The Challenge 6: Making Amends

Author’s note: Like the other Challenge stories, it is a stand-alone story and take place in the same year as the other ones. The bulk of this story starts in February. There aren’t any cameos from previous chapters in this one, aside from Bob and the Bahamas.

The Challenge 6: Making Amends

Chapter 1

“Bob? You wanted to see me?” Janet, Bob’s executive assistant knocked on the huge double doors of his office.

He surprised her by opening the door, smiling, waving her in. “Yes!”

Bob was rarely in the office any of these days. His age and the fact he was a multi-millionaire who dabbled in side projects, kept him at home mostly. What work he did do, Janet helped, organizing his meetings, phone calls, paperwork and so on.

The 52-year-old, dark red haired, beauty entered his office, taking her seat across from his />

“So? What can I do for you?” Janet asked.

“Mmm, Janet. I love it when you ask that,” Bob moaned. “I can’t tell you how many erections you’ve given me over the years.”

“That’s very sweet of you Bob,” Janet ignored her boss’s sexual forwardness. She’s worked for his company for over 20 years, fully aware that Bob knew of her wild exploits with clients and other employees. Janet had calmed down in recent years, maturing even, to focus on her husband, Harvey. She purposefully requested a demotion to secretary in order to remove herself from an environment where she could easily sleep with every coworker, client, or model at the various magazines the company published.

Bob respected her choice, however still flirted with her relentlessly. Janet didn’t care, since Bob never misreated her in any way; she never felt the need to file for sexual harassment, because to her, it was in good fun.

“How’s Harvey?” Bob asked.

“Good. His kidneys are working fine. We’re getting all good reports from his doctor checkups,” Janet answered.

“That’s great! Maybe you can invite me over for dinner and he and I can take you to bed,” Bob suggested.

“Sure,” Janet rolled her eyes.

“Forgive me. I’m old, I’m dirty, and I don’t care anymore. On a serious note, you know how grateful I am for you. You know how much I appreciate you,” Bob said.

“I know,” Janet smiled.

“I’d love it if you spend the weekend with me. But that’s your call,” Bob said.

“I think your fiancée would have a problem with that. Don’t you think?” Janet asked.

Bob shrugged. “She wouldn’t know.”

“Bob, why did you want to see me?”

“I’m going to write you a check for $1000 for every scrap of information you can provide to me about something,” Bob said.

Janet thought for a moment. She had no inside information about competitors. Even if she did, Bob was so far removed from most business deals he wouldn’t be someone she’d tell that to – a vice president, yes.

“Well, alright. I’ll do my best.”

“Great. Take as long as you need to tell me everything you know. I want names, history, locations, relationships, everything.”

“Fine,” Janet said, confused. “What is this about? What do you want to know?”

“I want to know about your family, Janet. Tell me everything about your family,” Bob said. He went to the bar area in his huge office.

“I almost forgot. Here’s some hot chocolate,” Bob offered a chuckling Janet a small mug.

“Thanks Bob.”

“My pleasure. Now, please start from the beginning. Tell me everything. I’ll explain why later. It’ll make sense, trust me.”

Janet inhaled deeply, thinking this should be an easy grand to make. She didn’t care about Bob knowing family secrets, she knew he wasn’t malicious, and no one else in her family was connected to him or his business – that she knew of.

“Oh by the way,” Bob spoke up right as Janet opened her mouth to speak. “Happy New Year.”


Ken, a 32-year-old bartender in Miami, was working at the usual dingy, run-down tavern he worked on weekends. He was looking forward to the weekend. He had Saturday night off for a change. It was a cut in money, because on Saturdays he tended bar at a much newer and nicer establishmentment a few miles away, but it was Valentine’s Day weekend and he didn’t want to be around people.

He was perfectly content with spending the evening alone. He had no wife or girlfriend; most of the few friends he had were already in relationships. “Fuck em,” Ken thought, pushing away bitterness, looking forward to downing his favorite brew all night.

The bar wasn’t busy that Thursday evening, it never usually was. He was doing dishes, cleaning glasses, putting them away to dry; hoping time would flow faster towards closing. He looked over his shoulder every few seconds to make sure no one was at the bar. Restocking some vodka, he looked over his shoulder and saw a tall, short-haired blonde smiling at him. Ken did a double-take; he knew her.

“Hey, Marie,” Ken said, perplexed to see his cousin there. “What’s going on? What are you doing here?”

“Hi Ken. Just wantedto stop by,” Marie nervously said. They hadn’t seen each other in over a year.

“Oh, alright. Well can I get you anything?”

“Just a Corona,” Marie smiled.

“So how’s your mom and dad?” Ken asked, opening the bottle, handling it to her, making small talk out of habit, asking about his Aunt Janet and Uncle Harvey.

“Great. Dad had some kidney problems, but he’s doing much better now,” The 32-year-old, Marie replied.

“Good, that’s good to hear,” Ken said, not looking at her, going about his busy work behind the bar.

“Yeah,” Marie smiled.

Ken cleaned the bar top, nodding to a few leaving customers, occasionally glancing at Marie’s Corona bottle.

“You still live over near south beach?” Ken asked.

“I do. But,” Marie lowered her eyes. “Divorcing.”

“Oh shit. I’m sorry Marie,” Ken stopped drying a glass, giving his cousin a sympathetic look.

“It’s fine,” Marie said. “Things happen.”

Ken nodded, partly understanding, thinking back to his own failed relationships over the years.

“Seen my mom much lately?” Ken asked. “You and her still close?”

“Yes, we’ve been hanging out a lot in the past month or so,” Marie replied.

“Oh yeah? Going shopping or something?”

“Some yes. Actually, that’s why I’m here. I’m inviting you over Saturday night. My mom is coming into town this weekend, she wants to see your mom and I figured it’d be great if you came by to see her too,” Marie said.

“Uh, well, I’m not sure. I have plans,” Ken lied.

“Please? Stop byfor lunch. It’ll be nice,” Marie patted Ken’s tattooed forearm.

Ken was in no mood to see his mother. They weren’t exactly close. The last time he saw her was a few months prior at Thanksgiving. His mother, Darla, was too drunk to converse with him, much less stay awake. He remembered helping her to her bed, tucking her in. The last thing he saw was Darla drifting off to sleep in a drunken supor.

“I don’t know,” Ken shrugged, glancing at her bottle.

“I know the family hasn’t been very close since you and I were teens, but please? My parents are getting older, your mom is getting older, it’d be a great time to reconnect,” Marie said, smiling softly at Ken.

Ken looked away from her blue eyes. “I haven’t seen Aunt Janet in awhile.”

“I know. She was asking about you. Remember we used to play together all the time as kids? She’d love to see us hang out as adults.”

“Alright, well, keep the alcohol away from my mom and I’ll stop by to say hello,” Ken agreed.


Chapter 2

They made more small talk while she nursed her Corona. He was surprised she remembered where he worked. Ken didn’t charge her for the drink. He closed the bar after Marie left, thinking it was very odd to see her there.

During high school, their lives diverse drastically. Marie was in the popular crowd, going out with friends, going to proms, dating and so on. Ken was the opposite. As much fun they had as kids, running, playing, laughing – when they hit their teen years, they couldn’t be more different.

Ken watched his cousin hang out with jocks and cool kids, only giving him a nod or slight wave when they saw each other in the hallways.

As he and Marie aged, theirfamily lives became noticeably different. Marie had a great life with her parents. Ken came from a broken home. His mother, in her psychological ways, drive everyone away. His father left when he was 12. His twin sisters left two years earlier when they were 18. Ken was alone with his mom.

Darla drank more and more, becoming clingy to Ken, often becoming him not to leave her like everyone else supposedly did. Ken promised he wouldn’t, staying with her until he was 20, and then moving a few miles away to an apartment with some friends.

They stayed in touch regularly, but Ken saw less and less of her each year. One of his sisters took over, perhaps out of guilt, attempting to repair a broken relationship. Over time, that sister left her too, moving across the country.

Ken’s mother had no one. None of her sisters, besides Janet would talk to her, none of her own children, besides an occasional checkup by Ken, would associate with her. It was all her own doing, her own misreatment of others, and always playing the overdramatic victim that drive everyone away.

Darla’s only friend was, for some odd reason, her niece Marie. Perhaps it was because Darla and Janet still got along, thus creating an obligatory friend between her and Marie. Ken didn’t know or care.

When Ken arrived to his apartment after work, he flipped on the TV, grabbed a beer and channel surfed. News of Kim Kardashian and Kayne West was on a celebration news report show. Ken extended his middle finger to their image on the television and changed the channel.

He took several more swigs of his beer, thinking about his evening while finding the last few minutes of The Tonight Show to watch.

Ken didn’t hate his mother, but had no desire to have a close relationship with her. He turned off the TV, debated showering to get the cigarette smell out of his hair, ultimately deciding to shower in the morning.

