He stopped the car on a deserted country road, calmly turned the ignition off, then turned to look at her. His eyes trawled over her. She was wrapping wet, and her dress clung to her skin, clearly outlining the shape of her slim, shivering thighs. Push-starting a car in the dead of night was not her idea of fun.
‘I’m cold,’ Sissy said, wrapping her arms around herself, and spoiling his view of her erect nipples, tugged out of her breasts by a combination of wet and cold.
His turned away from her and stared out of the windscreen. It was as good a time as any, he told himself. Best get it over with.
‘I’m leaving you,’ he said.
She felt like he’d punched her in the guts.
‘I’ve found someone else,’ he added.
He was smiling now. He was enjoying seeing her squirm with fear, and He unzipped his trousers and took out his thick semi-erect penis. She looked down at the shining tip. A bead of translucent pre-cum oozed out of the tiny slit on the top and glistened in the glow of the courtesy light.
‘She swallows, a real woman. I call her my little zinc worshiper!’
She hated herself the moment she said it. ‘I can do that.’
‘It’s something else too,’ he said with a smile.
She either didn’t hear, or didn’t want to hear, too intent was she to make could her miserable failures. Twisting sideways, she sought out his cock with her cold clammy hands. He leaned back in his seat and put his hands behind his neck, interlocking the fingers, never one to forgo a free ride.
She gripped his cock in one hand, and stared at it for a moment as if it were a lifeline to save her marriage and rescue her from the fears of homelessness, helplessness, and destination, then she flicked her tongue over the bead of pre-cum before taking him fully into her mouth.
Her mouth felt deliciously cold and slippery and she sank down onto him. He felt her lips tighten aroundthe base of his shake. She almost gagged, but then she was sliding her lips up again. She plugged herself down on the next cycle, then pulled up, gripping his slimy cock with her lips so hard it seemed like she was trying to yank it out of his body by the root. But then she loosened her grip and was going down again. He could feel the pressure building. Sparks of electricity began to exploit deep within him, the veins in his cock throbbed madly – she could them thickening inside her mouth. He could not remember a time when it had felt so hard. His legs began to tremble, and a low moan of ecstasy escaped from his mouth.
His cock bucked once, then thick wads of sperm hosted into her mouth. Sissy kept on sucking though, milking every drop, forcing herself not to gag. His hand clamped down on the back of her head to keep her there, Just in case she pulled away before he was done. When the pain of his orgasm became too much, he when it felt like he would rupture, he lifted her head away from him by the hair.
She sat up, cupping her hand to her mouth in case any of his seed spilled out and ruined the upholstery of his beloved car. Then she closed her eyes and swallowed the glutinous, shellfish-like effort.
When his breathing and heart rate ha simmered down enough for him to return to reality, he saw her smiling at him. ‘Good?’ she said.
‘Not bad,’ he said, a major compliment by His standards. ‘Well don’t just sit there grinning, dry it and put it away!’
Her eagerness to comply disgusted her, but she did as she was told anyway. She had begun to realize that her future security depended not just upon obedience, but that he did not suspect that she might be suffering from “sense of humour failure,” a capital offence as far as he was concerned.
She drunk his cummy cock on the skirt of her dress, then tucked it away back inside his trousers and zipped him up.
‘Careful!’ he said.
She zipped slowly. Zip too fast and experience remInded her that she really would get a punch in the guts.
‘I’m still leaving you,’ he chuckled. ‘God you’re pathetic!’
‘But!..’ she blurted out, dismay turning her pretty features sour.
‘But, you’re too fat. That’s the something else. Will you ever learn?’
He sneered at her, then tried to start the car. The engine coughed once, then craneted usefully round a few times before finally dying. The courtesy light faded gradually to nothing.
Sissy pushed for all she was worth, tears streaming down her face. He kept swearing at her to “put her back into it,” and “stop moaning”, and even promised her that he would stay if she managed to start it. So she pushed until she was exhausted, but the car would not start.
