The English Ranch Pt. 01 Ch. 02

Warning -this and later chapters describe William’s participation in Pony play and describes heavy BDSM and pain scenes which may not be enjoyed by all readers. Do Not Read if you cannot handle this type of fantasy and please remember, it is fantasy. If you do not enjoy this story or any of my writings, I’m certain that there are thousands of other stories for you to enjoy, which may be found by returning to the main index. If you feel that this story is in the wrong category, well who cares.


I never thought that it could be as dark and black as it was this morning or this early morning rather for it was 3:55a.m. And I was on my way to pick up my first passengers listed on the instructions as… ‘You will pick up 2 ponies at …’. All the leather seats of my SUV were covered with blankets as a comfort to the passengers and protection for the seats. The instructions, that were delivered by that bitch sent by Lady Pamela, had been followed for the most part with the only exception being that I had put a change of clothing in a sports bag and put it under a blanket in the back of my SUV in case I needed it at the end of the weekend.

My alarm had gone off at 02:30 and, until that point, the excitement of this new adventure had kept me awake for most of the night. As quickly as I could, I got out of bed and cleansed myself inside and out as per the instructions from that woman. When I shaken, I not only shabby my face but my body as well until I was smooth especially in my genital area which I hoped would receive special attention all this weekend. Then I put on the body harness that ran between my legs and had adjustment straps below my breasts, at thigh level and of course at the back once I had suffered putting my cock and balls through it’s cock ring. Christ it was small and I wondered if Mistress Brianna had requested this size. The pain of first squeeze my balls through it and then my cock brought tears to my eyes and I hoped that it would be easier removing it. Thankfully, there was a leather pouch that snapped onto the harness over my genitals providing a little modesty if nothing else. A 2-inch heavy leather collar with D-rings front, back and sides, was then buckled around my neck but not too tightly and at least I didn’t have to add a lock on it as with Mistress Brianna’s. Wrist and arm cuffs, each having a D-ring, which I placed above my elbows, were also buckled on but not tightly and then a monster of a belt that had 8 D-rings on it in various locations was also buckled around my waist with great difficulty. That damn thing felt like it weighed 10 pounds. I put on the leather vest that was provided and a pair of sneakers completed my ensemble but the colour of the sneakers, white, did not seem to complete the rest of the outfit and I wondered if I had missed something. Oh well, I’m sure that they will have me running around in bare feet as soon as I get there.

Out the door and into the garage.Thank goodness for automatic garage door openers as I could hide in my car and not have a neighbor see me. And off I went for a weekend as a ponyboy.

‘This must be it.’ I thought as I pulled into the driveway and drive up as close to the house as possible. I turned off the car lights and quickly got out and opened the passenger door. Lights that had been on inside the house suddenly went out and from the front door emerged 2 women dressed in leather harnesses as I was. They did however carry what looked like large plums and they were wearing a type of boot made specifically for ponies, as they appeared to be up on their toes. I noticed that both of them had their hair in ponytails and they both jingled as they moved which seemed to please them as they chuckled and laughed quietly.

“Here comes the two K’s,” one of them said, “and you are right on time boy.”

I looked at them and recognized both. One was Karen, Mistress Brianna’s female slave, who I loved greatly and with whom I had spent several nights bound together in tight ropes and hot sex. The other was Kristine, another reporter from the cable stock market channel and I wondered just how many of her co-workers were into the scene. This must be Kristine’s residence, I thought, as I was familiar with where Karen lived.

“Oh william, it is you. I heard that you may be joining us this weekend,” Karen said, “This should be a fun time and better than usual.” She then snuggled up close grabbing my cock through the pouch and sucking lightly on my left nipple.

I stood there looking straight ahead, not saying a word, as my cock came to life from Karen’s playful actions. Karen then pulled Kristine over to me and then she pushed her into me. I felt both their hands rubbing my crotch and wanted to moan my Feelings out loud, I remained quiet.

Karen chuckled and then said, “The slave is not to talk Kristine. He performs well don’t you think? Let’s get in the car or else he will be late for the next pickup.” Then jingling and laughing, they both got into the back of my SUV as I closed the door and then left for the next stop.

As I drove off, I looked in the rear-view mirror and noticed that just from the streetlights that these 2 were beautiful in costume. Kristine’s normally straight blonde hair was in a ponytail with bangs down to her eyes. That was when I noticed she had a black plume and Karen’s was red. I wondered what the significance of that was. Both of them had bells attached to their collars and wrist cuffs and were the cause of that jingling.

“Do you know where your next pickup is william?” Karen asked.

I nodded yes.

“Do you know who it is?”

I shook my head no… and then there was laughter from both of them. ‘What the hell does that mean?”

