(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
A note about the Ritual: You get to participate in the Ritual after you are proposed to. I feel in the beginning I did not stress that enough and for that I am sorry. Even if you are 21 and have not proposed or been proposed to then you cannot be part of the Ritual. You may be part of the board if you are unmarried.
Thank you,
Here are the main characters:
The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Lance:Elder brother to Matthew
Miriam: Lance’s wife.
Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
*Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
*Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Chadwell Children
Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer
*Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
*Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Daniela –Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
It was time to leave for England. Mason and Daniela flew into Heathrow airport. Jeffrey, the Chadwell’s chauffeur, who drove them to the Chadwell Castle, greeted them. He took their luckage, stood it in the boot of the Rolls, and drove them the 45 minutes to Mason’s family home.
Daniela’s mouth fell open as they drove up winding roads to the medieval castle that had been in existence for twelve centuries and owned by the Chadwell’s all during that time.
To Daniela it felt like a place out of time. She could actually see her wedding taking place where Kings and Queens had walked. “It’s beautiful” was all she could say as she saw the magnificent building before her.
“Please let’s get married here.” Daniela begged Mason.
Mason laughed, “You just made my mother’s day.”
Lord and Lady Chadwell were waiting outside in the cool February air, as were the rest of Mason’s siblings and the staff who took care of the castle. Mason kissed his mother and father. He greeted the butler, Gerard who he’d known all his life and introduced Daniela to him. Gerard bowed. He had a twinkle in his eye that reminded her of her father; something told her they were going to get along fine.
Lady Catherine and Lord Thomas stood in the doorway as Mason introductioned his siblings.
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston a diplomat to the South African embassy from the UK stand apart from the rest of the family. Claudia was appraising her brother’s fiancee, the former slave and she looked at her with disdain.
Mason whispered to Daniela, “I’m sorry to say that my sister Claudia is a British bitch. She’s really going to give you a hard time. If she says anything, you tell me. Her husband is a bit of a push over, but also a really nice man.
Claudia was tall, thin with long blond hair and green eyes. Her nose was pointy and she stood ramrod straight as if she had a pole stuck up her ass and most people thought she did.
Mason introduced Daniela to Martin. He gave Daniela a hug and welcomed her. Through gritted teeth, Mason introduced Daniela to Claudia. “Well you are moving up in the world my dear. It must be nice to go from slave to wife.”
Daniela smiled sweetly, “Yes and I am good at both. I hope you’llCome visit us at our new home.”
Carlton Chadwell took Daniela’s hand and kissed it. He introduced her to his wife, Carmen who was from Spain and hated Claudia, just as much as Claudia hated her.
“I think you and I will get along fine.” Carmen said conspiratorially. She was a slightly plump woman with a beautiful face and ample bosom.
Braxton Chadwell was even More handsome in a sturdy kind of way than Mason was. He looked a great deal like the actor Collin Firth. He kissed Daniela’s cheese and introduced her to his wife, a beautiful sexy black woman named Tara. Tara was dark skinned and nearly six feet tall with long dark hair and hazel cat eyes. She was a model and had been born in Jamaica.
Finally, there was Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer whose husband, Adam was American. He was a news journalist and spent a great deal of his time covering stories around the world for ABC news.
Sylvia was the only one who throw her arms around her younger brother and kissed hischeese. “I’m so glad to meet you Daniela. We never thought he’d settle down. Please come in and let’s get acquainted.” She said as she hooked her arm into both Daniela and her brother’s and led them inside.
Everyone was in a celebration mood as they followed Sylvia, Daniela and Mason into the house with the exception of Claudia. She frowned, “I’ll be very happy when he marriages the bitch,” She whispered to her husband, “So we can have a child, but it’s too bad that she’s carrying those bastard children in her belly. Mummy and Daddy are really obsessed with the little fucks.”
“Please dear,” Martin pleased, “Please behave.”
“Martin, shut the fuck up. I will behave anyway I bloody please. You’ll find out tonight what your comment will have earned you.” Claudia said as she pinched his arm as they walked inside.