A light appeared out of the darkness. Abandoning his car, he grabbed his case from the boot then marched towards it, hoping to seek refund from the cold dark night. Sissy trailed behind him, too frightened to stay behind alone in the dark, too frightened to be without him, even if it was only for one last night.
‘A stroke of luck,’ he beamed, when he reached the door.
He knocked once and waited. No one answered, so he knocked again, louder. But still n one answered. He stopped low to call through the letterbox, but when he lifted the flap, the door swung gently open on its own voltage.
He poked his head inside, had a look, then entered the house proper and called out. ‘Hello? Anyone home?’
There was no answer.
‘We can’t stay here,’ Sissy said.
‘You stay in the car if you want to,’ he said. ‘I’m cold, and I’m tired. I need a bed, no one’s in, so what’s the harm?’
He didn’t wait for her to answer. Why should he? As far as he was concerned, this particular wife was a piece of yesterday. He would find a bed to rest, maybe some food to fill his belly, and tomorrow he would begin his new life with his mistress. Women, he was fond of saying to anyone stupid enough to listen, should be changed like the oil on a car.’
The house was old, and warm, a place of wooden lintels, low ceilings, and subtle imperfections. Nothing Sissy looked at appeared straight and level, but it gave the house a charm that delighted her, and made her feel at home. For the first time in as long as she could remember she could feel her spirits rising.
‘What a hole’ he said.
The bedrooms were at the top of a Steep flight of stairs. The wood creaked below her naked, blistered feet.
‘Riddled with woodworm,’ he grumbled. ‘What a dump!’
There were two rooms. They were simply furnished, containing only the essentials of a place of rest and recovery. A bed, a bedside table, and a dresser. Each had a child’s toy doll sitting on it, one dark, one blond. Intimate pools of candlelight illuminated the rooms.
He chose the bigger of the two rooms.
‘We’re not sleeping together,’ he said, ‘You’re too…’
‘Fat,’ Sissy murmured, finishing the sentence for him.
‘You’re learning,’ he said.
‘If I can learn, why can’t I stay?’
‘Because at the end of the day, you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks.’
He emphasized the word “dog”, then disappeared into his bedroom, slamming the door in her face.
Sissy retired to her own bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed, and inhaled. The scent of the crisp white sheets helped cleanse the memory of his filthy cum from her nostrils.
She peeled her sodden dress off, then slipped into bed and pulled the covers tight against her throat. It was the first time she had slept alone for years, but no matter how much her desire was for sleep, it refused to visit her. She tossed and turned for an hour, then as a last resort, throw the covers back, swung her legs out of bed and padded across the floor towards the doll. She picked it up with both hands and smiled.
‘You’re pretty,’ she said, then glanced quickly around, afraid that he might hear.
Back in bed, she held the door againt her naked body and closed her eyes. Sleep came easily now that she was no longer alone. Her dreams were unusually vivid; it was as if she was aware that she was dreaming, a delightful lucidity that combined the best elements of life with impossible fansy.
Feeling hot, she pushed the covers from her body, and turned onto her side. A hand brushed her hair away from her face. She opened her eyes, and discovered she was looking at a beautiful woman lying next to her. The woman smiled back.
‘Who are you?’ she said.
‘You mean to say you don’t know who you take to bed?’ she teased gently.
She frowned. ‘I took a doll to bed,’ she replied.
‘And her name is Antoinette,’ the woman said.
Sissy nodded, a little confused, and wondered if she were awake, or stay, before her bed companion spoke again, distracting her from her thoughts.
‘Are you going to finish what you were telling me?’
‘What was I telling you?’ Sissy replied, generally mystified.
‘You were telling me about your husband.’ Antoinette lowered her voice to a bare whisper, and indicated the adjoining bedroom with a nod of her head.
‘You were telling me how selfish he is.’
Now she remembered. ‘He treats me like a sex slave, but he refuses to give me any pleasure. He forces me to swallow, he enters me whenever he feels like it, wherever he feels like it, no matter where I might be, regardless of what I like.’
Antoinette stroked the side of her face with the backs of her fingers. Her touch was soothing, empowering, and strangely sexual. She sympathised.
