All of the torches and oil lamps in Isabella’s castle were lit up for the party. Exuberance and lust filled the air. The Mistresses and Goddesses were adorned in resplendent, sexy, tight fitting dresses. The naked male servants massaged their feet and served them wine and hors d’oeuvres. Isabella required that all slaves at the party not wear their chatty cages. She preferred that the slaves be completely exposed as they served her and her guests. Isabella made one exception to this rule. She had Worm locked in chatity with the ball gag stuffed in his mouth, as always. Worm spent the majority of the party kneeing in front of Isabella so she could use him as her foot stool.
Isabella sat on the lavish furniture with several of the other Goddesses who presided over the Council of Femininus; there was Johanna, Ramona, Sara, and Magdalena. Nadia and her neighbor Victoria were there as well. They sipped their champione and their wine as they chatted over the various goings on ofthe city. Slave boy and Blondie were there to serve the lovely Mistresses. Blondie stood behind Isabella and massed her shoulders as Slave boy massed Magdalena’s feet.
“I need more to drink,” Magdalena said.
“Yes, my glass is getting quite low as well,” Johanna said.
“Slave S138, bring us more champione,” Isabella said.
Slave boy curried away. The ladies continued their conversation as they finished drinking their championne.
“So, with the election coming up, do you think foreign affairs will become a prominent issue?” Ramona asked.
“Well, our trade agreements overseas remain strong,” Sara said.
“Sure, with the countries of Moliena and Rodin they remain strong, but what about tensions in Mater?” Ramona asked.
“I’m much more concerned about our tensions with Imperium, and the issue of the missing Imperium slave,” Johanna said.
“I’ll tell you what I think will be an issue this election, is equal rights for men,” Victoria said.
“Just because men become citizens of Femininus at the age of fifty, it doesn’t make them our equals,” Sara said.
“But what about equal pay for the free men over fifty?” Victoria asked.
“I keep hearing of this equal pay notion,” Sara said.
“Shouldn’t a free man working a job get the same pay as his female counterpart? And even more troubled than the gender wage gap is the gender wealth gap in this society. Women possess ninety percent of the city’s wealth,” Victoria said.
“It was women, the Founding Mothers, who worked so hard to build this society. And it is we women here who work so very hard to maintain the city. We govern the city, train the slaves, and preside over the trade deals. We are entitled to a little extra,” Sara said as she sipped her champione.
“Well, there is growing public sentiment for men to be treated as equals,” Victoria said.
“After the Day of Iustitia Amissa, we saw the true nature of men,” Ramona said.
“What do youthink, Isabella?” Johanna asked.
Isabella looked down at Worm who was on the ground underneath her, serving as her foot stool.
“Women and men will never be seen as equals,” Isabella said.
Slave boy carried the tray of drinks back to the Mistresses. Although he had appeared naked in front of them all before, the party atmosphere made him particularly timing. He attempted to shield his exposed manhood with the tray as he carried it. He presented the tray of drinks and each Mistress took her glass of champione.
“Cheers,” Isabella said.
The ladies touched the rims of their champione glasses together and the glasses caught. Nadia took notice as Slave boy held the empty tray so that it covered his entire midsection.
“Slave boy, are you feeling shy?” Nadia asked.
“Yes, slave, why are you covering yourself?” Isabella asked.
“I don’t know, Goddess,” Slave boy said.
“Set the tray down, Slave 138,” Isabella commanded.
Slave boy set the tray to the side. He became aroused from the humiliation of being putting on display. He leered at the lovely ladies in their tight little party dresses that showed off their long, curvaceous legs. The light from the torches glistened upon the ladies’ smooth, bronzed legs and their seductive cleavage. He stood with his cock sticking straight out and his mouth agope as he stared at the Mistresses.
“I never properly thanked you Nadia, for lending your slave boy to me for the foot massage. He is quite good at it,” Magdalena said.
“Yes he is,” Isabella said.
“You’re welcome, Magdalena,” Nadia said.
“Turn around, Slave 138. Let’s get a look at you,” Isabella said.
Slave boy turned his back to them. The Mistresses examined the raised welts that covered his backside. Blondie released Isabella’s shoulders from his grip.
“Oh my, look at all those welts,” Magdalena said.
“I whipped him while he completed his task of pulling the weeds from my yard,” Nadiasaid.
“You marked him quite nicely, Nadia,” Isabella said.
“Very nice, indeed,” Ramona said as she reached out and touched the welts on his ass. Slave boy felt completely objective as several of the Mistresses grabbed his ass, examining the raised welts that Nadia had given him.
“I must say, ladies, Nadia has become quite the skilled Mistress,” Isabella said.
“Thank you, Isabella,” Nadia said.
“She has transformed Slave 138 into a better slave than I could have ever imagined possible for him. And she follows protocol quite well. Wouldn’t you agree, Slave 138?” Isabella asked.
Nadia glimpsed at Worm. Panic washed over her. She feared that Slave boy would confess to Isabella that she had defied Isabella’s orders and that she had fed Worm. Slave boy turned and faced the Mistresses. Slave boy stood with his eyes cast to the ground. He did not speak and Nadia’s fear swelled up within her.
“Well, Slave S138, I asked you a question. Don’t you agreethat Mistress Nadia follows protocol quite well?” Isabella asked.
“Yes, Goddess Isabella,” Slave boy said.
“I know during our sessions she has mastered the art of domination. And as for your time alone together?” Isabella asked.
“Yes, Goddess Isabella. She is an amazing Mistress. It has been wonderful serving her over these past months,” Slave boy said.
