This story is fictitious and no characters in the story are based on any real person, living or deceased. The activities described in this story are neither condoned nor recommended by the author.
While this is a standalone story, readers are advised to read Chapters 01 through 04 before reading this so they gain an understanding of Ellie-Mae’s history.
Ellie-Mae designs bondage gear for clients and herself
Ellie-Mae’s Journal:
Well, I can say that I’m now fully healed after my 100 strokes ordeal. It was painful having sex afterwards and we had to be very careful, especially with my poor bruised climate. But it was worth it, most definitely worth it. I don’t want to do it again yet, but sometimes I may. Possibly see if I can take more than 100 strokes – ouch.
Work’s been going really well. All my new designs have been selling quickly and orders have been piling up. Dom’s employed extra staff tocope but that of course causes problems with space allocations and training. I’ve been wondering what’s next. So far it’s mainly been sexy lingerie and clothing but I’ve decided it’s time for some real dungeon stuff, which could be a difficulty as I’ve never been in a real dungeon. So I’m not wanting to design the heavy bondage equipment (I’ll leave that to the engineers) but rather the personal items that can be attached and Maybe locked onto a person to cause excruciating pleasure or pain, depending on the penchant of their Dom. I know there’s already lots of stuff out there and more may seem unnecessary, but I’d like to customize it so it fits the person it’s designed for. So instead of it being sloppy in places and tight in others, it’s tight all over, if that’s what is wanted. A lot of it is also made from cheap and shoddy materials with poor workmanship, so I would insist on having the best materials and high quality workmanship in everything in my line. I would aim to cater tothe top end of the market.
Jolene called out to me, “I’ve got someone on the phone I think you should talk to.”
As I approached she quietly told me it was a woman named Sarah who was enquiring about custom bondage gear.
Once on the phone, Sarah sounded a little embarrassed as she explained what she was wanting.
“My husband, Vince, and I are switches in BDSM. We’ve seen that your company designs custom erotic clothing and wondered if you would be able to design some customized BDSM clothing and accessories because we’re unable to find anything in the shops or online and a lot of what is out there is really just junk.”
I explained that we had a designer who was looking at expanding her talents to include BDSM personal items and would welcome a visit from her and Vince to discuss it in person. It turned out that they lived only about an hour’s drive away so they made an appointment for the following day.
I told Ellie-Mae about the call that evening over dinner.
“So how do you want to play this?” she asked, “Obviously they will want both male and female equipment. I guess if we’re customizing it we’ll need to take measurements so we can make things the right size. Also they will need to be part of the design process because it’s pointless making things that they don’t want to use. Will you be interviewing them and do you want me there as well?”
“Yes, I think it’s essential that you’re there as well because you’ve had experience in measuring for the erotic clothing. We’ll need to measure Vince when he’s fully aroused as well as flaccid, and also I guess it would be good to take a cast of Sarah while she’s quiescent as well as aroused. I don’t know how much internal female anatomy changes between those two states but I suspect quite a lot.”
“We can change a great deal. For example, it’s possible with arousal and lubricant for a woman to take a man’s fist, but when not aroused a fingerr can be gripped tightly. So probably an aroused cast and a not quite so aroused cast would be good. No point putting anything too thin in there. We’ll also have to see what sort of games they like to play, of course.”
“What says you have a think before they arrive and make a list of suggestions. After all, there are probably lots of scenarios that they haven’t even thought of which they may enjoy.”
“OK, I’ll do that tomorrow morning for the afternoon meeting. I wonder if they’re into caning and whipping. Maybe we could make some really nice whips as well.”
“That’s a good thought. I wonder who we could try them on now,” replied Dom with a grin.
“Humph, so you want to employee me as a whip-test dummy, eh. We’ll have to see about that. Maybe occasionally, but it will cost you if I’m too sore for you to use in bed. Though I guess you can always get your rocks off with Jolene,” I added with a grin.
“Mmm, maybe we could use her as a whip-test dummy,” he replied smailing, “I certainly don’t want to put you out of bedroom action for very long. It was bad enough after your 100 strokes challenge. Remember also that I’m really a retired Dom so I don’t necessarily want to go round whipping people.”