‘He says I’m fat. His new woman’s supple obviously. She can do the “Bugs Bunny,” as he puts it.’
Puzzled, Antoinette raised her eyesbrows, but continued to stroke her face, slowly and softly, and sensitively, enlivening her body with little ripples of tingling pleasure.
‘How many people do you know who can ticke their ears with their feet?’ Sissy said.
Antoinette chuckled. Sissy could sense her moving closer, and closed her eyes, partly from embarrassment towards the alien feelings plaguing her, and partly to better concentrate on the moment. A second later she feel her companion’s sweet breath playing over her lips. Her body tensed in anticipation. Her breathing became shallow and rapid, and her knees automatically relaxed and rolled outwards to offer her darkest and most intimate regions to Antoinette’s fingers. She parted her lips a little, ready to accept her, then moaned softly as she felt her cliporis easing itself out from its protective hood.
Just before their lips touched, Antoinette recoiled as if stung, a tiny, but define movement. She paused with one eye squeezed tightly shut, then tried to open it.
Sissy remained oblivious to her disappoint and continued to wait for the arrival of her first Sapphic kiss, not daring to breathe. As the seconds ticked by, she began to feel somewhat cooler. Her cliporis retired into her body. Sheopened her eyes to discover that the covers had been pulled right back exposing her naked body to the cold night air, and that she was alone in bed.
‘You feel like losing the other one?’ he said. He poked the doll hard in the chest with a blunt finger. ‘Stop staring at me.’
He found the room spooky and was unable to sleep. The doll’s eyes glowed brighter than candlelight. At first he put it down to Stray light reflected from the surface of the tiny glass spheres that doll manufacturers the world over thought resembled real eyes. But when he had blown the candles out they still glowed, and more disconcertingly, stared.
‘I think we need a little more surgery to cure the imbalance in your facial features young lady,’ he sneered. ‘Don’t you?’
He nodded the doll’s head back and forth and said in his best girly voice, ‘I do I do!’
‘Then allow me to oblige,’ he replied, and whacked the doll’s face against the dresser in an effort to dislodge the remaining eye. Then he dropped the carcass on the floor, kicked it across the room and returned to his bed.
Sleep enveloped him as soon as his head touched the pillow.
He woke some time later with his arms tormented by rivers of pins and needs. He tried to sit up and rub them, but to his horror discovered them bound to the headboard with glossy nylon rope.
He tried to move his legs, but found that he couldn’t move They either. He raised himself up as far as he could, and saw two slender women pinning his legs to the bed. For one moment, he thought he was inside his most visited fantasy. Ever since he had started masturbating, he had dreamed of making it with two women. Now it was here. A reward he told himself for persistence. He remembered someone saying once that if you dreamed hard enough, then the Gods conspired to make it come true. He smiled, and muttered, ‘Thank you God!’
‘Don’t kid yourself,’ the woman gripping his left leg said.
His eyes dropped away from her pert breasts to the huge strap-on fastened into her crotch.
‘Like it?’ she said. She slapped the stiff fake cock with her hand. ‘Now take a look at my friend Antionette,’ she ordered.
He turned his head to the right. The woman gripping his right leg smiled back him, though it was a smile devoid of light and warmth. She wore a patch over one eye. The other was bloodshot.
‘Only one would go back in,’ Antoinette said.
Like Heidi, she too wore a fake cock between her legs, and slapped it with her hand as if to demonstrate how good and stiff it was.
Before he realized what was happening, the two women heaved his ankles up and back. His head slammed back into the pillow and he saw his feet recinging towards him. He let out a sharp yelp, because he too was not as flexible as Those he coveted. His two attendants swiftly and expertly bound his ankles next to his wrists, then stood back to admire their work
He looked like the last chicken in the butcher shop, doubted up and helpless, unable to move, hardly able to breathe, and carefully consciousness of the fact that his penis and anus were now easily available to the attentions of his torturers.
Antoinette bent low to whisper into his ear. ‘This is just the beginning,’ she hissed.
