The Domme Next Door Pt. 08

This is a repost of this story, as I used the wrong character’s name in one paragraph. There were also many typos. I wish I could find an editor.

This story contains male submission, female domination, female submission, exhibitionist, erotic and BDSM themes. If you don’t like these themes, please skip this story. If you’re looking for a lot of detail about sexual acts, this is not the story you’re looking for.

This story is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or incidents is purely coincidental.


Bill Howard, 65, Retired, Widower. Diane is his deceased wife. He has discovered that he likes being submissive.

Dr. Alison Spencer, 62, Single, Primary Care Doctor, and Next-door Neighbor. She has been a close friend of Bill and his family for decades. She is a dominatrix, which Bill did not know before the events of this story.

Betty, 42, is single and is the head nurse at Alison’s practice. She is a switch who has served Alison for years.

Bill and Diane’s adult kids. – Jenny (Eldest), Anne (Middle Child), and Randy. They consider Alison their aunt. All are married with kids.

Samantha, 54, Widow. Alison’s neighbor on the other side. She is discovering she is a switch that leans submissive. She has a college-age daughter, Pamela, who is discovering kind sexuality.

Sue and Valerie, they attend Allison’s dominatrix club regularly, mostly as subs.

Sally, a lesbian Dominatrix, and friend of Allison. Ashley and Alexis are her subs.



Bill woman up to the gentle massage of the three nude women. Alison was on one side, her head on his Shoulder and her body pressed against his side. Her right tigh was over his right leg, pulling it away from his left leg and pegging it in place. On the other side was Samantha, who also embedded and entrapped his body, leaving his legs wide apart. Alison’s and Samantha’s tongues and lips were teasing his nipples.

Pamela was between his legs, lightly sucking his balls. His morning wood was solid.

Alison said, “Good morning, sweetheart. We have one more activity for Pamela planned. You will enjoy this. Girls, go for it.”

Pamela got up from between his legs and pushed his legs together. Alison got out of bed while Samantha moved his arms against his body and positioned herself over his mouth. Pamela positioned herself over his cock and lowered her pussy to encompass his cock. Samantha rubbed her pussy on his lips, and Bill began to enjoy the feast.

Alison said, “You three have fun. I need to pack a bag for Pamela. I will see you in the shower.”

Pamela and Samantha rocked their pussies back and forth, and Bill did his best to match their movements.

Bill was thankful that Samantha remembered to let him breathe, given that his arms were trapped by her and Pamela’s legs at his sides. Every 30 secondsor so, she’d lift her pussy that was smoothing him, he’d take a few quick breaths, and then she’d slam back down on him, vigorously moving her pussy over his nose and mouth. He then attacked her pussy with kisses, sucking and licks. From Samantha’s sounds, he knew that he was doing a good job.

Bill and Pamela’s hips were moving in a synchronized rhythm. Their arousal grow as the mutual stimulation had its desired effect.

Soon, all three erupted into massive orgasms. It wasn’t clear who started first, but as soon as one started, the two other’s orgasms were triggered.

Their bodies shook together. Samantha forgot to let Bill breathe, and he began to worry he was running out of air, which only increased the strength of his explorations. He felt lightheaded as he struggled for air.

Eventually, the waves of password passed, and Samantha remembered to pull her pussy off Bill’s mouth. He breathed in great gasps of air.

Samantha and Pamela lay down on either side ofhim and smoothed him with Kisses.

Samantha said, “I hope you enjoyed the Mother and Daughter morning fuck.”

Bill replied, “It was heavenly.”

Pamela said, “I enjoyed it. I wish we had more time today. I’d love to torture and fuck you again.”

Samantha giggled, “I’ll ask Alison if we can borrow you next time Pamela is home from college.”

From the doorway, Alison replied, “I think that can be arranged. Okay, honey?”

Bill agreed, “I’d love that.”

Alison said, “Let’s all get in the shower and make sure we’re all very clean where it counts.”

The shower was a drawn-out affair. Bill brought each of the women to a climax using his mouth on their psies.

After their shower, they got dressed. Alison explained that she had packed a bag for Pamela that contained her outfit from yesterday, another similar outfit, a selection of toys for Pamela to use on her boyfriend and a small video camera hidden inside a small stuffed animal.

Alison asked, “You need to set up the camera and record your session with your boyfriend. Afterward, send me the video, and I can coach you on your next steps in becoming a Dominatrix.”