Sliding out of jeans, removing his t-shirt, he examined a new tattoo above his right peptide. The skull with bat wing artwork was looking great.

Ken climbed into bed, cought a few times and rolled over. “Shit,” he said aloud, remembering to put on a fake polite face tomorrow when he saw his Aunt and mother.


“Ken! Come in!” His Aunt Janet exclaimed, opening Marie’s front door the next morning. “I love that bear!”

“Thanks,” Ken faked one of many smiles to come. He and his Aunt had the same dark red hair color, though Janet dyed hers regularly.

“I’m so glad you’ll be spending the day with us!” She led him into Marie’s fairly large home, her soon-to-be ex-husband nowhere in sight.

“Well, actually, I,” Ken managed to get out before he was interrupted by a hug from Marie.

“Good to see you again!” she said.

When Ken arrived in the living room, he saw his mother sitting on the couch, smiling politely. “Hey Mom,” Ken nodded, faked another smile, taking a seat next to her.

Darla cleared her throat, “Hi Ken.” He noticed she seemed subdued, giving off a calm aura.

Janet brought out a tray of sandwiches she ordered from a nearby sub-shop. “Dig in. There’s everything, turkey, ham, beef.”

As they ate in silence; Ken noticed his mother’s hair looked different. Her long, bright red locks, looked brushed, cleaned, and healthy. He also noticed she smelled great – not that she was ever sinky, but there wasn’t a trace of wine or liquor on her clothes.

“Her clothes,” Ken thought. Janet was going on and on about the day ahead of them. Ken kept glancing to his left at his mother’s clothes. They looked new, expensive even. She was wearing a nice, fairly tight, dress, similar to something Marie might wear.

Ken glanced to Marie. She was indeed wearing something similar. So was Janet. Ken shrugged and kept chomping away at his sandwich.

“How does that sound, Ken?” Janet asked.

“Hmm?” Ken said, his mouth full of food.

Janet laughed, “My Valentine’s date night idea?”

“Uh, what?”

“He’s been busy scarfing down that sandwich, Mom,” Marie joked.

“Ken, I was saying that tonight, you and your mom could go out to dinner for Valentine’s Day,” his aunt said.

“Uh, well, I don’t know,” Ken glanced to his mother, awkwardly smiling at him.

“Please? I think it’ll be great!” Janet encouraged him. “It’ll be my treatment!”

“Well, I just, I don’t know,” Ken shrugged.

“We went shopping. We bought her some new clothes, I did her hair. She just needs a date!” Marie chimed in.

“Ken, we don’t have to, if you have plans,” Darla spoke up.

“No, no, Darla. We talked about this. You need a nice night out,” Her younger sister, Janet, reminded her.

Janet and Marie smiled brightly at Ken, nodding their heads. He looked to his mother: she shrugged, lowering her eyes. Then Ken felt it. His heart beat, causing pity to kick in. “Ugh, shit,” he thought to himself. “This is the last thing I feel like doing.”

“Ok. Sure, we can go to dinner tonight,” Ken said, nodding to his mother.

“Great!” Janet got up from the couch across from him, giving Ken a huge hug. This was weird, something was going on.

Chapter 3

The rest of the day was spent looking through old photo albums and reminiscing about older, better times. There were a few moments where Ken was generally laughing – not faking it. Closer to dinner time, Janet asked Ken to go home and change.

“Off you go! Change into some nice clothes, come back and pick your mother up,” Janet shooed her nephew away. “You do have a shirt and tie, right?”

“Yeah, I do,” Ken chuckled.

“Good, go change and come back in an hour to pick her up,” Janet glanced to Darla. Marie was standing next to her, her arm around Darla’s wait.

“Alright, I’ll be back,” Ken nodded and left.

“What a weird day,” He thought on the way to his car.

“See? You did great!” Marie assured her Aunt back in the house.

“I agree,” Janet added. “It’s allAbout baby steps. Take things slowly. When the time is right, we’ll tell Ken about Bob and his challenge.”

Darla nodded, singing heavily, “We just aren’t that close.”

“Hey, it’s fine. We will show him you’re different now. You and he will be closer in time,” Janet said. “I promise. During dinner, just stick to the discussion topics we planned.”

Back at Ken’s apartment, he tried on a green tie, one that matched his and his mother’s eyes. Satisfied that it went well with his black shirt and khaki pants, Ken left to go pick up his mother for this date. He rolled his eyes, not looking forward to an awkward meal with her.

When he arrived, Darla was presented to Ken, similar to how a prom date would be. He thought it was odd, especially when his cousin pulled his arm at the elbow and placed his mother’s hand there.

“Ok, so, you ready?” He told. His mother nodded and they left.

Janet and Marie watched them leave, smiling, hoping, that their plan would come to fruition.


“I like the tie, Ken,” Darla said after another awkward silence.

“Oh, uh, thanks Mom.”

Most of the short drive to the restaurant was awkward, occasionally darted with small talk, about the weather, Ken’s job and so on.

Ken let her order first, thinking about what to say next while he glanced at the menu. He would not bring up the past. He would not talk about his father or sisters or anything that could cause anger to flare up. He decided to keep things light, taking his mother out as a favor for his Aunt and cousin.

“Ken,” Darla spoke up after they ordered their food.


“Thank you for taking me out tonight.”

“Oh, it’sok. It’s no big deal,” Ken replied, looking around the restaurant.

“I know, but I appreciate it. I really do. I just,” Darla paused.

“You ok?” Ken asked. She seemed so different, much more calm and quiet.

She took a deep breath, remembering what Janet had discussed with her, “I just want you to know that I’m different now. I was alone for Christmas, I drank myself sick, I wasn’t in a good – ”

“Mom, it’s fine. We don’t have to talk about that stuff.”

“No. We do. I need to say it.”

“Alright,” Ken surprised.

“I wasn’t in a good spot. I haven’t been in one for decades. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be alive, but I’m 55. It could be 15, 20, 25 years. Or it could be 40. Who knows?”

“Mom, it’s ok,” Ken pled.

“I just want to make things right,” Darla held her hands up, stopping Ken from interrupting her. “I’ve made terrible mistakes, I’ve driven family and friends away, and I want to make amends. There’s something going on with Janet and Marie that I’d rather not discuss tonight. Needless to say, I think this is a perfect open door for me to walk through and start making things better between you and me.”

“Mom,” Ken paused. “I understand.”

“Can you and I do that? Can we rebuild a relationship? As friends?” Darla extended her hand, gently laying it on Ken’s.

Ken nodded, offering a fake smile. “Friends. Yeah.”

He thought about his sisters, witnessing them and Darla in their teen years – the insults, the cursing, the fighting, the slammed doors. Ken thought about his strange father next. He remembered similar fights his parents had – the accusations, manipulations, the hatred. He had no idea how she’d ever make things right with them.

Ken’s heart beat a second time, a small, real smile formed on his face. He gently squeezed his mother’s hand. “I like what Marie did with your hair. The bangs make you look younger.”

Darla chuckled, “Thank you. She’s into all that stuff – fashion, makeup and so on.”

“Have you lost weight?” Darla asked.

“I think, yeah,” Ken looked to his midsection.

“And, uh, is that a new one?” Darla smiled, glancing at his right forearm, the edge of the entire tattoo-covered arm visible.

“Oh. Yeah I had more work done on my arm and chest,” Ken replied.

“I’m sure it all looks nice,” Darla said.

“You like tats?”

Darla looked to the side, “Well, I don’t know.”

Ken chuckled, “It’s ok Mom. I wasn’t expecting you to be a huge tattoo fan.”

They shared a gaze into each other’s eyes, the arrival meal interrupting them.

Ken couldn’t explain what was happening. He was seeing a different side to his mother, one not fueled by rage or alcohol. Darla was being sweet, complimentary, even normal during their meal.

She invited him into Marie’s home after dinner. Janet and Marie peeped around the corner into the living room, watching Darla move closer to her son on the couch. They traded a few smiles.

“Ken? Can I?”

“Hmm? Oh, my arm, sure.”

Darla motioned for him to open it, snuggling against him, “You smell nice.”

“Thanks,” Ken said, her shampoo cent finding his nostrils. “So do you.”

They sat in silence for the next hour, Darla casually playing with Ken’s hand. He was thoroughly confused and tense. His mother picked up on it, sitting up, “I guess I’ll head to bed. I’m staying here while Janet is in town.”

“Ok, sure, Mom.”

They stood, walking to the door. Darla hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek for the first time in years. “Goodnight, Ken.”

“Goodnight,” he smiled back.

On the way home, he thought about the evening, wondering what had gotten into his mother, wondering what she was referring to in regard to Janet and Marie. He didn’t know. The only thing he did know what they if she was serious about repairing damage she had done to her family, he was going to be mature enough to not hinder that. Ken was going to let it happen.

Chapter 4

The next day, Ken was hurt from his Sundaymorning slumber by a phone call from his mother. She invited over to Marie’s for lunch again.

