Secret Base
Justine was a bit disappointed to find that the first of the Inner Circle’s secret vendors she visited was pretty much a greasy spoon. It was a daytime drop in for munches and the like. There wasn’t any fetish furniture dotted about the room, just cafe style tables and chairs, though there were big framed photo prints on the walls, some of which showed activities that you’d never see on a Poster in Athena and that Justine flinched just looking at. The place was in a cellar with a separate entrance under a pub, and the metal plated fire door had an entryphone by it. Justine had hoped for a password, but instead when she arrived with Juliette they just gave their names, were welcomed in and then directed down the single flight of stairs to the room below.
Only one of the tables had anybody around it. A group of half a dozen or so people, which included Madame Morticia and Mistress Anastasia. None of the other four Justine recognized, though one of the guys did have a neatly trimmed greying ginger bear and a pair of leather trousers, so he was presumably a top. Mistress Anastasia waved and Justine and Juliette made their way to the table, a big solid wooden trestle. There weren’t even, Justine realized, any omino stains on the concrete floor. Swizz, she thought.
Juliette took the free seat by Madame Morticia and Justine sat by her own patron. On the way over she’d been thinking about having Juliette as her slave for a year. Would it count as abuse to try to coax her into sex?
“Okay, girls,” the bear said. “Nice to meet you both. I’m sure you’re both nervous and excited, so I’ll try to keep this brief. You’re here to act as proxies in a contest of dominance between Anastasia and Morticia here. Their own contracts have much more severe and permanent penalty clauses for the loser than yours will, but those still deserve to be taken seriously. You’ve both seen and read the paperwork?”
Justine nodded, then caught herself. “Yes,” she said. “I have.”
“Me too,” Juliette added.
“Right. I’m Lord Kelvin. I shall be overseeing the whole set up. Charlotte and Lydia will each be monitoring one pro and baby Domme double act…”
Justine managed to contain herself, but Juliette spluttered at that. “Baby Domme?” she said in a voice dripping with shocked hurt feelings. Lord Kelvin grinned.
“Had you not heard that one before? There’s much nastier terms for young and unproven Dominatrites, trust me. And it was meant affectionately. Anyway, Roderick here is our legal adviser.” This was the last person at the table, a tall, thin thirtyish guy with a bland face, sensible hair and a rather nice wool jacket over jeans and a cable knit sweater. He had a zipped leather document wallet in front of him
“Okay,” Roderick said, in a much warmer and slightly deeper voice than Lord Kelvin’s, “is everybody ready to sign? Last chance to back out.”
“No way, I’m in,” Madame Morticia said. Her voice was was a soft, throaty purr and she spoke flawless BBC English. Maybe the reason sessions from professional Dominatrices were so expensive was because they all had elocution lessons to pay for. Juliette and Mistress Anastasia both agreed and it was Justine’s turn.
“I’m up for this,” she said, and was relieved not to hear a quaver in her voice.
Roderick smiled and unzipped his document wallet. As well as a wad of papers, there was a pen stuffed into a loop down one side. “Okay,” he said. He flipped through the papers and separated them into three sets, then took the last page off each. “If the duelling Dommes will sign first?” He uncapped what turned out to be a fountain pen and handed it to Morticia. Justine was a bit disappointed to see it was full of black ink rather than blood. Morticia signed all three, then Handed the end sheets and pen to Anastasia who did the same.
Anastasia handed the pen and papers to Justine, and she signed them herself, then passed them to Justine, who signed with rather more of a flourish than anybody else had. Everybody sitting around the table noticed that, and they all made a point of not recognizing it. Finally the two administrators signed, and then Lord Kelvin and Roderick as witnesses. After that, the documents were gathered back up and the pen tucked away. It wasn’t one of the stockbroker things with a snowflake on the cap, but Justine suspected that whatever it was, it was just as expensive, just more restrained and less flashy attention seeking.
“All done,” Roderick said after tidying up. “Wasn’t that easy? One last thing to remember. Juliette and Justine can both choose to resign from the content. This is an automatic loss, and will not, in all likelihood be considered very warmly by their spons, but it is an option. The idea is that it should encourage your sponsers to treat you properly, and will save time by allowing somebody who’s obviously losing to cut things short rather than sticking it out to thebitter end.”
“Now,” Lord Kelvin said, “the contest has officially begun, so if you two young ladies will tell the administrators what assets you have proving your dominance as we begin?”
