I provide correction services mainly for carefully chosen individuals, but I do have a very select number of corporate customers.
For individuals, there are many reasons for using my services. Some come to me for motivation or when they feel they have done something wrong. Most, however, come to me because they get pleasure from my services, although pleasure comes at a painful price.
For my corporate clients. They use my services when certain employees have done something seriously wrong. I am used as an alternative to either dismissal or as a means of avoiding invoking more formal discipline processes.
I do enjoy myself and get great pleasure from dispensing discipline to deserving bottoms.
I am called many things by my clients. Sometimes Mistress, sometimes Madam, and by a couple of my clients, Headmistress. Whatever I am called, each client leaves their session with me sporting a very sore bottom. Some vow never to return, but for many, they will repeatthe process in the future.
Although I do hand spank some clients, I much prefer the cane as an instrument of correction. It instils fear in those bent over with their bottoms pushed out in anticipation of a forthcoming punishment. The cane makes such an exciting sound before delivering its stroke, and it certainly leaves a clear sign of its effectiveness on the bottom of the receiver.
This evening, I am due to punish one of my corporate client’s employees. I do not know or particularly care what offense she has committed, but I have been asked to deliver a twelve-stroke punishment as an incentive to improve going forward. As usual on these occasions, I am dressed in a conservative business suit. I do, however, have a variety of uniforms I can choose from for other situations.
The woman who I will punish is named Penny Beckett; she will be very well aware of the reason for her visit. She will know she is to be able and caned seriously. Like me, she is expected to dress formally as if attending a client meeting. However, we both know that she will be presenting her naked bottom for punishment this evening.
I can only imagine the feeling of fear and dread she will be experiencing. I do, however, think that in some cases, there is also a feeling of excitement mixed in. Anticipation is an important part of punishment.
My doorbell rings at five minutes to the hour. At least she is on time; lateness, of course, increases the punishment considerably. I open my front door and find myself facing a woman in her early forties. Unsurprisingly, she looks very nervous.
“I have an appointment with you this evening.”
I show her to my study and ask her to stand in front of my desk.
“Do you know why you are here?” I ask.
“I am here to be punished.” She is obviously scared and goes red at this admission.
“Do you know how you are to be punished?”
“You are going to cane me.” She almost whispered the last part of the sentence.
“And do you deserve the punishment?”
“Yes,” she stammers. “Yes, I do. I have been very stupid.”
“Remove your skirt and stand facing the wall with your hands on your head. You may place your skirt on the sofa. You will not be needing it for some time.”
I could see a moment when Penny thought to protest. She wrestled with herself before she turned and walked Towards the sofa. With her back towards me, she reached around and unzipped her skirt, removed it, and placed it as requested. She displayed a broad, mature bottom encased in sensible white panties and this was framed by a white suspender belt supporting tan stockings. She slowly made her way to the corner I had indicated, and with a final look around at me, she faced the wall and put her hands on her head.
I do like a bit of corner time before starting the punishment. It gives time for reality to fully sink in. Penny, a senior executive, was reduced to the role of a naughty schoolgirl, awaiting herPunishment. She was displaying her bottom to a virtual stranger, and this stranger was shortly going to remove her panties and punish her for her transgressions.
After five minutes, I decided it was time to move on to the next stage.
“Come and stand before the desk again.”
Penny did as she had been asked. I was seated, looking at her underwear on display. She looked most uncomfortable.
“Have you were able before?” I asked.
“No, never.”
“Only in fun, never as punishment.”
“You are in for quite an experience, then. You will bend over the desk and reach across to the far side. I will remove your panties and then cane your naked bottom. I expect you to maintain your dignity throughout the punishment. You will not stand or cover your bottom with your hands. You will not make undue noise, and you will keep your bottom fully presented to the cane at all times. Is that understand?”
Penny gulped and whispered, “Yes, it is clear.”
“In addition, you will thank me for each stroke, so one thank you, madam, for instance.”
I looked at the frightened woman before me, and she nodded her understanding.
I opened the desk drawer and extracted the cane I was going to use. I held it in both hands and bent it to show Penny how flexible it was. Her eyes were fixed on what I was doing. I stood and swished the cane Through the air. It does make a unique sound. It obviously scared Penny very much, as she was still staring at the cane like it was a snake about to bite. Which I supposed in a way it was.