Telling himself to just go with it, he accepted. The three women all hugged him; all were wearing dresses which showed up their legs and cleavage. Ken noticed how nice Janet’s looked for her age. Casually glancing to his mother, he saw hers were similar.

Ken got dragged along on a shopping trip. The three women were spending money like it was nothing, paling bags for Ken to carry all day.

“Where are they getting this money?” Ken asked, tired, sitting down on a benchmark next to his mother while his Aunt and cousin shopped.

“Janet’s boss,” Darla answered.

“Must be a nice guy.”

“Yeah. Listen I just want to thank you again for coming with us.”

“Well you needed someone to carry all this stuff,” Ken joked.

“Yes, we did,” Darla smiled, grabbing his hand, holding it on her bare thigh. “I’d love to reward you tonight with a nice dinner. I know I wasn’t much of a cook when you were growing up, but Marie has been teaching me a lot during the past month.”

“I see.”

“Anyway, I’d love to cook for you tonight. Would that be ok?” Darla asked.

Ken paused for a moment, “Sure, I think that’d be nice.”

“Bikini time!” Marie called out to Darla from the store, waving her Aunt inside to join their bathing suit shopping.

Darla squeezed Ken’s hand, released her grip, and joined her giece in the store. She glanced over her shoulder at her son and smiled.

Several minutes later, Ken, playing with his phone, was started by Marie. “Come here!”


“We need your opinion on a bicycleyour mom picked out,” Marie said.

“Oh, no that’s ok, I don’t – ”

“Come on!” Marie playedfully grabbed his arm, pulling him up.

“But all this stuff here.”

“It’ll be fine, trust me,” She smiled, grabbing his hand, pulling him along.

Inside the store, she once again presented Ken’s mother to him. This time she was wearing a simple, black bikini. “Well? Do you like it? As a guy?” Marie asked.

“Wow,” Ken’s eyes shot open, he never recalled seeing his mother in a bathing suit. “Yeah,” He cleared his throat. “That’s a good choice, Mom.” His eyes trailed over her body. She wasn’t perfectly toned, some of her skin sagged, but for a 55-year-old woman, she looked great.

Marie motioned for her to turn around. Ken watched her long, flowing red hair, twirlwith her. His eyes went to her ass. It, too, was very nice for an older woman. “Ok, yep, good choice. Can I go now?”

The woman giggled, letting Ken go back outside. Darla changed back into her dress, Janet paid for everything with Bob’s credit card.


The meal that evening turned out to be the best Ken had eaten in months. Going back for seconds, Janet and Marie traded looks with Darla.

“You know Ken, I was thinking you could sleep here tonight,” Marie suggested when he took a seat back at the table.

“Well thanks, but I didn’t bring anything to change in to and – ”

“That’s fine,” Janet interrupted. “I think it’d be great if all of us spent more time together before my flight in the morning. In fact, your mom and I could each take a couch, you and Marie could take the floor.”

“Well, I don’t’t – ”

“Yeah, we can build a bed like we did when we were kids,” Marie added.

Ken glanced at his mother. “If you want to, that is,” She said quietly.

He paused, “Sure I guess.”

“Great!” Janet said.

After dinner, Ken helped clean and put away dishes. “Thanks Mom. Everything tasted amazing,” he said, drying a plate.

“Thank you for staying and eating with us,” Darla replied, taking a step closer to her son.

Ken picked up on her body language that she wanted a hug. Placing the plate on the counter, he wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her against him. Darla’s arms around his neck, she closed her eyes, breathing in slowly. She kissed his cheese, ending the embrace.

“I’d love to cook for you every night,” She said, running her hand up and down his t-shirt covered chest.“I guess to make up for all those TV dinners you had to warm up when you were young.”

“Mom, it’s fine. You don’t have to.”

“I know, but I want to,” Darla stood taller, kissing his cheese once again, causing Ken’s heart to figuratively beat a third time.

“Mom,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “I think that’d be great,” Ken agreed after seeing her smile.

The strange week of Ken’s life continued later on. He and his cousin had made a pallet of quilts and blankets, but oddly, only one pillow. Marie said they only needed one. To Ken’s dismay, he and Marie were going to share a pillow, which means she’d be lying extremely close to him.

The problem was compounded by the three women all wearing fairly sexy pajamas. Ken immediately felt uncomfortable, seeing their bra-less breasts, tightly hugging the fabric of their tank tops, and their legs going for miles in their tiny bottoms.

Marie snuggled close against Ken, playing with his beard, her breasts pressed against his side, her leg crossed over his thighs.

When Darla and Janet quietly down after chatting about random things, Marie whispered in Ken’s ear. “This feels nice, doesn’t it? It’s so warm and comfortable underneath these covers.”

“Yeah. Yeah, it’s nice,” He said.

“I think we’re going to be spending a lot more time together in the near future. Do you have a girlfriend? I’d hate to make someone jealous,” Marie whispered, her hand crawling over his upper body.

Ken shook his head. “Good,” Marie whispered. “It’s going to be so nice to see you and your mother re-build your relationship.”

Marie reached around, grabbing Ken’s hand, placing it on the smokel of her back, “Better. Now then, where was I? You and her can date some, if you know what I mean. She’s really changed for the better.”

Her warm, soft body against his, her hot breath in his ear, her leg across his thighs, Ken found himself erect, struggling to calm himself down. He couldn’t recall the last time a woman lay against him like this.

Marie must’ve felt it, because she slowly moved her tigh across his erection. Ken rolled his eyes in the dark room.

“I found her at her house after New Year’s. She was a mess. She was depressed, crying, almost hyperstatic, rock bottom,” Marie explained. “But now things are different.”

Marie slowly kissed his cheek, “Things are so much better. And will continue to get better.”

Ken was on the verge of shaking with tension.

“Mmm,” Marie moaned softly, her thigh no doubt feelinghis erection through his pants. “I’ll be right back.”

“Whew” Ken closed his eyes, saved, using the reprieve to calm himself.

A moment later, he groaned inwardly, feeling a warm body return to his side. This one was different. He opened his eyes. “Mom?” he whispered. Marie had switched places with her on the couch.

“Hi,” She whispered back, snuggling in close. She kissed his cheek, lying in the exact same position Marie was in. Ken’s erection was now resting uncomfortable against his mother’s thigh.

Darla didn’t speak or move, Ken held her. Finally, he was able to calm his penis down with labored breathing, remembering who he was holding.

“What the hell is going on?” He thought to himself, just before sleep took him.

Chapter 5

After saying goodbye to his Aunt Janet the next morning beforeher flight, giving a fake smile when she told him to take care of his mother, he went home. Ken bathed, ate some food, and got ready for his night at the bar, thinking the unusual weekend was over.

When he returned home after midnight, he found a package at his door. Taking it inside, opening it, laughing when he saw it was cookies. “Marie must be teaching mom how to bake,” Ken laughed, eating one.

There was a note inside from his mother: “I’d love to see you tomorrow. Call me if you are available.”

Ken did just that. He called his mother when he woke up and they had lunch together. That night, after midnight, he saw a hand written card had been slip under his door.

Picking it up, reading his mother’s note, he couldn’t help but smile. “Hi. I had a wonderful lunch with you. I hope to see you again soon. Call me.”

The next day, they went to the park, walked around, talking. Darla hugged him goodbye, kissing his cheek.

That night there was another note on the floor just inside his apartment. Ken couldn’t help but wonder if this was some method Darla read about on how mend broken relationships. Either way, he found the notes adorable. “Had a great time with you today. Can’t wait to see you again. I’d love to cook you dinner Sunday.”

It was Thursday night. Ken hadn’t seen or talked to his mother all day. Close to closing time a familiar face entered the bar.

“You again. Are you going to make this a weekly thing?” Ken asked his cousin, Marie.

“Maybe,” She said, sitting on a stool. Ken handed her a Corona.

“You better worry. I have to close in five minutes,” Ken said.

“Aww. Alright,” Marie replied. “Listen, your mother is happier than I’ve ever seen her. I’m happy too. This time you are spending with her is just what she needed.”

“Yeah, well, it’s not so bad. At least not as bad as I thought it’d be.”

“She’s really changed. She’s staying with me mostly. Since the house is empty, it’s kind of nice having her around,” Marie said.

“Right,” Ken nodded, wiping down a counter top. He went about his closing routine while Marie finished her drink.

“Ready?” He asked.

“Yes,” She grabbed his arm, following him to his car.

“Where’d you park? I’ll walk you to your car,” Ken said.

“I thought I’d go home with you,” Marie joked.

“Ha. Sure. You seem a little different too, you know? Really friendly.”

“Well, maybe I’m changing too,” Marie grinned.

“I see.”

“Anyway, I parked right over there. So I’ll be ok. This is from me,” Marie leaned, giving Ken a kiss on the cheese.