Justine took a deep breath and looked over at Charlotte and Lydia, wondering which was which. Maybe the blonde was Charlotte: she had her hair piled up into a chignon that was almost a beehive and didn’t look like a Lydia.
“Is it worth mentioning that I already have a slave boy?” Justine said.
“It is,” the brunette said. Her hair was a pale toffee brown pushed back with a woven leather alice band. “Just how slavey is he?”
“I have him in chatity,” Justine said. “I’ve got him sort of not quite crossdressing but wearing fishnets and leggings and heels in a gothy sort of way, rather than drag sort of way. And make up. I’ve banned him body hair as well. He was bi curious and I’ve seen to it that he explores that, which he seems to be enjoying. Does making a slave suck cock and take it up the bum still count as dominant if he’s not resenting and and hating every second of it?”
“It does,” the blonde said. Justine wondered which of the two she’d rather was administratoring her and Anastasia. “Anything else?”
“I’ve dyed his hair pink as well,” Justine dug her phone out. “Want to see some pictures?”
The blonde shook her head. “You can email me some proof later on,” she said. She must be the one who was going to be overseeing Anastasia and Justine, then. “Don’t worry about that. Anything else besides your slave boy?”
“I also have a…” Justine paused and hoped that she wasn’t grimacing. “I have a find site as well. I know that’s looked down on, but even so, I do get a bit of money into my paypal through that, so even if it isn’t real Dominant stuff, it must count for something, right?”
“Okay,” Charlotte or Lydia said. “The site you’re using for that and your online finDomme name?”
Justine lowered her eyes. “Princess Porpentine,” she said. She’d spent the best part of three quarters of an hour trying to set up accounts with other names before resorting to that. “It’s on Mindworm.”
The blonde smiled at that. “Okay, Princess,” she said. “I’m Lydia, and you’re definitely off to a good start. Here’s my email,” she handed Justine a card, “so just send me a few details about your slave later. Do you have Any of him with a cock in his mouth?”
Justine wondered if that was down to proof or purification. “A few,” she said. “None of him being bummed, though. Will one of him with me be needed as well? The sex shots are selfies from encounters with guys. He’d love to have his Mistress film him being spitroasted but I don’t think his dates are as keen. At least one guy he’s shagged is determined to rescue him from me.”
“One with you, one or two doing gay stuff, and maybe a photo or two of him in fishnets in public will do nicely,” Lydia said. “Okay Charlie, your turn. See what the other young lady can boost.”
The Secret Origin Of Princess Porpentine
“Princess Porpentine?” Mistress Anastasia said. “Is that from a manga or something?” She was one of the very few people Justine had ever met who could deliver that question in a non-sneery manner.
“It was just allerative,” Justine admitted. “I started logging in with what I thought were a bunch of great names, but they were all took.”
They were sitting in a deserted late afternoon pub. After the signing session broke up, Madame Morticia had swept Juliette off one way and Mistress Anastasia had suggested that a drop of Dutch court might help Justine. She was sitting with a Jack and Coke in front of her, wondering if she’d made a fool of herself.
“Social media’s like that, sadly,” Mistress Anastasia said. “I’m sure I’ve heard that name somewhere before though, but I can’t place it. It’s Princess Peach in the Mario games, isn’t it?”
“It’s in Hamlet. Porpentine is an old term for porcupine.”
“Do youthink you’d be pushing your account harder if you liked the name more?”
That was a good question. “I don’t know,” Justine said. “Maybe.”
“I actually rather like it. It’d be good for a Domme who does need play or sounds, wouldn’t it?”
“I guess,” Justine said. “That sort of stuff is a bit frightening, though.”
“The fact that having needs stuck through their bits is terrifying is part of the appeal for some,” Anastasia said. “That and the fact that it really hurts. The need going in is a very sharp, excruciating pain, but it doesn’t last for long. I’m sure you’ve had something besides your ears done, and a thin medical need isn’t anywhere near as bad as the gauges of need they use for body piercings. Play piercing isn’t as difficult as you seem to think, but you have to know what you’re doing. It can get a bit messy, even if you do, as well. And if you have your slave boy in chatity, he might even enjoy having a sound fitted. I’m sure you’ve seen that there are chatity devices that are designed to have a sound screwed into the end.”
“Mmmm,” Justine said. “I just hope it didn’t sound like I was bragging.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Anastasia said. “You were supposed to be bragging, And you should have seen Kayleigh’s face when you said that you had a boy in chatity and were sissifying or feminising him or making him the most old school Specimen fan of all, or however you see it and the best her prospect could manage was a find listing using photos of a punk rocker nobody remembers anymore.”
