Pooja and best friend’s brother

It was late Friday morning and Ravi had finished his breakfast a few minutes earlier. He had slept in late since, with his parents and sister away at his grandmother’s for a long weekend, there had been no reason to get up early and he’d had enough of doing that when he’d had to go to morning lessons at college. But now it was a few weeks into the summer holidays and his time was his own, or most of it was as he had been set three chores this particular weekend; to clean the swimming pool, to repair its water pump (which had broken down the day before) and to water the garden. So, after a lie-in and breakfast, he dressed in a pair of loose shorts and a sleepless t-shirt, fetched the toolkit from the garage and had just taken it out to the back garden when he heard the doorbell ring.

He put the box of tools down next to the water pump housing, went back through the house and opened the front door.

‘Is Priya home?’ asked the girl there whom he recognized as Pooja, a friend of his sister. Pooja was wearing a big, baggy shirt, almost a minidress and, with his sister away, he immediately wondered why was carrying a bag which he could see contained a large towel.

‘She’s with my parents visiting our grandmother’s this weekend.’

‘The whole weekend?’ she exceled.

‘Yes, until Monday evening.’

‘Oh, I didn’t know she was going as well, I thought she meant just your parents would be gone,’ Pooja said, a look of disappointment on her beautiful face and not giving away the fact that she knew he would be on his own. ‘I was really looking forward to having a swim.’

‘You can still use the pool if you want to,’ he said, ‘but you’ll have to wait a while if you want to swim because i’ve got to clean it first and fix the water pump which broke yesterday.’

‘That’s great, Ravi. Thanks. I’d like to work on my tan as well. I’ll swim later.’

Ravi couldn’t help but feel a shiver of arousal runup his spine as he spoke with the girl. At 18, the same age as his sister, Pooja was one of the most attractive girls he had ever seen with her slim figure and very well-developed breasts.

She was also a flirt, at least he didn’t think her behavior towards him could be anything more and he was sure it was by design that she always teased him when she had come to dinner or stayed overnight at their house.

Every time that she stayed overnight recently was on a Friday, the one day of the week when his parents were certain to go out for the evening until very late, and it seemed as though she had always managed to be in her nightclothes when he was around. On the latest such occasion, just the previous week, he was treated to an entire evening trying to watch TV while Pooja, this time wearing a short dressing gown and an Even shorter frilly nightie, sat in the easy-chair across from his. She had her feet on the chair with her ankles crossed and he could see the crotch of her tiny panties and her smooth, lightly tanned thighs.

She had seen him looking on a couple of occasions but she hadn’t said anything, just meeting his glance each time with a sexy wink and a smile.

He didn’t know what to do as he was almost sure that she was flirting with him, but he resisted the temptation to do or say anything because she was a friend of his sister.

Then she had left the room for a few minutes partway through the evening, claiming the to need to go to the toilet.

When she came back, she sat down and crossed her legs, putting one knee over the other.

Although he wasn’t looking in her direction at that moment and only caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, he didn’t think he saw the white of her knickers as she did so.

His sister announced a little while later that she was very tired and went to bed early, leaving him alone in the room with Pooja.

As soon as Priya had gone, Pooja drew her legs up onto the chair and sat with the soles of her feet together, her hands on her knees.

He saw straight away that she had indeed taken her knickers off and he was sure he could see some mood on the lips of her wide-open, hairless pussy. She blew him a kiss this time as well.

Later that night, as he emerged from the bathroom after his evening ablutions, he had literally bumped into Pooja standing outside the door waiting for her turn. She appeared to have been reaching for the doorknob as he yanked the door open and had grabbed his cock instead, her hand lingering for a moment before snatching it back. Pooja was not wearing her dressing gown any more and he could see her perfectly-formed breasts and large (swollen?) Nipples very clearly because she wasn’t wearing a bra and the gossamer-thin clothes of her nightie was almost see-through.

She had then squashed past him to go into the bathroom, brushing her breasts across his bare chest and giving his cock another squeeze as she went. When she was inside the room she turned to face him with her hands on her hips and taking an indignant stance.

‘Well, it’s my turn in here now.’

‘Yes, yes,’ he mumbled and turned to go, but not before noticing that the way she was standing had raised the hem of the nightie to above her bare pubes.

Now she stood at the front door, about to enter the house knowing he was the only one home.

She had always enjoyed playing around sexually, though she had never gone all the way with a boy…and now she was determined to lose her cherry to her best friend’s brother.

‘The door to the back garden is through there,’ he said as he opened the door wide to let her pass. ‘i’ll be along in a minute, i’ve just got to fetch something from upstairs.’

