The Erotic Tales of Scherazade No.1: The Tale of the Caliph of Ishfahan, the Slave Girl Kim-al-din Hasan and The Nemesis Bird.
With homage and acknowledgement to the authors of the Tales of the Arabian Nights.
“Then, if it please Allah, let me tell you O King of the tale of the Caliph of Ishfahan, the slave girl Kim-al-Din Hasan and the Nemesis Bird.
Scherazade took up the golden jug and poured a goblet of wine out for King Shahryaar.
“If your highness will indulge me I believe that you will find the story intriguing and instructive. Listen to my tale and then, O mighty sultan, pass your judgement on whether your humble wife and service should die an unworthy wretch at the hand of the executioner’s sword or live to entertain and instruct your majesty another night.”
King Shahryaar raised his hand and bid Scherazade began her tale.
O auspicious Lord, long ago, there was once a proud and cruel Caliph who ruled over the city of Ishfahan and his name was Harim-al-Rashid. One morning he emerged from his Hammam bath drawn in his silk robe and, as was his wont, went out onto the balcony of his palace to look over his domain. Now, Caliph Harim was powerful and vain. It gave him pleasure to survey his domains and indulge himself in the knowledge that he ruled with absolute power. No resident of this rich city, from humble porter to wealthy wazir, would dare question his command.
And what he saw from the balcony of his palace pleased him. He could see that he ruled over a city that was thriving and wealthy and he took satisfaction that the taxes on this trade filled the coffees of his treasure. He observed the caravans of camels entering the city gates laden with silks from the Orient. He looked out on the busy market place with its mounds of brightly coloured spices, exotic fruits, copper pans and brightly embroidered slippers. He could hear the sound of the imam’s call from Ishfahan’sminarets over the bartering and shouting of the merchants.
But as he surveyed this scene his eyes were drawn to one small courtyard garden below the palace balcony. It was a sight so beautiful and wonderful that it amazing the Caliph. Now, he possessed all manner of precious objects – rubies the size of rocks, luminous pearls from the depths of the Arabian seas and exotic beasts from Barbary Africa – but he had never seen the like of this before.
It was a bird. But this was no ordinary bird. Its plumage was magnificent to behold. Its tail and wing feathers spread like an ornate canopy over the small courtyard. Around its neck was a huge tufted crest. But, even more wonderful than this fantastical display was the miraculous quality of the colouring of the bird’s feathers. For, as the Caliph gazed down in amazement the creativity constantly shifted its colours. His first view was of a bird with carnelian body, tail feathers of sapphire blue and a bright green crest and before hisVery eyes the hues of the feathers changed to violence, cerulean and orange and then again to aquamarine, copper and stone grey. Harim-al-Rashid observed in astonishment as the colours of the bird’s feathers constantly changed their hue. Even more miraculous was that the Caliph felt his emotions shifting with the changing colours from great joy to fear and trepidation.
The Caliph resolved that this magnificent beast must belong to him. How dare any of his subjects possess such a wonderful thing and not surrender it to him? Whatever he desired he was determined to possess and nothing would stand in his way. And now, having been captivated by the magnificent colours of this fantastical bird, he knew that it should belong to him.
Now, there was a serving girl who served in the Caliph’s household, who had attracted his attention. Her name was Kim-al-din Hasan and she was most wonderful fair. Her cheeses were the colour of sun kissed peaches in the dawn light. Her lips were the colour of red coral glowing in the clear waters of the Arabian sea. Her body was soft and voluptuous, as if the delicate rippling sands of the desert had been brought to life.
He had long admired her beauty from afar and longed to find an excuse to bed this service girl, add her to his harem and have her in his bed every night to service his sexual desires. He sought to test her by setting This special task to see if she was fit to be elevated from the position of service girl into his harem.
The Caliph summoned Kim-al-din Hasan into his presence and he pronounced.
“Hearken to me my girl. I have a task that I want you to carry out. If you succeed then you will be given the honour of being summoned into my harem. You will be allowed into my bed where your beautiful body can be offered to your glorious master.”
Caliph Harim-al-Rashid was exceedingly vain.
