The Dutch Master Ch. 04

Being condensed inside the iron body cage was completely different from the stress bondage of the shibari ropes. Without the constant pain that knawed at my muscles and at my mind it was the time for the latter to wander. Not that my confinement within this tight little triangle prison was anything more than comfortable by comparison. My wrists were still heavily strapped up behind my back, safely double buckled behind my body inside the sturdy saddle leather cuffs that were in turn attached to the heavy leather belt that formed part of my body harness. The iron bars of my little prison pressed against my chest, my shoulders filling the space available completely. I was unable to move an inch, something that Gerd had taken full advantage of totorture my nipples.

I considered what the night ahead might hold and wondered how long Gerd, who had clearly gained great pleasure from my throat on the previous night, would be able to resist the temptation of the even tighter orificethat my body offered him. Anyly I was still a virgin. I had taken Debbie a couple of times in that manner. Both occasions had left her humiliated and sobbing, something that had turned me on hugely. I suspected that Gerd would be no different, he enjoyed the power of complete control.

The delicious fear began to mount as I awaited his return. I rarely went more than a day without an orgasm and I was now up to forty eight hours. My cock swelled once more as I turned over the potential scenarios in my mind, attempting to gain the full erection that the chatity lock was designed for the express purpose of denying. Then came the familiar sound of boot heels on concrete as I came to the realisation that my captor was returning.

The uplighters went back on, bathing the whole of the dungeon in the soft, red tinted glow that reflected back from the ceiling. My eyes now fall on his magnificent figure as he stood before me, boots gleaming as they encased his long heavily muscled legs, his feet set apart, adopting that dominant pose that he did so well. Tonight a black leather vest gripped his torso tightly, exposing the rippling biceps and barely containing the well developed pecs. He held his favourite leather covered cane in his gloved hands, his forearms encased in silver steel studied armsbands that added to the look of dominance. But what now made my blood run cold was the black leather executioners hood that obscured the upper half of Gerd’s face, his bright blue eyes now lost behind the tear shaped likes in the leather. He considered his prisoner coldly from behind this impersonalising mask.

I realized what it was that I had become. I was merely a conduit for Gerd’s pleasure. His domination of me, his ability to inflict pain at the slightest whim, was all part of the wider plan to give him a deeper sexual satisfaction. His gratification would come from seeing me squirm beneath his boots, quite literally. Even as I shuddered at the thought a sexualfrisson of my own ran through my body at the very idea of ​​my own submission beneath those boots, of giving up my power entirely to him, in short, in being his slave.

Gerd took the key and turned it in the lock, allowing the wrong iron door of my cage to swing open. Instinctively I knew what was expected of me, dropping to my knees before him. He clipped his lean to the ring of my leather collar and led me across the room to where a leather armchair stood in the corner. He sat down with his long legs parted and me now held naked between them. Once again I considered the masculine bulge at his crotch and moved my face forward until I felt the warm hardness of his shaft beneath the leather. My independent kisses brought a contented series of sights from my master. His cock stiffening still more under my ministers.

” Unzip me boy!” The peremptory command fell upon my ears. Unable to use my bound hands I manouvred myself until I was able to grap his zipper between my teeth. Slowly, in a series of graduate short tugs I was able to unzip him. The heady aroma of maleness reached my nostrils, pungent and redolent of power. His cock sprung free, the head already streaked with the first release of pre cum. Gerd settled back in his chair as I used my tongue to scoop the little bead of liquid from his exposed slit, tasting my master’s sweet gift, the product of his own body. I enclosed the swollen dome of his head within my lips, rocking my body slightly back and forth in a rhythmic movement as I sucked so that the continuous passage of my lips across the ridge of his cock caused him to cry out softly with sublime pleasure.

“Oh fuck yes boy!” I felt the pressure of his leather gloved hand on my sad skull now, forcing me down onto his shake, no longer needing the reassurance of the metal ring gag, knowing that the pleasure was freely given and would continue to be so. I allowed his shake to enter my throat, overriding my gag reflex in my strong desire to satisfy his needs. The rigid shaft of flesh began to choke me as my airways were completely cut off but the involuntary paroxysms of my throat muscles served to set up a victory that only provided more pleasure as Gerd now thrust his hips upwards to meet the opposite movement of my head, taking his cock still further down into the depths of my throat. Suddenly his screams filled the dungeon and my head was held even more firmly down as the first bolt of Gerd’s hot white cum burst into my throat.

