The Entryway Banister

“Okay babe, I’m going to class!” David calls through our shared apartment as he slams the door closed.

FINALLY! I look at the clock – 6:19PM. I’ve been waiting for him to head to his evening university class all day, ever since my new package arrived this morning. I indulged myself last week, and I had been DYING for the fruits of my shopping to arrive.

I shot from the couch to the bedroom and reach under the bed where I had stashed my package. I only had time for a quick glance before, but now I carefully extract each item to lay it gingerly on the bed. A beautiful lingerie set – a silky demi bra followed by an equally silky pair of skimpy panties and a matching garter belt. I run my fingers over the delectable material. Oh, I just can’t wait to have that on my body!

My clothes Practically fall off of me, gathering in a heap in the corner, until I am completely naked. First come the panties – I slowly pull them up my legs, savoring the smooth cares as they ascend. I pull them snugly against my pussy and ass and micromanage the strraps. Mmm they feel as good as they look! I rub my fingers over the silky material, pressing it into my sensitive parts. Mmm yeeeessss.

I don’t let this distract me too much, moving on to don the demi bra. The soft, silky material embraces my full boobs as I reach back to fasten the clasp. Before I get too distracted I grab the garter belt and fasten it too, before running my hands sensitively over my body, paying close attention to the silky covering. The garter belt feels lonely without stockings, so I retrieve some from my naughty drawer and slide them up my legs. I made a point to shower and shake after my package arrived, so my smooth skin welcomes the new meshy layer.

Now is the time to save the moment. I take my time admiring my body, both with my eyes and my hands. I bounce several times between the bathroom to look in the mirror and the bedroom to play myself out on the bed, fondling my body vigorously. Thinking about my plans for the next hour makes my back arch and I press firmly onto my wet pussy.

As I began to get satisfied with this activity, I glance at the clock. 7:05PM?? Did I seriously spent more than a half hour worshiping my own body? I leap out of bed – I still have so much to do before David returns from class!

I dive underneath the bed again and pull out our toy box. Knowing I’m short on time I don’t want to take multiple trips back into the bedroom, so I drag the box into the kitchen, where my plans all take place. With a smile I eye the horizontal banner separating the kitchen from the entryway hall – technically you could say that my plans take place in two rooms. Digging through the toy box, I get out the things I need: my vibrating dildo, wrist and ankle cuffs, chains and links, and a bright red ball gag.

Unable to resist, I spread my legs and pull my panties to the side to work the dildo into my pussy, which is practically sopping at thispoint. I moan deeply as it slowly slides in with little resistance. Pulling my panties over the exposed end, I’m tempted to turn on the vibrator, but no. That would be a terrible idea – I still have so much to do! However, I am not so distributed that I stopped myself from grinding against the corner of a chair as I sit down to attach cuffs to my ankles and wrists. The gag I simply hang around my neck so I don’t lose track of it.

Grabbing all the chains we own, I pray they are enough. I measured earlier, and determined it would be close. I hook each chain to the next on the very last links to make one continuous chain as long as possible. Everything attached, I walk the piecemeal length around the kitchen island, looping it through the drawer handles on the far side. Completed my circuit, I grab both ends and stretch them towards the banner. Eyeing the distance for a moment, I don’t learn much. Again, it will be close.

Thingking for a moment, I gently set the chain ends down on the ground and root around David’s “toolbox” (really just a bag with a mishmash of useful things). I triumphantly hold up two bungee cords and carry them back to the kitchen. I hook the bungees to the ends of the chain and then to the banner. Now the chains are suspended pointing straight towards where I want to be!

Pleased with my iningenuity, I walk around the banner into the entryway – sashaying my hips as I Remember my sexy outfit. I spread my legs a fair amount and slide my feet through poles of the banner. Wedging them in, I press the banner rail against my groin and bend forward, reaching for the chains. I can reach! There is even a bit of slack – I estimate that I’ll want to clip my wrist cuffs to the second or third link to pleasantly stretch my body. Perfect!

Mmm this is going so well so far! I glance towards the front door and I imagine the moment when David opens it and sees my bound body there, ready for him to take advantage. Ooh, that gives me a naoughty idea… I grab a small piece of note paper and begin writing.

