Hi everyone — sorry for the delay on the second chapter. As always, this is FANTASY. All characters are adults over 18 years old. Physically, there isn’t anything extreme here — it’s just a spanking — but it goes pretty hard on the emotional/mental sadism aspects of cuckolding and humiliation. So if that’s not your thing PLEASE know you’ve been warned. For me, though, that’s like 80% of the fetish. Even still, yes, this is probably a bit much but that’s the point — I’m not trying to emulate real life perfectly here. Another note: I try not to describe characters’ physical appearance too much, because everyone has their own ideas of what is attractive and I think that’s fantastic, but I used a little more description here. I don’t want it to be a thing going forward. Lastly, like always: while it’s fantasy…hopefully it’s filtering fucking hot fantasy.
It wasn’t just the jean shorts, even though Clyde knew Abria knew how crazy he was to see her in denim. It was the whole outfit and it was those particular jean shorts: bleached, whitish blue, frayed hems dusting the tops of her perfect, tanned and toned thighs. Abria had tucked in a tight white t-shirt into the shorts’ waitline and put on one her massive, studied leather belts. The kind that always caught Clyde’s eye. Pair all that with the cowgirl boots she slipped on as if it were still 2009 and she looked exactly like the Wyoming farm girl Clyde remembered meeting and falling in love with at a bonfire back then.
He hadn’t expected to walk into the kitchen and see her looking like this on Saturday morning. Sure, he’d known they were going to Marcus’s place. Sure, Clyde was pretty sure Abria and Marcus were going to start crossing stuff off the fantasy list and yeah, sure, the thought made him want to grind His teeth with frustration as his penis strained against the confines of its metal cage.
He just hadn’t seen her do the denim-shorts-and-cowgirl-boots things in years. It was going to drive him fucking crazy, he could already tell.
She looked up from her cup of coffee at the kitchen table as he walked in and smiled.
“Hi babe,” she said, as he leaned in for a kiss. “Sleep OK?”
He hadn’t, but that was just because he’d never been over to Marcus’ place before. He’d never actually saw Abria cuckold him…just hear about it. And even searching his mind now, he couldn’t decide how he felt about it.
“Yeah,” he said, and poured himself a pot of coffee from the Keurig on the counter. He couldn’t help it: he fastened his eyes on the insides of her thighs.
“You look good today,” he said.
She snickered. “Going to see Marcus, right? And it’s the first time you’ll be to be there.”
Clyde nodded, swallowed hard. Then he glanced to the pan of breakfast burrito fillings Abria had made, the warm tortillas on a plate next to them. He turned to make himself one, and then took a seat across the table from Abria.
“I didn’t knowyou still had those boots,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said with a wink. “I haven’t killed them in a while, but I figured it was an appropriate occurrence.”
She took a bite of her breakfast burrito.
“So you really don’t know what’s going to happen today?” He asked her.
She giggled. “I have an idea. There were some things Marcus wanted to OK with me first before he Just did them.”
“And you were OK with them?” Clyde asked, before he could stop himself.
Abria gave him an evil smile. “I was more than OK with them, baby. You have some hot fansies, as it turns out. We came up with some ways to make them work for us.”
The metal cage strained around Clyde’s swelling penis.
“I can’t tell how I feel about getting to just watch,” he said.
“About that,” Abria said, and swallowed, wiped the corner of her mouth with her napkin. “We…well. It’ll all make sense here really soon.”
Clyde’s gut went cold. “Wait what?”
“Nothing baby,” she said, and kissed him on the lips then stood to take her plate back to the kitchen.
His eyes stayed glued to her perfect, denim-clad ass the whole way.
Marcus lived on Galina City’s west side, where the city itself started to bleed into the footballs and the lots were bigger. A little more secluded. Old farmhouses sat next to small trailer parks and in the shadow of larger, newer builds.
Marcus’s place sat a little way back from the road, the long dirt driveway separated from the asphalt street by a large metal fence. It had probably once been a farmhouse, Clyde thought as he pulled up to it, but by the look of it now it hadn’t had anything to do with actual agriculture for sometimes. Marcus — or whoever had lived in the house before him — had added onto it over the years, giving it a sort of tasteful sprayl.
The garage especially looked to be a new addition; it probably could have fit three cars, although it was empty — all clean cement — as Clyde pulled up. He parked next to Marcus’s massive pickup, one of the new ones that gleamed with that never-seen-a-dirt-road shine so common in this neighborhood.
