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The Domain
Krag Thunnarsson
He appeared to everyone who knew him, to be an ordinary looking man of about forty years of age, with the body of a man who tried to take good care of himself. But, once people knew him Better, they came to discover that inside of this man burned a fire of unknown origin and power. Frey Johnson was this man and his past was just as much a mystery as the feeling of power that surrounded him. He stood six feet tall with light blonde hair and dark brown eyes. A long dark blonde mustache completed his appearance.
His business catered to the very rich and their need for more excitement in their lives. Frey proved for these very rich customers, games of sport and challenges not available to the average person. As to his private life, not much was known since he was a very reclusive man. Frey never participating in the games and other things that he provided for his clients.
His residence was located in the mountains of northern Arizona, about an hour outside of Flagstaff. Situated on a tract of land measuring five miles by five miles. It also contained a lake, an eighteen-hole golf course and a race track for his collection of sports cars. The house was designed and built by him, and included many of the things that his clients enjoyed. His favorite room in his house was his den. This room included a section for his guitars. A wall full of leather books most of which were old and rare first editions on the history of war. The final two walls were taken up with knick knacks collected over the years of travel and business.
His desk was a very large roll top with many drawers of varying size and shape with a computer built into the desk. On one side of the desk his collections of pipes took up residence. Frey sat at his desk smokeing his favorite Mercham pipe and watching the giant screen television set in the opposite wall from his book case. A baseball was on. The two teams were tied going into the final inning of play. As the home team took their last chance to win the game the phone rang. Frey chose not to answer the ringing but instead waited for the answering machine to pick up the call. After the greeting had played, the calling party started to leave their message Frey listened with half interest as the party began his message.
“Mr. Johnson, your name was given to me by a mutual friend. Mr. R said if I needed something in particular that may be hard to find, I should try and see if you could help me get it. I am prepared to meet your price for procurement of this item. Please call me at you earlier convenience. My name is Mr. Q and my number is…”
After the number and area code was given, the caller hung up and the answering machine stopped recording. Frey choose not to call Mr. Q back untilThe end of the game and after he had a chance to have dinner and another pipe.
After finishing dinner and lighting up a Peterson, Frey decided to call Mr. Q back and see exactly what he needed or wanted. After dialing the number, Frey waited for the phone to be answered. Three rings into the phone call the other side was picked up and a cultured English voice said, “You have reached Mr. Q’s private line, may I ask who is calling?”
“This is Mr. Johnson returning a call I received from Mr. Q earlier today.”
“Just one moment please,” responded the English voice.
The same voice as the earlier call to Frey, answered the phone and said, “I was so hoping that you would call tonight, thank you.”
“Mr. Q, how may I help you?”
“I was told by Mr. R. that you can procure very special items for those who can afford them. I was also told that I can expect complete secret and discretion.”
“Yes, I have made my reputation by being very careful and very good atwhat I do. The fact that Mr. R. gave you my name and number tells me you know that I am capable of many things. I must call Mr. R. and confirm that he gave you my name and number, I hope that it does not offend you.”
“No, I was told that you screen your clients very carefully.”
“Good then I will get back to you just as soon as I have called our mutual friend. In the mean time please remember that my prices are never open for negotiation.”
After hanging up the phone Frey called Mr. R. and asked him if he had given his name and number to a Mr. Q. Having confirmed that he had indeed done this, Frey called Mr. Q. back and asked him what he wanted. After getting the information, Frey set a price of five million dollars and told the client that he could expect delivery in two weeks at a place set by Frey.
The money to be wired to a numbered Swiss bank account one day prior to delivery.
The nature of the request was not a new one to Frey not one he really enjoyd. Some of his clients merely asked for the chance to hunt endangered species or the chance to do something very dangerous and illegal, all for the thrill of it. Mr. Q’s request was not any of these, but still illegal. Frey turned on his computer and began to make his plans. A detailed list of requirements was first to appear on the screen. Selecting only needed items, Frey ordered a hard copy. Then, he decided to go up to bed.
