,” Aradhana surprised, “I want you to use me, claim me, make me yours.”

Chris bent to kiss her again. How she loved the feel of his goatee on her face, the sweet scratchiness of it that she knew would bring her orgasm after orgasm once he had it pressed against her pussy.

As Chris brushed her face with his she heard, “I will fuck you my dear, and I will use you in ways you’ve never known.”

Aradhana groaned with desire. “Fuck me now, pleaseeeee,” she cried softly. She was on the verge of begging. Would he makes her beg??

With that thought fortune most in her mind, he answered her. “You want to be my whore? Then ask me again. You will keep asking until I decide to give it to you.”

“Oh God, please fuck me,” Aradhana hissed. “Fill my pussy with your hard cock; I want to make you cum.”

“Beg some more,” Chris wentaded her.

“Give it to me,” she moaned, “Fucking makes it hurt too. I want you as deep as you can go.”

Then Chris smiled in a wicked way, which told her she had said something very right. He released her arms and spun her around. Again that sumptuous view. Her heels, her luscious legs and round ass were most inviting & with one swift motion she was standing there with her petticoat and blouse not caring to wear a bra this day made it all the more perfect.

He slip his fingers up her skirt slowly for her benefit, and to his delight found no panties. Chris leaned over and grabbed a fistful of hair again, but this time hard. He jerked her head back and laughed in her ear.

“You are a ready for a cock aren’t you?” he teased. “Do you always go out with no panties on? Only those that want a good fucking do that.”

Aradhana started to answer but he snapped at her. “Shut up!” he vividly hissed in her ear. “I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses.”

She heard his zipper and felt him pressing into her. He pulled her blouse loose by opening a few hooks and reached inside to cup her ample tits. His fingers teasing and kneeing her now very sensitive nipples was more than she could stand.

With that thought in her mind, he lifted her skirt and slide it over her hips. He didn’t even both feeling for Aradhana’s wetness, he knew it was there. Slipping his smooth, hard cock out of his briefs he teased the entry to what was going to be the greatest fuck of his life, no matter how brief it may be. This woman melted him; Chris would fit perfectly into her cunt. He knew it with the oddest of Certainty.

With the head of his cock slick with her wetness, Chris moved up slightly and pushed against her very tight asshole. Aradhana was sexy as hell, waxed, smooth as a baby’s bottom. She gasped as he teased her ass, and started to push back into him to allow him entry.

“I told you not to move,” Chris said sternly. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

With that, he bent her over further and gave her pussy the full 8 inchesGod had blessed him with. No easing his way into this one. She yelped, so he quickly placed a hand over her mouth.

“No noise,” Chris said in a menuing voice. “Take it like a cream melting through. You will let me use your cunt in silence!”

His commands only heightened her excitement. Aradhana’s juices were running down her legs, making it so easy for him to pound her. He was perfectly adept, his strokes bringing his cock head to the point of just leaving her hole, but then sliding back into her hard and deep.

“Finger your pussy,” he said as he used her.

Aradhana jumped at this order and gave her clip the relief it had been so long for.

“But don’t you dare cum,” he warned her. “Don’t you dare.”

She keep fingering, keeping his order in mind, but the more he stroked and tugged at her nipples the closer she got. Aradhana the Goddess was nearing her orgasm when the bitter sting of his hand slapping her ass cheat gave her a reality check.

“Oww!” Aradhana shrieked.

“I told you silence!” Chris whispered hard to her.

He backed up and pushed her further down so she was practically touching her toes with her hands. He spread her legs and suddenly she felt the fullness of a finger sliding into her ass. His finger was moving in and out of her tight asshole in time with the rhythm of his cock in her pussy. He had it so deep it was hurting her a bit, but the pleasure of him fucking her negated any real pain.

Chris loved the feel of a hot, tight ass. He leaned into her and taunted, “I’m going to stretch you for me you little swine!”

Aradhana now feel another finger tearing her ass open, the capacity of her holes was now maxed. She started to rub her clip again as the need to orgasm was exciting.

“No hands for you,” said the amazing stranger. “I’m using you for my pleasure only now.”

The tone of his voice was mesmerizing and it made her believe he mean business.

A knock at the lavatory door jolted them back to the reality of where they were. She paidly said she’d be out shortly, and with that he knew it was time to finish the job.

“Cum in my ass baby, please do that for me,” she said as quietly as she could.

With out missing a beat he pulled out from her pussy and replaced his fingers with his swollen cock. Aradhana inhaled in a way that made him know exactly what she was feeling. Chris held her hips tight and slide deeply into her ass. It only took 5 more strokes and he was exploding into her. The excite pleasure of her tightness was heaven, and his knees almost buckled beneath him. He let his spasms subside and Then pulled out, smacking her ass as he did so.

Aradhana turned to him and smiled, her face flushed beyond measure from pleasure and being bent over forso long. He bent to kiss her, a full, deep, erotic kiss with his hands on her face. She moved to go into a stall to clean herself up but he stopped her.

“No love, dinner.” ” Chris said caressing her face. “I want you to feel me dripping from you all through lunch to dinner

Without a word she pulled down her skirt and hurried about with her saree and made her exit with him. Suspicious eyes on them coming out of the lavatory door together didn’t faze them in the least.

When it was dinner time. Aradhana knew she would be dessert, at some unknown location at some unknown time. Him keeping her in the dark as to what was next was as erotic as the sex had been, and Aradhana knew she’d found her carnal soul mate at least for the day which she was sure will run into break of day………………………………comments to [email protected] and yes in case you are one like Aradhana don’t forget to call me right now…

Yours Lovingly



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