They got out of the car and Abria made her way to the threshold of the garage with a confident saunter; Clyde felt every slap of her boot-clad feet on the driveway.
The door between the inside of the house and the garage opened and Marcus stepped out, casual in workout shorts and a t-shirt. Clyde swallowed hard. He’d *always* was intimidated by his wife’s lover. Clyde followed orders and Marcus fucking knew it. So did Abria.
Had he not been in chatity, though, he would have had a raging hard on right now.
Not that Marcus would have noticed. He didn’t so much as look in Clyde’s direction as Abria approached him. They embraced, he whispered something in her ear, and she giggled.
And then he reached down and grabbed a handful of her toned ass.
Clyde’s heart leaves into his throat. He’d seen this much beforee. But it always made him want to climb out of his skin with something between jealousy and whatever came after extreme, mind-bending arousal. His heart was a machinegun in the hollow of his chest.
The door to the rest of the house opened again and another man stepped into the garage, also dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt. Clyde had never seen him before.
Marcus let go of Abria and seemed to notice Clyde for the first time. He gave him a slap on the shoulder.
“Good to see you again, buddy,” he said.
“You too, Marcus,” Clyde managed.
“Abria, Clyde, I don’t think you’ve met Nate yet,” Marcus said, and gestured to the guy who had just stepped into the garage.
“Only over text,” Abria said, and extended a hand, but Nate pulled her into an embrace, kissed her on the cheese.
“Great to finally see you, baby,” he told her, and she giggled.
For the second time that morning, Clyde felt his core grow cold as he began to wonder what, exactly, he had gotten himself into.
There were, after all, some things Marcus wanted to OK with her before they showed up today.
“Well,” Marcus said with a grin Clyde sensed he couldn’t have suppressed even if he’d wanted to. “Glad we’re all here and on the same page.”
He looked at Clyde and his grin only grew.
“I…um…” Clyde began.
Marcus raised his eyesbrows in mock surprise. Abria giggled.
“Yes Clyde?” Marcus asked.
Clyde glanced at Nate, then back to Abria and Marcus.
“I don’t think I actually…I don’t think I actually know what’s going on,” he said.
“Of course, Clyde, glad to ensure you then,” Marcus said, and pulled something out of his shorts pocket.
Clyde shifted his feet when he saw it was the fantasy list, the list of things he’d always wanted to do with Abria but that she’d never let him.
“So, thank you, by the way, for writing out the list of all your fans Abria has never let you fulfill with her,” Marcus said”Really, just like I asked for. I can’t wait to see you blog about this later. I’m sure the rest of the world — or at least, the people who aren’t stuck in chatity — can’t wait to as well.”
Clyde made a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat.
“It looked like you had a good, long spanking session at the top of the list,” Marcus said. “So I figured we’d start there. And I I wanted to invite Nate along, since he’s always been curious about spanking as well. I figured I could give him some points.”
Clyde sucked in his breath and cast a glance in Abria’s direction, but she was still smiling, hands slipped into the back pockets of her shorts now, that big leather belt on display.
“And I figured we could give the internet some points too,” Marcus said. “Because again, Clyde, they’re going to want to read all about it. I think they’re going to want to watch it too. Which is why we’ve decided to record this little session so there’s a video to go with your post.”
Clyde’s mouth has gone dry. “You…you want me to…you want me to film it?”
Marcus shook his head. “Nope, Clyde, you’re not going to get to see it at all. You have to watch it later. You’re going to wash my truck outside while I give Nate a lesson on how to give a proper spanking, with your wife serving as our willing model, of course.”
Clyde blinked. He hadn’t expected this at all.
“Clean…your truck?”
“Yeah,” Marcus said. “There’s a hose and a bucket with a sponge in it out there. I figure that should keep you busy for a while. But…”
He paused, and glanced in Abria’s direction.
“Your wife felt bad for you and didn’t want you *completely* shut out,” Marcus said. “And hell, I mean, even I have standards here. I’m not a totally heartless fuck. So I’m going to leave the garage door open a crack so you can listen. It won’t be enough for you to see, of course, but you should be able to hear Abria get the perfect spanking you’ve always wanted to give her — and, I have to say, that she deserves. So you can thank her for that.”
“I did what I could baby,” Abria said with a laugh.