Pooja went through the house and out to the back garden, saw the toolbox and put the bag with her towel on the grass a few feet away between it and the pool.

After taking her shoes off, she sat and waited untilRavi arrived carrying a small wooden box which he put down on the ground beside his tools.

When he began working on the water pump, the first of his jobs, she stood up facing him and started undoing the buttons on her shirt, asking him about his work at the same time.

At first he avoided looking at her while she was doing this but then, by the third button, he reasoned, Hell, if she wanted me not to look, she’d have turned away and he stopped working so he could watch her while they talked and as she stripped.

When all the buttons were undone, she opened the shirt, drew it back over her shoulders and let it fall to the ground revealing her superb body in a tiny white g-string bikini that was just three wisdoms of clothes which barely covered her nipples and pussy and held in place by string so thin it was nearly invisible; more a courtesy item than anything else as she looked more sexy wearing it than she would have done if she was completely nude.

She stood still, hands at her sides, for all of ten seconds while he looked her up and down, and then asked, ‘Well, do you like my new bikini, then?’

‘Er, wow,’ was all he could say.

Pooja raised her arms, clapping her hands together high above her head, arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing her beautiful evenly tanned body.

‘What do you think?’ she asked again.

‘Are you really going to swim in that?’ he asked.

‘Well, if you don’t like it I can always take it off,’ she said with a giggle, and reached behind her as though she was going to undo the knot at the back of the bikini-top.

‘No, no, that’s all right,’ he said hastily, ‘I just don’t think it could stand up to swimming. You look, um, wow is all I can say. Er…I think I’d better get on with this pump,’ adding to himself While I can still think about what I’m doing. This has just got to be more than flirting, and I hope it is.

After having listened to his explanationsof how the pool pump and filter operated while she undressed, and not being able to really picture what he was describing, Pooja moved over to where he was working so she could actually look at the machinery he was talking about.

His words falsetered a bit at the sight of this stunning, now almost naked, goddess approaching him but he managed to retain control of himself. Even so, he was very conscious of her nearly-nude form as she knelt beside him, so close that their thighs touched occasionally, and peered at the machinery of the water pump with obvious interest.

He was so conscious of her, in fact, that her proximity was producing a reaction in his cock which he thought a bit inappropriate, this being a friend of his sister, and adjusted his own kneeing position twice in an attempt to conceal his growing erection which was now protruding out of the leg of his shorts.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘description finished. I’ll be about half an hour on this and then i’ve got toskim the leaves out of the pool and that will take me about half an hour to as well.’ He decided not to mention watering the garden as well.

Taking the hint that she should leave him alone to get on with it, Pooja walked away the few feet to her bag and, as he watched her from behind, he thought she looked completely naked.

She returned to her things where, with her back to him and her feet either side of her bag, she bent over from the wait keeping her legs straight and picked her discarded shirt up. After folding the shirt, she bent over again and took the towel out of her bag, putting her shirt away.

While she was bent over, she looked back between her legs to see Ravi looking at her crotch and feel a sudden rush of juices to her pussy; he was going to fuck her, she was sure of it now.

He saw that she’d seen him and looked away quickly.

She stood upright, turned sideways to him and shook the towel out, her breasts shaking to and fro, after whichshe spread the towel out on the ground.

Pooja got down onto her hands and knees on the towel, making sure he could have a nice long look at her from the side as she did so. Then she laid down on her side, her head propped on her hand and chatted to Ravi some more as she watched him working; she knew her chance would come because she’d caught a few glimpses of what he was trying to hide.

Ravi felt incredibly excited by this display of her sexy body and was sure that he was right in thinking that there was more than just simple flirting involved. He began to feel a bit warm, from more than just the sunlight, and took his t-shirt off.

Pooja?’ he said a bit later.


‘Um, you remember I mentioned it probably isn’t a good idea to swim in that bikini.’

‘Er, yess,’ she answered in a questioning voice.

‘Well, ummmmm, that’s why,’ he said, pointing a spanner towards her breasts.

She looked down and saw that clothes of the bikini top hadbecame dislodged, exposing her left nipple completely.

‘Oh, dear,’ she said, without the least bit of penitence, and rolled onto her front.

After a few minutes more, she tried to spread some suntan lotion over her back before interrupting Ravi’s work again because it was too difficult to do on her own.

‘Ravi, could you help me with this lotion?’ she asked with all the sweet innocent she could muster.

Ravi wiped his hands on a rag, sat on the ground at her left and poured some of the lotion onto his hands.

While he did so, Pooja undid the ties that held the top of her bikini on, pulled it out from under her and dropped it to the grass at his feet.

‘I don’t want to get any lotion on my new bikini,’ she exceled.