We cleaned up the kitchen, cuddled on the sofa while watching a sexy movie, then went to bed and made gentle love before sleeping soundly.
Ellie-Mae’s Journal:
It’s really hard trying to work out what gear a person might like that can be customized. Obviously, rope and Velcro bondage equipment are fully adjustable so don’t need customization. So the customized ones would include ones made from leather, plastic and metal where things are riveted or even welded in place. To my mind leather is preferable as it has a nice feel and seems more dungeon-like. It’s also more suitable for long term wear, if that’s what is required.
So for a woman my favorite pick would be a really tight crotch strapattached to a wide tight leather belt above the hips. My fantasy harness like that would have a double section at the back so that a crotch strap could be attached to the front, would pass over my clip and lips, between the two double layers and the end attached to a lifting appratus. I could then be lifted up off the floor and all the pressure would be on my clip and pussy lips. Ooohh, that sounds so wonderful – I’ll have to make one for me and experiment with different widths.
My second fantasy piece is made of leather straps and consists of two or three pieces. There is one piece where the straps are made into two loops and fit over my breasts tightly, joining them in the front. They should be adjustable so the strap between them can be tightened to hold them close together. The other part would be a longer strap with loops at each end to go over my breasts but this time the straw between them would go behind my back. This may be made of two parts if necessary. Then the two loops around each breast are joined by a small sleep top and bottom that allows the straps to slide. I could then be lifted with the strap behind my back so that the loops around my breasts try to pull my breasts apart sideways, but these are held in place by the front stick. I would think this would cause very painful pressure as the opposing loops crushed the base of my breasts. I don’t know if this would even be safe, but I’d love to give it a try.
Then of course there are the pussy inserts. I’d love to be aroused and have a pussy cast made just after I’d been fisted so it would be huge. Just imagine pushing that out! It would be like giving birth. Then I could be stimulated so that it could be reinserted and then I would just be left. My pussy would try to close up to normal size but that would not be possible. I have no idea what it would feel like, but I want to try that too.
For a guy, a crotch stick that just allows his cock to protrude, pressing his balls against his public bone or against his perineum, and then having him suspended as I described before would be really hot. I hope Dom lets me do that to him. I wonder if I can make him cum when he’s suspended like that.
With all these I think it would be fun if they could be locked in place under normal clothes and the person have to walk around in public. Of course you would have to be very careful about blood supply – I certainly don’t want any parts of me dying. I’m sure that Vince and Sarah will have other ideas as well so this afternoon should be interesting.
Sarah and Vince arrived just before their 2pm appointment time and I ushered them into a private interview room, pressing a button which summoned Ellie-Mae to the meeting. After introductions were completed, I took stock of our clients. Vince was a tall, quietly spoke guy, well-dressed and obviously well-heeled; the Mercedes 250SLK outside indicated that. Sarah was very well dressed in modest yet sexy clothes, a tall, slim brunette only slightly shorter than Vince. We sat on the sofas in the room and a few minutes later Jolene arrived with a jug of water and glasses. She was, as always, dressed in her skin-tight cat suit which emphasized rather than hid her sexual charms. I noticed Vince watch her closely the whole time she was in the room, unconsciously licking his lips.
After Introductions were complete, Sarah reiterated what she had told me on the phone yesterday. I asked a few questions then handed it over to Ellie-Mae, explaining that she was the head of design. Ellie-Mae was looking particularly alluring today, probably because of the interview, with a very low-cut blouse which showed the tops of her breasts almost to her aureoles, and a tight miniskirt that revealed the tops of her elegant stockings if she bent over or sat down hurriedly. I noticed that Vince also followed her every movement with his eyes.
“What we really want, I think,” said Sarah, glancing at Vince for support and agreement, “Is some bondage gear that can be used at home but also that can be destroyed under normal clothes during the daytime or in the evening. Vince and I belong to a BDSM club and while we can go along in remote gear under a large baggy coat, I’d like to go along in maybe what I’m wearing now while underneath I would be in fairly strict bondage. The other problem is that most gear is made for women who are shorter than I am and who may be smaller around the hips. So it just doesn’t fit, is not adjustable and is very uncomfortable in a non-sexy way. I do realize that bondage gear is not made for comfort necessary, but it shouldn’t pinch just because it doesn’t fit.