“Plus, Clyde, you’ll be able to see the whole thing on video later, man,” Marcus said. “When you make the blog post. It’s just that you’ll probably still be stuck in chatity when you see it, so you won’t be able to jerk off to it like all the other horny dudes who get to watch it. I mean, that’s still special, right?”
Abria walked over to Clyde, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him, long and hard and deep. Then her hand dropped to the courage of the chatity cage beneath his shorts.
“I’m sorry baby,” she said, toying with his hair as she did. “But I got to say, thank you for the inspiration. I’m Really looking forward to this.”
“Great,” Marcus said, slipping an arm around Abria’s waste. “Let the games begin, then. Clyde, the bucket and the hose are outside; I figure you can find the truck. And don’t forgetto wash the wheel wells too.”
Clyde blinked again, swallowed, and did as he was told, stepping out of the garage as the door ground down, cutting off his view of his wife and the two men inside. And as he watched that view disappear, he did his best to deny he was perhaps more turned on than he’d ever been in his entire life.
But his best efforts weren’t successful.
“All right,” Marcus said as he flipped on the light in the garage to supplement the slider of daylight between the garage door and the cement driveway. “Let’s get into it. Abria, if you want to have a seat. And remember what we talked about.”
An excited rush erupted in Abria’s core. “Yes sir,” she said, and it felt fantastic to say.
To finally get to be the submissive one for once.
It was Only then that she saw the couch against one wall, a quality leather thing. She made her way to it and sat down, looking into the cameras and lights she hadn’t noticed until then either. Marcushad clearly broken out his experience as a communications professional for this session.
“We’ve got the cameras at angles and we’re going to shoot in such a way as to avoid getting anyone’s face in the video,” Marcus said. “But if there are any mishaps we’ll have your cuckold go back and blur out the faces. Sound good?”
Abria nodded. “It sure does.”
“Cool,” Marcus told her. “To start, I think we’re just going to have you on the couch explaining what we’re going to do. I’ll just be asking you a few questions. You ready for that?”
“I think so,” she said.
“I think so, sir,” she said, and giggled.
Outside, she heard the sound of Clyde turning on the hose.
Marcus nodded to Nate, who hit record on a laptop on a table neary that Abria assumed controlled the cameras.
“All right, Abria,” Marcus said. “How are you doing today? Ready to be spanked?”
Abria laughed into the gaze of the camera directly in front of her. “I sure am.”
“You sure look like it,” he said. “And was this your idea? Or…”
Abria snickered. “No, it…it was my husband’s. He’s always wanted to spank me like this.”
“But he isn’t going to be the one doing it today,” Marcus said.
“No,” Abria responded.
“But surely he’ll get to watch, right?”
“No he…” Abria forced back a laugh. “He’s, um, outside right now washing my boyfriend’s car. He’ll be able to hear it though. We cracked the garage door.”
“We sure did,” Marcus said. “But someone who has never spanked you — or anyone — but has always wanted to will be getting to watch, right? Maybe even participate?”
“You invited your friend Nate, so I sure think so,” Abria said and smiled.
“And you’re cool with all of this?”
“I’ve been getting myself off to thinking about this all week,” Abria said, and made a show of biting her lower lip in teased frustration. “I’m totally cool with this.”
“And we have a safeword?”
” ‘Amethyst’yeah,” Abria said.
“All right,” Marcus said. “Then without further ado, Nate, I’m going to show you how to give a woman a perfect spanking, and maybe you can try your hand at it too. Abria, stand up.”
“Yes sir,” she said, and stood from the couch as Marcus sat down. Nate moved closer and crossed his arms over his chest, watching.
“I always like to have them standing first,” Marcus said. “It’s a little more dramatic to pull them down.”
He took her hand and gave it a gentle tug; Abria lowered herself across his lap.
“Goddamn you look so fucking good in these shorts,” he told her, giving her ass a squeeze. “It’s a good thing your husband is locked up in chatity.”
Abria giggled.
“The first thing I like to do is lock in Their legs,” Marcus said, putting his leg across the backs of Abria’s knees. “It keeps them from squirming around. And they will often start to squirm around. It also lets you…”
He took Abria’s right hand and pinned it behindd her back.
“Keep them from interfering, if you need to,” Marcus said. “Now, if this were a punishment spanking, I’d probably start that way, just to establish dominance. It gets more and more uncomfortable for them the longer you hold that position. Plus — try to wriggle away from me.”