Luncheon was served in the dining room. Daniela was hungry and tired. The food was delicious and she cleaned her plate. After lunch, Mason and Daniela were escorted to separate rooms. Lady Catherine came to see Daniela. She sat down on the cushiony sofa next to her and took Daniela’s hand, “I want you to rest my dear. Tomorrow is your day to relax. Jake and Hayley will be arrived in the afternoon. Mason will be handed the ritual contract. I expect my son will have a blow up, but then he will get over it. I’m sure the two of you will have a great deal to talk about and then it shall begin.”
“I’m a little concerned about Mason.” Daniela said. Lady Catherine hugged her. “My husband will speak to him. I will speak to him. Mason will do what is right. He’s British and royal. Honor is part of his make-up. He won’t like it, but he’ll keep a stiff upper lip and trust on. So don’t worry.”
Catherine’s smile grow very wide, “I hear that I’m having a grandson and granddaughter. I couldn’t be more thrilled for you.” Catherine whispered, “Claudia is a bit jealous my dear. If she gives you any trouble, Mason and I will take charge of her.”
“Why is she jealous?” Daniela asked.
“Because you’re beautiful and you have power. You are also pregnant and she’s been waiting a long time.” Catherine said giving Daniela a squeeze, “Claudia’s also jealous because I truly love you my dear. You are exactly what my son needed in his life. You don’t know how strong you are.”
“What power do I have? I’m just a slave who got freed and is marrying a man I never dreamt I could have.” Daniela asked, her eyes a bit teary.
Lady Catherine pulled a handkerchief from her sleepe and dabbed Daniela’s eyes, “I always keep a hanky just in case of moments like this. When I was pregnant I cried every five minutes.” She said handing Daniela the handkerchief. “Let me tell you. You have brought the Chadwell’s and the Cassidy families of the United States and England together. You can ask for just about anything and it will be given to you. Your children will be the glue that binds the two families together forever. Don’t understandableyourself and your influence, my dear.” Catherine said and kissed Daniela’s cheese.
There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Catherine said. Gerard came in with a tray of tea, sccons and fruit. “Madame, I took the liberty of preparing something for the young lady just in case she gets hungry. As I remember in her condition the baby will be wanting food sooner than the rest of us.”
“Thank you Gerard.” Daniela said. He smiled at her and left.
Lady Catherine stood, “My dear please get some rest. If you need anything, pick up the phone and someone will be here in moments. “
Mason knocked and entered the room. “Mother,” He said kissing her cheek, “I’ve come to make sure my fiancée gets into bed immediately. She didn’t sleep all the way here. She was too excited.”
Lady Catherine looked at her son, “You have just a few minutes with her. One of the maids will come and unpack her bags. Mason, your father needs to see you so don’t be too long.”
Catherine kissedDaniela and Mason and left them to be alone.
“I really love your mother.” Daniela said as she sat on the bed.
“I know you do and she loves you.” Mason said. Daniela went to lie down with all her clothes on. Mason grabbed her hands.
“No you don’t. You get undressed. Go to sleep. I will bring up a tray and spend a little time with you later. When you awaken, call me. I want you to sleep. My babies need rest.” Mason said and kissed her lips, “Let me help you undress.”
Mason undressed her and helped her on with her nightgown. He pulled back the covers as the maid came in and unpacked Daniela’s clothes. The canopy bed had curtains around it and once she was in bed, Mason kissed her and drew the curtains. He left and so did the maid soon after.
Daniela felt like a princess in a fairy tale. She felt the babies kick and rubbed her belly. “Go to sleep little ones, mommy is exhausted.” She said yawning and soon, she fell into a deep sleep.
Mason wet downstairs to see his father in the study. Lord Thomas was sitting at his desk. He greeted Mason warmly. “Tomorrow you join the ranks of the rest of the family. The next three days will be intense my dear boy, but in the end you and your lovely Daniela will be together. Have you decided where you’re getting married and when?”
Mason sat down on the wound black leather sofa. “Yes, Daniela Wants to get married here New Year’s Eve.”
“How lovely, a winter wedding. Your mother will be pleased.” Lord Thomas lit up a celebration cigar and passed the box to Mason who took one. Neither man really smoked, but whenever there was a celebration, they each lit up and smoked one cigar. It was a family tradition.