“Doctor Spencer, you are the best.”

“Thank you. And remember to call me Alison, Okay?”

“Okay, Alison.” Pamela giggled.

Alison said, “Samantha, be ready to return here this evening.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Pamela and Samantha said their goodbyes and left.


Alison looked at Bill, “How did you enjoy helping Pamela?”

“Some of it was hard, but all was enjoyable because it made you happy.”

“It did. However, there is one thing I did not like. Your body hair is growing back, and there is stubble all over your body.”

“Do you want me to shake right now?”

“No, I have a better idea. Please make us breakfast while I see if my idea will work.”

When Alison came down to breakfast, she announced, “Tomorrow we are going early to a hair removal Salon. It’s normally closed on Monday, but my dear friend, Ashley, will open it, and I’ll get some of my friends to come in, and we’ll permanently remove your body hair.”

“Will It hurt?”

“Yes, but I developed a cream that will numb the skin so it won’t hurt as much while highlighting your hair particles so we can get them all. Will you do this for me?”

“Yes, I will do anything you want.”

“You should be careful with that statement. I may push you too far. I will also give you something to ease the pain. It will also make you loopy, but that will add to our fun.”

“I appreciate that, but even if there were pain, I would forgive you.”

“Bill, you are the sweetest.”

Bill asked, “Do you want to take our bikes to Ojai and ride down the bike trail to the beach? My car has a bike rack.”

“That sounds fun; we can have lunch at the pier and then get a ride share to pick up your car. Give me a few minutes to make some phone calls to set up your hair removal helpers.”

They had a fun time going down the Ojai bike trail. They got lunch at the fish and chips place on the pier.

It wasn’t as crowded as expected, and they had a lovely private table with an ocean view.

They got a rideshare, collected their car, and drove back to the pier, where they retrieved their bikes.

When they returned to Bill’s home, Bill said, “That ride was fun. We should do it again soon.”

“It was. Spending time with you is always fun. Let’s get out of these bicycle clothes and shower.”

They peeled off their clothes and jumped into the shower. After they shined off, they lay naked, cuddling on the bed. They soon fell into naps.

Bill awoke first and realized they had napped for two hours. His movement woke up Alison.

After a short round of kissing, Alison asked, “Bill, I want you to come to my Dominatrix club the night after Tomorrow for their quarterly charity foundation. It will give you a day for your body to recover from having your hair removed. Will you do that for me?”

“What is involved?”

“You will be nude. You won’t be the only nude person. All the submissive men and women are nude. Only the dominant women will be clothed. Your hands will be cuffed in front of you. You’ll have a collar, and I will lead you on a leash. Since it’s your first time, I will have you wear a transparent hood. You’ll be able to see, but no one will see your face. Some other Dominatrixes will put on scenes with their subs on the stage to raise money for charity, but I will not ask that of you yet. This will be your chance to familiarize yourself with the Dominatrix-only side of the club. I won’t take you to the Male and Female domination side until a later visit. Male dominants are only allowed on that side of the club. I play on both sides, but many dominatrixes prefer the dominant women’s side. Will you do this for me?”

“It sounds a little scary, but I will try it.”

“I know you willgrow to love it, Bill.”


She rolled over onto her hands and knees. “Your willingness has gotten me so hot. Fuck me, Doggy Style.”

Bill knelt behind Alison and slowly pushed his cock into her self-lubed Vagina. He grabbed her hips and rocked them in time with his thrusts.

Alison screamed, “Fuck me hard, you animal! Slap my ass!”

Bill hesitated, but then he shrugged his shoulders in a “what the hell” gesture and started to alternate slap her ass.

Alison yelled, “Harder! Turn it red!”

Bill wasn’t sure how this role change had happened, but if Alison wanted a red butt, he would deliver. He put his whole strength into each slap.

Alison screamed, “Yes, Yes, oh fuck, Yes, Yes. I’m coming!”

Her body shuddered in a massive climax.

Bill was so aroused that it did not take long for his own explosive orgasm.”

As they came down from their erotic high, Bill observed, “Wow, what brought that on?”

“It surprised me also. I don’t behave like that very often. It was your willingness to go to my club that got me so turned on that I became your slut.”

Bill replied, “I hope I gave you what you wanted.”

Alison said, “You did what my turned-on self wanted. Thank you.”

Bill thought briefly and said, “I could only do it because you asked. I don’t think I could slap your beautiful butt like that if you hadn’t told me. Now I’m even more committed to going to your club. The club must mean a lot for you to give yourself to me like that.”