“From my palace balcony I have spied a courtyard garden. In that garden is a bird so fantastical and marvellous that it must be one of the living wonders of the world. You will sneak through the lanes of Ishfahan town, climb the wall into the garden, capture this magnificent bird and return to me where I will keep it in my private chambers for all time to admire. I have fashioned a cage for the bird for this purpose.”
The Caliph snapped his fingers and a pot-bellied eunuch entered carrying a cage. It was not any cage. This had been fashioned by the Caliph’s own goldsmiths. It was a magnificent piece of craftsmanship decorated with motifs of half moons and scimitars in fine gold leaf. It was a thing of beauty, fitting for the object for which it had been designed.
Now, Kim was full of appreciation at this task and the supposed reward that the powerful and vain Caliph was offering. She was full of foreboding that her body would be his to use and that her life would be spent in his harem among the petty history and jealousies of his courtesans. But, what could she do? The Caliph’s power was absolute and there was nothing she could say to contradict him without inviting the most terrible retribution. And, if this was indeed the will of Allah, what could she, a poor service girl, do to resist it?
“My will is yours to command, O master,” she replied, but her heart yearned with anxiety.
Kim set off through the streets of Ishfahan with the golden cage, covered in a silk clothes, in her hand. She reached the walls of the courtyard garden where the Caliph had directed her and clambered over the wall lowering herself down into the secret garden. She descended into a cool and tranquil place shaded by the four walls of the courtyard.
She was not prepared for the sight that befell her there. The Caliph had told her of the wonderful beauty of the bird that he wanted captured but the creativity before her was magnificent beyond her wildest imaginations.
Her tail feathers were a stunning cerulean, her breast a bright lime green and her body a glowing fuchsia. As she watched enranced the bird gradually transformed herself to shades of dusky salmon, burnt sienna and violent. Kim was overwhelmed with great joy at the sight, then with feelings of quiet meditation and, finally, as the colours changed to charcoal, indigo and magenta to emotions of foreboding and fear.
The bird fixed her tiny obsidian black eyes onto Kim’s. They pierced into her very soul. They hypnotised her, luring her into a reverie that was both euphoric and joyous and dark and threatening all at the same time. Kim felt her heart torn asunder as she became captured by the spell of the wonderful bird.
How could she allow the Caliph to imprison such a beautiful creativity?
His selfish nature would keep the bird as his possession, hidden in a secret place where only he would see her until eventually her golden lustre would diminish and she would expire, a prisoner in Harim-al-Rashid’s gilded cage.
Kim resolved that this should never happen. She knew that she would face the wrath of the Caliph when she returned without the bird but decided that she would rather end punishment than to see the wonderful creativity imprisoned for ever in his palace.
She took up the bird. Its beauty and constant shifting of colouring mesmerised her. She could not resist the temptation to pluck a solidary feather from her tail as a remembrand of her encounter. Then she held the bird to her breasts and whispered in her ear.
“Fly my beauty. Don’t linger here. Spread your wings and take to the sky.”
The bird gave Kim a meaningful look. Her colour transformed into an amalgam of glittering gold and silver. She spread her wings and soared into the air, a dazzling jewel against the azure sky.
Kim was overjoyed at the sight. She felt sure that she had done the right thing but knew now that she had to return to the palace and make her report to the Caliph as to the failure of her task. She hoped he would understand why she had let the bird go but know in her heart that such hope would likely be in vain.
Kim-al-din-Hasan returned to the palace and related to the Caliph what had been fallen her. She told of how she had been captured and mesmerised by the bird’s presence. She spoke movingly of her feelings that this object of beauty should be served and worshipped. She described how she had released the bird and pleased with the Caliph to show mercy.
Harim-al-Rashid flew into an extreme rage. Denied possession of the fantastical bird and affronted by the disobedience of a mere serving girl his temperature was beyond control. It swept through the chamber like a fierce sandstorm summoned by a powerful genie. The Caliph berated her and invoked the name of Allah to bring curses down on her. Then, he struck Kim across her face. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks from the force of the blow. Shehad prayed for compassion, but all of her worst fears had been realized.