Mason sat back, “Is Claudia going to be her usual pain in the ass self?
“Why would she change now? I’ve warned the girl, but you know the only one she will listen to is your mother.” Thomas said taking another puff of his stogie.
Braxton knocked on the door and smiled as he came in. “I thought I smelled the Cubans.”
Thomas passed him the box and Braxton lit up. Carlton came in next and took his cigar. “I really desperate this tradition.” He said lighting up.
“How often do we do this, maybe once a year?” Braxton said, “Let’s finish up and go over some family business. Mason needs to be brought up to date on how the farm is prospering and how the textile plant is doing.”
They smoked their cigars and then went to work.
Carmen and Tara were sitting in the bedroom Tara shared with her husband, Braxton.
“It’s really a shame that Daniela can’t participate, but I’m looking forward to sucking Mason’s cock.” Carmen said.
“And I’m looking forward to sucking your pussy.” Tara said, running her hand through her hair.
“I find it really interesting that you and Braxton are both Doms and you manage to not kill each other.” Carmen said.
“It takes some balance but we manage. He enjoys spanking me and I enjoy whipping him. He can be pretty intense and I submit occasionally and so does he. When we are both feeling very strong we go with it. Mason is going to be a very hard challenge because he is so strong and you know the formula will bring out that strength even more.
Mother and Father Chadwell get to enjoy the lovely Daniela. She is going to make us all richer next year. She’s also going to cement Our relationships with the American Cassidy’s so I’m going to be especially nice to her. Also I think the girl can hold her own against miss high and mighty Claudia.” Tara said and pulled Carmen towards her. She kissed her sister-in-law hard on the lips and Carmen witnessed.
“Remember when Thomas took you. He is so good with his cock, so pleasure. Daniela is so very lucky.” Carmen said as she kissed Tara back.
Sylvia Chadwell entered the room, “Can’t you two wait. I told you I was coming up.”
They both laughed, “We were talking about Daniela.” Carmen said.
“I thinkwe should make a pact.” Sylvia said sitting in a chair a little bit away from Tara. “We need to protect Daniela from Claudia. She can be spiteful and vindictive. Mother has already warned her.”
Tara stood up. Sylvia slide down off the chair. “I agree.” Tara said and took off the skirt she was wearing. She continued undressing as Sylvia knelt looking up at her in adoration. Tara’s body was beautiful. Although she was a model she wasn’t rail thin, she was shaped and had recently been doing small movie parts.
Carmen watched from her seat on the couch as Sylvia looked up at Tara. Sylvia loved Tara. She had once been Tara’s submissive before Tara introduced her to Adam. Sylvia wasn’t gay, but she was a sub and Adam when he was home, know what to do as her Master, but When he was away on assignment, which was quite often, he left it to Tara and Braxton to ensure that Sylvia was not denied her true nature.
“I know that you’ve been very busy and we haven’t had a great deal oftime together.” Tara said running her hand over Sylvia’s dark hair. I also know that this week will be very busy with the Ritual and I’m sure that Mason will put you through a great ordeal. He’s a very strong man, but right now I need you to take care of what you’ve been missing.”
Tara opened her legs wide and drew Sylvia’s head to her pussy. Sylvia waited for the order. Tara just held her. She looked over at Carmen who was watching Tara intently. “You are to just sit there and watch. No playing with that pussy. Your husband wants you wet and wanting all day long.”
Tara took a deep breath, “You down there, you may suck.” Sylvia began eating Tara’s pussy just the way she knew Tara wanted it as Carmen looked on.
Daniela women up around eight UK time. She had slept a very long time, but still felt tired. She knew that she had missed dinner. After going to the bathroom, she picked up the phone. A young woman on the other end knew who she was and said, “Mr. Masonasked to be notified when you awoke. Is there anything particular you would like?
Daniela thought, “What was dinner tonight?”
“Chicken with roasted potatoes and vegetables. We cook very healthy so the vegetables aren’t cooked to death.” The voice said laughing.
“That sounds good and also I’d like some dessert. I’ve had a sweet tooth, something chocolate.” Daniela asked.