Ravi spread the lotion over her skin until he had covered her back and sides down to her waist. His fingers occasionally made contact with her breasts where they squeezed out beneath her but she didn’t comment.

He turnedto her legs to begin putting the lot on her ankles, working up her calves, and had just got to the backs of her lower thighs when she reached down to her waist and untied the strings that held her bottoms on. Then she raised herself up onto her elbows, lifted her bum a bit and pulled her bikini bottoms away, dropping them at her side as well.

When she felt Ravi’s hands pause momentarily, she twisted her upper body round to look back at him, moving her left elbow and shoulder right back with her hand on her waist, and brought her left knee up a little to raise her hip as well.

With her most flirtatious smile, she said, ‘Like I said, I don’t want to get any lotion on it,’ after which she laid back down on her front and straightened her left leg out, but didn’t move her legs back together.

He poured the lotion onto her upper thighs and began smoothing it in, his hands slipping occasionally between her legs.

Pooja accommodated him by moving her right leg outas well but he avoided touching too near her crotch, moving instead to cover the cheeses of her bare bottom with the oil.

He realized he was definitely right in thinking what she wanted, and how much she wanted it, so he pulled the left globe of her ass, spreading her bum cheeses, and poured a little of the oil into the crack between, just above her anus, watching as it rolled down, trickling along her pussy.

Pooja went silent for a long moment and then said ‘Mmmmmmmmmmmmm’, spreading her legs wider and curving her back to raise her bum a bit.

Ravi slide his slick fingers down the gully between her ass-cheeks and along her pussy, spreading the oil over her damp folds.

When he heard another low moan escaping her mouth, he cupped his hand under her pussy and pumped a finger a little way into her cunt a few times.

‘Aaaaahhh, that’s…ooooohhh.’

He finally spread the lotion on the insides of her upper thighs, and hear her give another moan when his fingers touched the lips of her pussy again.

He decided to tease her a little so he finished abruptly with the lotion and said he had to complete his pool jobs. He did hint, though, that once these were done he would have almost the whole of the rest of the weekend to do whatever he liked.

He turned towards the pump and looked back down at the now-naked Pooja lying at his side, her bronzed skin glistening from the suntan lotion.

‘Er, by the way, now that you’re here…’ and he handed her the box he’d fetched from his room.

‘Yes, what?’ she asked as she propped herself up onto her elbows, held the box in her hands and looked up at him questioningly.

‘Skin up.’

She opened the pot-box to find tobacco, a cigarette lighter, skins and gear and rolled a joint while he went back to work.

When it was ready, she remarked that it wasn’t very good because she hadn’t actually skinned one up before, or smoked any pot either.

‘So what,’ he replied,so long as it’s smokable, that’s all that matters.’ Then he joked, ‘Who cares what it looks like, it’s all going to turn to ash in a few minutes anyway.’

When Pooja didn’t do anything with the joint, Ravi said, ‘Well, spark it up, then. Or are you just going to look at it all day? It’ll make you feel a bit more horny as well.’

She gave him a double-take and a smile at his emphasis, and then lit the joint just as he remarked, ‘By the way, if you haven’t smoked any bef…’

She interrupted him with a fit of cought and then made a sour look at the awful taste it left in the back of her mouth.

He tried again, saying, ‘If you haven’t smoked any before, then watch out because it will make you want to cought and that will leave a horrible taste behind.’

‘Now he tells me,’ she responded, smiling, and tried again.

When she cought again, he handed her his water bottle, suggesting she takes a drink to wash the taste away and asked her to put the joint in his mouth so he could have a puff.

‘I know the water is a bit warm because it’s been in the sun, but it’s wet. Now, give us a puff. I can’t hold the joint because my hands are greasy.’

He took a drag on it and almost murdered himself.

‘Good God, girl. How much did you put in that?’

‘Did I make it too strong?’ she asked.

‘Well, that is a “killer” joint. For future reference, you only need about a quarter of what you put in this one. Making it this strong will sure get you stoned bloody fast. I think you’d better roll another one, you need the practice,’ he said with a laugh, ‘only don’t put as much gear in it this time.’

He had a few more puffs and then returned to the pump while Pooja carried on smoking the joint and rolled another, deliberately making this one a bit strong.

He had almost finished so he put the spanner down, wiped his hands and turned round to go over to Pooja for a few more lugs on the joint to find himself face-to-face with her glistening pubes.

She was feeling the effects of smoking the joint lowering her inhibitions so she had stood up, walked over and waited standing right beside him, holding the joint just in front of her shamen mound, ready to feed him a few more puffs.

