The Family Ritual Ch. 17

(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the main characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Lance:Elder brother to Matthew
Miriam: Lance’s wife.

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
* Mason Chadwell – great nephew to Matthew, being considered as possible husband for Daniela
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
*Isabel Cassidy Smythe – Daughter of Matthew’s Sister Maxine, suitor to Daniela
*Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, Matthew’s brother suitor to Daniela
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual

*Margaret Jones – Assistant toHayley
*Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Daniela –Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

* New main character’s

Mason arrived at the Cassidy home in Denver for Christmas Eve dinner. Brandon and Samantha, Denise and Daniel, Quinn and Jonah were already there. Daniela was busy helping her father and Cook prepare the meal. She came upstairs to see that Mason was playing pool with Denise and Samantha. He shot the ball and came over to her and kissed her cheek. Samantha watched with amusement. “Ok enough of that. Join us Daniela.”

“I can’t, not right now, maybe after dinner.” Daniela said.

“Do you play?” Mason asked.

“Does she play?” Quinn said entering the room, “She could wipe us all under the table. Daniela’s a shark when it comes to playing pool.

Mason grinned, “We have to have a match and see who comes out on top.”

Daniela smiled sweetly, kissed his cheek and left to help her father.


The family including Frederick, Daniela and Cook had dinner. Every year for Christmas Eve the Cassidy’s celebrated a different cultures custom. This year it was Italian and the Christmas Eve dinner included fish and no meat. Cook was invited because he was head of the kitchen. Most of the staff had been given the holiday off and a second smaller staff was hired. Cook would supervise them Then leave for his holiday. Frederick was staying until New Year’s Day then he was leaving for a week away then a week with Daniela who he was taking on a vacation to Paradise Island.

The meal was served family style with the dishes passed along the table from one person to another, everyone serving themselves. It was a time to talk and relax. Mason was sitting across from Daniela and smiled at her. Matthew watched them. He was trying to find a way to influence Mason, but Helen had cautioned him to leave them alone.

After dinner, everyone went to the chapel behind thehouse for an Episcopal service. The Reverend Forbes Mansfield had arrived and led the service along with three other ministers.

Mason sat next to Daniela and held her hand throughout the service. As they walked back inside, it began to snow again. It was Christmas Morning. Hot chocolate and cookies were served as everyone wished each other a Merry Christmas and a good night.


Christmas morning, Jake, and Hayley arrived at the house just as everyone had gone up to bed. Frederick opened the door and brought them up to their room. Mason heard them and came out to greet them and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Jake and Hayley fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

Matthew wanted to sleep with Daniela, but she bowed out saying she was tired. Alone in her room, Daniela decided not to make Mason wait any longer than New Year’s Eve. She would once again be in New York spending time with him. She would use her pregnancy as an excuse to stay away from Matthew and she knew that Jake and Hayley would back her up.

She enjoyed being with Jake and Hayley. As she got into bed, she felt the tiny bump in her stomach. “Baby, you are going to have the most wonderful life. You will have a mommy and daddy who love you.”

Daniela pulled the covers over her body and fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of Mason and Jake fucking her.

Mason wanted to be with her, but he knew she was probably exhausted. He didn’t know if he could stand waiting until April for her decision. Mason would keep the engagement ring near him during their visit next week in the hopes that she would choose him and he could propose.

Mason lay in bed for quite a while thinking about Margo. He wasn’t worried about her, he just wished he could change things. Margo had gone round the bend because of him. He knew that Blake would take care of her. He asked Blake not to kill her, Blake said he couldn’t make any promises but would take his request into account.

Before he went to sleep, Mason called his parents and siblings and wished them all a Happy Christmas. They would miss him this year but would see him after the New Year. Lady Catherine Chadwell was looking forward to meeting her soon to be daughter-in-law. She hadn’t seen Daniela since she was a child. She told Mason that she would like them to get married in England. Mason agreed. The castle was lovely, but he would leave the decision to Daniela.

