The Day i Both Dread and Anticipate

((((Thank You my Master, for making my life complete. Thank you, strayangel, for your guidance and inspiration.)))


Always it is the same scene. i am wearing nothing but a smile, a joyous smile as i wait in anticipation for my Master to walk through that door. I am kneeing, facing the door, the smooth curve of my butt resting on my heels. My hands are likewise resting, on my tighs, palms up, just as He told me to wait.

The door opens, i squirm in anticipation and the moment i see His face my heart skips a few beats and my tummy flip flops as the butterflies, no, they feel more like condors, begin flapping their wings.

He smiles and winks at me, then turns and says, “Come on in, Dave.”

After that i envision nothing, too terrified of the day my Master decides to make this forbidden fantasy of mine come true.

Two guys, one girl.

We’ve talked about it, and like the foolish sub-in-training i am at times, i talk to Him like i talk to everyou else, stating my wants, expecting to get them. I usually do, with others that is, when i state what i want.

But such is not the case today, it seems. i wanted to meet the brother first. i wanted to decide if this is whom i wanted to be with. i wanted to make sure i was attracted to him, that he didn’t smell, or wasn’t too overly cruel. i wanted to be in control. i told my Master all of this. But then He reminded me that He is my Master, and He would make all those decisions.

And it appears that today He did.

Now, where was i? Oh, yes.

Dave steps up behind Him, just as tall, just as large, grinning as widely as my Master is as he settles his gaze on me, vulnerable, kneeing before the two brothers. i am naked, trenbing. i find it difficult to catch my breath as I glance towards the bathroom, sizing up an escape route. Panic sets in and i scramble to my feet, running away so that i cannot be seen.

“squish!” His voice thunders through the room and i squeak and put on the brakes. He has never raised His voice before. i feel my pussy gush and my knees begin knocking.

i’ve never disobeyed Him so blatantly before.

He gives me that, “don’t disappoint Me, you know what to do,” look and i drop to my knees, forgetting my fears. i want only to please my Master, to make Him proud. Sometimes i just forget.

Today, i realize quickly, there is no room for quibbling.

Smiling, He pets my head and leans down and kisses my crown, reaching further for my nipple, which is already hardening as i see Him reaching. He graps the protruding nub between forefinger and thumb and pinches hard, harder, until i gasp.

“What am I?” He asks softly, His blue eyes burning into my green ones.

“my Master,” i whisper softly, lost in the sea of ​​His gaze. He licks His lower lip in thought and nods, then continues. “Who are you?”

“Your slut,” i again whisper softly, my voice trembly with anticipation, with dread.

“And who ownsyou?” He asks this while giving one final hard tweak of my nipple.

“You do.” my words are barely audible.

He shakes his head and asks, “What was that?”

Clearing my throat i repeat, “You do, Sir.” And that response brings a smile. His beautiful, beaming, ‘I love my squish’ smile.

“That’s My girl.” He motions for Dave to come stand beside Him, then introduces us to one another. my whole body is aflame with humiliation, and i can’t remember why exactly i ever told Him i’d do this. But here i am. No turning back.

He motions for Dave to have a seat on the couch, and He goes and take a seat on the foot of the bed, leaving me kneeing on the floor between them, center stage. i can feel Dave’s eyes on me, and i wish there was a hole i could crawl into. The table would do, i think with a giggle, imagining His reaction if i took off again.

With a glance towards my Master, then to the table, i hear Him clear His throat and i quickly glance back at Him, to seeHim shake His head. i smile softly at Him, casting my eyes downward.

He knows me so well.

to be continued…


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