“Hey there stud! I’ve been thinking about your hard cock all day… Why don’t you come show me what it can do?” Reviewing my work, I trace over “hard” and “cock” a few times for emphasis. Erase “come” in favor of “cum”. Add a winky face and a heart too.

Satisfied, I find a rubber band and head to the front door. I hesitate when my hand touches the doorknob… Looking down I remind myself that I’m only wearing lingerie and cuffs. I could go put on a robe? A naughty smile comes unbidden to my lips. No. This will just add to the excitement. I unlock the door and crack it open to peek outside. Seeing nothing noteworthy, I open the door just a bit more so that I can attach the note to the outside handle. Eyeing the placement critically, I decided that the note would be nearly impossible to see from a distance, but David would have no choice but to notice it when opening the door. I close it softly, so as not to disturb the note.

With the door closed I lean back against the wall and feel myself flush. It was open for less than ten seconds, but my heart is racing! I take a moment to collect myself, but also remind myself that I’m on the clock.

Returning to the banner, I once again insert my feet in between poles. This time, however, I reach down, bending my wait deliciously over the railing, and use short cuff straps to attach my feet to the rails. I reach forward to grab the chains and wiggle my feet around. Hmm. They are not very secure. I can still move each foot at least six inches in either direction away from its pole…

I straighten, pondering, and look over at the toy box. Another mischievous smile.

I unclip my ankles and, in fact, take the cuffs off completely. From the box I extract two medium lengths of rope. A few steps back towards the banner I drop the rope and about-face. I almost forgot the most important part! I dart back into the bedroom and frantically find the delivery package – there’s one more item inside! I pull it out.

Working the material in my hand, I admire the solid leather hood. Nearly seamless, the hood looks like it will erase my features, from my hair down to the bridge of my nose. The opening will only reveal my nose and, importantly, my mouth, leaving unfettered access. However, with any lucky my eyes will be completely erased from my face. I’ve been frustrated for so long with blindfolds that don’t fit right, or that jostle off my eyes in the heat of the moment. This, however, will be so tightly secured to my head that there is no chance in hell that I will be able to see a thing, no matter how rough David is.

Cognizant of the time, I grab a hair tie and bring the two items into the kitchen. I find a small end table to drag towards the banner so that I can reach it from my final position. I place the hood and hair tie on the table. And my phone. Lube, too.

For the third time, I spread my feet just the right amount and place them between banner poles. This time, though, I sit on the floor (Mmm that pushes the dildo in just the right way!) and grab a rope. I wind it around a pole, around my ankle, then around the pole to the other side. I continue this pattern several times, then tug sharply with my foot. Ha! It barely moved at all! Satisfied, I tie off the rope and do the same with my other foot.

I stand up, noticing that there is quite a bit of rope left… Considering my options, I reach forward and grab the chains to test. An experimental undulation of my body reveals that there is still plenty of movement possible from my knees through my hips. Well, since I have rope anyway… I bend sharply over the rail (too bad David isn’t behind me to admire the view!) and can Barely reach the ropes Puddled on the ground. I pull them up and wind them around my legs the same way I did with my ankles, only this time just above my knees. The rope pulls my legs slightly further apart – all the better for accessing my pussy!

Finally satisfied with my limited range of motion, I stand up straight and relax for a second, at least as much as one can relax with legs tied to a banner! Grabbing my phone (the table was a great idea!), I check the time. Hmm, still a few minutes before David’s class will get out, and then he has a ten-minute walk… I don’t want to get all the way in position Too soon! To pass time I flip through my collection of sexy selfies – I’ll send one to David to make sure he’s in the mood on the way home. I quickly settle on one where my hands are cuffed and resting on the small of my back as I am bending slightly forward, looking back towards the camera with a surprised expression on my face. The camera angle shows off my naked ass on full display, but my pussy is only teasingly peeking through my legs. Yes, that one’s perfect – it is close enough to what I have planned for him that he’ll be thinking about it without revealing too much detail of my … current situation.