It Was about a minute later than planned that I pulled into the circular driveway at the home of the Trainer that I was to pick up. Lights were on in the house as I stopped the car, got outand went to the passenger’s side. When the house lights went off, I opened the passenger door and noticed a wild grin on Karen’s face, which caused me to look at the person coming out of the house. I had though that it would be a male and was surprised that it was a female trainer. And then my heart stopped as I saw whom it actually was. ‘Nita, the fucking bitch! I’m screwed,’ I thought.

With heels clicking on the pavement, she marched to the car and stood before me with a grin that brought fear to me…and then with a gloved hand she slapped me hard across my left cheek…so hard that my head glanced off to the right.

“I was told you would be here this morning slave. I am going to make you pay for what you did to me. Let’s get going!”

Recovering my composition as best I could, I closed the door behind her and then went to the driver’s side, got in and drive off. I don’t remember much of the ride after that as I was shaken up knowing that I could have been in trouble.Now I regretted having paid Nita after Mistress’s party… now I fear that this weekend somehow I would be paid back. Nothing was said with the exception that Nita expressed her desire to be my Trainer for the weekend. ‘Oh please god, don’t let that happen,’ I thought. I wanted no part of her even though she looked fantastic in her black leather pants, boots, vest and western hat. Her long hair was not in a pony tale but was swept back over her shoulders.

Fortunately, Nita acted as navigator and we were able to make the farm (later, I learned the hard way to refer to it as the Ranch) with minutes to spared. There were several dozen cars and trucks parked already and with Nita’s help, I found the sign signifying my location to park. The sign read ‘pony william…Property of Lady Pamela and Mistress Brianna.’ When I opened the door for the passengers, Karen and Kristine took off laughing and jingling and Nita stood there for a few seconds glaring at me and then she left as well. I went to the front of the car and stood as I had been ordered.

After a five-minute wait, a male and female approached. The male, who had to be taking steroids by the handful and must have been 6 feet tall, wore an upper body harness, a black leather thong, a black baseball cap, black boots and turned out to be one of the designed Grooms. He had muscles on his muscles it seemed and the pouch portion of his thong looked as if it was stuffed with a melon. The female, who was about the same height as the male, was dressed in black leather similar to Nita and I recognized her as the bitch that had been at my house the night before. In the early morning light, I saw that she must also be on steroids or spend all her time in the gym as she was very muscle which accounted for her strength that I came up against last night. Although she did Not have large breasts, what she had, she carried well and she was both beautiful and fucking sexy. As with the previous night, she wore heavymakeup that made her look dangerous She carried a clipboard with paperwork while the Groom had a leather satchel over his shoulder.

“Good morning william,” she said. “I am Cheyenne, your Trainer for today and this is your Groom, David.”

“Good mo…” Was all I got out as she slapped a hand onto the leather pouch I wore hiding my privates.

” Shut the fuck up boy!” she commanded as I moaned and bent over reacting to her blow. “For some reason, you are in high demand as everyone seems to want a piece of you william. I know that I do as a result of your failure to obey just now and also that big fucking mouth of yours from last night. Take off your vest and give it to the Groom, quickly.”

I obeyed and gave it to the male Groom.

Cheyenne then nodded to David who immediately tightened each cuff, waist belt, harness adjustments and collar. The last causing me to gasp from fear of choking as I think he deliberately made it as tight as possible.

While David was doing this, I had not noticed Cheyenne going through my car and just as David was finished tightening all my apparel, she ran up holding the sports bag containing my clothes.

“What the fuck is this boy?” she yelled holding the bag in front of my face.

“Just a change of clothing Ma’am.”

She then nodded to David who took 2 snap hooks from his bag and attached each to a wrist cuff which were Drawn back to D-rings at sides of the waist belt almost at it’s rear. He then took out a section of rope that he put through the D-rings of each upper arm cuff and then pulled them together as tight as possible causing me to groan out in pain again.

“You disobeyed again william. You were not told to bring a change of clothing. This means that your training will be delayed until you are punished for this and all the other demerit points received. Do you understand slave?”

“Yes Cheyenne, I understand,” I groaned, as I was unable to straighten up with my elbows and upper arms bound so close together.

David then put his right hand on my left should pulling me to a standing and more erect position. I saw his left hand go to the top of my pouch and he then slide it under the pouch until he found my cock and grabbed it firmly.

“Get the fuck out of there, you fucking queer.” I yelled at him as I bent over, backing away from him, as his hand slide out of the pouch.

“Cheyenne, what’s going on?” he said and walked over to her and then they both opened a file from her clipboard studying it closely. They both looked at each other and nodded. When I saw that and the look in their eyes, I tried to back away and get to a safe place, which I knew did not exist with my arms, configured the way they were.

David saw this and quickly took a few steps and grabbed me by the D-ring at the front of my collar. “Not so fast little pony. You’ve got some explaining to do asshole.”