“And this is from your mother,” She did the same, except this time, kissing Ken’s lips for a few seconds

Ken blinked rapidly, “O-ok.”

“Call her. Spend time with her before you work tomorrow,” Marie called over her shoulder, walking to her car.

Ken did as was requested, eating lunch with Darla the next day.

Darla grabbed his hand, “Ken, I was thinking maybe I could come over tonight. I could actually go inside your apartment.”

“Oh, right. Well I need to clean it first.”

“I’ll do that,” She blurted out.

“No, Mom, you don’t have to. I should be the one.”

“Please? I want to.”

Ken thought for a moment, “Well I guess. If you really want to.”

“I do.”

“Ok, I’ll leave a key under the mat then,” Ken said.

His mother hugged him, holding him tightly against her. She ended the embrace and kissed his lips just like Marie had. “I’ll see you tonight.”

When Ken returned home after closing the bar, he saw another note on the floor: “Welcome home. I’m in your bed. Hope that’s ok. If so, please keep me warm.”

Ken took a quick look around. Everything was cleaner than it had ever been. There were neighbor little piles of items his mother didn’t know what to do with. The kitchen was spotless, the refrigerator was clean, and the hall bathroom was perfect. Ken felt slight embarrassment thinking about what his mother had to clean. “She volunteered,” he thought to himself, shrugging.

Smiling as he removerved his clothes down to his boxes, not bothering to bathe the bar stench off him, he climbed in bed behind his mother. She rolled over, half sleep, grabbing his face, kissing him hello and goodnight at the same time.

He rolled onto his back, Darla trailing her fingers up and down his bare chest, kissing his shoulder. Ken smiled, placing his hand on the small of her back, feeling her bare skin, as her t-shirt had ridden up some.

He moaned softly, feeling a warm woman against his body. “I could get used to this,” he thought before drifting to sleep.

Chapter 6

“So you ARE making this a weekly thing. Aren’t you,” Ken greeted his cousin the following Thursday at the bar, right before closing time.

“I am!”

Downing her Corona, before Ken locked up, Marie thanked him once again for spending time with Darla. The past few nights she had stayed with Ken.

“You probably just want your house to yourself to do who knows what,” Ken said, locking the door.

“You got me. I do!” she laughed, grabbing Ken’s hand, walking to her car. “Get home to your woman.”

“My woman?”

“That’s right. She’s your woman now,” Marie said, guiding Ken’s hands to her wait, her arms resting on his shoulders.

“I don’t know about that.”

“She’s a grown woman, she has grown woman needs. It’ll be our secret,” Marie joked.


“Alright. Get home. This is from me,” She kissed his cheek. “This is from my mom, because she’s happy that you are spending time with her sister,” she kissed his other cheek. “Finally this is from your mother, because she’s probably stay at this hour,” Marie kissed him on the lips, harder and longer than last week.

Ken blushed, blinking rapidly again, “Alright, well, I better go.”

“Keep her warm. She said she loves to snuggle with you,” Marie called out over her shoulder on the way to her car.

Ken calmed himself down in the car, taking a few deep breaths. “Ok, relax, she’s just being friendly.”

Ken dropped off, fleeting thoughts of kissing Marie flashing through his head. When he arrived home, he discovered a fresh batch of cookies had been baked. He couldn’t help but laugh. He ate one and headed to the shower.

Drying off, he put some boxes on, his mother sleep in his bed. Ken paused, looking at her sleeping form, “My woman,” he repeated Marie’s words in his head. He thought of his father leaving her, wondering what sort of damage it did all those years ago, empathizing with his mother, climbing inbed to hold her warm body against his.

Marie arrived at her house while on her cell phone, “Yes I’m getting naked. I’m home now.”

She pulled off her t-shirt and shorts, revealing her naked body; she wasn’t wearing underwear. Walking to her bedroom, she continued her conversation. “Oh I know. I can’t wait to meet you in person too. You’ll be here in a few weeks and you’re staying with me.”

Marie climbed into her bed, spreading her legs, playing with her clip, “Mmmm, Bob, I’m going fuck you so hard when you get here. You’ll forget all about my mom. You’ll want to give all that money to me!”

Marie laughed a bit at something Bob said. “But anyway, yes my Aunt and cousin are getting closer and closer. It’s only a matter of time before they go all the way. When you issue that challenge, it’ll be extra motivation.”/>


“I wished you didn’t have to work tonight,” Darla told her son Saturday afternoon.

“Yeah, me too. But this place is pretty busy on Saturdays and it’s extra money,” Ken replied.

Darla hugged him from behind, as he cleaned some dishes in his kitchen, “I’m so glad to be here. I’m glad you’re telling me stay. I don’t want to go back to my home.”

Ken turned around, hugging his mother, “It’s no big deal. You seem happy. That’s not something I’ve seen often, so I’m glad you’re around.”

“You forgive me for being a horrible mother?”

“I’m in my 30’s now. I’m not going to cling on to the past. If you want us to be close like this, I’m ok with that,” Ken answered. “You weren’t horrible. You just had issues.”

“Yeah,” Darla sent, resting her head against his chest. “I’m so sorry for driving everyone away.”

“Mom, stop,” Ken gently pushed her off him. “It’s done. Let’s focus on going forward.”

“Can I move in with you?” she asked.

“Really? What about your house?”

“I’ll put it on the market. Sell it. Start over with you here.”

Ken watched his mother look down, “I won’t get in the way. I won’t be clingy or possessive. I just want to be normal with you. Who knows, maybe if your sisters find out how good we’re getting along, maybe things can be rebuilt with them too.”

Ken sawed, “Ok Mom, go ahead and pack your clothes.”

“I have all new clothes. They’re at Marie’s house.”

“Aunt Janet’s boss paid forThey?”

Darla nodded.

“He seems like a really nice guy, buying you a new wardrobe,” Ken glanced at her cleavage. “You’re wearing clothes similar to what Marie is wearing.”

Darla smiled shyly, “Yeah. You like it?”

“You look nice Mom. You look healthy and happy. You could easily get a boyfriend if you wanted.”

“Maybe you could be my boyfriend,” Darla whispered, half smiling.

Ken laughed, pulling her in for another hug, “Sure Mom. If I can get a night off work, we’ll go out.”

Ken got home later than usual that Saturday, close to 3am. When he finally crawled into bed, lying on his back, his mother rolled over. She moaned softly, kissing his chest. Ken ran his hand up and down her back, his hand grazing the top of her underwear, noticing she wasn’t wearing shorts. He thought nothing of it, lovingthe feeling of a woman in his arms, not caring it was his mother.

He woke the next morning to the smell of bacon. Darla was cooking him breakfast.

“Hope you don’t mind my lack of clothes,” She quietly said when Ken hugged her from behind, thanking her for cooking breakfast.

“Nah, it’s ok Mom. Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” He said.

“We’re family after all,” Darla turned around, running her fingers through his hair.

“I don’t remember the last time I had a scantily clad woman here anyway,” Ken chuckled.

“Well, one is moving in with you now,” Darla smiled.

Ken looked her over, his hands on her waist, “Yeah. That’s right Mom. You look great too.”

Darla blushed, turned around, and finished cooking the bacon. They spent the rest of the day on the couch, cuddling, talking, and wcatching TV, his mother never bothering to put on pants. She cooked him a delicious early dinner before he left for work for a couple hours to tend a fairly deserted bar.

Chapter 7

Marie’s Corona was waiting for her Thursday night at the bar. Ken nodded to her, watching her sit and sip on it.

“So, how are things going with your roommate?” Marie asked.

“Heh. So far so good.”

“Is she getting on your nerves?”

“Nope. Things are oddly perfect.”

“Why oddly?” Marie asked.

“Well she’s very affectionate. But it’s different. It’s not desperate, clingy, it’s almost romantic if anything,” Ken answered.

“Good. I’m betting her kisses and embraces are her way of telling you she loves you. She just hasn’t gotten the courage to say it verbally yet.I’m sure it’s been a long time since she has.”

“Can be,” Ken said, starting his closing routines.

He walked Marie to her car after locking the bar. She smiled, scratched his bear, and kissed his lips. “Maybe this is how healthy mom and son relationships are,” Ken said.

“Maybe!” Marie smiled, getting in her car.

When Ken got home, he showed, crawled into bed, smiling as he held a woman who gradually seemed more like a romantic partner.

They kissed each other the lips hello and goodbye. Ken took her to a movie Saturday afternoon before his shift. They held hands while sharing pop corn. Sunday was another long walk in the park; their fingers entwined with each other’s, trading glances and smiles.

After an early dinner, Ken kissed her on the lips, a little longer than usual. “Thanks for dinner. It was great, as usual.”

“Thank you for letting me cook for you,” Darla said, kissing him in return several times.

“I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”


“I don’t have to work Sunday, so I’m taking mom out,” Ken told Marie the following Thursday night at the bar.