“There’s also stuff we would like but which isn’t available and we don’t have the facilities to make it. Some of the stuff made for men is laughable, either being the wrong size, Vince is quite well endowed, or just not doing what it’s supposed to do, which is to restrain and cause sexual pain or frustration. So we hope that you’ll be able to remedy this for us please.”
Before I could answer, Vince cut in. “Of course, if you do make these items, you could always then make them for other customers, so really there is an advantage in you doing this as well.”
“Yes, I definitely see that,” I replied, “And I certainly agree with the points you’ve made. Much of the intimate lingerie Ellie-Mae’s designed in the past has been custom made simply because it was the only way to get something that worked as it should.”
“So what sorts of thing did you have in mind?” asked Ellie-Mae.
Vince and Sarah described in detail the sort of equipment they would like while Ellie-Mae took copious notes. As I listened I pictured Sarah in the items she described so vividly and noticed that my cock became quite hard. Looking at Vince’s crotch, he was in the same prediction. The expressions on both Ellie-Mae’s and Sarah’s faces had also changed, Ellie-Mae’s showing the arousal that she had before a bedtime session at home. This could be an interesting afternoon, I thought.
Ellie-Mae made some suggestions, including a breast bondage system and crotch strap which she’d earlier mentioned to me as being what she would really like, and then asked Vince what sort of male bondage gear he had considered. He mentioned the standard ones that ensured celibacy and isolated his balls, to which Ellie-Mae asked about a crotch stick that was also a ball compressor. I noticed his cock gave a lurch at the thought, just as Sarah also licked her lips, indicating that she liked the idea.
After Ellie-Mae had taken several pages of notes she then told them that she needed sizes. They told her their standard hip and wait measurements.
“No, that’s not really what I need,” she replied. explained that she needed the size of their genitals, both aroused and normal, interior and exterior, and of Sarah’s breasts and of their anuses if they wanted anything anal. By the end of this they were both blushing bright red.
“Oh, of course, I guess we can hardly ask you to make custom fit equipment by guesswork, can we. When do we do this?” asked Vince.
“You can do this while you’re here if you like,” replied Ellie-Mae, “We have all the facilities necessary.”
“Let’s do it,” said Sarah, “Get it over with. Where do we go?”
“We have a measuring room set up. So if you wish to go ahead we can take you there now if you like,” offered Ellie-Mae.
This was accepted so she took Vince and Sarah through a few passages and entered the measuring room, where she locked the door.
“OK, who’s first?”
“I’ll go first if you like,” said Sarah, “After all, I started all this.”
“Right. Please get out of your clothes. You can place them on the table.”
Sarah turned her back and started undressing, placing her clothes on the table as she removed them and finally turning shyly, an arm across her breasts and hand over her crotch.
Ellie-Mae collected the measuring equipment and a clipboard to which a measurement sheet was attached, then approached Sarah.
“Right, the first thing is that I can’t measure anything if it’s covered, so please stand with your hands at your sides.”
Sarah obliged, flushing red once again.
“Sarah, you really do have a beautiful body,” said Ellie-Mae comfortablely, “Vince is certainly a lucky man. Now, please spread your arms out sideways.”
Sarah did and Ellie-Mae took several measures and noted them on the sheet.
“Can you turn around now please,” she asked.
Sarah turned around and Ellie-Mae noticed several almost-healed marks on her back and ass cheeses.
“Do you enjoy being whipped and coulded, Sarah?” asked Ellie-Mae.
Sarah turned her head, blushing even more crisis. “Y – y – yes, I do. We’ve only done it a few times, but yes, I do enjoy it.”
“Hmmm, so do I,” Ellie-Mae said wildly.
“You get beaten? Whobeats you and what with?” asked Sarah.
Ellie-Mae spend a few minutes telling her about Dom and her hundreds stroke challenge, after which she noticed that Sarah was noticeably aroused, with a trail of pussy juice running down one tigh. She took some more measurements, asking Sarah to spread her legs as she measured and spread Sarah’s juices onto her lips.
“The thought of being Beaten really seems to turn you on, doesn’t it?” Ellie-Mae asked.
