Allison walked to the full body mirror that she had in her bathroom and noticed that her clothes were all stained with saliva, she pulled down her pants and immediately noticed that her underwear was practically soaked, soon after she ran a finger through her labia and a few seconds later started to masturbate, looking at herself in the mirror, completely lost in her body needs. Soon an orgasm started to build up while Allison thought of sucking cock, of being tied and fucked while completely naked, of eating as much semen as she could get.
Alison had not eaten since lunch and the night was setting, her stomach was rumbling again and she couldn’t believe that something as trivial as buying food, cooking it and eating it was being so hard to do consistently.
She did her best effort to change clothes without removing one hand from her clip while Touching herself and fingering her vagina. She opted to use a short dress without underwear, it would simply get wet and obstruct access to her genitals. Allison subconsciously had accepted to be always horny, always masturbating. That was her new normal lifestyle, after all, no one would disturb her at work or at her house, so she saw no major problem with that skimpy dress.
She looked through her pantry and found nothing but empty boxes and rotten food. Allison had to go buy something to eat. She was already Feeling weak and lightheaded from the hunger she was enduring. So, she hastily walked to the door and went to the closest convenience store to buy something to eat and hope that maybe Jack could help her with her groceries.
She opened the door of her apartment, took the elevator and walked out of the building without seeing a single person, but once outside in a busy street, she noticed some weird looks on her. People looked at her with confusing expressions and disgusting reactions. Allison was completely oblivious to what was causing those reactions. She suddenly realized that she had beentouching herself under her dress for almost 2 blocks in public. Allison quickly stopped once she noticed her grave omission. But seconds later she was already feeling sick from not touching her genitals. It was a terrible sensing that would sooner or later overpower her. Her breath accelerated, she felt cold sweat start to run from her forehead into her face, she felt a strange burning sensing on her chest.
She looked at the hour on her phone, 22:26. Allison thought:
A: I must be able to stop masturbating at least in public, I need to eat for fucks sake.
She said to herself angrily.
As the minutes ran by and she walked into the store, she was almost twitching from the urge to masturbate, she was on the verge of collapse on the ground and recovering her lustful activities. She remembered what Jack said:
A: Vegetables, fruit, canned tuna and precooked rice, and that’s it. As soon as I set foot on the elevator I’ll finger myself to orgasm while watchingthat damned series of Jack, that’s what I’ll do.
Allison could barely walk or talk, she was hugging herself because if she left her arms free, she couldn’t stop twitching and trembling. She took a quick look at her phone to see the hour, 22:50. Almost half an hour had passed and she felt that she would need to masturbate or die in a few seconds.
She reluctantly said to herself:
A: What if I discreetly touch myself for like 10 seconds so I can rest. It’s like a sneakeze you need to get out, no one will notice and I’ll be able to shop at peace.
Without thinking it twice, Allison raised her dress slightly and moved two fingers over her clip and started making small circles while grabbing a plastic basket and walking into the store. But soon she realized, she couldn’t stop, she didn’t want to stop, it was feeling so good to finally get some relief. Luckily for her, the store was practically empty, just the cashier (a balding man with a decent body and well into his 50s) and her. She took the chance and masturbated the whole 3 minutes that it took her to buy a tuna can and a small bag of precooked rice.
When Allison started to walk to the cash register, she did her best effort to remove her hand from her pussy but she simply couldn’t. She was suddenly face to face with a grown up man, at least two decades older than her and she couldn’t stop masturbating to open her purse and pay for her stuff. The cashier looked at her from face to toes with lustful eyes and quickly started to find a way to get advantage of the situation.
M: Tell me girl, What’s your name? What are you doing with that funny little hand of yours? Would you rather pay with something else other than money or what? Because I can see from here that you can’t open that pursuit you’re carrying.
Allison was Shocked, she wasn’t thinking straight at all but also was extremely horny. She started to think on how much he needed to be fucked, how she found hot to pay with sex andNot money at the store, how much she would love to sleep tied and naked and eat her dinner and breakfast from a dog bowl in the house of the man she just met.
A: Do you accept another type of payment at this store? Because I think I left all my money and cards at the airport, I just arrived here like 2 hours ago.
Said Allison, letting her old self drift into the past and embracing a new Allison.
M: Well, don’t worry, you can pay for all that you’re taking with a simple kiss in a special part of me. I’m closing in 5 minutes. Are you in a hurry?
Allison quickly jumped over the counter and got on her knees and dug through the cashier’s belt, jeans and underwear like a rabid beast to find a well endowed cock already half erect.