“Good! Take her someplace romantic!”


“Sure! She’ll feel so loved and special. Aren’t proud of her? She doesn’t drink anymore, she wants to spend every waking moment with you,” Marie said.

Ken closed and locked the door, Marie taking his hand. “It’ll be so much fun. I’ve never seen her this happy.”

“Neither have I,” Ken said.

“Well,” Marie stopped at her car, throwing her arms around her cousin’s neck, “keep it up. Show her love in return. Soon, she’ll be able to repair relations with the entire family.”


“One big happy family. I know you’ve never had that, but deep down, wouldn’t you like it?” Marie asked.

“I suppose so. Yes.”

Marie closed her eyes, kissed his lips, “Then make it happen.”

Ken’s hands slide around his cousin’s wait, pulling her against him, gazing into each other’s eyes. His hands slide further south, resting on the rise of her ass.

They closed their eyes, inching closer to one another. Marie’s cell phone rang. “Ah,” she laughed, started by the phone. “I better get that. Think about what I said.”

“Yep,” Ken hurried away, his erection pressing against his jeans.

“Hi Bob,” Marie answered her phone, starting up hercar. “Yes, next weekend. I can’t wait to meet you. All this talk about money and sex is making me so wet.”

Marie drive off, watching Ken’s car do the same in her rearview mirror. “Yes, the seeds are planted. I think this will work out perfectly.”

She pulled up her skirt, revealing her bare pussy, rubbing her clip at a stop light. “She’s moved in with him and everything. It’s only a matter of time before they’re sleeping together. My Aunt told me she wants it really badly too. Whatever buries her guilt for being a shitty mother, right?”

Marie laughed, driving when the light turned green. “Ok Bob, have a safe flight down. My mom still doesn’t know your coming to see me, right? Good. You have my address. I’ll be naked and waiting for you.”


“Mom, I don’t know what’s going on, but this is great. This time we’re spending together,” Ken said, sitting across from his mother, holding her hand at the dinner table. Darla didn’t reply, squeezing his hand, smiling back at him.

“You look happy. You look gorgeous,” Ken stated, glancing over her pink dress and ample cleavage.

“You really enjoy having me around?” She asked.

“I do. I truly do. We had some bumps in the road during my younger years, but maybe now, that we’re both older, we can forget all of that and keep moving forward.”

“I’d love that,” Darla replied, still holding his hand when the check arrived, not letting it go until they left and she got into the passenger side of his car.

Ken rested his hand on her bare thigh, driving to his apartment, his mother gently caresing his hand. He opened her door, grabbed her hand once more, led her inside; from there his mother guided him to hiscouch.

“Hey,” He chuckled, when she straddled him. Darla kissed his lips, wiping the saliva away with her thumb.

“Is this ok?” she asked.

“Mom, I don’t know. But I don’t mind it.”

“Good,” Darla his whispered, giving him another loving kiss on the mouth.

“Maybe this is normal. I always wanted a normal relationship with you.”

“I know. I was too angry all the time. I misreated your sisters, your father, my sisters, everyone.”

Ken brushed away her long red hair, slowly pulling her in for another lip lock. “I just,” he paused.

“Just what?” his mother whispered, kissing the side of his mouth. Ken’s hands found her waist, his hips instinctively, subtly flexed upward into her. Darla kissed the other side of his mouth.

“Mom,” Ken whispered, his ereaction at full strength. “Maybe we should,”

“What?” Darla asked, kissing his lips a few times. “Relax?”

Ken said nothing, sitting up on the couch, his hands cupping his mother face, kissing her repeatedly. He kissed at her jaw line, her neck; his erection painfully throbbing against her panties.

When his mother moaned, Ken froze, stopping his affection, sitting back, breathing heavily. “Ok, maybe we should calm down a bit.”

Darla smiled, kissing him once more, “Sure.” She climbed off him and made her way to his room, “I’ll be in bed, come keep me warm when you’re ready.”

Ken gulped, nodding, watching her walk away. “Holy shit,” he thought running his fingers through his hair, calming himself down.

Chapter 8

The next several days, Ken played it cool. The romantic, nearly sexual, encounter with his mother after their date had him feeling uncomfortable, yet at the same time, he enjoyed the intimacy immensely.

They spent their regular times together, before Ken went to work at the bar in the evenings. Neither initiated kisses, his mother never overstepping bounds or pushing him. They continued to share Ken’s bed. He would snuggle with her, keeping her warm, pretending like nothing had happened.

Thursday evening arrived and Ken was in an even better mood than he had been all week. He warmly greeted Marie when she stopped in for her weekly drink.

“I want you and your mother to come by the house on Saturday. There’s someone that wants to meet you two,” She told her cousin.

“Oh yeah? Who and why?”

“Let’s just say it’s someone who is very interested in relationships,” Marie answered.

“I’m confused,” Ken said, Marie grabbing his hand, walking to her car.

“It’ll all make sense this weekend. Trust me,” Marie said, kissing Ken on the mouth goodnight.


Ken and his mother arrived at Marie’s, holding hands, on Saturday for lunch.

Marie greeted them and led them into the living room where an older gentleman, Bob, stood to shake Ken’s hand. “Hi, I’m Marie’s boyfriend.”

“He is not!” Marie swatted his arm. “This is Bob, he’s my mom’s boss.”

Bob shook Ken’s hand, then gave Darla a brief hug. “Good to see you again, Darla.”

Ken raised an eyebrow, wondering when his mother met this man. Bob smiled, watching Darla sit close to Ken, her arm wrapped around his.

Bob leaned back on the couch across from Ken and Darla, his arm extending around Marie, his hand resting on her hip.

“Ken, you’re probably wondering why I wanted to meet you. I’m not sure what Marie told you, but I love to bring people together. Particularly relatives. Perhaps it’s to make up for my own dysfunctional relationships in my younger years. Either way, I love seeing you and your mother close like this. I only want to make you two even closer.”

Ken glanced to his mother; she was smiling as though she knew what this meeting was about.

“I’ll cut right to it. Ken, I am offering you and your mother a large sum of money to become even closer. So close in fact, your relationship will transcend all others,” Bob removed his hand from Marie’s hip, sitting up on the couch, leaning closer to Ken across from him.

“I want you and your mother to become one,” He added.

“Uh, excuse me?” a confused Ken asked.

“I want to give you 20 million dollars if youmake love to your mother,” Bob flatly said. “You can do it right now, here, on that couch in front of us. Or you can do it in private and record it on a camera I provide. Whatever you prefer.”

Ken’s mouth hung open, he had no words.

“Think about it if you want,” Bob smiled.

Ken glanced to his mother once more, she squeezed his arm, and nodded.

“It’s up to you. Darla thought it was a wonderful way to – ” Bob said.

“You knew about this?” Ken asked his mother. “That’s what this is about?”

Ken withdraw his arm from her and stood. “You mean all this is for money? This is why you’ve been spending time with me?”

“No, Ken, it’s not like that,” Darla said.

Ken bolted for the front door.

“Wait!” His mother called out to him.

“No! I want you gone! I want you out of my apartment tonight! You manipulated me just like you did dad. You got close to me so you could, so you could,” Ken hard trouble spitting it out. “Seduce me for money!”

“Ken, wait, please,” Marie followed Darla.

“Shut up! You egged her on, you instigated this shit!” Ken glared at his cousin. “What is wrong with you people?”

“Ken! Don’t leave!” Darla called to him, following him out of the house.

“I want you gone. I want all your clothes out of my apartment. I can’t believe you did this!” Ken opened his car door, looking back at Darla.

“No wonder everyone left you,” he glared at her, slammed his car door shutt, and sped off, leaving his mother in tears.

Ken gathered all her clothes and various toiletry items his mother brought to his apartment, throwingthem in a pile by the door.

He sat on the couch, in the very spot he shared intimate kisses with Darla the previous weekend, shaking his head, disgusted at himself and her. Ken showed, got ready for work, and left.

When he returned home after midnight, he saw the spare key was under the doormat, her things were gone, in their place on the floor was a note, written by Marie: “Ken, please call me or your mom. We need to talk about this. She’s a wreck.”

Ken balled the note up and throw it away.

Chapter 9

Ken was angry all week, barely able to focus on work. He thought about his mother’s past manipulations, always playing the overdramatic victim, instigating fights at home, and doing who knows what else behind the family’s backs, driving everyone away.

In his mind, this was all another game she was playing. Ken figured she wanted that money, perhaps promising toshare some with Marie, buttering up to Ken, playing nice, putting on a show to make amends for being a bad mother.

Ken felt used and abused. Her kisses seemed real, her loving embraces seemed geneuine. Ken told himself it was all a lie. He felt sickened that it could’ve led to incestuous acts with the woman.

“What do you want, Marie?” Ken snapped at his cousin when she appeared late Thursday night.

“I just want to talk,” she answered. She sat on a bar stool, straightening out her short dress.

