Your comments and criticisms are always appreciated. I do take them to heart.
Chapter 5
“Build it? Are you kidding? We don’t know the first thing about restaurants, and are only learning the first few things about this lifestyle.”
I rolled out of bed. Isabelle was still laying there basking in her orgasm.
“Casey, I…”
I interrupted.
“That’s Wrong sweetie, Unless you need to call me Casey.”
“No, But…”
“Nope. You’re still my Isabelle.”
This was our power exchange; our safe words; our lives. I am Casey in the vanilla world, Alex here in our play space. My wife is Lacey, and Isabelle when we are playing. Our names are our safe words. When Lacey used my name, I checked in. She smiled when she realized we were still playing. She continued.
“I’m sorry Alex.”
I got a hank of rope from our kit and started to unwind it. I urged her on.
“Isabelle, tell me about this space you want tocreate. As Isabelle.”
“Alex, I see a space, maybe a restaurant, where we can meet and be Alex and Isabelle. I see a space where I can wear your collar. It will be a space where there won’t be any overt sexuality, but there will be an air of dominance. You won’t be able to tell directly who is who in the crowd. It will be someplace between a vanilla munch and a play club.”
I lift her out of the bed. As she stands, I start on a chest harness for her. She is cuddly in her post orgasmic bliss.
1.The bite of the rope starting at the middle of her back.
2.Wrapped around her torso under her breasts.
3.Back to the middle of her back, through the bite and back around over her breasts.
4.Back to the middle of her back, through the bite and again around and under her breasts.
5. Through the bite, over her shoulder, thread under the doubled rope that is sitting above her breasts
6.All the while whispering in her ear how much I love her and how much she means to me; how much this means to me.
7.Interweave the end with the ropes in between her breasts.
8.Pull the whole works tight, creating a sling and a support for her breasts. Making them jut out a little. Making her gasp with the pressure on them.
9.I run the rope over her other shoulder and tie it off in the center of her back where all ropes have joined.
In her harness, my Isabelle quiets right down. As this is new to us, sometimes it can go funny at this stage, where she isn’t really comfortable with what is going on.
“You still with me Lacey?”
“Yes, Alex.”
With that, I am sure. I place one hand in her hair and the other at the center of her back. I pull on the center of the harness, and grap her hair tightly. I continue:
“Isabelle, keep telling me about this restaurant. Tell me how you would dress to go to a place like this? How would you expect the guests to dress?”
“I want this to be a social place, not a BDSM play club. A place where there are nuances of power, not over power plays. A place that is sexy without sex. I could wear a mini skirt with a garter. The tops of my stockings might just be visible but only when I moved about.”
“and shoes?”
“Shoes would be the best part. I could wear the purple patent ones you got me on our last shopping trip; the High healed and strappy ones.”
“on top?”
“On top, I would wear something that would be destroyable. Something you could completely destroy when we got home. There would absolutely be a corset underneath. My black one, I think. On the whole, I would try and dress like a 1930’s pinup girl.”
I pull her head back and kiss her. It is a strong passwordate kiss. I grab two shorter pieces of rope, 7 feet. I double it up and do a single column tie on her wrist, leaving a loop that I can attach a caribiner to. I repeat the tie on the other arm. I move her to the bed, and clip each of her wrists to the lines that run up and down herharness at her breasts.
“Would that be the theme for the club?” I asked.
“I hadn’t thought about theme yet. It would have to be total acceptance of everyone on the spectrum.”
“No Play?”
“No, Play is for another place. This is more than vanilla, less than all out play. It would exhaust nuances and sexual tension.”
“It would be difficult to pull off.”
I put a blindfold on her, and check in. She is still doing ok. She is enjoying this play, this imagination and this restriction of herself little by little. She is squirming, her hips are gyrating slightly, involuntarily. I begin a rope spreader bar on her ankles.
Isabelle continues:
“I know, but imagine the sexiness of it. Imagine the people, feeling the sexual tension, feeling the power nuances, trying to figure out who is D and who is s? It could be glorious.”
I’ve started to wrap the ropes to stiffen them so that her legs are held about 24 inches apart. I ask her:
“What of the Dom’s Isabelle? Close your eyes, Imagine, look around the room. What are they wearing? What am I wearing in this restaurant?”
Isabelle is quiet. Then she began:
“I would like to see suits. I would like to see the men dressed very well; suits or at the very least wait coats.”
I check in with the love of my life one more time to ensure she is still ok.
Once I’ve Completed the spreader bar, I unclip her hands and Roll her over onto her stomach. I clip her hands together to the back of the harness. From the spreader bar I take the leftover and run it through the chest harness. I pull. Soon her legs are pulled back and she’s in a hog-tie but instead of her legs tied together, they are spread. She won’t be able to stay in this position long.
“Isabelle, Who is your master?”
“You are Alex.”
“Will you obey me?”
“Yes Alex”
I snuggle her in this position. She feels the ropes biting into her wrists, she feels the harness. She feels the spreadr bar. Her quads are stretching because of the position I have her in. Her body is stressed, her mind is soaring. Free. She knows she is safe, This is what we aim for. This is the endorphin rush we target. At this moment she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me.
This morning has been about the tie; about the power exchange, not about the sex. Making this sexual at this point doesn’t feel right. It hasn’t been about the pain. This is truly about the ropes. When I push into them, the moan that I receive from Isabelle makes me smile.
I lie next to her and I begin to whisper in her ear. It is barely audible at first.
“I love you. I need you. You make me happy.”
Like a mantra, I repeat it while she soars. I make it just a little bit louder. I have her in my arms. We lay like this for 15 minutes or so, and I see she is beginning to struggle with the position.
