The Dominatrix Order Pt. 01 Ch. 02-03

Isabella locked Slave 138 back into his chatity device and gave Nadia the key to it. Like all of the chatity devices used in Femininus, it was a three ring design chatity cage made of steel with a bronze lock. Once Slave 138 was secured in his chatity cage, Isabella then ordered him to escort Nadia to her new living quarters.

Nadia and Slave 138 arrived at Nadia’s new living quarters. She studied him with fervent curiosity. At twenty years of age, he was boyish and intoxic, yet rugged and virile. He stood before her naked with broad, confident shoulders; yet his humble, submissive eyes cast downward. He was a mystery to her, and as his ocean blue eyes looked up into hers, she could not help but smile. He could not help but to shyly smile back at her. He then sheepishly cast his eyes to the ground.

“Are you shy, boy?” Nadia asked.

“Yes Mistress. I have trouble looking people in the eye sometimes. I suffer from social anxiety,” Slave 138 said.

“As do I. It was worse when I was younger. I wasn’t even able to leave the house. It’s hard, especially meeting someone new. Communicating with people can be so intimidating. I suppose that’s why I have such a deep love for poetry,” Nadia said.

“I know what you mean. It’s like poems, they, they can,” he trailed off.

“Say things you’re not able to,” Nadia said.

“Yes. Like just then, for example,” he said.

Slave 138 nervously smiled and Nadia couldn’t help but giggle. She liked him. He made her laugh. He intrigued her. He understands her.

“So, I have decided that I will call you Slave boy. That is the name I should like to call you by. And that is the name you will answer to,” Nadia said.

“All for you, my Mistress,” he said.

“Now Slave boy, I have had a very long and arduous journey here. I want you to prepare a bath for me,” Nadia said.

“All for you, my Mistress,” Slave 138 said and then he rushed to prepare her bath.

Awhile later Nadia enteredthe bathroom. Slave 138 stood to the side, his hands behind his back, his cock locked in chatity. In Nadia’s eyes he embodied the perfect vision of male submission. He had prepared her bath for her, just as she had commanded.

“Mistress, I will leave you to your bath now,” he said.

“No Slave boy, I want you to stay,” she said.

“Yes, Mistress,” Slave 138 said.

Nadia slowly removed her dress and it fell to the floor like white dandelion fluff floating downward in the wind. She was then only wearing her white cotton bikini style panties with trimming. Slave 138 gazed upon Nadia. He became enranced by her dark tanned, bronzed skin. He lusted after her youthful perky breasts, her large areolas, and her erect protruding nipples.

Nadia stood facing her new slave boy. She pulled her panties down and shifted her hips from side to side in fluid, feminine, entrancing movements. She slipped her panties down to her thighs and paused. Her lower stomach had soft, barely visible hairs that ran from her belly button down to her pussy. And her pussy was smooth and delicate with striking pink lips. Her bronzed skin called attention to the glorious sight of her light pink pussy. Slave 138 leered at her stunning, naked body. The lust swelled up from within him. His heart raced. Nadia held his gaze for a moment.

“No, you don’t get to see all this just yet,” Nadia said and then pulled her panties back up.

Slave 138’s cock growing and pushed against his chatity cage.

“Is your dick getting hard, Slave boy?” Nadia teased, elongating the word slave as it rolled from her tongue and her lips.

“Yes, Mistress,” Slave 138 said.

Nadia stood there for several moments as she took it all in. She wanted him to suffer for her, to ache for her.

“Do you like the way I look, huh slave boy?” she asked.

“Yes Mistress,” he said as he fidgeted around, his cock swelling against the rings of the chatity cage.

Nadia looked down at herbody. She ran her fingers across her breasts.

“I have big areolas, don’t you think?” Nadia asked.

“Yes, you look amazing,” he said.

Nadia watched his purple, swollen, angle cock as it strained against the chatity cage. Nadia turned her back to him. Slave boy leered at her perfect ass. Her ass looked so firm all he wanted was to touch it, to kiss it, just once. And her panties barely revealed the curves of the bottoms of her ass cheeses, his favorite part of a woman’s body. Her entire body was so perfectly tan, even the bottoms of her ass cheeses. And this drive him wild with a password that burned from within his chest and his cock and his balls to the point it almost consumed him and took his breath away.