Thick skeins of his warm, sticky man juice followed. He held me there until every last drop had pumped it’s way up his urethra and been explored into me. He allowed me to slump to the floor before using the shafts of his boots to encase my neck in a kind of head scissors, then using his powerful thighs to draw me back up onto my knees. Although being unable to see his eyes inside he leather hood I knew that they were bearing down on me.

“That really was very, very good boy”. There was a brief silence “However you did make your master cum too quickly. In order to ensure that you don’t make this mistake on a future occurrence it is my intention to offer you instruction in the form of a disciplined correction”. I could not believe what I was hearing. I was to be punished for doing too good a job. I opened my mouth, intending to protect. Gerd raised a gloved hand to indicate the funility of such an action.

“Yes Master” I said, lapsing back into total submission before this leather clad god. He stood up and zipped his now flaccid cock back into his jeans. I guessed that it would not be long before it was once more erect. He crossed to a leather upholstered benchmark that stood in the opposite corner to the cage in which I had been confined. It stood on four heavy timber legs, each fitted with wide, heavy grade leather straps. The varnished wooden body was equipped with what was in effect a wide leather belt that would encircle the occupation’s wait, preventing even the slightest movement on the part of the victim, no matter how severe the punishment being administrator was.

Gerd pointed to the benchmark with his cane. “Get yourself over that boy”. His words didn’t offer the possibility for any sort of negotiation. I lowered my body onto the leather upholstered top and made myself as comfortable as possible. First both my ankles were strapped to the rear legs of the benchmark. The played nature allowed for my thighs to also be strapped just above the knees, Gerd using most of his not inconsiderable strength in buckling me down tightly. My wrists were now strapped to the front legs, further straps bound my arms above the elbows. Finally Gerd laid the wide belt across the small of my back and I feel the heavy steel buckles being slotted into place as the belt pulled my body down tightly . Now strapped very Securely down to the punishment bench Gerd now came and stood before me. I took in the smooth, shiny leather of his jeans as well as his boots, neatly lacened at the knee. I watched out of the corners of my eyes as the boots disappeared across to the rack of equipment on the wall to my left. “Do you know what a sjambok is boy?”

He flexed the metre long whip between his gloved hands. “This one is a family heir loom, it was the property of my great uncle out in South Africa, it dates from the late nineteenth century.” I had heard of the sjambok whip. Carved from a heavy single piece of rhino hide it had a fearsome reward. It had even been said that the sjambok was capable of killing men with a couple of dozen strokes when applied to a fixed target, as I now was. It was generally used as a slashing weapon, by police to break up riots where it was unlikely that more than a single stroke would fall on the same victim, my blood ran cold at the thought of a prolonged beating. It was in Gerd’s gloved hands now as he stood before me, the threat clearly that he intended to use it. My eyes fell on the struggle whip, a full inch thick atthe handle and tapering to around half that at the tip, dark, desiccated chocolate brown leather that contrasted with the soft, thin black leather of his gloves. He stroked it’s shake lovingly.

“No, please Master not the sjambok, that’s too harsh”.

The response was a thin laugh. Once more I could see the bulge at his crotch, his cock, so recently satisfied by my throat, once again engorged with his blood. A strong erection fuelled by my obvious fear at his threat. “So now you are telling your master which whip he can and cannot use. You are very brave to take that upon yourself boy”. I crumbled now, on the brink of tears with the terror that filled me. My concern was that if he got started with the sjambok the sheer excitement of administratoring such a severe whipping might cause him to lose all reason and beat me far beyond his intention.

“No Master, it is of course your right to beat me with whatever you choose, but I am begging you for mercy, I am not sure that I can take the sjambok”.

Once again the whip was flexed between outstretched hands, closer to my face this time. I began to sob softly with fear. I had seen a video of a dominatrix beating a sturdy guy with such a whip. He was bound to a frame and four strokes had been enough to break his skin. The following twenty had turned his buttocks into something that looked more like raw steak on the butcher’s block. Gerd moved from my sight line. I heard him cross back to the rack. When he returned the slim black leather dressage type whip was in his hands, I breathed a heavy sight of relief. Although the fact that this whip was more than capable of delivering a very painful punishment indeed my relief at the sidelining of the sjambok was great.

“It is my intention to give you three dozen strokes”. Gerd announced. My relief was Even greater that he had put a number to the punishment. My fear was that once he had got started it would just continue until he lost interest. Judging from hisSubstantial erection that might take quite a while and would only happen after he had used me to provide yet another orgasm. Nevertheless I was impressed by his virility, barely an hour after he had cum he was ready and willing again.