Ravi looked up and down her naked body, her smooth pussy inches from his face, and was tempted to just stop work right there but know that if he didn’t finish his jobs now then they would drag on, and he knew what he would rather do, what he was certain he would be doing, for the rest of the weekend. So he leaned forward, balancing himself with a hand on her inner thigh and took a few more lugs, then nodded his thanks and returned to work on the pump.

Pooja was a bit disappointed that she hadn’t managed to distract him, but she returned to the towel and he finished repairing the pump.

When he took the long-handled net over to the poolside to start scooping straight leaves out of the water, she propped herself up on her elbows to watch what he was doing.

Oh, God, I wish he’d anxious up, she thought, the anticipation of what she was sure he was going to do when he had finished making her juices flow even more.

They chatted as he worked and she found herself swinging a little from side to side, brushing her sensitive nipples over the surface of the towel and feeling them becoming even harder as the erotic sensing, and the two “killer” joints, took effect. She thought it rather comical the way he to scooped the leaves out of the water while he tried, at first, to hide a very obvious erection at the same time, but she didn’t say anything about it.

It took him about half an hour to wrap up that task, as he had predicted, and then he disappeared insides without a word.

Pooja wondered where he’d gone.

He must know I want him to fuck me, so how much longer is he going to make me wait?

Ravi reappeared a few minutes later carrying two glasses of iced lemonade which he’d fetched from the kitchen and walked around the pool towards her saying, ‘I thought you might like a glass of lemonade.’

She held a hand out to take the glass from him as he sat down beside her, twisting her torso even more than earlier and fully exposing her breasts to his view.

After a few sips of the cold liquid, she asked, ‘Will you oil my front, now?’

‘If you turn over onto your back, yes,’ he replied. ‘I knew you’d want me to, that’s why I went insides to wash the grease off my hands.’

Pooja put the glass down out of the way and rolled over quickly, spreading her legs in a wide vee. She know now that he was going to fuck her, and fuck her soon.

Ravi was suddenly struck dumb as he sat there looking at her beautiful naked body, his hard-on making itself known again. But he didn’t try to hide it any more.

He studied her breasts, flattened slightly now that she was lying on her back, noting the slight flush on her chest and her sWholen nipples, and let his gaze wander down over her stomach to her smooth public shaft and the thin lips of her slit, glistening perhaps from more than just the oil he had already applied. Then his gaze moved back up to her breasts.

Pooja interrupted his reverie with a giggle, covering her pussy with one hand and her other arm across her breasts, saying, ‘Hey, lotion.’

He lean forwards and began putting the lot on, starting with the arm across her chest, moving it away from her breasts and down to her side.

Then he pulled her other hand away from her pussy, smoothed lotion on that arm and laid it along her other side. Now he did her neck and her shoulders going down to just below her collar bone.

After that, he smoothed the lotion over her chest and along her deep cleavage, carefully avoiding touching too close to her nipples, over her stomach and down to her waist, feeling the muscles jump a little under his hands.

When that was done, he startedd on her legs at her ankles.

He did her legs half-way up her thighs, being careful not to go too high, too near her crotch, and Pooja moved her legs apart a little more.

Now he moved up to her magnificent breasts to do the parts he had avoided touching before.

He poured some oil onto her perfect breasts and spread it over her skin, watching her nipples swell under his ministers.

‘Oh yes,’ she said as one of his hands brushed over a nipple.

‘You like that, do you?’

‘Oh, yes, do it again.’

He smoothed the lotion over both her breasts now, his hands moving in a circular motion and feeling her hard nipples pressing against his palms.


‘What about this?’ he said and squeezed both oily nipples with his fingers.

‘Ooooooohhh yes, that’s nice.’

‘Or this?’

He bent down to lick around her nipple and then sucked it into his mouth, ignoring the slightly bitter taste of the lotion.


Ravi sucked her other nipple, bringing another moan from her lips, and then moved down to her legs again, to do her upper thighs now, and his hands moved a little higher as he continued until he was touching the sensitive areas on the insides of her upper thighs.

His hands rubbed higher and higher on her legs, getting closer and closer to her crotch.

Pooja’s breathing became shallower the longer the warm hands worked on her inner thighs, going towards and away from her pussy, and occasionally one of them would brush against her labia as if by chance.

He oiled her hips now, and then went across her waist just below her panty line, his hands moving closer and closer to her public shaft all the time but not touching it, her breathing becoming more laboured.

Then Ravi smoothed the lotion over her public shaft and one of his fingers touched her swollen cliporis, lingering there for a moment.

He paused when he heard Pooja’s suddenly inrawn breath and then ran his oily fingers slowly up the line of her pussy with the tip o f his middle finger sliding between her labia, ending up resting on Pooja’s cliporis again.