“I have nothing to say to you or my mom. Leave,” he started wiping down the bar.

“Just hear me out. You don’t have to say anything.”

Ken shook his head, ignoring her, putting away dry glasses.

“Your mother isn’t manipulating you. It’s all real. When I visited her at New Year’s she was a mess. She was crying, going onand on about how everyone left her. I couldn’t leave her in that drunken state. I took her home with me, cleaned her up and took care of her. When she sobered up, she talked about how she failed as a mother and wife. She said she hated herself and how she treated others in the family. I listened to her and was there for her. I convinced her to make things right with you first, because you two had the least damaged relationship. She agreed. Then Bob called.”

Ken, his back to Marie, closed out the cash register while she kept talking. “He’s a pervert, yes, but he’s giving away lots of money to families that have sex with each other. My mom works for him. He paid her to tell him everything about our family. She told him about her sister and you. Bob must’ve thought it’d be great if you two became close enough, repaired your relationship, and made love to Each other. The money would be a motivator.”

Ken walked around the bar, making his way to the door. “It was a coincidence, I swear,” Marie said to Ken as he brushed by her. “She was going to contact you and initiate all of this with or without being offered money.”

Marie got off her stool, as Ken opened the door, gesturing her to leave. “Please believe me. This challenge, incest for money, came after she decided to make amends.”

“Leave,” Ken pointed to the sidewalk outside the bar. Marie didn’t budget.

“She wanted to make a better life for you and her AND repair the relationship. The money could help with all of that. $20 million, Ken.”

“Leave,” He said again. Marie started getting angle.

“Don’t tell me to leave! You’re saying you wouldn’t do that for millions of dollars? I don’t believe that for a second! All that money all for you, if you give in, forgive her, make love to her and move on.”

Ken shook his head, singing heavily. He turned to face his cousin, “Marie, I don’t – ”

Ken’s mouth dropped, Marie had slipped out of her dress and stood at the bar, naked.

“I’m not leaving right now, Ken. I may be only a cousin, but I’m willing to bet you will fuck me right here in this bar for free,” Marie said.

Ken slowly closed the door, locking it from the inside. He looked to his cousin again, his eyes drinking in her body, her curves.

“Well?” Marie asked. “Would you cross the line with your mother for millions of dollars? Would you cross the line with me tonight, for free?”

“You’re damn right I would,” Ken said, rushing to Marie, pulling her naked body in for a hard kiss, her hands busy unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

He pushed her away, sLiding his pants and boxes down, stepping out of them. He grabbed her once more, tongue kissing her hard, Marie pulling his shirt off. Ken bent at the knees, wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, and slammed her on the bar.

“Yes,” She grit her teeth, urging him on, moaning once he entered her. “Do it!”

Marie wrapped her long legs around her cousin, holding him in place. Ken began pumping in and out of her on top of the bar, angrily fucking her. He watched her gorgeous tits jiggle with each impact.

“Ah Ken!” She cried out. Ken reached for the nearest vodka bottled, removing the top and taking a huge swig.

Marie arched her back, offering her breasts to him. Ken instead poured the rest of the vodka bottle all over her.

“You’re making a mess,” Marie said in between Ken’s hard thrusts.

“Fuck this place,” he answered.

Marie pulled him in for a kiss, her feet locking behind his pistoning ass, “Fuck me too.”

Ken kissed her again, pulling out, and then moved to licking the vodka off her neck, breast, nipples, and tummy. He licked down to her engaged clip, and then reentered her, thrusting harder than before. He wanted to cum, not caring if she did or not. The hot chick from high school, who hung out with jocks and the cool kids, was covered in liquor and getting fucked on a bar, by her cousin. Ken couldn’t help but grin When he feel his climax approaching.

He pulled out, pumped his cock several times, aimed and sprayed semen all over her stomach and tits. When he was done, Marie sat up on the bar, bringing him in for another kiss, “Go home, shower, rest, and go see your mother. She’s at her house. Be gentle and loving with her.”

Ken nodded, helping Marie off the bar. He wiped her down with a dish rag, tossed it on thefloor, not bothering to clean up the mess they made.

Chapter 10

After Ken showed at his apartment, he grabbed some clothes, a few toiletry items and headed to his mother’s house. He was going to wake her up, apologize for lashing out at her, and then talk about this money and challenge.

When he arrived, the front door wasn’t locked. Ken shrugged, figuring she may have forgotten to lock up. Entering the living room, he saw the lights were on, the TV was as well. “Mom?” he called out to her, receiving no answer.

Ken made his way down the hallway, “Mom?” Again, there was no answer. He saw her bedroom light shining into the hallway, his heart racing.

“Mom?” he said one last time, before reaching her room.

Ken saw her body, lying motionless in a fetal position, next to a small pool of vomit. “Mom!” he cried out, going to her side.

He nudged her gently, there was no response. Her lips had a slight bluish tint and her skin was pale and cool to the touch. He checked her pulse, relieved to find a very slow one. He listened to her breathing, it was slow and shallow.

Ken frantically looked around the room, seeing empty liquor bottles, thinking she drank herself sick. He’d seen people vomit and pass out, but never anyone this bad. He called 911.


A few hours later the doctor was talking to Ken about his mother’s alcohol poverty. Ken was nodding his head, not taking his eyes off his sleeping mother.

“We pumped her stomach and have an IV of fluids and vitamins going in her to keep her hydrated. Her breathing was slow and shallow but she didn’t need a tracheotomy. The amount of alcohol she consumed lowered her body temperature. It has since risen. We’ll keep her here for a couple days,” the doctor explainsned.

Ken nodded, not saying a word. The doctor left and Ken went to her side, his hand resting on hers, fighting back tears. He lowered his head, closing his eyes, trying his best not to break down.

As dawn approached, Marie arrived, placing her hand on a sleeping Ken’s shoulder, causing him to stir. He was still sitting by his mother’s bed. “How is she?” Marie whispered.

“Alcohol poisoning. I think she’ll be ok,” Ken told. “If I hadn’t went by there, if I hadn’t gotten to her in time,” Ken said.

“But you did. You went right by there after work like I told you to,” Marie patted his shoulder. Ken turned, looking up at her smiling face. She bent down to hug him, kissing his head.

“I’ll let my mom know she’s ok,” Marie said.

After lunch, Ken called his boss, the tavern’s owner while getting somefresh air. “I can’t close the bar tonight. My mom is in the hospital.”

“What? Well who’s gonna close the bar? What the hell man. You can’t come in at all?” his boss complained.

Ken paused a moment, gritting his teeth. “Fuck you and your piece of shit little bar,” he hung up on his boss and headed back inside the hospital.

Back at his mother’s side, the afternoon crawled on, approaching dinner time. He was drifting in and out of sleep, his hand resting on hers.

Then he heard it, a whisper. “Just wanted to make things better,” Darla said.

Ken stirred, looking to his mother, “mom?”

“Just wanted us to be happy. I thought the money would help. I thought it’d make you love me,” She slowly whispered.

“Mom, I do though. I do love you,” Ken, grabbing her hand, kissing it.

“But I was horrible to your dad, sisters, and – ”

“It’s in the past,” Ken said.

“I just wanted things to be better. The money could’ve helped,” Darla said. “Made things right again.”

“No, no it wouldn’t have helped. Mom, please, being geneuine and making a real attempt to mend things was working. It was working! I was so happy to have you around, to have you staying with me,” Ken said, choking up.

“Please believe me; you didn’t need to bring in a bunch of money to buy love or forgiveness. You were already doing just fine without it,” Ken kissed her hand.

“Ken, I’m so sorry,” Darla started crying. “I know it was wrong, perverse even, but I thought if you and I did that for money we’d fix everything. We’d have sex one time, get paid, and move forward, happy.”

“We don’t need that money mom. Just talking and spending time together could fix things,” Ken said, wiping away a tear from his eye. “It was working too.”

Darla told him something she hadn’t told her son in a few years, the last time was after a quick Mother’s Day lunch he took her on a while back. This time it wasn’t just a quick mention or something said to thank her son for lunch, but was far more real, her eyes locking on his. “Ken, I love you. So much.”

Ken nodded, sniffing, kissing her hand again. “I love you too, Mom.”

Chapter 11

A couple days later, Ken took his mother home from the hospital. He took her to his apartment, saying she wasn’t going back to her home, until the following week. They agreed to go there, clean it up, throw out a lot of junk, and put it up for sale.

Ken made her a nice, warm, bubble bath inHis tub, ordered some take out from her favorite restaurant. He kissed her forehead, her body obscured by fluffy bubbles, and left to pick up their meal.

They sat across from one another, eating, smiling, Darla in a white, fuzzy bathrobe.

At bed time, Ken put on clean sheets on his bed, his mother looking on, still in her robe. “So I’m guessing you aren’t working tonight, either?”