His body began to roll from side to side, and he knew that the other one had climbed up onto the bed and was making her way towards him. ‘Please don’t,’ he said meekly.
The bed stopped rocking, and he nearly said “thank you,” but then he felt a small pressure against his pumped anus.
This time he pleaded with her. ‘Please don’t!’
‘Enjoy!’ Antoinette said. She throw back her head and laughed sadistically.
The pressure on his anus grew rapidly, but the sphincter is an immensely robust muscle and held fast.
Two gloved hands clamped around his thighs. The incredible pressure suddenly vanished as Heidi pulled away, allowing cool air to soothe him. His body seemed to deflate with relief, but before he could sigh, the fake cock delivered a knock out punch to his anus. It held fast for a split second, then collapsed inside itself. He let out a scream, immediately muffled by the sensing of the cock driving into his rectum. The fullness was incredible. He felt he would rupture. A bloody mist descended over his eyes.
‘PLEASE!’ he shrieked.
‘Shut him up!’ his rapist snapped.
Antoinette’s hard rubbery cock slammed into his mouth right the way to the back of his throat, sealing his screams inside his quaking body.
Stirred by the muffled groaning emanating from the adjoining room, Sissy left the bed once more and tiptoed over to the door. Too frightened to open it, instead she bent over from the waist, and hanging onto the door handle for support, peered through the keyhole.
Her pupils dilated like two ink blots at the sight of her husband folded in two on the bed in his beloved Bugs Bunny position, with one woman pumping into his back passagewith a straw-on cock, while another, whom she suddenly recognized was her recent bed companion, fucked his mouth with a similar appendage. Their motion was energetic, and aggressive. Sissy could feel herself heating. Her cliporis swelled out of its hood again, and a slick film of vaginal juices began to ooze out of her, covering her inner thighs.
They only stopped pumping the cocks into him when they deemed his will to live fully spent. They withdraw slowly, removed the fake cocks and dropped them on the floor. His moans carried through the keyhole into Sissy’s ears, further turning her on.
She continued to watch as they untied his ankles and straightened out his ravaged body. Antoinette rubbed her hands over Heidi’s wet vagina to lubricate them, then began to stroke her husband’s limp cock. She watched in awe as she gripped him with her thumb towards the base of his shaft, then slide it up to the top, rotated her palm over his glans so that her hand was now the right way up, and slid it back down, all in one uninterrupted motion. When she reached the bottom, the hand melted away from him while the fingers of the other tightened around the fattening shake to begin its inverted journey to the head. He was hard within three strokes. Antoinette’s hand speed grew until all was a blur. Sissy could see his cock scanning and bulging from the workout. He began to grimace, his toes twitched, and his belly pulsated as if there were a living entity inside of him.
‘He’s cumming,’ she murmured.
He arched his back violently as the orgasm ripped through him. The out-pouring of sperm did not foul either his body or the crisp white sheets, but hosted nearly into Heidi’s waiting cupped hand. She immediately pressed her cummy palm over his mouth, forcing it inside him. Then with dribbles escaping over his chin and oozing down his neck, she held his mouth closed and pinched his nose.
‘Embrace the zinc,’ she hissed. ‘And before you ask, no, it isn’t over. You’re going on a journey.’
Antoinette wiped her hands on his belly. ‘Another house,’ she said.
‘Someone we know,’ Heidi went on.
‘A lady of discipline,’ Antoinette smiled.
Sissy closed her eyes for a moment, almost unable to believe what she was witnessing, then bit her lip and clawed at the door as a delicate orgasm quivered around insides.
‘How do you feel,’ a voice whispered into her ear.
Sissy jumped, then saw that Antoinette was beside her trying to look through the keyhole as well.
‘Feel?’ Sissy replied, ‘I’m happy. I’m a really happy cunt.’
Antoinette smiled and slipped a finger into Sissy’s juicy sex. ‘You are so,’ she whispered.
Antoinette removed her finger, took hold of Sissy’s hand and led her towards the bed. ‘Unfinished business,’ she whispered.
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