Pooja reacted immediately by spreading both her legs wider still to open her pussy further.

There was a significant sheen of moisture on Pooja’s pussy lips now, definitely from more than just the oil.

He cupped Pooja’s smooth, hairless pussy with his hand and raised his eyes to her face to see that she had closed her own eyes and was smiling in a totally relaxed fashion. Both her hands were on her slick breasts now, each squeeze a nipple.

He began moving his hand up and down, his two middle fingers between her labia and his other fingers outside so the lips of her pussy were between them.

‘Oooohh yesssssssss.’

After sliding his fingers up and down outside her pussy a few times, he suddenly slipped the two middle fingers deep into her moistening cunt.

Pooja responded to this abrupt invasion by spreading her legs wide apart. She gripped the insides of her thighs and brought her feet up to just below her crotch, her soles together.

‘What about your boyfriend?’ he asked.

‘I don’t have one, Ravi,’ she responded as he continued fingering her hole.

Her stunning body was second only to her flirty personality. She looked at him with her beautiful eyes and sly, sexy smile and asked, ‘Do you know why I don’t have a boyfriend?’

He knew she was flirting with him. In fact, this was more than flirting so he pushed his fingers deeper into her pussy, pulled them out, pushed them in, and brought his other hand over to start massaging her cliporis.

‘Nooooooooooo, seriously, do you know why I ooohhhhh, yyyyeeeess, why I don’t have a boyfriend?’

He pumped his fingers deeper into her pussy asked, ‘Why Pooja?’ since she obviously wanted to tell him.

She reached over and gently rubbed his crotch, ‘Because, aahhh, none of the boys atschool have this, ooooooohhhhh yes, this much cock.’

He felt his rod start to harden some more.

She continued fondling his cock as she was talking to him, working her hand under his shorts to grip his shake, and said, ‘I want you to, aaaahhhhh, to fuck me, Ravi.’

‘I know,’ he replied.

He stood up and pulled the his shorts off, exposing himself to the girl for the first time.

This is it, she thought to herself. I’m going to lose my cherry to Priya’s brother.

She had dreamed of it for so long, now it was going to happen.

‘You know,’ she said as she looked up at him, ‘i’ve been thinking about this for a long time.’

Pooja propped herself up on her elbows with her legs apart in an inverted vee and moved her feet to the edges of the towel. Then she watched Ravi as he knelt down at her side again and sank three fingers into her tight little cunt. He felt her cunt grip his fingers when she giggled at that moment and he knew that when he got his cock in her it was going to be heaven.

‘Did you know Priya has, ooohhh, has fucked my brother,’ Pooja asked, giggling again.

‘No, I didn’t,’ Ravi said, feeling her cunt tighten around his fingers some more.’Tell me about it,’ he said as he pushed his fingers in a little deeper.

‘Oooohh that’s nice. Well,’ she replied, ‘she was staying oooooooovernight a couple of months ago when my brother was hoooo-home from college. He is 20 and goes to col-aaaahhhh-college, like you. Oh that’s good. After she thought I was sleep, she got up and aaaaahhh snuck into his room. I knew something was up ‘cuz she had been aaaaahhh flirting with him all night — the same kind of stuff i’ve, ooooohhhhh, that’s nice, been doing the last few weeks when I stay over here. Oooooohhhh yes, dooooo that, yyyyeeeessss. Right theeere. Like, aaaaaaahhhhh. Oh please, when are you going to fuck me?’

‘All in good time,’ he said as he brought his other hand down to start massaging her cliporis again. ‘Tell me more about my sister first.’

‘Oooooohhhhh, that feels so good, there, just there, aaaaaahhhh. Well, our bathroom connects our two rooooooooooms,’ she continued. ‘At first I went into the ooohhhh, into the, yes, ooooooohhhhh the, into the bathroom and just listened. After a whiiiiiile, I heard her cry out, I thhhhhhhhink he, aaaaaahhhhhh, he popped her cherry. Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh and then I heard the bed squeaking so I opened the doooooooor a little bit so I could seeeeeeee, aaahh yes, push your fingers in deeper, faster…like that, oh yes.’