“You dare to return here empty handed? You dare to defy your Caliph’s command? I will make you understand that it is no bird that you serve but me, your master, and through me, Allah the great. Kim-al-din-Hasan, when I have finished with you, you will knee before me abused and disgraced.”
He summoned his imperial guard, twelve of his most enrusted warriors, to his chamber and then pronounced Kim’s fate.
“To all these present, hearken to the judgement of the Caliph of Ishfahan. This service girl before you, who goes by the name Kim-al-din Hasan, has wilfully disobeyed my orders and displeased me beyond measure. She has invoked the wrath of her lord and master and her punishment will be severe.
“She was meant to return with a wonderful bird in a cage for me but has returned empty handed so it is just and fitting that she should be put in a cage. But this will be no golden cage where she willbe admitted for her beauty. This will be an iron cage. She will be chained into it and raised into the rafters of my dungeon where she will become an object of disdain. Then, after evening prayers, she will be lowered and released only for my personal body guard to use her. Since she has denied my pleasure I will turn her into a captive and an object for other people’s pleasure. This ordeal will continue for forty days and forty nights after which she will be brought before me and beheaded. Now take her away.”
Kim was dragged down to the dungeon and stripped naked. Her clothes were stretched across the floor and the single feather, which Kim had plucked from the bird just hours ago, had turned a dusty grey and lay hidden and ignored against the stone flags of the dungeon.
The guards roughly attached iron shackles onto her ankles and wrists. Then she heard the sound of a winch and the crank of chains as a cage was lowered from the roof of thedungeon. She watched in trepidation as the cage slowly descended to the floor. It was a full length body cage, made of cold forbidding iron, ingeniously designed so that a body would fit tightly inside it. The front of the cage was opened and the Caliph’s cruel guards pushed her in. The door was closed on her. The cold metal pressed against her naked flesh. The shadows on her ankles and wrists were secured to the metal frame. She was encouraged and there was no escape for her.
Then she heard the rattle of chains again. The cage was slowly raised. Kim could feel herself being lifted from the ground and as the cage was pulled higher she felt herself suspended and swinging in the gloomy dungeon light. The experience was disorientating. She felt her pulse racing and her head spinning. The cage was raised higher and higher to the sound of the guards’ jeers and laughs until eventually she was hanging from the rafters of the roof.
Kim’s fear began to overwhelm her. She began to wishthat the Caliph had just beheaded her and spared her the torment of this cage and the abuse she knew she would face from the guards. Yet, this was her fate. She had exchanged the liberty of the wonderful bird for her own capacity. But, in her heart she had no regrets over the choice she had made. The beautiful bird deserved to be free for others to admire and worship and not subjected to Caliph Harim’s imprisonment. Gazing down from on high she caught a glimpse of the single feather and believed she saw an indigo glow on its tip.
On the evening of the first day Kim was lowered to the floor and released. Already her limbs ached and her mind was full of dark dreams. It was only the first day and she already doubted how she could survive this ordeal. The Caliph’s guards pulled her from the cage. They took it in turns to hold her down as all twelve forced their erect cocks into her cunt and fucked her relentlessly. Kim was fucked into a daze beforee being returned to her cold iron prison. She noticed that the feather was now a soft amber colour.
On the evening of the second day Kim was released again. This time all of Caliph’s imperial guard pulled out their cocks and pissed all over her before each fucked her mercilessly again. She felt the humiliation of hot piss in her beautiful fair hair, her face and all over her naked body. She was returned to her cage a sodden and forlorn figure. On this occasion, as she was swinging high in the rafter’s of the roof, she noticed that the hue of the feather had changed again to a dusky pink.
On the evening of the third day she was brought down again. This time the guards had whips which they reined down on her arse and back and tits until she screamed out in pain. Her skin was beating red and raw. She was fucked again by all twelve of the Caliph’s imperial guard before being imprisoned in her cage and raised up to the ceiling again. The feather was now a subtle shade of silverygrey.
On the evening of the fourth day the imperial guards tied her down and brought huge candles from the Caliph’s personal mosque to drip burning hot wax over her exposed tits and cunt. Kim squirmed with the pain of the hot wax and watched in fear as the burning flames were held over her naked body. When she observed the feather from on high it had turned a rusty brown.
