The rattling of chains, the rapid splits of the air, the sharp staccato impacts, the piercing feminine screams…
I sat back in the recliner, the small room I was in only dimly lit by a candle on either side of the massive one-way mirror. Wearing only her thin dainty collar and her favorite dreamcatcher-style earrings, My slave knelt at My feet, unable to see the activities taking place on the other side of the one-way mirror due to its placement high upon the wall, but definitely listening attentively, her imagination no doubt providing the visuals to accompany the sounds.
All I had been informed of concerning the young woman to the left was that she had graduated from a nearby university in May and that she had endured nearly three full years of training. The platform heels caused her to stand tall, making it a little difficult to accurately judge her true height. Naked, she wore only a thin black satin choker around her neck: symbol that she was not yet owned, that she was part of the general training harem. A spreader bar connected the ankle cuffs, making it difficult for her to shuffle about. The black blindfold contrasted greatly with her lengthy blonde hair and also made her red-painted lips more prominent. The two bulky chains descending from the ceiling connected to her wrist cuffs, giving her enough slack so as not to injury herself with a rapid pull of her arms but definitely not enough slack to allow her to free herself. Already, her body was very impressively marked, the red lines of fiery pain quite prominent, especially across her elicing chest and her spread thighs. her voice was shrink yet melodic as she screamed with each bite of the bullwhip, the bright red lipstick causing the motions of her mouth to become imprinted upon My brain. her beauty, her bondage, and her pain all combined to arouse Me quite nicely, especially as I imagined the possibilities of training her to serve Me alongside My current slave.
“Master, which oneis the screamer?” My slave politely asked, turning slightly to look up at My face.
“The one on the left, My pet,” I responded, reaching down to pet her like a kitten. she smiled at Me, then turned to face the wall beneath the one-way mirror once again, My response certainly assisting her imagination in constructing an image of the activities taking place on the other side of the wall.
The young woman to the right was quite a contrast to the other trainee. I had been told previously that she was from Japan, from a suburb of Kyoto. Certainly, she had to be a legal adult, or else she would not have been admitted into training. The young Asian woman had clearly dyed her shoulder-length hair bright red, with her natural black sprouting up from her scalp. I could not tell how well she knew English, for she did not say anything; in fact, she did not scream. Although the myriad angle red welts lining her small delicate frame, she barely made a single sound, only occasionally makinga barely-Noticeable hissing sound through her clinched teeth. She also wore a thin black satin choker around her neck, but unlike her taller Caucasian counterpart on the other side of the room, she was chained to the wall, unable to move her cuffed ankles and wrists more than about three inches in any direction. Yet, despite the extremely limited movement, she did dance nicely in reaction to the many kisses of her Trainer’s bullwhip, her dance drawing my eyes to her chest as her breasts moved with the buoyant grace of a pair of synchronized swimmers competing in the Olympic Games. Secretly, I lamented the fact that she had been blindfolded, for given her rare ability to barely emit a single sound despite the harsh treatment of her chest and stomach and thighs, the expression of her pain would almost certainly be magnified by immeasurable factors and demonstrated beautifully Through her eyes, yet I was denied that pleasure.
That, I could rectify. Reaching for the buzzer placed upon the small table beside the recliner, I signed the Trainers, and They each immediately stopped. The Trainer working on the pained woman to the left turned and approached the left side of the one-way mirror, pressing a button to activate the intercom.
“What is Your desire, Master Thompson?” He asked politely, looking directly at Me even though He could not see through the one-way mirror. Clearly, He knew the layout of this tiny room quite well, and had perhaps even sat here on occasion Himself while selecting a slave.
“Remove the blindfolds from both trainees, please, Trainer,” I requested. “I would like to see how their pain is reflected in their eyes.”
“Of course, Master Thompson.” After deactivateing the intercom, He returned to the Caucasian woman and lowered her blindfold, allowing it to hang from around her neck. The other Trainer fully compiled with the spirit and the letter of My request, completely removing the Japanese woman’s blindfold, folding it in half,and placing it into His back pocket.
The eyes of both young women were clearly unfocused as they squinted against the lights shining down upon them. The taller trainee actually turned her head away from the source of the light upon her, and ultimately clenched her eyes shut, but the smaller young woman held her ground, looking directly at the two-way mirror, clearly trying to see Me even though it was an absolutely futile effort, especially given how she was still forced to squint as her eyes attempted to adjust to the bright light shining down upon her.
The Trainer who had activated the intercom returned to His duty first, lashing out at the taller trainee’s stomach with His bullwhip. With her eyes closed, her hearing had clearly captured the sound of the single tail slicing the air, for I watched as her entire body stiffened, only to attempt to double over in scream-accompanied pain as a new marking was bestowed upon her flesh. she kept her eyes closed as lash after lashAfter lash befell her, and as her lower jaw began to tremble, I knew instinctively that she was very near her limit, that she would safeword within minutes unless her Trainer relented, slowed the pace of the lashing.
Turning My attention to the Asian trainee, I was very impressed. she was still trying to stand tall and proud, watching her Trainer as He prepared to strike her each time. her hisses were louder than before, and she still danced following each painful lash, but she had clearly become accustomed to the bright light upon her and watched with pained rapture as the bullwhip sliced the air in that split second before it sliced her body. There was indeed a sense of pain in her wide hazel eyes, as well as a sense of fear, but there was also a sense of purpose, a sense of fulfillment, a sense of pride. Although the tears trickling down her cheeses, it was painfully obvious that she lived for moments such as this, moments when she could provide pleasure through her own sufferingng.
The college graduated screamed something unintelligible to My ears, but her Trainer suddenly ended her torque, coiling the bullwhip and hanging it upon a hook on the wall. My attention returned to the foreigner, who did not appear to even be approaching her limit, even though her hissing sounds were starting to become grunts and her eyes had taken on the intensity of a familiar beast stalking its prey.
I had seen that very same expression some three years earlier, when I had selected My pet.
“I have found her,” I informed My pet, stroking her head and causing her to purr like a contented kitten. “I have found your sister.”
“How did you decide, Master?” My slave asked curiously.
“The same way I found you,” I informed her. “The eyes.”
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