“It’s where I’ve lived out my Dominatrix life. I have been going a couple times a week for decades.”

“Did you have a regular submissive partner?”

“Not just one. Several submissive men and women enjoy giving me their gift of submission. I’ve seldom had sex with any of them and never had unprotected sex with any of them. I mostly use a feeldoe with the women. Your’s is the first cock to feel the walls of my Vagina since I was pre Med.”

“Thank you for that. I love being in you.”

Alison said, “I’m going to call Sue and Valerie, the women we met bicycle, and see if they are available to be my submissives at the club. Leading you and two women naked into the club would be fun. Maybe I should get Betty and Samantha to be Dominatrixes to help me. That would be quite a show.”

Bill replied, “That would be fun. You don’t have to answer my next question. Did you ever fall in love?”

Alison smiled, “I did love two people, but I never pushed myself on them.”

“How did you meet them?”

“I moved in next door to them.”

Bill’s eyes went wide.

“Yes, Bill. I fell in love with Diane and you. You invited me into your lives and made me part of your family. I think of your kids as almost being my own.”

“Wow. I did not realize that we were your love.”

“Diane did. That’s why she wanted us to get together.”

“Well, I know my kids certainly want the same. They are happy we’re together.”

“I’m happy about that. I would never do anything to cause your kids distress. Now, let’s get dressed and plan dinner. I hope you don’t mind, Bill, but after eating fish and chips for lunch, I’d prefer a light dinner.”

“I’ve got some pre-mixed Salad, and we can put some chicken in it. Let me call Samantha and tell her it is time to return here. You like looking at her nude, don’t you, Bill?”

“I like it almost as much as looking at your naked body.”

“You sure know how to make points.”


While waiting for Samantha to come over, Alison called Betty and heard about the fun she and Jessica had at the club with Jessica’s husband, Steve. Betty agreed to help with Bill’s hair removal and to go to the club with them the next night.

She then called Sue and Valerie, and they agreed to help at the hair salon and to be submissives for Alison, Betty, and Samantha at the club the next night.

When Samantha arrived, Alison had her strip as a present for Bill.

They had fun making their light dinner. Alison told Bill to take advantage of Samantha’s nakedness by squeezing her breasts, stimulating her pussy, and spanking her ass. He gladly compiled.

Alison asked, “Samantha, Do you mind Bill enjoying your body?”

Samantha surprised and replied, “I love every minute of it. Can we fuck later?”

Alison giggled, “That depends on how well you enter me later.”

Dad, are you coming to Amber’s birthday party next week? The whole family will be there.”

Bill replied, “Absolutely. Just a second. Hold on, I’ll be right back.”

He then muted his phone and asked Alison, “Are you available next weekend to spend it in the Bay Area with my family and me?”

Alison replied, “Yes, I’d love to.”

Bill unmuted his phone and asked, “Can I bring my girlfriend?”

“Oh, Dad, As long as it’s Auntie Alison.”

“It is.”

“Dad, I won’t be able to give you separate bedrooms.” And then Jenny laughed.

Bill replied, “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

Bill ended the call, and they returned to eating their light supper.


As they finished their meal, Alison directed Samantha to clear the table and Bill to make three Aperol Spritzes. Bill handed each an Aperol Spritz, and Alison led them into her living room.

Alison directed the nude Samantha to sit between her and Bill on the couch.

After some light conversation, Alison said, “Samantha, please remove Bill’s clothes.”

Bill put his drink on the coffee table and stand up. Samantha put her drink on the coffee table, stand up, and quickly removed his clothes.

Alison put her drink on the coffee table, stand up, and said, “Remove mine.”

Bill and Samantha removed her clothes.

Alison said, “I like being naked with you two. Sit on either side of me while we all finish our drinks, and you two demonstrate how much you love my leadership.”

Alison sat back on the couch, and Bill and Samantha sat on either side. Bill handed them each their drink.

Both Bill and Samantha put their free hands over Alison’s pussy and began massaging it. Alison used her free hand to lightly stroke Bill’s cock.

As they finished their drinks, Alison said, “The night after tomorrow, Samantha will be a dominatrix at the club while Bill is a submissive. I think it is only fair that she be submissive tonight. Bill, fetch some handscuffs, a collar, a leash, and a hood.”

When he had, he was instructed to cuff Samantha’s hands in front of her. A transparent hood was put over her head, and the collar was put on.