On his way to bed, Frey decided that he might need some company. Which of the seven female slaves which would be allowed to sleep with him tonight? Thinking about the choices for a few seconds, he chose Ginger. Reaching the door behind which Ginger was kept, he keyed in the code that would let him into the set of rooms in which Ginger lived. Entering the room he saw her sitting on the dark red couch in the corner by the large bay window looking out onto the center court gardens. As the door whispered closed, Ginger looked up and saw Frey standing in the roomwith a smile on his face.
Ginger immediately sprang from the couch and ran to Frey. As she got to within four feet of him, she dropped to her knees and asked, “Master, may I serve you tonight?” Ginger was five feet four inches tall with long blonde hair. Her body was fit and trim and showed the fact that she worked out often. Her breasts were large and very firm, with a small waist and well proportioned hips and thighs. She was clothed in a black lace merry widow with matching crotchless panties and thigh high stockings. The color set off her hair and blue eyes very nicely. The only other piece of clothing she wore was a small black leather collar around her neck with a small pad lock in the back.
“Yes, tonight I feel the need for your special talents.” With that, she moved her hair out of the way and waited for the lean to be attached. Frey walked to the small cabinet by the closet door and retrieved a long black leash and locked the cabinet. As he attached the leash hesaid, “I believe that we will be more comfortable in the master bedroom tonight.” With a slight tug on the leash, Ginger jumped to her feet and followed Frey out of her rooms and up the stairs to the master bedroom. Walking just one pace in front of Frey she was consciousness of the fact that he was looking at her ass and she knew that he meant to use her well tonight.
As the pair reached the master bedroom, Frey keyed in his special number that opened the lock to his private rooms. The door swung open and revealed a very suntight sitting room with black leather furniture and solid oak tables. To the left was a set of double doors made of Lebanese cedar. To the right was a single door made of North American Cedar. Frey pointed Ginger towards the single door. As Frey reached the door, he took a special key in the shape of a hammer from around His neck. Fitting the key into the lock and turning to the right, the lock opened. He pushed the door handle down and pushed the door open. Ginger entered the room and knelt on the small black carpet just inside the door and waited for Frey to secure the door.
As one looked from left to right around the room various pieces of furniture and closets revealed themselves. The first piece of furniture was a cabinet made of black walnut with a small silver handle on each door. The next piece was a set of stocks about three feet off the floor. A Saint Andrew’s was situationed by itself near one wall. A table covered in black leather was situationed in the center of the room. With various straps, holes, rings, and extensions attached, the table looked very sinister. The last wall was taken up with a large number of ropes, chains, leather garments, whips, straps and other items used by a master on his slaves. The final piece of equipment was a sophisticated video system with three monitors and four cameras mounted around the room.
Frey locked the door and turned on the cameras and monitors. Next, he walked to the wall which contained the garments and whips, and selected a medium ball gag first. After looking on the wall for a few more moments he selected a black leather corset with open cups. Next, he selected a set of knee high black leather boots with very high heels. He brought the garments to Ginger and instructed her to put them on. As she rose and began to disrobe, Frey moved two of the cameras stationed around the room to focus on Ginger as she changed costumes.
Once she had finished dressing, she held out the ball gag to Frey so that he could put in on her. As he moved behind her, she opened her mouth and Frey slipped it in and began to fasten the straps that would hold the gag tight. Moving her hair out of the way, Ginger felt a shiver run up her spine as she thought about the events to come. Frey would expect her to please him at least three times before he would allow her to cum. Once he had enjoyed himself, she would then be subjected to the most delicious torque available to a woman. In thepast, she had been exhausted at the end of the night with Frey. But a golden glow would carry her for the next week. The last time she had shared this room with Frey she’d had cum at least ten times.
With the gag firmly in place, Frey moved her to the stocks. As Ginger stood up, Frey lightly pinched the nipple of he left breast sending another shiver up Ginger’s spine. Frey placed her head and hands in the holes. Frey pulled the top of the stocks down and set her hands and head in the proper position. The latch was then put in the closed position, next Ginger’s feet were firmly enclosed in the black leather cuffs located at the base of the stocks.