“Do you have anything else to add? Anything I need to know of?” Isabella asked.
Slave boy hesitated. Nadia’s heart pumped rapidly. Her blood surged through her veins. Her eyes darted back and forth between Slave boy and Worm. Slave boy fidgeted. Nadia needed him to answer Isabella. She needed him to answer quickly. Slave boy’s eyes glanced over at Mistress Nadia. He fixed his eyes to the ground again. He finally looked up at Isabella. After several seconds that felt like days to Nadia, he finally spoke.
“Nothing comes to mind, Goddess Isabella,” Slave boy said.
Worm lost his composure and Shookbeneath Isabella’s legs.
“My footstool is uneven,” Isabella said. She grabbed her riding crop and struck Worm’s ass with it. She looked down at Worm.
“There is something off about Worm. It seems more tired than usual. Is there anything I need to know, Nadia?” Isabella asked.
Nadia struggled to swallow and nearly lost her breath. Worm trembled beneath Isabella. Slave boy kept his eyes cast to the ground.
“No, Isabella,” Nadia said.
“Nothing out of the ordinary occurred with Worm this afternoon?” Isabella asked.
Nadia could not bear to look at Isabella or at Slave boy. Panic rushed through her like river rapids. She looked up at Isabella. The light from the torches danced upon Isabella’s inquiring face. Nadia fought to come up with a response; she chased on her own breathe; her heart struggled against her rib cage.
“Goddess Isabella, if I may,” Slave boy said. “Worm was outside all day in the heat. Perhaps he is just suffering from heat exhaustion.”
Isabella thought to herself for a moment. Nadia waited in anticipation. Time slowed to an unnerving pace.
“I believe you may be right, Slave 138. The heat does get to this old worm,” Isabella said. She removed her legs from Worms’ back. “Off with you, Worm. Being a footstool is all you are good for. If you cannot even handle those duties, you are of no use to me,” Isabella said.
Isabella swung the riding crop and it struck Worm’s ass. Worm slowly squirmed away. Nadia looked at Slave boy with her thankful, hazel eyes.
“Slave 150, make yourself useful. Massage my feet,” Isabella said.
Isabella snapped her fingers and then pointed to her foot as she held it out. Blondie knelt before Isabella and took her foot into his hand. He roughly massed her foot, working out the tension in her soles. Isabella placed the riding crop back on the table. She closed her eyes and relaxed. She moaned with delight. Blondie became fully aroused as he watched Isabella’s lipspart and as he listened to her sultry moans. Awhile into the foot massage, Isabella opened her eyes and noticed Blondie’s hard price as it twitched up and down. Blondie continued to massage Isabella’s left foot as Isabella took her right foot and ran it up and down his entire shaft. Isabella watched his eyes ignite with lust. She watched his chiseled jaw line concrete as he grinded his teeth. She watched his beautiful, enormous cock twitch as she slide her foot against it. Isabella leaned in towards him. She had spent the past several months training him and in that moment she craved his complete surrender.
“Who does Slave’s filthy cock belong to?” Isabella asked.
Slave 150 looked around at all the Mistresses who had gathered.
“Say it. And say it loud,” Isabella said.
“You Know the answer. Why make me say it?” he asked.
Isabella grabbed her riding crop from the table beside her. She teased the tip of the riding crop against the head of his cock. Slave 150’s entire body flexed.
“I am growing impatient with you. Now tell me, who does Slave’s filthy cock belong to?” Isabella asked.
“No,” Blondie said. Surprise and disbelief spread throughout the crowd of Mistresses. Isabella grabbed Blondie’s balls and twisted them. He cringed as she squeezed his balls tighter. Isabella repeatedly flicked her riding crop against his vulnerable balls as he shuddered and moaned.
“Please stop, Goddess,” Blondie said.
“Tell me, who does Slave’s filthy cock belong to?” Isabella asked.
Isabella whipped the head of his cock with her riding crop as she continued twisting his balls. Blondie understood around in pain, but he could not escape her vicious grip.
“Prove yourself to me, Slave,” Isabella said.
Isabella slapped the head of his cock with her riding crop again.
“Surrender to me,” Isabella said.
Isabella swiftly brought her riding crop down on his cock once again.
“Surrender completely and stay here asmy slave. Or I will send you back to wherever it is you came from,” Isabella said.
She slapped the head of his cock several more times then released his balls from her grip. Isabella waited for him to speak. Slave 150 knelt before her in complete silence.
“You haven’t even really attempted to be the best slave you can be. You have failed,” Isabella said. She studied his face. He cast his eyes downward and wrinkled his browser. He witnessed in anguish and frustration. Then he looked up at her. His eyes softened and he explored a deep sight. And Isabella knew she had him. She struck his cock with one final, authoritative blow.
“Now tell me. Who does Slave’s filthy cock belongs to?” Isabella asked.
“Slave’s filthy cock belongs to you, Goddess Isabella,” Slave 150 said.
His eyes humbly fixed to the ground then obediently looked up into hers. His complete surrender made her pussy wet. She paused and basked in her newly found power.
“Again,” Isabella said.
“Slave’s filthy cock belongs to you, Goddess Isabella,” Slave 150 said.
Isabella leaned forward and placed her lips close to his. “Again,” she said.
“Slave’s filthy cock belongs to you, Goddess Isabella,” Slave 150 said.
The party winded down as the evening faded into night. Nadia had Slave boy massage her shoulders and back. The other Mistresses sleepily finished Their wine. Worm lay naked, curled up in the corner of the room. And Isabella enjoyed a rather lengthy foot worship session from her freshly tamed slave.
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