Abria tried and was surprised at how locked in she actually was. Marcus had her legs pinned and she had only her left hand to push herself up with, but she still wouldn’t have been able to get much leverage. She’d been a college athlete and kept herself in pretty good physical shape since then, so she guessed she probably had to core strength to get away if she needed to. But it would be a struggle.
Her heartbeat leaped into her throat at the realization of her helplessness. Clyde had never felt this way, at the mercy of a strong man about to dominate her, someone who could keep her there and put her in whatever position he wanted her.
He released her arm.
“My pet isn’t getting punished today though,” Marcus told Nate and the camera, as he gave her ass another hard squeeze. “At least not really. But it’s good for her to know what it feels like.”
Abria swallowed hard, more turned on that she could ever remember being before.
“What I do like to do, though, is this,” he said, and grabbed a fistful of her scarlet hair. She yelped as he did. “Even if it’s not a punishment spanking, it’s a good way to keep them in their submissive place.”
Abria’s breath was coming fast and shallow now. She could feel everything more brightly than she was used to — the air moving in and out of her chest, the slight sting at her scalp as Marcus gave a soft tug on her hair, the warmth of his thigh against her abdomen. She’d never feel this submissive before. She’d never really feel *anything* like this before.
The grind of the belt against her hips. The one he’d told her to wear.
“And since this isn’t a punishment spanking, I will warm her up a bit,” Marcus said. “If I was punishing her I’d probably just start right away with the paddle or belt or whatever, maybe even on her bare ass. But…”
He gave her a pat on the ass.
“She’s a good girl by and large, so this is as much for her as it is for me.”
“And her husband,” Nate called out from the side, loud enough for Clyde to hear in the driveway.
All three of them laughed at that.
Then, without further warning, Marcus gave her ass a smack.
She jumped as the pain ricocheted across her ass cheek, a sharp sting at first that broadened and eased into a warm burn, even through her shorts. He followed it up with another slap, and another, and Abria couldn’t help it — she let out a moan equal parts pleasure and pain.
How Clyde would take it didn’t even cross her mind.
Clyde sent and dunked the massive sponge in the bucket of soapy water. They’d been right — he could absolutely hear the staccato slap of Marcus’s hand on Abria’sass, even through the shorts.
“A warmup part of the spanking lets them ease into it,” Marcus told Nate…and the camera, Clyde was sure. “It also stimulated blood-flow to key areas, which can be important for later activities.”
Abria witnessed with pleasure again, and the worst part was Clyde didn’t even think she was putting on a show. She was just enjoying herself that much.
“All right,” Clyde heard Marcus says as he pressed the sponge to the hood of the truck, hot in the noon sun. “Let’s get these shorts off of you. Although you look absolutely fucking delicious in them.”
He was pretty sure Abria giggled just then, but he couldn’t quite tell. He would’ve believed it though.
Marcus gave a low whistle. “Damn, girl. I love the panties.”
“Oh,” Abria said, and now he did hear her laugh. “Thanks, yeah. One of my husband’s favorite pairs.”
“I can see why,” Marcus said. “He’s got good taste at least. Come here.”
The smacks were louder then, his hand on her bare ass, and they sounded harder too. Clyde closed his eyes and tried to picture what it would look like, his wife’s pale ass cheeses jiggling and reddening as the spanking went on. He’d been trying to picture that for the entirety of his marriage though.
“Her ass is looking pretty pink,” the other guy — Nate — said, and Clyde ground his teeth in frustration.
Even that guy — whoever he was — got to be more involved than him.
Marcus paused, hand on Abria’s ass after an especially hard slap. Her panties were doing nothing to soften the blows at this point and her entire ass was on fire. She closed her eyes and breathed deep, one long exhale in the break Marcus was giving her.
He put a finger in the waistband of her underwear.
“Time to get these off,” he said. “They’re fucking soaked anyway.”
He wasn’t wrong either.
Abria stood and slide them off, then raised her hands to her screaming ass cheeses and rubbed hard, trying to eas the sting.
“Did I say you could touch that perfect butt of yours?” He asked her.
Abria’s hands flew from her backside as if they themselves had just caught fire. “No sir. I’m sorry sir.”
Marcus nodded, a smile toying with the corner of his mouth. “We’ll remedy that. Hand me that belt of yours. And keep your ass to the camera. I want everyone — including your little cuckold later on — to get a perfect view of it so far.”
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