Nadia dipped her toe in the bathwater to test it. She returned her foot to the ground and when she did, her legs and the bottoms of her ass cheeses jiggled ever so slightly in that feminine sort of way. Slave boy noticed this and it nearly drove him over the edge. His cock began to ache from straining against the chatity cage and yet he could not look away from her beauty, from the very cause of his suffering.

“The bath water is too hot for my liking,” Nadia said.

“I’m very sorry, Mistress,” Slave 138 said.

“I will have to find some way to pass the time while it cools down,” Nadia said. “Get on your knees right behind me.” Slave boy hurriedly knelt down right behind her.

“Hands behind your back,” Nadia said as she looked back over her shoulder. Slave boy compiled.

Nadia bent down at her wait while keeping her legs straight. She let out a relaxed sight.

“I like to stretch before my bath,” she said.

Slave boy could hardly restrain himself. She tormented him with her perfect ass, keeping it just inches from his face, so close to his lips, but he could not touch it. He obsessed over her petite figure. He tried to push it away, but the thought of her warm petite body pressed against his ran through his mind again and again.

“Do you desire me, Slave boy? Do you desire me above anyone?” Nadia asked and teased her ass back and forth in front of his face.

“Do you desire me above anything?” she asked as she continued teasing her ass back and forth. “Do you desire me above everything?” Nadia asked in her sultry voice and then arched her back, giving him a more exclusive view of the bottoms of her ass cheeses.

“Yes, Mistress,” he said.

In that moment, he wanted her so desperately and that gave Nadia all the power. Her eyeselids gently closed as she held onto that feeling, that moment. And all he could do was knee upon the floor and lust after her as she took it all in. She wanted her slave boy to be weakened by his desire for her. She wanted his desire for her to consume him. Slave boy let out a thunderous moan which sent shivers running through Nadia’s body. She revealed in having her slave boy lust after her. It made her so wet to keep him dangling on the edge, letting him get so close to what he wanted and then denying him. Her pussy grow warm and it quivered as she teased and tortured him. His grunts of torment caused her clip to pulse and throb. Nadia softly moaned in a whisper. Then she stood up straight.

“So, you would like to worship my ass. Huh Slave boy?” Nadia teased.

“Yes Mistress, more than anything,” he said.

Nadia gripped the sides of Her panties with her thumbs and pulled her panties outwards, away from her body. She very slowly shook her ass back and forth over and over again. She moved her ass close to her slave’s face, as close as she could get without him actually touching it. She pulled the sides of her panties down slightly, but still leaving her ass cheeks covered. Slave boy groaned and panted.

“You want to kiss it and lick it all over, huh?” Nadia asked.

Nadia then turned around and looked down at him. She knelt down to his eye level. Her delicate, pouty lips closed in on his. She gave him a very soft, wet kiss on his longing lips. Slave boy closed his eyes and told in frustration.

“I need to be able to trust you before I let you do something like that. You will have to earn my trust,” Nadia said.

“Yes, Mistress,” he said.

“I’m going to dismiss you for the evening. But before you go, I have a few tasks for you. Tomorrow morning I want you to prepare tea for me. You shall prepare it just before I awaken at dawn. After preparing my tea, you will walk three miles northwest and follow the Ladorian River until you reach a rose garden. I want you to pick for me a dozen of the finest roses you can find there. In fact, I would like you to do this every morning for me. It will be your daily ritual. Do you understand?” Nadia asked.

“All for you, my Mistress,” her Slave boy said. And Nadia smiled.

The next morning, Nadia awoke just after dawn and sat out on her porch. She sipped her morning tea as her neighbor Victoria, aged Twenty Three, approached. Victoria greeted Nadia with doe eyes and a surprisingly firm handshake from her dainty hand.

“Hello, I’m Victoria. You must be Nadia,” she said.

“Yes, I am. It is very nice to meet you, Victoria,” Nadia said.