He admitted to his mother that he loved Daniela. Mason told Lady Chadwell what he wanted to do to her and she laughed, “You are definitely your mother’s son. I’m so proud of you. I’m sure that Daniela will love you for who you are. Remember she is a slave. You must talk to Jake and Matthew to see what her limits are. She will be your wife and submissive after you marry so you need to start treating her as such. She will have safe words and you need to respect them.”

Mason said that he understands. “I’ve been speaking with Madame and she’s shared with me some things about Daniela, the rest she told me, I would have to learn from Jake and Hayley.”

“She’s right. Son, I hear in your voice that you really love Daniela. She will be your wife and she needs to be treated with the utmost respect. She will be part of our family and with her carrying Matthew’s child that will give us more power in the family. For Daniela she moves up in life; no more cooking or cleaning for her. We welcome her into our family as our daughter. Just be patient and you’ll soon be very happy. I can see Daniela kneeing at your feet.” Catherine Chadwell said laughing over the phone.

“Thank you Mother.” Mason said as he yawned. “I better get some sleep.”

“Your father and I wish you a Happy Christmas. We want you to know that we are proud of you. Goodnight Mason.” Lady Chadwell said hanging up.

Her husband was in bondage beside her. She smoked his ass, “Your son has done well. Get ready my dear because I plan to siton your face so you may give me a good Christmas morning lick.”


Cook prepared Christmas breakfast, which was a buffet. The alternate staff kept things hot as members of the family came down to eat.

Matthew and Helen were the first one’s down. Everyone knew to be up by noon so that the Christmas presents would be opened. They were all in their pajamas and robes. Brandon and Daniel were down next. Matthew and Helen took their son-in-laws aside. “We only have one person here who hasn’t been part of the ritual so he cannot participate in what goes on this evening.”

Brandon spoke up, “I’ve taken care of his room and it will be locked when he goes up to bed. It will not reopen until early in the morning.”

Daniel added, “I’ll make sure he’s in bed by midnight. Quinn will put something into his glass and he’ll be ready to go to bed. If my spies are correct, I think Daniela is going to pick Mason and then he will be a part of all of this in the New Year. Too bad it wasn’t sooner.”

“Yes.” Said Brandon, “I’d like to have a taste of that cock. I’ve heard it’s very nice.”

Samantha came downstairs, looking fetching in her long black nightgown with a floral robe covering her. She greeted her family and looked outside. “I can’t wait to go play in the snow.”

“The skies are ready for this afternoon. Just be home in time for dinner at 6:30.” Helen reminded them.

Daniela came into the dining room. She looked quite cute in a silk Asian inspired robe that covered her short nightgown. She wore slippers that were in the shape of rabbits with floppy ears on the side.

Samantha put her arm around Daniela’s waist, “We know you’ve chosen Mason. When will you tell the poor boy and let him off the hook?”

“You’ll find out when I announce.” She said laughing.

“Are you looking forward to tonight?” Samantha asked conspiratorially.

“Yes, I am.” Daniela said blushing a deep red.

“I plan to taste some of that pregnant pussy. I know that Daniel wants to fuck you badly.” Samantha said and hugged Daniela.

Mason came into the room and Brandon said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Welcome Mason to our Christmas festivals. Have you spoken to your parents?”

“Yes, I spoke to them before I went to sleep. They are fine. I’ll see them in the new year.” Mason said as he went to Daniela and kissed Her cheek. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” She said kissing his lips.

“Good.” He took a plate and helped himself to food. He and Daniela sat down as Jake and Hayley came downstairs together. Jake was wearing plaid pajama bottoms and a black bathrobe while Hayley was dressed in a pink long nightgown with a La Perla white silk charmeuse short robe. Jake asked her what she wanted for breakfast and he got two plates and prepared them.

Hayley sat next to Daniela, “Where’s your father?” She asked.

“He’ll be down in a few minutes.” Daniela said and then whispered, “I think he bought something for the baby and is wrapping it.”

Quinn and Jonah came downstairs dressed as twins in blue pajama pants with Santa on them and a Christmas robe with trees that blinked on and off.

Denise and Frederick came into the dining room and they were all there. Matthew wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Laughter was the order of the day.

When everyone had finished eating, they all went into the living room where the biggest tree that Jake had ever seen stood. There was a mountain of gifts. Frederick and Cook passed out each person’s presents.