“Well, she didn’t like me anyway. I’d be a bit worried about putting a metal tube up Dylan with him in a rather tight cage already. I know the reason some guys like sounds is because the inside of the urethra is incredibly sensitive.”
“Those huge things in the CBT videos aren’t for beginners, dear. Get a thin, long, flexible one, and use a lot of lube. You might be surprised how much he enjoys it. The important thing is to make sure it’s clean in between sessions, and not to get any of the cleaner inside his urethra. A fivever or whatever a sound goes for on ebay might seem a bit pricey for a single use toy, but it’s still less than a four pack or a nice box of chocolates, and if you use a new one fresh out of the shrinkwrap every time, you’ll know it’s clean enough not to cause any harm.”
“And needs?”
“You can stick them through the glans more or less with impunity: it’s quite hard to do any real damage there. Pushing them through the shake or the scrotum, particular when a man’s excited and his sac has tightened up can cause harm though. You need to avoid puncturing the wrong stuff. And again, the needs need to be sterile. That goes for nipples, lips, labia and anywhere else you might want to put a needle as well. Whatever else you do, make sure the needle is sterile.”
“I did see one clip somewhere,” Justine said, “where an erect penis had a birthday cake candle inserted in the endand lit.”
“Nice image, but coloured or cented candles are a bad idea for wax play. They burn a lot hotter than plain white ones. They’re nearly as bad as beeswax, and tiny little candle like that won’t have the wax cool any at all trickling down before it hits skin. I suspect the cock’s owner in that one was a pretty hardcore pain puppy.”
“This is a lot to keep track of,” Justine said.
“You’ll cope. What do you think of Lydia?”
“She seems nice. Can I trust her, though?”
“Good question. You can. How are you holding up? Convinced you’ve made a terrible mistake yet?”
“Not yet,” Justine said.
“Maybe you didn’t need the drink, then. Still, I did, I suppose.” Mistress Anastasia had ordered a pint of cider with a double shot of dark rum in it. It wasn’t a tipple Justine had ever heard of before, and Anastasia had killed it very quickly. “in any case, as I’m going to be mentoring you through some professional S&M sessions, maybe it’s time to show youaround my dungeon?”
Justine perked up at that. She’d never been in a proper dungeon before. “Yes, please,” she said. Anastasia smiled.
“Drink up and let’s go, then.”
A Beginner’s Guide To LezDom
The dungeon was a lot more impressive than the Circle’s common room. A Saint Andrew’s cross and a huge wooden wheel with straws to fasten somebody to and hand posts and foot rests filled two adjacent walls in one corner. A lot of other bond furniture was dotted about the room, and a person sized bird cage stood in the room’s other back corner. Medical gear was along one wall, along with a small table supporting something Justine recognized as an autoclave from when she’d had her tattoos done. There were ranks of whips, canes, crops, paddles and instruments of chatisement Justine didn’t even recognize, small cabinets presumably stuffed with sex toys and bondage gear, chains hanging from the ceiling and ring bolts fastened to the floor. The floor was some black rubberytile that looked like the mats they used to have under car pedals, and the walls were red where they weren’t black painted exposed beams. All of the woodwork in the room was black.
“You should see your face,” Mistress Anastasia said. “You are bugging out like you’ve been drawn by Tex Avery.”
“It’s a bit much to take in,” Justine mumbled.
“Of course it is, dear. That’s the whole point. Overwhelming sensing impressions don’t just come from your bottom or your genitals, do they?”
“I can tell,” Justine said. “What are those things by the crops?”
“Quirts. They’re a bit like a strap on the shake of a crop, but they’ve been refine a bit from there. The green one is a dragon tail with a triangle neoprene tail. That can draw blood. The others have soft tails. Leather mostly.”
“Oh wow.”
“How much of the furniture can you name?”
“That’s a Saint Andrew’s cross. I’m sure the circle thing has a name, but I have no idea what that is. Does itrotate?”
“It does. That lever on the right of the frame frees the mechanism and locks it again. There’s also a motor, so you need to make sure that’s not engaged before turning the wheel by hand. One thing that’s great for, which might interest you gave what you’ve said about your slave boy, is subs with a foot fetish. Once they’re turned upside down, you hardly have to lift your foot for They to lick your boots. Anything else you can name?”
