The Dark Star – Descent Pt. 07

Chapter One; Birthday Girl

“You’re like a Cat on a hot tin roof,” Jamie states standing alongside of me in a black tight fitting dress.

“Is it any fucking wonder?” My fingers furiously rub at the underside of my nose, my sinuses burning from a little too much coke, which was probably not helping my disposition. A vein in the left hand temple throbbed wildly.

“I might suggest you’ve done well to keep her at arm’s length until now… Just relax”

“Relax” I retort with a dark chuckle “Including your good self I can see 4 girls I’ve fucked since Christmas without turning my head …this place is a fucking powder keg.”

“Might teach your to stop being such a Man Whore.” Jamie laughs, being one of the few people I’d allow to get away with such a comment.

I turn my head as almost on cue through the crowd from the main entrance Hannah, Ari and four other attractive young girls make their way towards the main bar where I stand. All wide eyed and taking in what they see. None more so than Hannah, she looks good in her tight little black dress, with dark hosiery and a pair of black heels.

Ari looks better though; a tight black little vest and a black pleasant leather skirt with black calf length black boots on a spike heel, fuck me she looked more than amazing. Mine wouldn’t be the only eyes on her that’s for sure. Two dark haired girls, a blonde and Ari’s house mate Nisha makes up the numbers. Discreetly as they approach I smile to them all from a distance with a brief nod in particular to the Indian girl, this being the first time I’d see her since she’d willing surprised to me in the confines of the basement beneath us. Another layer to the complexity of my situation. Collective it’s not as though any of the girls are wall flowers but the way the lights catch Ari’s platinum hair, the shadows that fall across the angles of her face I feel a stir in my crotch just watching her approach. I mind myself I need to concentrate on Hannah,

They were here for Ari’s 20th birthday, somehow in some moment of fucking luxury misjudgment I’d allowed Hannah to coerce me into hosting Ari and her University friends for the night. A private booth and drinks, all on the house. It would cost me a financially and maybe a lot more. Wisely or stupidly I’d gone out of my way to inform most of the staff of this hideous clash of cultures in order for them to be mindful if nothing else. Many didn’t understand my concerns. The likes of Jamie and Jessica seem to be revealing in the Boss’ disappoint.

“Good luck,” Jamie chuckles as I cross the room towards them. Keen to usher them towards the booth I’d roped off for them immediately

“Oh you’ll help me…” I look back at Jamie “…try to keep them in the booths …and for fucks sake keep them away from any of the Fiends.”

“I’ve a job to do running your Club …Babysitter ain’t in my fucking contract,” Jamie shouts over the noise at me; I choose to ignore her.

Approaching them Hannah leans in and kisses me on the cheese with an excited “Hey you…wow this place is amazing why have I never been before?”

“You didn’t change your mind then?” I offer on a lopsided grin.

“Why would we…We’ve VIP access to the hottest club in miles with the owner diligently taking care of us,” Hannah playfully states.

“Now I never agreed to that,” I push back with a smile, joking with her as she is with me, I lean forward and kiss her before I offer a collective, “Evening Girls.”

4 enthusiastic responses meet me but Ari struggles to muster the same enthusiasm.

“Happy Birthday you.” I smile and pull her into a gentle embrace which she meets with sterile affection. I feel like telling her to make an effort when I barely hear her in my ear state Through a false smile

“This is getting too fucking weird”

I couldn’t agree more. I hadn’t seen her for over a week but the last time I’d seen her I’d spent most of our time together engagementd in anal play followed by a deliberately slow fuck of her pert little ass which I’d stretched out to perfection while she’d been tied face down on the king size bed in the hotel suite; a ball gag tightly inserted into her petite little mouth to muffle her protests.

“I’ve reserved you all a private booth,” I continue addressing everyone once again with my best ‘host with the most’ routine and start to lead the girls towards the booth. “We’ll get you some Champagne …unless bottles of lager are more in order”

No body responses as my eyes meet Nisha’s; she fixes me with a brief stern look, recognising my point of reference. I smile briefly thinking of how she’d reacted, how she’d permitted my abuse of her young body during that drunken first night we’d met several months ago now..

They all slide into the bootth. Except for Hannah who stands by my side reaching out for my hand she gives it a gentle squeeze; still looking around still taking the until now hidden side of mylife in; “It’s different to what I expected.”

“How?” I ask intrigued.

“Not as seedy as the report makes out for a start.”

I suppress a dark smile, not until the stage show kicks in at least. It’s still fairly early I know this place I know what it will become as the night progresses. Like one of those Gremlins in that film. Fed after midnight this place transforms in the hours before closing becoming increasingly debauched; most definitely seedy. The main reason we’d pushed and pushed for a later licence. The new three thirty closing time was as late as we were likely to get, at that time of the night, morning, whatever you wanted to call it we were the last remaining nightlife vendor in the City.