“Ooohhh yes, so much. I want Vince to do it some more but he’s really afraid of hurting me. He also wants me to beat him and hurt him but I haven’t yet because I don’t want to do any damage, especially to his balls.”
“They’re a lot tougher than they look, and are eminently punishable because they are so sensitive,” commented Ellie-Mae. “Maybe we should meet up for dinner sometimes and have a BDSM evening.”
“That’d be fantastic,” enthused Sarah, “What do you think, darling?”
“Yes, I guess it would be great,” replied Vince, a lot more nervously than Sarah.
“Right, I’ve finished measuring you externally, Sarah, please just sit on the chair and I’ll measure Vince, then there is another measurement I need from you. Vince, can you please remove your clothes.”
Sarah sat and watched her husband strip naked in front of her and Ellie-Mae, a woman she hardly knew but one she was certain her husband would like to know a lot better. Once he was naked Ellie-Mae began measuring, noticing that his cock was half erect. As she measured it became longer and more severe.
“You have a lovely cock, Vince. May I touch it please?”
“Yes, of course, I’d love you to touch it actually,” replied Vince with a smile, looking at Sarah and hoping it was OK.
Ellie-Mae touched it softly and lovingly, feeling it jerk then began to grow longer and thicker. He really was well-endowed. She began struggling it gently, arousing him even more so she could measure it when fully erect. Eventually it stopped growing and a drop of precum appeared at the end.
“Could I clean that off for you?” asked Ellie-Mae with a smile.
Vince smiled back eagerly. “Oh, yes please. Do you do that?”
“All part of the service,” she replied with a grin, running her tongue around his cock head before sucking it into her mouth. It was huge, she thought as she relaxed her jaw muscles and worked her throat muscles to take it further in. Very soon she had his balls against her chin, nose in his pubic hair and felt his cock in virgin territory in her throat. Oh, she just had to have Vince fuck her, hopefully today.
She pulled her head back, sucking in air, then sat back on her haunches and calmly measured the length and circuitference. Ten inches long from his pubic bone and six inches around at the base. Wow.
“I think that’s all the measures I need from you,” she smiled up at Vince, then turned to Sarah. “Now the last measurement I need is your internal measurement when you’re aroused. SoI can see you’re quite aroused now. How aroused do you want to be when you’re measured? I guess what I’m asking is how big an insert do you want in your vagina?”
Sarah and Vince exchanged glances, then Sarah looked at the floor.
“Vince dreams of fisting me and of me carrying an insert the size I would expand to when he has his fist inside me. However, I keep telling him that His hands are too big; they’re huge, look at them. I don’t know if I could take a fist that size inside me.”
Ellie-Mae eyed Vince’s hands and mentally compared them with Dom’s hands, which she had accepted inside her. Then again, Sarah was a bigger woman than she was so should probably be able to accept her husband’s larger hand.
“Well, I think with a lot of arousal and loving care you probably could take Vince’s hand inside you. However, for today, what about a compromise? What if I aroused you and fisted you with my smaller hand?” asked Ellie-Mae. “Maybe then once you had that and wore the insert for a while you’d be more confident and relaxed about allowing Vince to try his hand.”
Sarah looked at Vince, then back to Ellie-Mae.
“That sounds fine to me,” she replied. “Are you happy doing that for me?”
“Absolutely. More than happy, in fact. So come and lie on the bed with your legs wide apart while I grease up my hand.”
For the next little while Ellie-Mae stimulated Sarah’s pussy, running her well-lubricated fingers over her pussy lips and clip while Sarah became progressively more aroused and Vince watched in fascination as Ellie-Mae gradually opened Sarah up, inserting one, two, and eventually four fingers inside her. Sarah lay with her eyes closed, giving the occasional shudder as her arousal increased, humping her hips occasionally and squeeze both Her nipples with her fingers. Carefully, when she judged the time to be right, Ellie-Mae folded her thumb against the palm of her hand and slowly pushed further inside Sarah. Sarah’s mouth formedan ‘O’ as she felt Ellie-Mae’s hand intruding further than before. Vince watched, amazing, as Ellie-Mae slowly slip her hand inside his wife until her hand had completely disappeared up to her wrist. Ellie-Mae had made a fist inside Sarah and now began moving gently back and forth, accustoming her vagina to the intruder.
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