Matthew and Helen had given the staff their bonuses two weeks earlier and their vacation with pay. Frederick and Cook received theirs but got special gifts from the family.

For Frederick, he was given twelve hours on the family plane to use whenever he wished to wherever he wished and use of any one of the family vacation homes for a week. Cook was given the same, but also gold Patek Philippe watch, which was a gift from Hayley. He kissed Hayley’s cheat and thanked her, his voice choked.

Frederick presented his daughter with his gift. He gave her a beautiful christening gown given to him by the British Royal family that Daniela had committed. Frederick had worked for the King before coming to work for the Cassidy’s. “I am looking forward to my first grandchild.” He said kissing his daughter’s cheat. “I am so proud of you.”

Mason watched Frederick and Frederick gazed at him. After all gifts had been opened Mason took Frederick aside, “If your daughter chooses me I’d like your permission to ask for her hand and…I’d like your blessing.” Mason said nervously.

“I’ve learned that in the past you were a bit of a rebel, but you’ve been working very hard to change. As long as you treat my daughter with respect and remember that she is no longer a slave, but your wife and submissive, and that the child she bears you will raise as your own, then you have my blessing. But make no mistake that if you hurt her, even if you are a Cassidy, I will make you pay for it.” Frederick said seriously.

“Thank you and I have every intention of making Daniela very happy.” Mason said and they shook hands.

Matthew watched the exchange and decided that tonight would probably be the last time he would have both Hayley and Daniela before their weddings and he would make the most of it.


Kenneth Baylor Cassidy was making arrangements for the Board Meeting to be held on Saturday, January 20th and Sunday January 21st at the top floor of the office building where Blake had his office. The entire floor was for the family’s use. The first part of the board meeting would be held on Saturday with general discussions about the family. Those not yet included in the ritual would be There. After five o’clock in the evening, those who had not participated in the ritual would be excluded and serious business would be gotten to, including Lance’s punishment.

Kenneth would read the punishment that Hayley wanted inflicted. Lance would get to make a statement and Hayley would be asked if she wanted to make any changes or show leniency. The sentence would be carried out within two weeks. Lance would be placed under house arrest until the punishment was completed. He would wear an ankle bracelet with a tracking device.

Blake Black brought the two copies of the ritual for Kenneth. “Daniela becoming part of the family is almost unprecedented. There has been one slave twenty years ago who joined the family, but he was not pregnant by another member of the family. Daniela, by marrying Mason will make Lady Chadwell very strong and I’m sure she will want to stay with the American Branch.” Blake said as he gave the books to Kenneth.

“I think it’s a good match.” Kenneth said as he twisted the nipples of his wife, Gwendolyn who was under the table sucking his cock. “I owe you a punishment later my dear. Don’t’ think I forget. “

Kenneth turned to Blake, “She’s very good, would you like to use her while I read a bit.”

“I wouldn’t mind sir.” Blake said.

“Why don’t you give her a good spanking and turn her ass a rosy red. Put on a condom and you may fuck her, but she cannot cum.” Kenneth said. “Cunt, go please Mr. Black and if you don’t cum I’ll be easy with you.”

Gwendolyn crawled from Under the table. She was a geneine redhead with long red curls on her pussy. Kenneth didn’t allow her to shake her pubic hair. He liked to pull on it.

Around her neck was a collar and a leash. Blake took the leash and led Gwendolyn to one of the spare rooms. Gwendolyn shivered. She was also scared of Blake. The only one who wasn’t was her husband.

Kenneth zipped his pants and went back to studying. He and Gwen would be able to start a family next year and he was looking forward to it. She was being punished for starting a fight with him. Kenneth knew she did it because she wanted to be punished and he liked punishment her.

He was studying the procedure about Daniela’s baby that would be raised by Mason and what impact Matthew would have in the child’s well-being. This child was very important because it would cement the two families. The marriage of Daniela’s child would be arranged with great care. Since the child would no longer be a slave, Daniela would have even more power than she knew. The Cassidy household and the Chadwell’s would be a force to be reckoned with amongst the other families and their word would be law.