“Nope. I’m guessing I’m unemployed. I didn’t both calling into the newer bar last night. I didn’t answer their calls either. I don’t really care,” Ken said, fluffing a pillow.

“Maybe we can move in with Marie,” Darla suggested.

“Maybe,” Ken smiled, walking over to her, standing in front of her. “Maybe buy our own place.”

“Ken?” His mother asked. He chuckled softly, running his fingers through her long red locks.

He kissed her cheek, then her lips, “How about we see if that Bob guy is legit?”

“Ken, are you suggesting that we – ”

“Why not?” Ken laughed.

“Are you sure? I mean, it’s kind of a big deal, and, I mean, I – ”

“Mom, just relax,” Ken said, slowly pushing her robe off her shoulder.

Darla took a deep breath and nodded.

Ken removed the robe off the other shoulder, then went to until the waist band. Darla wiggled slightly, letting the robe fall to the floor. Ken looked over her naked body.

“Do you like it?” She asked.

“Yes, actually. You look great. May I?” Ken asked, his hand moving to one of her breasts.

Darla nodded her head. Ken gently tweaked an erect nipple, rubbing his thumb over it, he grabbed the breast next.

Darla cleared her throat, “I think you should undress next.”

“Yep,” Ken smiled, taking off his shirt. His mother ran her hands over his shoulder and chest, admiring his tattoo work.

“These do look somewhat neat, I suppose,” She chuckled.

“Thanks,” Ken said, pulling his pants down, stepping out of them.

“Oh my,” Darla giggled, looking to Ken’s ection.

“Do you like it?” He asked.

“May I?” Darla said, her hand going to Ken’s cock.

She grabbed it at the base, slowly struggling it. “It’s nice, Ken.”

“Are you ready to do this? I mean, it’s not normal and all,” Ken asked.

“I know. But first, let’s not do it for the money. Let’s do it for each other,” his mother said.

“Good idea,” Ken agreed, bending at the knees, picking his mother up. “Hold on.”

He gently laid her on her back on the bed. “I’ll be gentle. You just got out of the hospital after all.”

“Thanks,” She smiled. Ken hovered above her, her legs spreading wide.

“Here we go,” Ken smiled down at her, grabbing his cock, carefully sliding it into her pussy. Darla took a deep breath, feeling Ken enter and stretch her.

They smiled at one another, while Ken slowly slip himself in and out, her legs wrapping around him. “Good?” he asked.

“Very,” his mother replied. “Don’t stop. Finish inside me. I don’t care how long it lasts, I just want to feel you inside me.”

“Ok,” Ken smiled, kissing her lips, before continuing his slow love making.

Several minutes passed, they traded smiles, watching each other’s faces controller with pleasure, listening to each other moan. Ken started going faster, panting heavily as he slammed into her.

“Yes,” Darla moaned. “You can go harder,” she said in between breaths.

Ken did just that, increasing his pace, but still being careful with her. Their hot breath on each other’s face, whimpers of pleasure escaping their lips, Ken grinding into her, working towards a mutual orgasm.

“Oh, Ken, yes, my love,” Darla cried, grabbing his face, pulling him in for a kiss.

“Mom,” he whispered. “I’m almost there,” he said.

“Me too. Let’s do it together,” Darla said.

Ken grunted and worked, his mother moaning, her pussy convulsing around his cock. “Yessss,” he hisssed, feeling his balls tighten, his cock erupting.

“Ahh! Ken!” She cried out, grabbing the back of his head tightly, her body tensioning up, her legs quivering around him.

Ken’s cock injected his seed deep into her womb, their bodies giving themselves to each other, coming together as one.

When Ken was done, he rolled off his mother, lying on his side. His hand was on her belly, slowly rubbing it, her face turned towards his, lovingly kissing his lips.

After a session of cuddling and kissing, Darla spoke up, “You know we have to do it again on camera, so Bob can see it. Marie has the device at her house.”

“Well, then, we’ll be sure to put on a good show for him.”

Chapter 12

A week later, Bob was sitting at his home office, his fiancée Robin, sleep in the bed. He was watching footage on his laptop, furiously jacking his cock.

“Hi Bob, this is Ken and my mom, Darla. We met briefly a couple weeks ago. And you already know her. Anyway,” Ken said, his hand around hisnaked mother’s wait. “I’ve had some time to think about your challenge, and we’re going to put on a little show for you.”

Bob chuckled, watching the video file play.

“Ok, remember the first thing?” Ken quietly asked his mother. “Cool.”

Ken spoke up, addressing Bob, “Ok, so the past week or so, she and I have been busy. I’ve learned a lot about my mother. For example she likes it from behind.”

Bob smiled, watching Ken position her in front of him, guiding his cock in from behind, Darla’s hands resting on his bed.

“She also likes to get spanked,” Ken said, spanking her several times while he fucked her. “She also likes it rough. She was in the hospital recently, so I was hesitant, but this old gal told me to let loose a few days after we first made love.”

Darla shot Ken a look as if to say she wasn’t that old. “So here goes Bob!”

Ken grabbed his mother’s wrists from behind, slamming into her as hard as he could, her ass cheeks jiggling against his hips from the impact. “Yeah! See? She loves it rough!”

Bob laughed, still jacking off.

This went on for several minutes, Ken slapping her ass a few times, guiding her to the bed on all fours. “Now then. I told her I like the idea of ​​animals mating, so she told me to do this.”

Ken stood on the bed, bent at the knees, and re-entered Darla from behind. He propped himself up with his hands and pounded away at her. “Kinda like an animal isn’t? Maybe a lion or something?” Ken directed his questions to the camera.

After that display, Darla sat up, kissing him passwordately. “Ready for the next thing, mom?”

“Ken, I don’t know if that’s a good idea to do that again. Idon’t want to you to hurt your back. Let me loose a few pounds, then we can again.”

“You’re not that heavy mom. Trust me, I’ll lift with my legs,” Ken said.

Bob smiled, watching Darla sight. Ken’s mom didn’t want him to hurt himself. Bob watched Ken bend down, picking his mother up, her legs straddling him.

“Now then, I love this position. She’s not a fan though,” Ken told the camera. Standing on the floor, holding his mother up by her ass, Ken began bouncing her.

“Feels good though, right?” He asked his mother.

She moaned and grunted, answering his question. “See Bob? She likes it.”

“Ahhh!” She cried out with pleasure. “Put me down before you hurt your back!”

“Ok, here we go,” Ken agreed, not wanting to admit his back was tired. The two lovers didn’t speakfor the rest of the session.

Bob watched Darla lie on her back, Ken on top of her kissing her face, neck, breasts, slowly making love to her once again. Bob stopped jacking off, watching this beautiful display on his laptop. He couldn’t help but think about his own mother, how much he missed her.

After they both climaxed, Ken filling her once again with semen, he sat up. Darla went to her stomach, grabbing his cock, thoroughly licking and cleaning it of her and his sex juices.

Bob greeted heavily, slight sadness overtaking him, watching Darla and Ken kiss. A moment later, Ken addressed the camera.

“Hope you enjoyed our show. If you are full of shit and aren’t going to pay for this, well that’s fine. We don’t really care. But uh, it would be nice though,” Ken turned at the camera, his mother giggling in the background. The video went to black, the file had finished playing.

Bobchuckled, shutting down his laptop, taking his checkbook out and writing a check for $20 million.


The next day, Bob decided to go into work again.

“Bob? You wanted to see me?” Janet, Bob’s executive assistant knocked on the huge double doors of his office.

He surprised her by opening the door, smiling, waving her in. “Yes!”

“What can I do for you?” She asked taking a seat across from him.

“Deposit this into your bank account,” Bob said, handing her a check for $10 million dollars.

Janet was speechless for a moment, “So I take it this means my sister and nephew went through with it?”

“Yes. That’s your reward for providing information that led to the beautiful reconciliation and union of a mother and son,” Bob said.

“Thank you. This is five million more than you told me inJanuary though,” Janet pointed out.

“Yes, well, you have a lovely daughter,” Bob winked.

“I see,” Janet giggled, putting two-and-two together that Marie fucked Bob at some point.

“May I make one suggestion?”

“Sure, Bob,” Janet said.

“Actually three. One, you resign, retire early. Two, you and the family take a nice vacation to the Bahamas. My treatment,” Bob said.

“Sounds wonderful,” Janet smiled. “What’s the third suggestion?”

“There’s a wonderful little neighborhood in Charleston, South Carolina, that I think you and your family would be very interested in checking out,” Bob replied.

Janet smiled, glancing to her check, “I’d love to know more about it.”


The following week, Darla, Ken, and Marie flew up to Atlanta to stay with Janet and her husband, Harvey.

Harvey was washing his hair, humming to himself, in the shower the next morning. He was started by his naked daughter, Marie, quickly opening the shower door.

“Marie?!? What are you doing?!?” Harvey exclaimed, attempting to cover himself with his soapy hands.