Okay his class should be getting out now – less than ten minutes until David gets back. Send! I put my phone back down on the table and grab my hair tie, swiftly pulling my hair into a neighbor ponytail.

I pick up my hood, shuddering as a wave of anticipation works its way straight down to my pussy, causing it to squeeze the dildo. I tug the strings loose and pull the hood over my head, first making sure my ponytail is pulled completely through the seam in the back. Then I pull the peak of the opening to the bridge of my nose, adjusting it down from there so that the leather descends straight across my cheeks to my jawline, the sea connecting again under my chin. With my fingers I feel a perfect triangle opening in the hood exposing the lower half of my face.

I rub My hands all over my face and head in a smoothing care, flattening the hood from the bridge of my nose up over my forehead, hair, and ears, all the way back to the seam running from my ponytail to my spine. I start pulling out the slack of the string, tightly towards the top so the material presses firmly over my eyes – I Definitely don’t want to be able to see anything. Halfway down I have to start re-threading the string through the remaining holes it escaped from with the hood loosened.

BLING! My phone alerts me of a received message. I smile and am tempted to undo the hood so I can read what David said in response to my teasing text. But I know I wouldn’t be able to put the hood back on in time – it took long enough to do it once!

I finish pulling string through the last holes and pull so that the base of the hood is snugly but not tightly encircling my neck. Quickly I tie the strings together and take a moment to reveal in the hood’s tight embrace. Moving my head around I try to peek out from under the hood, but even using my fingers to pull up the cheeses I can barely even see a slider!

Forcing myself to move on, I grab the brightred ball gag hanging on my neck and gingerly press it between my teeth. Once secured, I try a few experimental moans and words – that’s when I notice that in addition to my words being almost completely unintelligible, the hood blocks a lot of sound from reaching my ears! Not as much as earplugs … I’ll have to try the hood again another time with earplugs as well for an extra-delicious sensing deprivation experience.

Reaching forward and grabbing the chains again, I realize too late that tying my thighs has pulled my whole body back a bit – now the chain might not be long enough! Hoping with all my will that it will work – I Definitely don’t have time to redo any of this! – I clip my left cuff to the last link of the chain. I’m working on the right cuff when – Wait! I reach back and turn on the vibrator – with some difficulty, since twisting the dial with one hand is not easy. A long moan comes unbidden through my gag and my body slumps (as much as it can slump!) while I revelin my pussy’s vibrations.

I nearly lose myself in the warm glow spreading from my groin all the way through my body, but another “BLING!” from my phone shakes me out of it. David could walk in at any time! I reach forward again, praying that my right cuff will reach the chain… Pressing my hips into the railing and stretching as much as I can I finally clip my cuff to the chain.

Finally ready, I relax to recover from the strong setup, but my body barely moves back an inch! It is mostly my head that relaxes, slumping down far enough that I imagine I must be staring at my stuffed pussy, if not for the hood.

With the unexpected minor setbacks delaying me I am sure David will open the door at any moment, but many breaths later I am still suspended alone, my attention being drawn more and More to the wonderful – yet infuriating – vibrations in my pussy. Why had I left it at such a low setting?! I could have had an orgasm or two while I’m waiting, and that would just make me more wet for when David…

I hear a sound! Even lifting my head to be parallel with my body and focusing my ears, it’s hard to tell through the hood what is happening. I hear a click – the door opening? Oh, FUCK, why did I tie myself in view of the open door?! – then I feel more than hear what I am sure is the door closing. Then nothing but some soft taps – he Must be walking close – probably surrounding my body, examining me from all angles.

A jolt shoots down my body as I feel a finger lightly trace my protruding should blade. The trace continues down slowly, bumping over my silky bra strap and starting to swirl across my lower back down to the top of my garter belt. The path swirls back up and traces the bottom of the bra strap, around my side, and underneath my suspended chest. A Shiver accompanyies the addition of a second finger as all three break away from the strap and trace their way down my stomach at an angle. The touch slows, then redirects, gliding over and past my garter belt with an obvious destination. My pussy flexes, gripping the persistent vibrations still pulsing inside me, as my panties’ hold on my lower stomach is replaced by two electric barbs weaving back and forth at an antinizing pace, closer and closer to my aching clip…

Bump. The fingers stop abruptly against the banner rail, and after exploring side to side for a moment they withdraw. Fuuuuuuuuck that railing why can’t I be suspended on air?? He was sooooooooo cloooooose.