Cheyenne then stood in front of me holding up the file and a specific sheet with the heading of Limits. “Is this the list of your limits that you gave to your Mistress and which she supplied to us?” she asked.

“Yes, but I forgot a few things”

“Again boy, is this a list of your limits as we know it?”

“Yes it is.” I replied as I hung my head down.

“For that outburst and your sign of disrespect to your Groom, you have lost all privileges and your training and punishment will be at an even higher level.” She said in a firm voice.

“David, slip off his sneakers and put a 12 inch hobble on him. Then you may remove his pouch as he is no longer entitled to it.” Cheyenne commanded.

I watched as he bent down and roughly grabbed each ankle and pulled off my sneakers tossing them aside without care for their return. Then to each ankle he put on a heavy leather cuff to which he attached a 12-inch heavy chain; one end to each of the ankle cuff D-ring. Then he got up and slowly unsnapped the pouch that hid my cock and balls from publicview and he did this with a smile on his face that almost seemed to say, ‘You will be mine later asshole.’ He did find a way to run his hand over my cock and balls and I prayed that I would not have an erection then and there. All I needed was to have that mass of muscle using my body. Fortunately nothing ‘arose’ from that situation.

“OK, let’s getting going David. We are starting to get behind schedule and we do not want to upset Lady Pamela. I guess we had better go through the checklist so that you know exactly what to do with our new pony here.”

At this point, David took pen and a booklet from his bag and flipped a few pages until he found what he was looking for. “Ah here he is. Now let’s see what are his specifics for this morning?” David then began to ask Cheyenne an item to which she replied with a detail.

“Stall number? He asked. “17!” was her reply.

“Markings?”… “Left arm will now be double red. Right arm black.”

‘What the hell did that mean?’ I thought to myself.

“Tail?”… “Yes, that’s added and must be red. “

“Bridle, reins and bit?”… “Just the bridle and bit for now. Use the heavy trainer with a large bit, head harness with blinders and attachment. Short red plume and make the harness extra tight.”

“Bells?”… “Yes, that’s added as well. 5 at your discretion.”

“Boots?”… “I’m not certain. We will let our Lady decision.”

“Sunscreen?”… “No, heavy body oil instead. It says here that he looks great all oiled up and he looks well tanned anyway.”

‘Oh fuck no! Please god no! Please let one of the girls oil my body. Please!’ I thought.

“Training corral?”… “Not initially, a full spread in the stall to begin with since punishment is necessary. I’m certain that Lady Pamela will want to be there so make it extra wide. That means tiptoes!”

“Meals?”… “No breakfast, water only for now. His behavior will decide the future.”

“Cover?”… “No! He has lost the privilege of wearing apouch.”

As they were discussing my fate, I noticed that the sun was coming up and I could already feel its warmth. The weather forecast was calling for record highs this week, which was perfect for a week of ponyplay I had thought. My heart beat faster knowing that all my needs, wants and desires would be met over the next few days… and then some. Perhaps it was the initial ‘thrill of the chate’ followed by receiving all of my wants and needs that made me the slave I was. The thrill of being captured and struggled as one is made a slave…the wants and needs being the pain, the humiliation, and the total servitude to others.

“Bedding?”… “Straw only and it also says spread and bound with no blankets.”

“Video?”… “Yes. Punishment, training and competitions. Requested by his Mistress.”

“That’s all that I have. Do you have anything else Cheyenne?” David asked.

“Wow. Yes, just one other request from his Mistress. He is to be treated roughly as if he were a wild calmion. I’ve not seen anything like that before.”

They both turned and looked at me with smiles of what I would be looking forward to.

“Get him to the barn ASAP while I find Lady Pamela and discuss this pony with her to see what she wishes to do and what training he will require. Hurry!” Cheyenne commanded. “Are you ready to begin your weekend william?” she chuckled.

“Fuck you bitch,” was my reply, which got me an immediate slap across my face.

“We’ll see who fucks who slave! Now get going David or we’ll be joining this asshole.”

David then took out a 10 foot length of heavy chain which he snapped one end to a D-ring on my collar. “Let’s get going boy and you had better keep up.”

Off we went with my Groom moving fast enough to keep the chain teach and jerking on it from time to time probably to show me that he was in command. I didn’t notice much of the surroundings on the way to the barn as I was trying to keep my balance but I didHear the comments of others. Most of the remarks that I heard on the way were ones of sympathy and warnings of what was to come but there was some laughter as well, which was almost frightening.

Then at last we reached the barn and I was brought to my stable, number 17, and I was made to stand at the entrance as the Groom prepared it for me. From behind me, someone spoke up, it sounded like Karen but I was not Certain, “Oh my God, william, what have you done?”


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