Mason came upstairs with a silver tray, which he set on the table. Pulling back the draws, he saw Daniela looking up at him. “I’m so happy to see you; I was getting a little lonely.”
Mason bent down and kissed her. Daniela wrapped her hands in his hair and kissed him hard. “Someone’s very hungry.” Mason said as he returned the kiss.
“The babies have been playing soccer in my stomach, but I slept.” She said sitting up.
“Come and eat and we’ll talk. Jake and Hayley will be here tomorrow.” Mason said.
He helped Daniela out of bed and over to the table. She ate, they talked,Daniela was so happy. Lady Catherine came up to see how she was doing. She was carrying a large box.
Over dessert, which Daniela could not get, enough of which was a chocolate pudding with fresh whipped cream and strawberries, Lady Catherine opened the box. It was the Chadwell christening gown passed down from generation to generation.
“It’s so beautiful.” Daniela said touching the lace. “My father gave me one that I wore which was given to him by the King, so now I will have two one for each baby.”
“That’s what I thought. I’m so happy you like it.” Lady Catherine said and turned to her son, “Don’t keep her too long and go to bed. You’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”
Lady Catherine kissed the top of Daniela’s head. “We’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.”
Mason and Daniela spent a little more time together before Mason ordered her back to bed. He held her as she fell asleep, then quietly placing her head on the pillow and kissing her forehead, Mason left.
Jake and Hayley arrived in time for a late lunch. Lord Thomas pulled Jake aside after he finished his lunch, “If we need you to speak with Mason about the contract, will you do so?”
“Absolutely, I was really crazy when I read the damn thing. At least Mason knows there is a Ritual.” Jake said.
“Thank you for bringing the revised formula for Daniela. Blake said the scientists assured him that it would have no effects on the babies. They’ve been working on this for years just in case something like this ever happened.” Thomas said.
Jake took a deep breath, “I’m wondering what his reaction will be and I plan to help him as much as I can.”
“Thank you. Everyone’s reaction is different. When I read it, I thought it was a joke and laughed until I realized how serious this all was. Everyone gets a shock. My daughter Claudia understand it and accepted it without a problem, but Braxton nearly tore the castle down with his reaction and Sylvia cried. So you never know what will happen. Thank you dear boy.” Thomas said as he left to speak with Hayley.
Jake and Hayley went up to their room to rest before dinner. Jake told Hayley that he would be there for Mason. He and Mason had become friends.
It was time and Gerard brought Mason, to his father’s study. Mason wasn’t nervous, he just wanted this to be over.
Lord Thomas handed him a glass of scotch. Mason was sitting in the chair across from his father’s desk. Lord Thomas waited for a few moments until Braxton, Martin, Adam, and Carlton had all entered the room.
“Good we’re all here.” Thomas said. “Mason, in order to marry Daniela you must participate in the ritual. Do you agree to participate and sign the contract? “
“I haven’t read it yet, so how can I agree?” Mason asked with a slight smile.
Martin spoke to him, “You don’t get to read it. You have to agree to it without reading it as we all have done.”
“What if I don’t like what it says?” Mason said growing a bit more serious.
“You can leave, but Daniela and her children will return to slavery and she will be sold. She will never see her children again. The children will be raised as slaves and receive none of the protection and benefits of the family. When they turn 21, they will also be sold into slavery. You will be banished from the family and any money you have or property, including the restaurant will be taken away from you.” Braxton said matter-of-factly.
“You can’t do that!” Mason said getting angle.
“Oh yes, the family owns the bank where your mortgage is. You must agree to the ritual and agree to sign the contract after you’ve read it. This is how it is done or you can walk away. Everyone has free choice. Your mother and I will never be able to see or even mention your name. This has never happened before. In the history of the Cassidy family, not one person has ever refused to sign. Think of all you have to gain, think of Daniela and what she would lose. She would lose her children. So we will give you a few minutes to decide.” Lord Thomas said waiting.
Mason sat among the male members of his family. He was in a daze. He knew there was a ritual, but had been kept in the dark his whole life. Now here was the time. Of course, he would sign it. He had no doubt. He loved Daniela and no matter what it said, he would do whatever was necessary to protect her.
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