Pooja dropped down flat onto the towel and arched her back, straining to meet the thrusts of his fingers, ‘Ooooohhhh yyyeess. Anyway, Priya oh yes, Angel…Priya started moaning like she was cumming and I watched until my brother, thats nice, my brother tensed up like he’d ooooohhh, oooohhh, like he’d cum as well. Oh, yes, that’s gooooooooood. I went back to my room oooooohh and prepared to be sleep when, oooohhhh, when Priya came back into bed. Aaaaaaahhh. I was so-oooooooooohhh excited — I had actually seen my brother’s buns as he ooohh, ooooooooh yes, as he fucked the living shit out of my best friend – I couldn’t sleep. So, oh, oh, oh yes, ooooooooohhh right there, so when I was sure that she was sleep, I felt up under her shirt – like the one I had on earlier – and aaaaaahhhhh put my finger in her cunt. I wanted to see if my bro-bro-, please fuck me, brother had cum in her. Boy, oh boy that’s good, aaaahhhhh had he ever. She was drunk with it. Like, I am not into other girls or anything-ing-ing, there, oh yes, but knowing Jason’s, uh, that’s my brother’s cummmmm, ooooohhhh was in her made me all aaaaahhhhh excited. Oohh yes, like that, just there. Yes. More oh please, ooooooooooohhhhhhhh I can’t wait any more. I want you now.’

He lean forwards over her and lowered his head to suck a nipple.

His lips had barely touched the swollen flesh before she exploded into orgasm, holding his head hard against her breast to force her nipple into his mouth and covering his hand with hers, her fingers along his in her cunt and pushing his deeper.

Ravi was beyond control now. He had never been this excited. His fingering of Pooja had gotten her pumping her little ass as she told him about his sisters’ exploits and her orgasm was truly incredible.

She was smiling as she sat up and wrapped her small hands around his cock, kissing the head. Then she took his cock in her mouth and sucked hard, pulled back and licked around the head with her tongue.

Her breathing got incredibly heavy as she laid back down on the ground, one hand still on his cock, masturbating it gently.

His cock was standing straight out and he felt Pooja’s juices pouring out of her pussy, coating his fingers.

‘I want you to fuck me, Ravi, oooh, I want you fuck me deep, please.’

His shaft was harder than he could remember.

He knew he couldn’t contain himself much longer and sucked one of her luscious swollen nipples again.

‘Oh, brother,’ she gasped, and continued to talk in breathy whispers.

‘Oh, God,’ she breathed. She squeezed his tool with her hand, her fingers just barely making it all the way around.

‘Oh please, oh please, oh please, Ravi, fuck me Ravi,’ she continued.

‘Mmmmmm,’ she told, ‘God it’s so big, it’s so hard.’

She began to stroke his cock up and down with both hands.

When he couldn’t take it any more he moved between her legs, grabbed an ankle in each hand and spread her legs wide.

‘Oh Ravi, ram it in, ram it in,’ she practically screamed.

He positioned himself over her, his cock just touching her drenched little slit.

‘Ohhhhhhh, yes, yes, please, yes.’

The tip of his shake rubbed her soft shaft, up and down the opening and pushing between her labia but going no further.

She lifted her legs and hooked her knees under her elbows as she gripped the base of his cock with both hands and tried to pull it towards her cunt; the girl definitely wanted his cock in her cunt.

‘Ooooh, Ravi, put it in.’

However, Ravi had other ideas.

Before he fucked this girl, he wanted to see her from up close, to taste her, so he moved down so that his face was between her tighs and gazed at her pussy.

Her lips were together much like a virgin.

Was she a virgin?

He touched his tongue to her cliporis, made a little grimace at the taste of the lot and wiped over her pussy with his t-shirt.

Then, with his tongue flat, he licked her hot little box from the beginning of her asshole all the way up to her budding little cliporis.

‘Mmmmmmm,’ she moaned, biting her upper lip. Pooja started rotating her hips as his licking increased in tempo and he gave her a deep stall with his tongue.

‘OOOOOHHHH,’ she exclaimed, ‘Again, please, again,’ she said as she grabbed his hair and tried to shove hisface inside.

He began to eat her furiously.

‘Oh, yes, put your tongue inside.’

Her pussy tightened around his tongue as he opened his mouth wider and stuck his tongue in a little deeper. She began to fuck his face with surprise power.

He knew she was close to orgasm again and pushed his tongue in as deep as possible.

‘i’m…i’m…oh yes…I…yes…yes…I’m cuuummmmmmiiiiining, aaaahhhhhh.’

‘I want to go on top,’ she cried as she came down from her orgasmic high. ‘I want your cock in me.’

He rolled over onto his back and she moved on top of him, straddling him with her cunt over his throbbing tool. She balanced herself with a hand on his chest, reached down with the other to guide the head of his cock to her opening and inserted just the tip of it into her slippery box.

‘I want you…no matter what it takes, I’m getting that monster all of the way inside me,’ she said as she positioned herself straight up over him. He felt the head start to slip in deeper as Pooja dropped down.

‘God, it’s so big,’ she said as she manoeuvred on his member, hunting down to get into the right place. Then, with a long scream, she dropped down and forced his rock hard cock in as far as it would go.