Alison picked up the leash and snapped it onto the collar. She Handed the lean to Bill and said, “Bill, please lead your plaything to the dungeon.”

When they got to the dungeon room in the basement, Alison said, “Bill, this is how you will be at my club. As you can see, you cannot tell that this is Samantha, but Samantha can see through the transparent fabric. At the club, Samantha, Betty, and I will be wearing our catsuits.”

Samantha said, “But I don’t have one.”

Alison laughed, “It has already been ordered and will be here tomorrow. However, you should address me as Mistress tonight, even though I am as naked as you.”

“Thank you, Mistress Alison.”

Alison continues, “Sue and Valerie, the women we met on the hike, will be our two other subs. They will be nude, cuffed, and collared. They get to decide if they are hooded, but I expect they will choose not to be as they are long-time members of the club. You, Betty, and myself will be clothed and sit on chairs. Our subs will sit on the floor at our feet, naked.”

Samantha said, “That sounds like fun, Mistress Alison. I get to bask in my submissiveness tonight, and in two nights, I flip roles. Thank you. This will be so much fun.”

“Bill, pull up two chairs for youand me.”

Bill and Alison sat in the chairs. Samantha sat at Alison’s feet.

Alison said, “It is allowed for the sub to lean against their Mistress’s legs.”

Samantha snuggled up to Alison’s leg and rested her head on Alison’s thighs. Alison stroked Samantha’s hair. “I am proud of how well you have adapted to your role as my submissive. I hope you do as well as a Mistress to Sue at the club.”

“I’ll do my best, Mistress Alison. Plus, I know you’ll give me good directions if I miss the mark.”

“I know you will. Bill, please take Samantha to the spanking benchmark and strap her in.”

“Yes, Mistress Alison.”

“Bill, you are not a sub right now. Call me Alison.”

“I love you. Alison.”

“And I have loved you for decades!”

Bill followed her direction, and Samantha was quickly secured to the spanking benchmark.

Alison said, “Bill, grab a paddle you like and place it on Samantha’s back. Then stand behind her.”

Alison stood in front of Samantha’s back.antha. “Samantha, do you know why you are on the spanking benchmark?”

Samantha began to cry. “Yes, Mistress Alison. When given a choice of what to do next with Howard, I choose pain for Howard instead of pleasure for us both.”

Alison replied, “I am happy you understand. Now lick, kiss, and suck my pussy. Bill, massage her ass while you rest your cock against her vagina, but don’t go in.”

Alison pulled Samantha’s hood up and moved her pussy into Samantha’s face. Samantha began her worship. Bill placed the tip of his cock against the entrance to Samantha’s love canal. He gently massed his butt,

Alison began to moan. “Bill, you may enter her and pump hard.”

Bill pumped into Samantha’s pussy and pumped hard.

Soon, the moans of all three increased as they approached orgasms.

Bill roared as his cock began to pump out his cum. Samantha screamed as the power of her climax seized her body.

Alison yelled, “Yes, Yes, Yes! I’m coming!” as she joined intheir euphoria.

When they calmed down and their minds returned to normal, Samantha asked, “Mistress, do I get spanked now?”

Alison replied, “Bill, release her. Samantha, you will not be spanked. The club has a hard and fast rule about dominating someone after you have been drinking. The rule is simple: don’t. If you are caught, a Dom can lose their Dom privileges for a year and have to be a sub during that time. It happened to my friend Sally. She got drunk, and she and my friend Alice overdid it with Alice’s husband. Well, he was just a boyfriend then. Sally had to be on probation for six months. If she’d done any damage to Howard, she would have had to be a sub for a year before she was allowed to be a Dominatrix again. You’ll meet her and her sub, Ashley, tomorrow at the Salon and her other sub, Alexis, at the club the next night.”

They went up to Alison’s bedroom and took a shower together. Afterward, the three naked people tumbled into Alison’s bed and fell asleep after a bit of fondling.


Bill woke up between two naked women. He thought that he definitely enjoyed this perk of being Alison’s submissive. He stretched the body slightly, and the movement woke Alison and Samantha.

Alison opened her eyes, looked at the clock, kissed Bill, and said, “Look at the time. We have to be at the Salon in two hours. Quick shower, breakfast, and then we need to be off.”

Samantha was a little disappointed that there would be no morning play time, but removing Bill’s body hair with a group of women would be fun.


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