“That’s a whipping benchmark. I think that’s a queening stool though it might be something a bit more toilet-y.”
“It can do double duty. Keep going.”
“That’s a gynaecologist’s chair though I’m not sure it counts as bondage gear, even if you have added wrist menaccles and a wait strap.”
“It’s very good for exploring the crotch for CBT. And having their feet up in the stirrups can be nice for guys with feminisation fansas well. Your slave boy might like that.”
“He could never afford a session in here,” Justine said.
“Maybe you could treat him after you’ve earned a bit. For now, though, I think I should give you a free taste. You obviously want that, so don’t try to claim otherwise.”
Justine lowered her eyes and felt her cheeks burning. “Yes, Mistress Anastasia,” she said.
“See how easy that was? Now strip and get down on all fours. You are to lick my shoes and beg to be disciplined. I think we need to get this out of the way before you can do any training on topping people. I don’t think anybody will take you seriously as a Dominatrix if you’re constantly making cow eyes at the props and licking your lips, will they?”
Justine couldn’t believe how fast she was out of her clothes and grovelling in front Anastasia, licking and kissing her black eelskin courts.
Justine couldn’t stop giggling as Mistress Anastasia checked that she was fastened securely into the gynaecologist’s chair. Her hands were stretched up over her head in menacles, her ankles were fastened with cuffs holding her feet in the stirrups, and as well as the leather strap across her waist, there were smaller ones around her thighs, keeping them spread. Mistress Anastasia had shed her coat, but was still dressed in the black PVC leggings, black eelskin courts and silk blouse she’d hurt to the contract signing. She was also pulling on a pair of disposable latex gloves. Once those were in place, Justine gasped as a fingertip challenged her pussy.
“You really are a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” Anastasia said. Suddenly her face and her body language had changed like somebody had flipped a switch and she was a Dominant Goddess. The change was frightening, and Justine stopped giggling.
“Yes, Mistress,” Justine said. “Sorry, Mistress.”
“I’ll give you a sound first. Hold Still.”
Justine closed her eyes as she heard plastic ripping. Mistress Anastasia slapped her face. “No closing your eyes. I want you to watch this.” She held a thin black coil of something rubbery looking for inspection, then ripped open a sachet of water based lubricant and began to grease the sound.
“There, doesn’t that feel nice?” The main sensing Justine got as the sound was fed up her urethra was a sort of milk itching. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t something she’d have sought out, either.
“Yes, Mistress,” Justine said. “Thank you, Mistress.” She could Feel the end of the sound moving towards her bladder and the tickling it spreading further up inside her.
“How would you break down your submissive impulses?” Mistress Anastasia said. “Control seems to be one, and you obviously enjoy bondage, but what else is there? Does pain excite you? Defilement? Debasement? Degradation? Do you understand the difference between those three? Do you have a hankering to be humiliated?”
“I’m not really a masochist, Mistress,” Justine.
“That’s a shame, because I’m definitely planning to hurt you. You’re going to have had a taste of some floggers, include that dragon tail you were eyeing up before we’re done this afternoon. Won’t that be nice?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Justine said.
“And there’s some painful things we can do while you’re there as well. I think we should start with the one you’re thinking about, though.”
Mistress Anastasia had stopped feeding the sound up Justine’s urethra. She smiled, looked into Justine’s eyes, took the bead on the end between her thumb and forefinger and yanked it out, a lot quicker than she’d fed it in. Justine gasped and moaned.
“Didn’t that feel nicer coming out than going in?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“The needses will be the same. It’s only fair, isn’t it, that Princess Porpentine has a spikey pussy?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Beg, then. I’m waiting.”
This time Justine’s voice did tremble. “Please put needs into my pussy, Mistress.”
“Of course, dear. Shall I take a nice photo when we’re done?”
“Please, Mistress.”
“There.” Mistress Anastasia raised her iPhone and took a couple of photos. Justine was breathing as shallowly as she could, and holding herself stiller than she thought was possible. Before she started inserting needs into Justine’s labia, Mistress Anastasia had clamped a long thin tubular clamp over each, pinching them and lifting them, and holding them in a straight line for the needs. The pinching from the clamps wasn’t that unpleasant, but the First needle that was pushed into her labia had made Justine shriek. Mercifully each successful need had hurt a little less. There was a sharp and very intense pain as each need was pushed into her flesh, which quickly faded to almost nothing. Justine was surprised how little blood there was.
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