I sense more movement, but can hardly hear a thing. Fingers suddenly press onto the top of my ass and pull my panties back and down, lowering them as far as they can go with the front still trapped against the railing. My head arches back involuntarily as the vibrator slides around inside me, no longer hold tight by the panties’ embrace. This lasts just a moment before the vibrating, sloppy mess exits my pussy in one smooth motion, leaving me to feel nothing but the slow crawl of my juicessliding down my thighs.

My head lowers to a comfortable resting position as I listen, but nothing comes through but the occasional thud or click. I detect nothing that lets me know definitely what is happening. That is, until I hear a cacophony of rustling and clanking – that Must be him sifting through the toy box. My pussy clamps excitedly – I’m already so decked out I can hardly imagine what else he is looking for! More clanks, but I gather no new information as I feel saliva escape through my lips, presumably joining a sizable puddle on the floor.

As I’m imagining just how much drool must have already escaped by now I realize that the muffled noises have stopped. I strain my ears, but my concentration is interrupted by a surge of feeling, as two entire hands press on my stomach, promptly sliding up and under my demi bra and replacing the fabric’s embrace with a placing mass of flesh. A deep moan hisses around my gag as my boobs are kneeled and pinched, my bra migrating until it dutifully cups my collarbones.

Just as suddenly as the hands arrived, they are gone. My breasts are left with firm, outstretched nipples, longing for more. Now comes a firm pinch on the left one, causing breath to suck sharply past my gag. This is followed shortly by a persistent tug drawing my nipple towards my imagined drool puddle. No sooner do I understand that I have Just been clamped and probably weighed when my right nipple receives the same treatment. The subsequent playful tugs and jostles feel much less playful to my sensitive buds, until finally they are left to suffer alone.

I wonder what to expect next, though the new additions to my chest make it much more difficult to listen intently. To my surprise, the next place I feel activity is my hair – not pulled or even tugged, more like … played with. I feel strands flopping about, barely perceptible through my hood, for what feels like a full minute before it stops. Perplexed, I shake my head slightly and it feels like my hair is now arranged in a different shape…

I am quickly and thoroughly distracted by a wet splash directly on my asshole, immediately followed by a point of pressure. Ooooooh GOD my ass hasn’t been played with for so long, I didn’t realize how much it craved attention! The wetness swirled around and around, producing a series of clances beyond my control. Finally (it seems), the pressure stops swirling and pushes directly in on my asshole, which, largely thanks to my own encouragement, reluctantly accepts the idea of ​​being penetrated. A pop, and the intruder slides steadily in, only stopping when I feel knuckles on my ass cheek. “Ooooooh Fuuuuuuuuck Yeeeeees” is what I try to say, though who knows how it comes out through the gag. The intruder slides in and out and then explores the boundary of my hole, stretching it up, down, and sideways in circular motions. I’m in heaven, completely surrendering to my intruder’s whims.

All too soon he leaves, andI am shocked to feel a new, much colder intruder knocking on my back door. Feeling empty, I encourage my ass to welcome the new participant. The cold object overcomes the resistance and slides into me. My sphincter almost immediately closes around it. A small bulb of some sort? With a thin rod attached? I’m not left wondering what it is for long, as the curvature of the rod forces the inner bulb to press against my insides, and I feel as if I’m being lifted by my freshly hooked asshole.

Still getting used to the hook, I feel my hair being touched again, but this time it’s not just play. My head is pulled from its relaxed position up, up, up, until my nose is pointing directly forward. Some fiddling results in tugs both on my hair and in my ass, and I realize what happened. He attached the ass hook to my hair! I don’t even know how that’s possible! A braid? He lets go of my hair and my head flops down. Or at least it would have, but instead it just jerks a tiny bit forward, transferring a jolt deep into my ass. Ooooooh! I experiment, gently tugging my head this way and that to feel the delicious effect in my rear end.


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