“Welcome to our city,” Victoria said.

“Well, thank you. It is a wonderful place. So warm and welcome,” Nadia said.

“Well Nadia, I don’t know if you’re interested or not, but I lead the Femininus Men’s Rights Association,” Victoria said. She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a papyrus and handed it to Nadia. Nadia looked the papyrus over.

“That is our papyrus over.

“That is our papyrus with general information about our organization. I always make sure to invite all new citizens to our introduction meetings,” Victoria said.

“I was under the impression that men have more rights here than in other cities? Do they not have the free will to leave?” Nadia asked.

“Although the men here have the free will to leave, they are still treated like second class cities copared to women. There has been some progress. Men are granted citizenship at age fifty. But they hold no positions of power in government, the male citizens receive less pay for the same work,” Victoria said.

“So, what all does your association do?” Nadia asked as she looked the papyrus over.

“We petition to the Council of Goddesses, they are our government leaders. We advocate that men receive the same opportunities as women; that they have equal political representation, that they receive equal pay and equal wealth distribution. We also advocate for men in other cities. There’s a growing problem in some of the other cities right here in our very own country of Artemisia; those cities, like Imperium for example, send slaves away to the prison labor camps in Mater. Mater is a wasteland. All the slaves do is work 16, 17 hours a day. Some Mistresses have requested their slaves be returned here to Artemisia. But once a slave is shipped across the vast seas and into the mountains of Mater; not a single slave has ever returned. The conservatives on the Council of Goddesses have cut foundation for our project,” Victoria said.

Victoria was interrupted by the roar of the city’s entrance doors as they opened. Nadia and Victoria looked on from afar as four women rode in on rickshaws. Four naked, emaciated men pulled the rickshaws. The rickshaws stopped just inside the city’s entrance.

“Those women in the rickshaws, they are in the army of the city of Imperium.,” Victoria said. “One of their slaves recently escaped from their city.”

One of the women stepped out of her rickshaw. She was a diminutive, fiery woman in her late twentyties. She held a thick, intimidating leather bullwhip.

“That’s General Callisto. She’s the most feared general of Imperium,” Victoria said. General Callisto approached the slave that had pulled her rickshaw. She pulled the slave by his hair and kicked the back of his leg, forcing him to his knees.

“Run faster nexttime slave. You take far too long,” General Callisto said.

General Callisto whipped the slave’s back several times with her full force. The slave screamed in agony. He tumbled face down onto the ground. General Callisto stepped onto the slaves’ back and dug the siletto heel of her boot into his tender skin. She held her menuing stance with her slave beneath her. The Supreme Goddess Isabella and her two personal slaves approached General Callisto. Nadia and Victoria listened in on their conversation.

“We have good reason to believe that our missing Imperium slave is in hiding right here in your city,” General Callisto said. “We expect your full cooperation in the search.”

“I have heard that you think your missing slave is here. We do not want any trouble. Let’s work this out,” Isabella said.

“We want full access to search every home in this city, including yours,” General Callisto said.

“These demands are pointless and unreasonable. My people’s privacy should be respected. I do not want you searching their homes or my own. This is without merit,” Isabella said.

“If you do not comply, we will consider it an act of aggression, harboring one of our escaped slaves,” General Callisto said.

Isabella paused as she glared at General Callisto.

“Very well, you may search the citizens’s homes,” Isabella said. “But mine is off limits,” she added.

“Fine, but we begin our search of your citizens’ homes today. We will search their homes every day at dawn. And if we find out that any individual citizens of yours is harboring the missing Imperium slave, then we will arrest that citizens of yours and she will be tried in our courts,” General Callisto said.

“Don’t threaten my citizens,” Isabella said.

Isabella and General Callisto stared each other down for a moment. The Imperium slaves tensed up.

“Slaves, begin the search,” General Callisto said. She released her slave from underneath her boot. The Imperium slavesall rushed off. General Callisto continued to stare Isabella down.

“I will succeed in my search. And none of you will ever get to see that slave here in Femininus ever again,” General Callisto said.


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