“It does sting and will remind you to behave in the future. I think we are ready for you to bend over the desk and reach over the far side.”
She did as I instructed, and I went to stand behind her. Her bottom was pushed out as I had requested, and it looked very inviting now, encased in tightly stretched white knickers.
“I am now going to remove your knickers before we begin.” I knelt behindher, and slipping my thumbs into the waistband of her panties I slowly revealed her naked bottom in all its glory. I could see her large, unmarked buttocks before my face. I thought I also detected a faith aroma of feminine excitement. I let her knickers fall to the floor and asked her to step out of them.
“You do have a lovely bottom, and I am going to enjoy praying it. Legs further apart.” She opened her legs, and I had a lovely view of her neighborly trimmed pussy. I stood and swished the cane a couple of times, making its tell-tale sound. Each time, her bottom clenched in anticipation. I was determined that Penny would feel this punishment, although I do not believe in pushing anyone beyond their limits. Punishment is meant to hurt and to be a reminder to improve in the future. I would be taking into account that this was Penny’s first experience with the cane; she would, however, be leaving with a sore bottom, but I did not intend any lasting harm.
“Remember to keep count and push your bottom out for me.” Penny did as I had asked.
I laid the cane across her bottom, just below the middle. I tapped her a couple of times before delivering her first stroke of the cane.
“Ouch,” Penny let me know that she had felt the stroke, and a red line appeared across her bottom. “One, thank you, madam,” she whispered. Her voice betrayed the pain she had felt. I was, however, impressed with how she copied with the first stroke.
I lined up the second just below the first, and it landed just as I had intended. I heard a louder noise this time and more wriggling. Her bottom was now graced with two red stripes. Her count was late in coming and betrayed her disappoint.
By the sixth stroke, Penny was wriggling around. I paused. “If you wish, we can stop there for today. But next Friday, you will return to receive your remaining six strokes plus two extras. Do you want to stop now or return next week?”
“Oh, please next week, please.”
“Ok, let me check your bottom.”
I knelt behind her again and ran my finger along one of her stripes. I was pleased that they were well aligned from the middle of her bottom to the overhang just above her thighs. There was now a definite aroma of arousal. Which I thought was interesting. Penny had been very brave for a first timer and had not complained about the situation she found herself in.
“You have done very well; I will have to let your boss know that you will be coming back next week to complete your punishment. I need you back in the corner for five minutes, hands on head.”
Penny eased herself upright, walked to the corner, and stood as required with her punished bottom facing the room. I sat at my desk and enjoyed the view. After the five minutes were over, I stood and walked over to her. “You may get dressed now, and I will see you at the same time next week. Do not be late, or your bottom will regret that.”
Standing next to her, I confirmed there was a smellof her arousal. I would think about this over the coming week.
Penny bent to retrieve her discarded knickers from the floor, and I watched as she carefully pulled them over her sore bottom. She finished dressing and turned to me. “Thank you; I know I deserved the punishment. I am sorry I could not complete all the strokes, and I will see you next week.”
I detected the hint of a smile when she said she would be returning. With that, she left.
On Sunday evening, I am getting ready for my next meeting. I am wearing black 3-inch heels, black stockings and suspenders, a black bra, and my latex corset, which is of course black. I had just finished putting on my PVC gloves when the doorbell rang. I glanced at myself in the mirror and saw the classic image of a dominatrix looking back at me. I felt good dressed like this.
On answering the door, I saw a tall, confident, well-built gentleman. He walked past me into the hall and said, “I will deal with you in the office; wait in the corner; I will join you when I am ready.”
On the first Sunday of every month, my master visits me. For the rest of the month, I am the one in charge; I dispense the discipline. However, I do have the occasional need to be punished, and my master satisfactions this need. He does like me dressed like this and take great pleasure in punishing his Dominatrix.
I stand facing the wall with my hands on my head. My heart is pounding in my chest. I always find his punishments hard to take. The rewards afterward are excellent, but the punishment is scary.
I hear his footsteps as he enters the room. He opens the desk drawer containing the cane, and I hear him swishing it through the air. The noise is terrifying especially when you know that the cane is going to visit your bottom very soon.
“You know the position,” Master announcements.