With her legs split and the top portion of her body held tight in the stocks, Frey retrieved the small buggy whip that he had chosen earlier. Frey went to the left side of the stocks and caresed her tender ass.
A small whimper escaped Ginger’s lips and with that Frey brought the whip down firmly on her left cheek. A yelp of pain escaped her lips and was muted because of the ball gag. The whip once again fell on her left ass cheek. After third strokes of the whip, Frey put the whip down and returned to the reddening checks of the girl. He caressed her ass and she moaned and whimpered as he did so.
His hand drifted down to her shaken cunt and discovered that she was already wet with anticipation. Frey then decided it was time to give Ginger her first orgasm of the night. He removed his pants and shirt. As his pants came off his nine inches of hard cock was revealed. His large balls hung down between his legs. The public hair was trimmed short making his cock look even bigger. He got right behind Ginger’s ass and stroked his cock a couple of times.
Frey poked his cock a couple of times at the opening of her pussy and she moaned even louder than before. Frey stroked the outer lips of her pussy a few times. Then when he figured she was ready, he entered her swiftly and planted half of his cockin her at once. A loud grunt and moan issued from around the ball gaged lips of the girl. Frey then pushed his cock in the rest of the way and felt his lower belly touch her ass checks. He slowly pulled out his cock until the head was just inside of her, then with a mighty shove, he buried his cock in her once more.
A rhythm was set up then and after three or four minutes a scream of ecstasy came out of Ginger’s mouth and Frey felt her vagina contract around his cock. He pulled his cock out of her and caressed her back softly. Frey’s cock was still hard and he reached for some lubricant. As he smoothed it over his cock, he also placed his right index finger at the pumped opening of Ginger’s asshole. A soft scar escaped her lips and she knew that his cock would soon charge up her tight ass. Ginger had learned to love anal sex in This very room in this same position. Frey pushed his finger into her ass and moved it in circles. Ginger’s ass moved in small circles opposite of Frey’s hand motions.
When Frey was ready, he pulled his finger out of her ass and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to her bowels. With one massive shove his cock went into her ass to the root. A painful sounding scream escaped her lips. Frey did not stop and rest because he wanted Ginger to cum again and he wanted to cum with her. After about five minutes of fucking, Frey felt Ginger tension up and her ass cinched down on his cock. Three thrusts later Frey felt his cock began to spurt and Ginger screamed out her climax. Frey took two steps back and leaned against the wall and watched as Ginger moved and shook with the last of her climax.
After a ten-minute rest, Frey was ready to start again and Ginger was restive in her current position. A saw horse stood in the far-right corner. A hole was cut in the middle of the horse for attachments to fit into. Frey released Ginger and lead her over to the horse.
Securely chaining her to a ring in the wall, Frey walked to the cabinet and retrieved a large stainless dildo with small holes in it. An electrical cord ran out of the bottom of the instrument. The cord plugged into the switch panel located at the head of the horse. Frey secured the third inch dildo in the hole and ran the cord to the panel. After hooking the cord up, he hit a switch and the panel gave three small clicks and the green light came on. The dildo also had an attachment for fluid.
As Frey hooked up a water hose to the dildo he looked at the lovely Ginger and noticed a look of anticipation on her face. He smiled and said, “You will feel it soon and, I just bet that you’ll have at least four climaxes.”
The dildo was on a swivel that had a range of almost 90 degrees on all directions. He tilted the instrument to an angle of about 60 degrees and locked it down. Frey walked to Ginger and removed her From the ring in the wall. He walked her over to the horse and lifted her onto the dildo. As the dildo began to slide into hercunt, she was forced down onto her back. As her legs reached a certain position, Frey locked her ankles to a set of rings located in the legs.