‘Ooooh mmmyyyyyy goodooooodddddddddddd,’ she cried as she began to move up and down very slowly.

Her pussy was so tight.

‘When did you lose your virginity?’ he asked.

Oblivious to his question, she just rocked gently up and down and, even though most of his tool was still outside of her, she seemed to enjoy herself just fine.

‘Pooja, when did you lose your virginity?’ he asked again.

She barely replied between breaths, ‘Ten seconds ago,’ she replied.

Squatting over him, she used her body weight to push his gleaming wet cock back inside her.

‘Oh yeah, I love it Ravi,’ she said. She started moving up and down as another half inch disappeared into her sweet canal. She felt her orgasm almostupon her and the extra lubrication enabled her to sink another inch.

‘Ooooooooooo yeah, this is what I needed, a real cock.’

With three quarters of his rock hard shake inside, she began to slide up and down with a steady increasing tempo.

‘It’s going in all the way,’ she cried out. ‘Oh yes, it’s going in,’ she said.

Supporting part of her body weight with her hands on his chest she began to make slow circles as his cock began to disappear further inside her.

She began to rock back and forth on his cock. ‘Oh yes, Ravi, let me fuck you, just as Priya fucked my brother,’ she said as she began to pick up speed. ‘Don’t move, oh it feels really aaaahhhhhh.’

Her eyes rolled back and her mouth opened as she sank all the way down onto his rock hard shake.

Alternating between a succession of short quick strokes and long slow ones, he began to feel an eruption coming on and all he could think of was getting ALL of his cock up inside Pooja. Coming up on one of her long strokes she pulled his cock out of her cunt enough to maintain his head just outside as she began to rub the slippery knob back and forth between her asshole and her pussy. Then she slowly slide it back into her successful young cunt.

Penetating her again felt like breaking new ground for the second time. Going in, he felt his foreskin pulled all the way back exposing the head inside her. The sensing was unreal. Then she stopped. He wondered if anything was wrong but she just sat there motionless with her eyes closed.

He looked up at her, she was so beautiful.

Then slowly she opened her eyes, looked down at him and said, ‘I want you to get on top of me and fuck me, fuck me hard.’

That was all he needed to hear. As he rolled on top of her little teenage body he wondered how it must have been for the guy fucking his sister. He got on top and put his hands on her ass cheeses. She whispered in his ear, ‘Don’t be afraid, do what you want.’

He started to fuck with only a fraction of his strength. Her snatch felt so good and he didn’t want to turn her off by hurting her.

‘What are you waiting for?’ she asked,’put it all the way in.’

He started to fuck her like he knew she wanted.

‘Oh, oh, ooooh, yes, ooooooooh, that’s the way, that’s the way, yes, yes, fuck me,’ she moaned.

He began to pound her, letting most of his weight crash her but he still couldn’t get his whole cock inside her.

‘Oh please, fuck me just like that, please don’t stop, God it feels so good, break me in half.’

He grabbed her ass cheeks tighter and pushed the FULL length of his shaft inside her with all his strength.

‘Ahh, ahh, oh God, hold it right there,’ Pooja said, trying to catch her breath.

He looked down to her love hole and he couldn’t believe that all of his meat was inside such a small opening.

‘Hold it right there, it hurts but it feels so good. Is it all the way in?’ she asked.

He looked down and saw there was absolutely no space between them whatsoever.

‘It’s all the way in Pooja.’

‘Good,’ she said. ‘Now, fuck me properly.’

He began to ram her with reckless abandon.

‘Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, oooh, uh, uh,’ said Pooja with each pelvic crash. ‘Oh, god, oh, god, oh, yes, i, feel, it, oh, f, fu, fuck, me, fuck, Fuck, FUCK, FUCK Me,’ she cried between each forceful thrust. She now had her legs wrapped around him tightly, her feet touching over the small of his back.

He knew he was about to exploit in her and had the fleeting thought that it was lucky the nearest neighbors lived about a mile away. He started to ram her even harder. She couldn’t move anywhere, he had her pinned down and she loved it, it felt so good.

‘I’m coming,’ he yelled.

‘Oh yeah,’ Pooja replied, ‘come inside me, flood me with your love cream.’

Those words were what did it. He exploded inside of her.

‘Ooooooo, give it to me all, empty yourself inside me,’ she cried. He wanted to go even deeper inside of her as his balls quivered with each burst.

‘Oh God, I’m coming,’ moaned Pooja, ‘Oh yes, I’m coming, oh, oh yes, oh please don’t stop, please don’t stop, fuck me, please fuck me.’

His hot cum made her cunt feel even better than it had ever before.