On the evening of the fifth day she was strapped down with her arse in the air. And then each of the imperial guard fucked her back passage. They thrust their hard cocks into her and filled her. Tears ran down her cheeks from the pain and humiliation of her arse being penetrated. When she was returned to the cage the feather that night had turned an olive green.
On the evening of the sixth day when she was let out of her cage, the imperial guard did not enter her but stood and masturbated over her, covering her in their thick spunk. The feather was now a saffron colour.
On the evening of the seventh day she was forced to knee with her arms tied behind her back. The hard cocks of each of the guards were forced into her mouth making her gag on them. She was made to suck on them until the hot sticky came emptied into her mouth or dribbled down her chin. The feather remained ignored by the guards even though it had turned a lovely shade of cerulean blue.
On the evening of the eighth day she was lowered down but not let out of the cage. The guards reached inside and stroked her tits and public hair to arouse themselves. Then her nipples were squeezed and tormented with rough fingers until she squealed in pain. She suffered all this before being dragged out and fucked by the guards. As the cold metal of the cage dug into her flesh the feather had transformed itself into jade green.
On the evening of the ninth day they lowered her just a fraction above the ground and put candles under the cage so that its metal base became red hot and burnt the soles of her feet forcingher to jig from foot to foot to the great mirth of the guards. Then she was removed from the cage and fucked again. The feather was now light beige.
On the evening of the tenth day a metal collar was put around her neck and a chain lead and then the guards took it in turn to walk her around the dungeon like a dog. Then each of them mounted her in turn and fucked her doggy style emptying their seed into her like wild beasts. This night when she looked out from her cage Kim saw that the feather was a lilac colour.
And so it went on. Kim’s oral continued for forty days and forty nights. Every night after evening prayer she was subjected to this relentless abuse by the Caliph’s imperial guard. Most nights she was fucked by all twelve and subjected to some other form of cruel torture. Then she was returned to her cage where the cold iron pressed against her sore tits and aching cunt.
The only thing that kept Kim’s spirits raised and enabled her to endure the ordeal waslooking out for the single feather every night when she was returned to her cage and discovering what new hue it had transformed itself into. The change was subtle, but it seemed to her that with every passing night the colours became bolder and brighter. By the evening of the fortieth day the feather glowed a dazzling crisis red. Seeing the feather reminded her of the fateful day when she looked into the eyes of the bird and chose this suffering over surrendering her to the Caliph. Reflecting on this gave Kim some strength to end her ordeals.
The fortieth day loosed and Kim had resigned herself to her fate. She was almost ready to welcome death as a release from the abuse she was suffering.
On the morning of the fortieth day Kim was released from the body cage for the last time. Her wrists were bound behind her back and she was led to the Caliph’s throne room to face her fate. The black hooded executioner awaited her, his scimitar whetted and razor sharp. Kim was brought to her knees before the Caliph, who pronounced,
“My wrath remains undiminished and now you must face the ultimate penalty for your crime. Has your punishment made you repent of your disobedience to me?”
Kim looked up. She remained a stunning figure despite the ravages of the Caliph’s guards. Her fair hair was dishevelled and her body bore the marks of her abuse but her beauty still shine through in her shapedly figure and alert eyes. She contemplated the single feather on the dungeon floor and drew strength from its power. Then, she fixed the Caliph with a defiant gaze.
“O ruler of Ishfahan, symbol of Allah’s power on earth, yes, I have learned a valuable lesson.” Kim paused for effect. “Yes, for if I had to face another forty days and forty nights locked in the cage and was fucked another thousand times by your guards, I would still never surrender the wonderful bird into your cruel hands.”
The Caliph’s wrath knew no boundsNow. He was enraged beyond reckoning by her insolence.
“Then, by the will of Allah, Kim al-din-Hassan, you will pay for your wilfulness with your life. You will be beheaded and your abused body will hang in the cage from the palace walls so that all can see what happens to those who defy the authority of the Caliph of Ishfahan.”
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