I undo the spreader bar from her chest harness, and I undo her wrists from the back of her chest harness. I won’t leave her to have that freedom yet though. I do clip them to the front of the harness. This gives her time to come down. She is still soaring. I continue.
“I love you. I need you. You make me happy.”
After another 10 minutes of stroking her hair, I unclip her wrists and lay them down at her sides. I undo the spreader and take the rope and lay it across her legs, so she Still feels connected to it. So the separation from the rope is not quite so jarring.
“I love you. I need you. You make me happy.”
Isabelle is still quiet. She’s simply feeling. It has been a good session. She sits up and I undo her harness. She lays back down and I spread the rope across her body. The indents it has left on her shoulder and around her rib cage are so beautiful.
She is still blindfolded with quite a bit of loose rope on her. I pull her to me. We lay there, She is spent, at least as spent as she was after her orgasm from the first part of the session. Theblindfold stays on.
“I love you. I need you. You make me happy. Sweetheart, close your eyes. I am going to take the blindfold off. I don’t want you to open your eyes yet. Are they closed?”
With that I take the blindfold off, and fold Isabelle into my arms. Sometimes during these times she’ll fall asleep, At other times she just needs to be held. Today was just a hold day. Eventually she comes back to herself. She unfailingly believes this time is not necessary.
-“I am Ok Alex. You can let me go.”
10 minutes of snuggling after an intense situation and she believes she is ok. No risk of Sub-drop. We’ve done this before. I know that’s not really the truth. I continue to hold her. She’s still snuggled in. Before we move onto anything else we discuss her feelings, my feelings, the actual encounter. It is in this time that we feel the most benefit from the power exchange and these encounters. We also know that she is fragile for a few days afterwards, and she needs toKnow she is the only thing in my world.
After we’ve had out what was right, what was wrong, what we had no control over in our scene, We snuggle in and drift off to sleep.
Chapter 6
When we wake up, Lacey is; well Lacey. I am still grggy from the festivals, and she already has coffee on the way up. She’s getting me out of bed to shower. She’s have been online and has looked up some of the harder clubs; the ones where play is acceptable. She’s looking for ideas, looking for layout, looking for décor.
“Casey, we can do this.”
“Sweetheart, is there enough audience to make this fly? These people are reclusive and shy about who they are and rightfully so. ” I am trying to poke holes in her logic.
“The research will flush that out. If not I had another Idea. We can leverage that 50 shades of grey book.”
“Lacey, Of all the reviews we’ve read, that book is absolutely rubbish.”
“I know that, but hear me out. If our club is really high end we can make it so that reservations are mandatory.”
“Ok. So what?” I’m having a hard time keeping up to her train of thought.
“We ask, if they are lifestylers or not. If they are, we segregate them into a room where they can be more overt. If they aren’t we put them into a room with the deco that suggest 50 shades, but more vanilla. When they make the reservation we provide them with some Instructions, for dress and the like. The Service becomes the experience. What do you think is the issue with the 50 shades books?”
“No Safe words, very little concern for the other, From the reviews there are a ton of issues.”
“Right so we demonstrate what the evening can be like. Imagine a housewife getting all dressed up and coming in and sitting down with her husband. A concierge in a suit approaches and brings water, and asks them with some instructions, who will be the Dom and who will be the sub for the evening, and give them a few minutes. As the concierge leavesThey tell the client that when they come back they will only address the Dom. They also need to select a safe word, we can provide them a suggested list, like a wine menu.”
“Okay, that could be fun for a couple”
“Wait, there’s more. When the concierge returns, he returns with what looks like 2 menus, but is only 1. The real menu he provides to the Dom, the sub gets a text outline.
The Text in both menus could be something like:
Welcome to Our Club
As you’ve made your choice to who the Dom for the evening is, here are our house rules for ordering dinner.
The Dom is in charge and has some choices to make. This is one of the moments that D/s Play is sexy to the proprietors. As the Dom you can:
1.Order for your sub with consultation. This way you are sure they get what they want. This is more chivalrous than D/s play.
2.Order for your sub without consultation. This is a power play and has 2 variants.
a.Variant 1. Try your best to orderwith consideration for your partner’s needs.
b.Variant 2. Order for your partner with no regards to their wants and needs.
3. Have your sub place the order after consulting with you, to ensure your needs as the Dom are being met. It is, after all, your partner’s job to please you.
4. Have your partner sub for you without consultation with you. If they don’t know you well enough to order what you like, you can tell them there is a spanking in the very near future for them.
If at any time you don’t feel comfortable and aren’t having fun, use your safe word. This is a fun evening. This is about the fun of giving up control.
For the person playing Dom, you need to remember that control is given by your partner, never taken by you.
Have fun.
I listen intently, and I finally respond with:
“Lacey, I don’t know if this has legs. We need to do a lot more research into this. Will lifestyle couples embrace us?Or curse us like 50 shades? If I recall, there was a little bit of the emperor has no clothes with the 50 shades. Not a single housewife admitted to reading it, yet it sold millions and millions of copies. I don’t know if you will get your aunt Carol or someone like her to come to this type of thing, even though she’s read the 50 Shades.”
Lacey brought up our penultimate question as
“So overall, what do you think? Does it go in the book?”
That was always the question. Does it go in the book? We had a book of business ideas that we kept. When we came up with Ideas we kicked them around. Some were terrible (A pay per use doggy walking trail with artistic scents for fido’s enjoyment?) and didn’t make it to the book, some were easy to put in the book. This one was at best, borderline. We had kicked around the idea. We had a really really rough layout of this idea, It would need a ton of refining and research. It probably wasn’t worth it, but it wasOur new password and it perhaps had some merit.
“Lacey, We can put it in the book, but it has to be a much lower priority.”
The Next Installment will have Casey and Lacey meeting a BDSM Club owner.
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