‘OH, OH, YES, OOOH, AAAH, FUCK ME,’ Pooja screamed as she drew closer to her blissful ecstasy. She began to thrust him obscenely and her cunt made wet farting noises as it grabbed his creaming cock.

‘AAAAH, OOOOOH, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH YES, AH, AH, AH, AAAAHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH YYYYEEEESSS,’ she screamed as her love box opened up and her juices flowed.

By now, Ravi’s sperm had been churned to white frothy foam that covered the young girl’s crotch like a slippery later. As they stopped and she lay back on the ground, her legs still wide open and bent at the knees, Ravi’s sperm literally flowed from her wide-open cunt and down the crack of her ass.

‘It feels good to be opened up this way,’ Pooja said as she smiled at him.

‘Do you want some more?’ he asked.

‘There’s more?’

She reached down to hold his cock, squeezing gently and feeling it swell in response.

‘Get onto your hands and knees and i’ll show you how much more there is.’

He got to his knees, placed the tip of his cock at her opening and pushed just the head into her pussy. He leaned forward to cup her breasts, one in each hand, the nipples making hard lumps against his palms, and flexed his hips ever so slightly, pushing in a little bit further.

Pooja’s low cry encouraged him to do it again, and again, and again, until half his cock was in her cunt. Then he pulled almost all the way out and slowly pushed the head of his cock back in a little way. He pulled back and pushed in a little way again.

And again, Pooja giving more little whimpers as he did so.

He pulled almost all the way out anddid it again.

He pulled out again but this time he paused.

Pooja cried out, ‘Ravi, fuck me, please just fuck me, I can’t wait any more,’ and he pushed almost all the way inside in one slow smooth motion until he thought he couldn’t go any further, she was so tight. He pulled almost all the way out again and pushed back in slowly.

Pooja was moaning at the excruciating ecstasy of what was happening to her.

‘Please, Ravi, faster, faster. Oh please, faster. Give me all of it.’

He repeated the slow in-out actions a few times, teasing Pooja with the promise of more. Then he moved in and out a bit faster and a bit deeper, and again a bit faster still, and again until he managed to get all his cock inside.

‘Oh martmarmaaarrtinnn, i’m…YEEESSS, aaaaaahhhhh, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.’

He suddenly felt Pooja’s pussy go into spasms, which set him off, and he shot a huge amount of cum into her tight pussy.

Pooja turned her head, looked back at him over her shoulder and asked, ‘Did you like that?’

It was as if he didn’t hear her, he didn’t say anything, he just pulled out and flopped down onto his back with his eyes closed.

Pooja turned round, still on her hands and knees, and looked down at his now limp cock, then up at Ravi’s face and down again.

“I wonder” she thought, and bent her head to kiss it. ‘Have you got any more for me?’ she asked Ravi.

His cock twitched slightly in response.

She kissed it again. It twitched again and started to swell, just a bit.

She laid down on her front, flat between Ravi’s legs with her arms over his thighs, elbows almost touching the ground, and wrapped her hands round his cock.

She started squeezing and relaxing her hands, making his cock swell more and more until it was almost as fully erect and hard as it had been before.

Ravi opened his eyes and looked down.

Pooja put just the head of his cock in her mouth, looked deepinto Ravi’s eyes and sucked really hard, her cheats pumping in with the vacuum she was creating.

She took it out and said, ‘This time I want you to come in my mouth, ok.’

Ravi nodded as Pooja opened her mouth wide, pulled her lips back baring her teeth and lowered her head over his cock until her nose was in his pubes, holding the base of his cock with just forefinger and thumb. Then she closed her lips, forming a seal around his cock and drew up, sucking in hard as she did so.

She lowered her head again and drew up again.

She increased the speed, but Ravi knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back for very long, and he didn’t want to hold back.

Pooja felt the slight swelling of his cock, felt his cum start to rise under her thumb, then moved her hand away, closed her eyes and lowered her head all the way down. Ravi reached out, held the back of her head in both hands, pushed it down as far as it would go and emptied his load down the back of her throatin huge spurts.

He held her like that for a few moments and then took his hands away, releasing her h ead.

She lifted her head, letting his rapidly softening cock falling from her mouth, and looked up.

‘Did you like that?’ she asked.

‘Oh yes. Can I have some more?’

‘We’ve got the whole weekend, my parents and sister aren’t due back until Monday.’

He looked at her thinking how lucky he was to have been given this opportunity, and to think this had been delayed because he’d been stupid enough to think it was nothing more than flirting. She was so beautiful.

He knew that he wouldn’t stop with this first fuck. It was only Friday and they had the whole weekend.

Please let me know if you liked this story. Please email me your feedback at : [email protected]


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