I step away from the wall and position myself in the centre of the room. I open my legs wide, bend over, and reach myhands down so my fingertips brush the floor.
Even though I have been in this position many times before, my bottom always feels so very vulnerable and so very big. I stare down at the floor and await my fate. Although I know I am to be punished, the exact form of that punishment is always a surprise. My master is very innovative, but whatever is going to happen over the next few minutes, I will finish up with a sore and striped backside.
I feel the cane placed, and I hold my breath. The cane is withdrawn, and I hear the swish and feel the line of fire across my bottom. Although I know what was going to happen, nothing prepares you for the first stroke of the cane. I manage not to cry out, and I keep my position. My master is very strict about taking your punishment properly; if I make too much noise, I am liable to be gagged, and excessive movement usually incurs extra strokes. So, I try to be very disciplined under punishment. However, that is easier said than done.
IFeel the cane placed for the second stroke, and with its delivery, I feel the line of pain just below the first stripe on my bottom. I breathe heavily through my mouth but remain in position.
“Stand and remove your bra; place it on the sofa.”
I was not expecting the request but was happy to comply as it would give my bottom some time to recover.
I stood and walked to the sofa and removed my bra as requested. “Come and stand before me; I have a gift for you.”
I stand before my master as requested. He handed me a small box from his pocket.
“Open it”.
I took the red box, and lifting the lid, I saw two small gold clamps connected by a fine gold chain. He took my gift from the box, and using his thumb, he caressed my left nipple, which started to become erect. He then attached one of the clamps to my nipple; it was painful at first but was soon bearable. The process is repeated for my right nipple.
I was now very conscious of both my nipples and the two throbbing stripes across my bottom. “Back in position.”
I returned to the centre of the room and resumed my position. Looking down, I can see the gold chain hanging between my breasts. I feel the cane being laid across my bottom once again. The third stroke was quickly delivered, shortly followed by the fourth. It was getting increasingly difficult to maintain my position. “Stand and remove your panties.”
Again, I was surprised by the command but stood as requested. “When you are ready, hand them to me.” I slowly slide my knickers down and step out of them. I am very aware that each movement is felt in my clamped nipples. I place my panties in my master’s hands. He put them carefully on the floor and asked me to open my mouth. Again, this was unexpected, but I did as requested. He placed a pencil between my teeth. “If you drop this during your punishment, I will gag you with your panties and we will start back at the beginning. Do you understand?”
I nodded, fearwelling inside me. This was going to be very difficult.
“I have something else for you.” With this, he reaches into his other pocket and removes a small padlock. This is placed on the chain between my breasts and locked in place. I could feel the additional weight of this pulling on my nipples, even though it was a tiny padlock.
“Back in position.”
I did as I had been asked. I looked down at both the chain and my panties on the floor. Strokes five and six were quickly delivered. I managed to keep hold of the pencil, but only just.
“Stand and remove your shoes. Place them by the sofa.” I stand, and even those few steps pull on my nipples.
“Stand before me again.” A second tiny padlock was added to my chain adding further weight to my nipples. “Back in position.”
Two more strokes followed. I tried to keep still so as not to pull my nipples, but it was almost impossible. The pencil stayed in position, just.
“Stand and remove your stockings and suspenders again; place them on the sofa.”
Once I had done this, another lock was added. Two further strokes followed.
This continued with me being asked to remove my gloves and, finally, my corset. Each time another lock was added, and each time I received two more strokes. The chain pulled my nipples, and finally, my bottom was adorned with fourteen vivid stripes. The pencil stayed in my mouth, but it took all my self-control to achieve this. Tears leaked from my eyes. I was no longer a dominatrix but a sorry woman with sore nipples and a very sore bottom.
“Stand up; you have done very well.” Finally, my master tried me, and I felt so very proud of myself. He removed the clamps, and I felt intense pain as the circuit returned. This competed with the pain of my bottom.
“Upstairs and wait for me.”
This was the part of the evening I knew I enjoyed. I went into my bedroom, positioned myself on all fours with my punished bottom facing the door, and waitedfor my master’s attention.
We have a long night ahead of us.
The End
I hope you enjoyed it the story. If you want to comment or connect, please send me private feedback.
Ideas for other stories are, of course, welcome.
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