Gerd walked slowly back and forth in front of me, savouring my vulnerable position, my body strapped across the punishment benchmark, all four limbs secured by heavy leather straps. The idea that I might be able of doing anything by way of ameliorating what was about to come my way was mere fantasy. Steel and leather versus bone and muscle was a contest that was only ever likely to deliver one winner and I knew deep down in my heart that would not be me. I flexed my leg and arm muscles. Gerd had secured the straws that restrained my body to the bench using his not inconsiderable strength to the full extent, I could Not move a single millimetre. My only option now was to take the whipping with as much fortune as I could manage.

Now Gerd movedBehind me. Whilst I could not of course see him there a large well positioned wall mirror allowed me to see some of his preparations as he now readi himself to give me the first whipping that I had ever received. He looked both terrifying and incredibly erotic. This huge, superbly muscled man dressed head to toe in the finest black leather, booted and gloved, his black leather executioner’s mask adding immeasurably to the sense of menace that I felt as I helped awaited that first stroke, I could only guess at the level of pain that would be involved. It would turn out to be an underlying as Gerd’s whip threatened to reduce me from a man to a blubbering, whimpering mass of fear filled, quaking flesh.

I could see him in the mirror now. He swished the whip through the air a few times, the sound itself enough to strike fear into my heart. He took up a position standing at ninety degrees to my buttocks, projected into the air slightly by the fact that the whipping bench had back legs that were slightly longer than the fronts, so that my body had a distinctly downward slant. Gerd now set his feet apart and touched the tip of the whip across my buttocks, tapping them lightly as he now gauged his intended arc.

I watched in the mirror as his right arm now moved up above his head, reminiscent in a way of a golfer making his swing from the tee. There followed a sound that was to Become so familiar to me over the ensuring month, that of Gerd’s whip slicing through the air ending with a hot, sering pain that drilled it’s way into my brain. I heard my own scream reverberating around the dungeon before ebbing away as I lapsed into a soft sob, my body heaving with the futile effort of pulling against my bonds. No sooner had the age subsided than a glance in the mirror showed that the next stroke was already under preparation, Gerd’s arm raised ready to deliver a second singing blow. Again my scream, but to no avail. The strokes now came quickly one after anoTher. He was good at this, hard and accurately grouped over an area no more than a few centimetres across, from the cream of my thighs up to the mid point of my buttocks. Soon the first dozen had been completed and Gerd allowed me a brief respite, but only for one reason.

He moved before me once more and his hard cock was out. Standing out horizontally from his legs now, the thick shake was rigid and ringed with heavy veins that stood out from the surface, the means of blood supply that maintained this impressive erection. “Open up wide boy”. The peremptory order allowed no room for negotiation and I obeyed my master immediately. My reward was a quick thrust of the hips that drove his cock in me

right up to the hilt causing me to gag and choke. This only lasted a shirt while, then he withdrawn and zipped up before picking up his whip and takng up his position once more to continue my punishment.

If I say the next twelve strokes were easier then it needs to be bornin mind that this is relative. I think that endorphins had begun to flow through my brain and although the impact was as heavy as the first set I was mentally drifting now, the natural painkillers starting to have an effect. On the completion of the second dozen Gerd returned to stand before me. But this time I wasn’t to be violently throated. Instead he ran his leather gloved hands gently across my smooth, shamen scalp. His jeans remained zipped, although I could not fail to notice that he still carried a full erection. Finally he leaned forward, gently placed his lips to the top of my head and whispered “Good boy”.

Despite this the third set was by far the hardest. By about the sixth stroke I could detect the tell tale feeling of blood trickling from my right cheek down across my thigh. By the end of this third dozen I was sobbing cruelly. Gerd replaced the whip in the rack. He left the dungeon but returned almost immediately with a bowl of warm water, cotton wool, and antiseptic ointment. By the time he had treated my wounds I had calmed considerably and the effect of my endorphins made me feel light headed and even slightly euphoric. I had expected to be released after the completion of my whipping, but this didn’t happen. Instead Gerd took off his gloves and began to liberally apply KY jelly to the inside of my anus. Evidently it seemed that his second orgasm of the night would not be as before into my throat. Instead he had plans to take my anal virginity. Still heavily strapped down to the punishment bench by many strdy buckled leather tethers this was now a faith accomplish. Gerd fitted a full leather head harness. The hard rubber ball gag was pulled tightly into my mouth. Finally a heavy leather hood was laced up, totally surrounding my skull rendering me completely blind and deaf. In this manner I was prepared for the huge Dutchman to take his pleasure. It would prove to be a night to remember for us both.


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