A: Just keep doing your job Daddy while I pay for my food down here…
Allison soon took into her mouth the quickly growing dick that she had in front and lost no time in getting it as far as it could get and covering it in spit.Allison felt something different, the urge to masturbate suddenly disappeared, she was feeling satisfied just from sucking cock, her infinite horniness was exchanged for a feeling of total submission to the man she was pleasing.
A: Please take me to your house Daddy, I don’t have anywhere to sleep, besides, I will behave and keep paying you for all your help if you want.
Said Allison with her face covered in spit and a viscous thread of vaginal fluid dropping from her slit.
A: Make me yours! Spank me! Drown me in cum and urine, Tie me, blindfold me. Anything for the big heart of Daddy.
Said Allison after.
M: Why wait for the fun to start at home when I can start right now… I don’t want to know your name, but when I call you Bitch I want your complete attention to the task at hand, understanding?
A: Yes Daddy, anything you say!
M: Now bitch, I want you to go and get a pack of condoms and some scissors while I close the goddamn store.
A: Okay Daddy! Right away!
Allison stood up as fast as she could and acted enthralled, did exactly what she was told while masturbating again, eager to continue sucking the random man’s dick. Allison was not only thinking of recovering her past activities but knew that soon her pussy and ass would be filled up with the cock that she so desperately needed.
Allison walked back to the cashier to see that the store’s doors were already closed.
M: Give me what I wanted you to bring to me, Bitch.
Allison did not utter a word but extended her arms upfront and delivered the two items that she was asked to fetch.
M: Now, stand still and don’t pull your arms into your body, I want to get rid of your dress already, because you are more a whore than a human and you don’t need clothes for the kind of stuff I will make you do.
A: Yes Daddy, anything that gets me closer to getting fucked is great!
Said Allison teasing the cashier, which in turn started to cut in half the dress Allison was wearing. He started by cutting from the sied and went up along her ribs then shoulders and poor, the dress fell on itself off Allison’s body into the ground.
M: Now, get on your knees and blow me until I fill your mouth with semen, but don’t you fucking death swallow!
Allison lost no time and buried her face into the man’s groin without consideration and spared no effort in making that guy feel all the pleasure he physically could. She grabbed his balls with one hand and moved her tongue around the penis head, then licked it from the base to the tip repeatedly, then deepthroated it, while moving her other hand on his stomach, and repeated all of this until the cashier put both hands in the back of Allison’s head and came inside her mouth a gigantic amount of semen.
M: I’ve been alone for some months and I’m going to take full advantage of you! You do not have permission to swallow my semen, you will keep it in your mouth until I order you to dootherwise.
Allison nodded in confirmation of the order she was given.
M: Now, you will follow me on all fours into my car then I’ll take you to my house, where we can continue our little date.
The cashier grabbed what was left of the dress and Allison’s pursuit and walked to the back of the door through a service door into a big storage room that led finally to a parking lot at the back of the building, While he walked and Allison crawled, he spanked her in the ass a few times to anxious her up, then he decided to remove his belt and use it to hit her in the ass.
The man took a few hits at first to try and test the pain resistance of Allison at first, but after 3 or 4 hits, her skin was starting to get ready and he wanted to wait a little longer to have all his fun. As for Allison, she was enjoying every second of it. Her pulsating skin feel like a new breath of fresh air, a new experience that left her expecting more, every hit and spank made her squirm in pain butalso get hornier if it was even possible.
Allison and the cashier arrived at a busy parking lot almost full with cars, some abandoned years ago, some cars moving, getting parked or leaving, and just a few meters away from the store’s back door was parked a blue and old sedan car with a few scratches and crueles.
M: You dont get to travel in the seats like a person, which you are not, you are my plaything, you will travel in the trunk like the toy you are, so crawl fucking faster because im getting impatient.
Alison walked to the back of the car and when she was about to climb in, was suddenly raised from the ground by the cashier and was carefully laid down inside the trunk of the car.
M: I don’t want you to move or make any kind of noise at all. Also, open your mouth, I wanna inspect your work so far.
Allison opened her mouth to allow inspection of her vocal cavity and received a comfortable smile for a job well done. The cashier did not utter another word but took the chance to hit Allison again with his belt across her chest and in her tits.
M: I wanna see that bruise in 20 minutes when we arrive at my home.