“Hi Dad, just thought I’d share a shower with you,” Marie nonchalantly said, running the hot water over her short, blonde hair, humming to herself.

Harvey looked away, his hands still over his crotch, “Well I’m in here now!”

“Well, yeah, and I’m sharing it with you,” She replied, soaping up her large breasts.

“Ok, I’m leaving,” he said, pushing past his daughter. Marie shook her head and pushed him back in, resting her arms around his shoulders, her breasts pressed up against his chest.

“I don’t think so,” she said. “We need to talk and I think it’d be best if we talked in here,” Marie smiled, running her hands down his shoulders, down his arms, to his hands, guiding them to her waist.

“Now then, you know I’m moving to Charleston after our Bahama trip next week?” she asked.

“Um, yes, your mother mentioned it,” Harvey said, thoroughly confused and nervous.

“Mmhmm. I’m moving in with Aunt Darla and Cousin Ken.”

“I, I didn’t know that,” Harvey said, making sure to look into her eyes. “I just heard you were filling for dividend.”

“Already have,” Marie replied, gently swaying to the left and right, dragging her breasts across his chest. “But there’s a surprise, Dad.” Harvey gulped.

“Aunt Darla is downstairs now talking to Mom about some very interesting things. So I’mgoing to do the same. You and mom are coming too, to live in the same house there with us,” Marie informed him. “I thought it’d be fun if I told you instead of mom.”

“I, I don’t understand,” Harvey stammered.

“This is a very special neighborhood we’re moving into. One where families live in one house,” She said, kissing his cheek. “All together, as one,” she kissed his other cheek. “Loving each other,” She finished, giving his lips a slow kiss.

“Marie, I – ”

“Shhh, if we’re going to live there in that house together, then we need to alter our relationship just a bit Dad,” Marie said, removing her arms from his shoulder, slowly going to her knees, dragging her breasts down his stomach.

“What are you – Marie, what’s,” Harvey gulped again, fear paralyzing him.

“I’m altering our relationship. Don’t talk, just enjoy it,” Marie turned up at her dad. He looked down at her embarrassed and ashamed, his cock fully erect.

Marie smiled once more, opened wide and engulfed his cock down the base. Harvey groaned and went cross-eyed.

Chapter 13

The resort was an immaculate, newly renovated, vacation spot. It had its own staff and the rooms were basically villas – each having their own back courtyard with a bubble hot tub.

“Oh wow, this is amazing, Harvey!” Janet placed her bag on the bed, and checked out the bathroom. The shower was huge. Her first thought was that it could easily fit her, her husband, and daughter in there.

“Look out here! Oh my…” Janet looked into the small courtyard, noticing the hot tub. Marie stood next to her. Harvey moved behind them, resting his arms on their shoulders.

“I’m going to have a great time with my favorite girls,” Marie’s dad joked.

Darla and Ken were in their own room across the hall, already having sex.

The family didn’t see each other much during their Bahama trip. Darla and Ken kept to themselves having sex. Janet and Marie comforted the still bewildered, yet ecstatic, Harvey the whole time.

They would all meet for lunch and dinner; sometimes hang out in the pool area, but mostly focused on each other.

Ken decided to play a prank on his cousin, calling the front office, complaining of the noise coming from Marie’s room.

The resort employee was greeted by a naked mother and daughter, telling him they weren’t making noise, glancing back at a sleeping, naked Harvey on the bed.

“But, but,” the employee said, hoping to get another view of the naked women, while Marie closed the door on him.

A few hourslater, Janet crept across the hall, naked, knocking on her sister’s door. When Darla answered, Janet lowered her voice as best she could, “Please keep it down in here, there’s been a noise complaint, ma’am.”

Darla giggled, letting her sister into the room. “How he’s doing?” Janet asked about Ken.

“He’s very tired. I’m afraid his mother wore him out,” Darla confessed.

“Hmm,” Janet said, looking at her sleeping nude, nephew. “Mind If I have a go at him?”

“I was going to shower, and I didn’t want to wake him, so maybe you could instead,” Darla suggested.

“You go shower, I’ll wake him up,” Janet said.

She watched Darla enter the bathroom, turn on the shower, and get in. She smiled at her nude nephew, climbing onto bed, kissing his shins, tighs, hips, stomach, chest and finally, face.

Ken stirred, “Mom?”

“Nope. Aunt,” Janet said, covering his mouth with hers.

“Mmmphh,” Ken tried to speak.

Janet recoiled her tongue from his mouth, “Your mother said I could play with you while she’s in the shower.”

“Uh, ok?” Ken laughed nervously.

“Don’t be nervous, she doesn’t mind,” Janet said.

“Ken, she’s smaller than me, you won’t hurt your back if you pick her up,” Darla called from the shower.

“You heard her. Now then,” Janet leaned, down whispering in his hear. “Give me that cock.”

“Yes ma’am!” Ken said, sitting up, grabbing his aunt, kissing her in return. She guided his cock inside her, straddling him.

Ken edged her off the bed, kissing madly. He stood and began bouncing her. “Ahh yess!” she cried out.

“You know it’s because of me that we’re millionaires. I was the one that told Bob about everyone in the family,” Janet said in between bounces.


“Uh huh!” Janet cried.

Ken slammed her against the wall, gripping her ass, “Careful out there,” his mother said, rinsing her hair.

“Ahh, fuck me! Yess!” Janet called out.

Ken kept going, thrusting upward into her, against the wall. “Too bad there’s no vodka in here. You could pour it all over me.” Janet said.

“Marie told you?” Ken asked, huffing and puffing as he worked.

“Yes!” Janet moaned, answering his question.

“Well I’m sure we can get some for our new home. But not a lot.”

“Just for sex,” Janet said. “Not drinking recologically,” she added, thinking of Darla.

“You gonna cum for me or keep talking?” Ken asked.

“I’ll cum!”

Ken slammed her on the bed, relentlessly pounding away while his aunt’s screams of pleasure echoed off the room’s walls.

“Lovely,” Darla said, standing by the bathroom door, a towel wrapped around her, watching her sister climax.

When Janet stopped shaking and convulsing under Ken, Darla spoke up, “Good, now both of us.”

“Mom,” Ken pleaded.

“I said both of us, young man. Want me to get your cousin?” Darla asked.

“Don’t both,” Janet said. “She’s probably riding Harvey’s cock right now.”

Darla removed the towel and joined her sister and son in bed, covering him in licks and kisses, taking turns riding his cock until dinner time.

Chapter 14

“Hi Bob,” Janet said when Bob opened his front door, two weeks after returning from the Bahamas.

“Janet. What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

Janet said nothing, walking pass him.


“I’m all packed,” She said.

Bob glanced at her small bag,”For Charleston?”

“No. For my weekend here with you,” She answered.

“Uh, what?”

“That’s right. You and me. Harvey said it was ok if I properly thanked you for making us millionaires. So,” Janet said, turning around, “unzip me?”

Bob unzipped her tight, sexy dress, “I see.”

“Besides,” Janet turned around, removing her dress, “Marie is keeping her father VERY occurred this weekend.”

Bob smiled,putting his arm around a nude Janet’s wait, “Wonderful.”


Back in Miami, Ken held his mother in his arms while lying on some blankets they hadn’t yet packed. They were at his apartment. It was full of boxes. They were renting a moving truck the next morning. After packing, they didn’t even make it to the bedroom, opting to make love on the living room floor instead.

“Does it still hurt?” Ken asked, referring to the tattoo on his mother’s ankle that she recently got.

“Yes a little. What about yours?”

“Yeah, but I’ve gotten used it. It was worth it,” Ken replied, looking at the matching small heart on his right ankle.

Ken kissed her head, holding her against him. “You’re one of several,” Darla quietly said.

“Several what?”

“People I need to make amends with.I’m scared,” She confessed.

“Hey, it’s ok. I’ll be right there with you. We’ll be at our new home; you can invite them to join us. If they don’t, that’s fine. We’ll be there together.”

“Yeah. I just don’t know where to start. I can handle calling and apologizing to my other sisters, but YOUR sisters would be the most difficult,” Darla said.

Ken sat up, reaching for his phone, “I think it’d be best to start with the most difficult ones first.”

Darla nodded, knowing who he was talking about.

“You don’t have to tell them about us and our relationship. You don’t have to tell them about the money, our new home. Just say hello, talk to them, apologize for the past, if they are receptive, maybe invite them to visit. Start with baby steps.”

Darla nodded, resting her head on Ken’s stomach.

“Here,” he handed her the phone. Darla sat up, taking it. Ken kissed her, holding her face, doing his best to ease her nerves with his lips.

“Call Jessica and Lilly,” Ken said, referring to his two older sisters. “I’m right here with you. You don’t have to be afraid.”

Darla wiped a tear, took a deep breath, and called her other children.

The end.

*** Freel free to read Lovely Lilly or Juicy J for Ken’s sister’s incest stories. They occur a couple years before this one


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