Next, he locked her arms below the horse. After securing her arms and ankles he got a small D ring from the instrument panel. Frey attached it to the back of her collar and to a small ring at the end of the horse nearest her head. With her body bent into a slight “U” shape. Ginger was Forced to open her mouth, and the gag was loosened. Frey removed the gag and kissed her gently on the lips. The dildo was equipped with small rubber spikes which retracted, a small electric charge, both hot and cold water, all of which were controlled by the panel.
Frey set up the panel to begin cycling between cold, hot water, moving spikes and a small electric charge. At the interval set she would be feeling exhaust pleasure mixed with pain in bursts of about ten seconds. Frey hit the start button and walked to Ginger’s head. Meanwhile, his cock hadhardened.
The thought of her stretched out like this was enough to almost bring him to a climax. The first cycle had just finished and Ginger was beginning to feel the real effects of the instrument planted deep in her cunt. Groans were freely escaping her lips and her body was twitching to the changes of the dildo.
Frey put the head of his cock into her mouth and she began to suck. Frey fed all but the last inch of his cock into her mouth and throat and once in he began to pull it out. After about five minutes his cock was ready to burst. Ginger was in the throes of her sixth climax in a row.
With one final shove Frey put his cock into her mouth and throat and came. After the first volley of cum he pulled about half of his cock out and allowed her to breathe. Once again he shoved his cock into her throat and the next volley slide down her gullet. After the final twitch he pulled his cock out and he stepped back to watch Ginger cum again. He watched her for another five minutes then walked to the panel and turned everything off.
Releasing Ginger from her position, he ordered her to strip and placing a neck to wrist shadow on her, he led her to the bedroom. He placed a spreader bar between her ankles. Suitably shackled and fettered he lead her to the king size bed and laid her on the right side. Fixing a long chain to her collar which lead to the ring set into the wall at the head of the bed, Frey went to the opposite side of the bed and laid down. With a word the lights went out and the pair soon fell asleep.
The alarm went off at eight a.m. Frey awoke refreshed and ready for the day ahead. He looked over at the opposite side of the bed and looked at the still sleeping shape of Ginger. Frey unlocked her from her fetters and women with a kiss. He instructed her to go to her room, shower and have her breakfast.
The rest of the household staff was up and preparing for the day ahead. After a shower and all that is associated withthat, he went down to the dining room and found his breakfast ready. Taking a plate, he loaded up and went to the head of the table. Sitting and putting the linen napkin on his right leg, he grabbed the fork and knife and ate with enthusiasm.
The rest of the residents would eat after he had finished his meal and left the dining room. Taking a last swallow of orange juice, Frey pushed the chair back and stood up. With a contented sight, he walked briskly to the door and headed for his study.
Upon reaching the door of his study he placed his palm on the palm reader lock system and waited for the mechanism to open the door for him. The locked clicked open and the door swung open with a soft whisper. The computer screen gave off a soft glow and the screen saver cast shadows on the walls which always amazing Frey. He approached the chair behind the desk and sat. Frey picked up a voice activated remote control and began to issue commands to the computer. He commanded the computerto open a certain book case and watched as the case moved to reveal a large LED screen. The monitor displayed at least twenty-five different news stations. He scanned the pictures, waiting for something to catch his eye.
Off to the extreme left of the screen a small item caught his attention. He commanded the computer to enlarge the story of interest. The news item was about a teenage beauty contest in Urbanville, Nebraska. The news camera panned down the line of contentants and Frey’s eyes caught sight of a small brunette on the far left of the line.
A reporter droned on about the content and such but Frey had ignored the reporter’s voice until he mentioned the town and dates of the content. With growing interest, Frey watched and listened to the report. As the feature ended, Frey turned to the computer terminal on his desk and proceeded to make reservations to fly to the closest city. Having the plane reservations take care of, he then made a reservation for a car.
Frey touched a button received into the top of the desk to the far-left side. A strong masculine voice answered, “Yes Sir?”
Frey replied, “I will be leaving for two days, please have the Bentley brought around at 10:00 a.m. I will need you to drive me to the airport.”
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