Then, the man closed the trunk and left Allison in total darkness. She didn’t waste a second and started to touch herself again while thinking about being hit with a belt, being spanked, being slapped on the face and tits, being completely naked while cleaning, cooking, on the street, begging for dick in her mouth, pussy and ass. Not long before, in what felt like a trace more than time to Allison, they arrived at a small building with 3 or 4 floors. Allison once again was dragged then carried then put down on the ground. While her chest and ass pulsated in pain from the previous belt hits.
M: Walk and follow me, and worry, I don’t want to wait for you any longer.
Allison followed the man while crawling. They went into the building and took a small set of stairs down into a small and humid basement. Allison noticed the depressive blue of the tiles of the building, some had fallen and most of them looked damaged and on the verge of detaching soon. A dim light barely lit the hallway and stairs into the basement, only a fragment and rusty metal fence separated the hallway from the street.
Once down the stairs, there was a single wooden door without number or doorbell, illuminated by a single dim light bulb. Once in the cashier’s home, there was only a small kitchenette with an electric oxygen, a minifridge and a coffee maker, a small square table at one corner and a small individual bed with old and wound out lines looking into an analog television.
M: Stand up and open your mouth for inspection, Bitch!
Screamed the man in a commanding voice. Allison compiled and stood up and opened up her mouth as big as she could. She had managed to keep all the semen inside her mouth, tasting it and enjoying its subtle notes and flavor. The man opened a can of tuna and dropped its contents into the floor at one side of the table.
M: Now spit all my delicious semen into it!
Alison slowly let the semen drip out of her mouth like a stream and took her time to make it as exclusive as possible. When she was done, she looked at her host while he got undressed in a hurry, he then proceeded to pee a little into the mixture and revolution it all with a fork in the ground. The resulting dish looked terrible and more than likely tasted horribly.
A: Could you please Daddy pass me my purse? I need to put something into my food, it is my very special thing, I need to put it into anything I eat. It’s an.. a.a… an. iron supplement.
M: You lying bitch you don’t need a fucking thing to eat, but I’ll grant it to you anyway because i don’t fucking care, you’ll eat my piss and cum anyway.
Allison worried for an instant that she would have to endure eating without her special trick and quickly spread as much spice as she could on her food without giving the opportunity to hesitate to her host.
M: That’s fucking enough you crazy bitch, eat it already.
Said the man after reconsidering the little trick that her subservient toy had just pulled without any apparent reason. Something seemed off to the cashier but he paid no further attention to it.
Allison started to eat with only her mouth the dish that her host had prepared for her with such a lovely intent. After a minute or so she suddenly felt the weight of the cashier over her and soon after she felt something moving up and down between her pussy lips. While she was focused on eating, her host took his time to move his dick closer and closer to her vagina. Finally, after a ton of build up, Allison felt her pussy getting fucked and an excellent dick filling her up. She could control her body. She could barely breathe and eat from the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling.
After a few minutes, suddenly she stopped being penetrated to Allison’s disgrace, she was practiceally over with her food, she was licking the floor spotless while moving her hips back and forth, expecting to find the dick that she was loving lying around. But the man had already stood up and thrown himself in the bed.
M: You can sleep wherever you want, just don’t wake me up. I’m done for tonight. We can meet another day perhaps, you should give me your phone number and make this another day.
Then, the cashier faded into sleep. Allison soon realized that she needed a healthy man with more stamina to satisfy her sexual urge, Allison felt dissatisfied with how quickly it all ended and avoided begging after looking at the deplorable conditions of the room and the little capacity to provide sexual gratification from his host. She lost no time before getting out of there. She grabbed some clothes that she found lying on the floor, and some chinese food leftovers from the fridge. She walked outside and climbed into the first taxi she could and paid little attention to whateverver the driver was saying or doing while she fingered herself in the car under her stolen jeans.
Allison arrived at her apartment and ditched all her clothes, got comfortable on her couch and put on tv the series that helped her sleep. Allison quickly lost the battle to the DVD and found herself unconscious while masturbating. She was not able to control her mouth, her gaze nor her hands. As the minutes passed, her mouth opened and Allison started to drool on her chest and cover her tits with spit. Her restless hands touched every centerter of her pussy. She masturbated furiously with both hands, one on her clip and the other on her vagina, fingering herself.
Alison got a little more relaxed as the night dragged on and soon she was pulling a few fingers into her as well.
While in her trance, if anyone would pay attention to what was happening in Allison’s apartment, it would seem like she was murmuring some kind of mantra in an almost inaudible voice but rhythmic pattern.
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