After breakfast, everyone changed their clothes. They usually spent this day skiing, ice-skating or just relaxing. The real fun would start after midnight.

Mason wanted to talk to Jake, then spend some time with Daniela. He dressed quickly and knocked on Jake’s door. Hayley opened the door. “Cousin, may I speak with Jake for a little while?”

“Sure wait in the sitting room while I get him.” She said smiling at him. She had changed into ski clothes. Shewas going with Brandon and Samantha down the slopes.

Jake came out of the bedroom, he was not dressed in ski clothes. He carried a laptop in his hand which he set up on the table. “What can I do for you Mason?”

“I’d like to talk to you. I gather you’re not going skiing?” Mason asked.

“Me, ski, no way. I have some work to do. So I’ll let Hayley do the skiing While I work.” Jake said as he signed into his laptop and sat down. “I had a feeling you and I would have a chat sooner or later. Let’s do it.”

Hayley came out of the bedroom looking cute with her ski jacket and red ski band around her head. She kissed the top of Jake’s head and waved to Mason as she walked out the door closing it behind her.

“I hope I’m right in thinking that Daniela will pick me.” Mason said as he ran his hand through his dark hair.

Jake grinned, “I think she’s so in love with you she can’t stand it. So your supposition is correct. Let her tell you in her own time.”

“ThankYou for giving me permission to spend the next week with her. I know that she’s pregnant and I want to know what I can and cannot do with her.” Mason asks, “I know that once I propose the ritual will start, can you tell me anything about it.”

Jake thought for a moment. He had read and reread the ritual and he knew he couldn’t share much with Mason. “There will be some changes made I know that Because of your engagement, but I’m sorry I can’t share anything else with you. You will just have to wait until the board hears of your engagement.

As far as what you cannot do with Daniela next week, please no bondage. You may spank her but nothing extreme. She’s pregnant and we want her pregnancy to run smoothly. She’s very good with her mouth. Her pussy is prime. Her breasts are magnificent. Keep the nipple clamps to a five minute minimum because her breasts are very sensitive. No whips. A bit of flogging but not too hard. Just be careful with her until after the birthday. How big isyour cock?” Jake asked.

Mason blushed, “About 9 inches.”

“Good. I’m glad you’re not as big as your grandfather. The first time have Daniela suck you. Let her take her time. She is very talented and you won’t be sorry. Hayley and I will miss her.” Jake said.

“Have you decided on a replacement?” Mason asked. “Hayley is entitled to have a slave since she is the youngest member of this line of the family.”

“No, I think Hayley and I will deal with Hayley and I. I just want the wedding to be over so that the rest of the family can start procreating.”

“I know what you mean. My siblings are bursting to have children and they can’t until I get married. What’s with that?” Mason asked.

“it’s part of the ritual. You know more than I do. You’re part of this crazy family.” Jake said laughing.

“I don’t know anything. Everyone keeps everything a god damn secret. Since birth I’ve been told that the Ritual is everything and no one tells me anything.” Mason said.

“You’ll find out soon enough. I wish you and Daniela the best. Just take care of her or you’ll answer to me. Have you spoken with Frederick?” Jake asked seriously.

“Yes and he said the same thing you did. He gave me his blessing.” Mason said.

Jake stood up and so did Mason. They shook hands. “I am looking forward to your wedding, Jake. You’re a good man.” Mason said.

“I was a little bit worried about you for our Daniela, but I think you will do whatever is necessary to make her happy.” Jake said and they shook hands.


Margo had arranged for everything. She had spoken with Wilson and she would arrange the kidnapping for the third of January when Daniela was due to return to Boston. Until then she told Wilson to keep an eye on her when she arrived in New York with Mason the day after Christmas.

Wilson reported back to Blake. Blake told Wilson his plan. Wilson agreed to follow it to the letter. Margo had no idea that Wilson was working for the other side. Margo was delighted that soon her competition would be under her control and she would take care of Daniela until she gave birth, then she would slit her throat, but not before she carved up that beautiful, exotic face.


Hayley loved to ski. She felt a freedom on the slopes she never felt anywhere else. She was an expert skirt and just wished that Jake were here to join her.


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