Despite sometimes being more than curious Hannah didn’t pry into my work and the day to day existence of this place. She wasn’t naive and I didn’t treat her with contempt. Keeping details from her had festered and caused issues. She didn’t need to know every detailbut it was important she understand why I was so engrossed in the project, other than the cocaine and girls. She wasn’t naive hence why we’d both spectacularly shut down Lisa, her Brothers fiancés ideas for her Hen Night to be held here. Some lines were best left blurred. It’s why tonight had caught me so off guard and kept me so twitchy. I did figure though that Hannah knew Ari and her friends wouldn’t be as prudish and innocent as the bookish Sister-in-Law in waiting.

“Don’t worry Mister …I can smell your nerves …I’m not staying long” Hannah states aloud, I turn in her direction trying to hide that I’m not delighted by what she’s just said.

“How so?” I respond.

“Come on Lo …I’m feeling the pace from the three bars we visited before we even got here…and there’s no way Ari wants me cramping her style “

“Whatever you think best ” I state as one of the Bar Girls places bottles of Champagne in Ice Buckets on the table of the booth while another places 6 glases alongside the buckets.

Girlie shrinks fill the air as the first two bottles of the cheap house Champagne are uncorked on loud pops.


Relaxing a little as I carry on about my business it’s a relatively trouble free night, so far, checking my watch to see it’s a little after 11:30.

Glancing over the booth where I put the party is empty but as I start to scan the room visually Hannah steps into my eye line with a gentle smile. I place my hands around her waist and kiss her on the lips.

“When was the last time we spent a Friday night together?” she jokes, and I nod in acknowledgment. Of course she appreciates, as she always has, the constraints of my job. Time off wasn’t impossible but in truth I missed the buzz and the feel of a night when I was not here.We made things work but a little paranoid switch clicks in my mind, is Hannah making a observation or underlining a statement. ‘Lay of the Coke Hughsie,’ I think to myself.

“I know,” Istate to clarify my agreement with her sentiment. “Where’s the rest of the party?”

“Dance floor,” Hannah looks over her shoulder where I spot them all; with the exception of Ari “Seriously Lo I literally and physically can’t keep up with them.”

“I dunno…” I squeeze her hips “You’ve always demonstrate good physical stamina when required.”

I love how I can still catch her off guard. Even in the dim light she blushes as she chuckles at my comment her hand playfully slapses my left forearm as if to confirm this. “Time to get going” she states.

“I’ll walk you to the door.” I state catching Jamie out the corner of my eye I beckon her over.

“Hannah this is Jamie… my second in command and my sanity around here.”

“Jamie …Hannah my…”

“Second in command and sanity When he gets home,” Hannah cuts in . “A pleasure to put a name to a face Jamie”

As we speak the earpieces I and Jamie wear crackle into life. A fight near the dance floor. I look over to see bouncers already wading into the melee.

“Go,” Hannah says noting my concerned look.

“Jamie can you see Hannah to a Cab on the company account.”

Hannah kisses my cheek as I head in the direction of the trouble.


The scuffle was something of nothing, all over and subsided to churlish trading of verbal insults by the time I’d even arrived.

For the Last 10 minutes I’d done nothing other than watch Ari. Finding her alone on the far side of the dance floor from her friends. I’d not approached her, choosing instead to watch her from the shadows as she stood on the dance floor. To say she stood on the dance floor was an understatement. The way she moved, the way she held herself, she knew what she was doing, and she knew that her charisma, her persona, just her physical appear attracted individuals to her. None more so than the dark skinned male who sidles up behind her right now.

“I get it your just going to fucking ignore me” Ihear the voice from my left state, turning my head along my shoulder to find Nisha stood alongside me.

“How are you?” I offer raising my own voice over the music to be heard

“Not bad …not bad for what was it you called me…” Her sneer is barely restrained “A filthy little piece of fuck meat …that’s it …that was the description wasn’t it as you had me hung by my fucking ankles ramming your dick into my throat.”

“We had fun didn’t we” I nonchalantly respond.

“Fuck you Logan you fucking perverted piece of shit.”

“Fair call.” I drain the remainder of my Brandy my eyes back on Ari. “I’m a little busy tonight or I’d take you back down stairs and get reacquainted.”

Nisha laughs aloud, a laugh somewhere between subtly sarcastic and darkly intrigued. “I open my mouth and I could free you up some time… I finally get your game Logan Hughes… both Sisters, Jesus that’s fucked up on so many levels of wrong.”

My blood runs a little cold, if all the scenes I’d planned for this wasn’t even close to my radar. I was playing with matches. How fucking serious was she being.

“I always said there was something that couldn’t be trusted about you… a darkness” Nisha offers.

“You came twice as I recall …begging for me… and my darkness.”

She throws another stern look towards me before turning sideways on to me leaning forward and seductively stating in my ear “I hate myself for every fucking minute of my time I spent with you.” I feel her left hand grazing over my crotch “So let’s get together soon Shaitan”

Nisha walks away, looking back over her shoulder at me as my eyes fall over her pert ass encased in black leather trousers. I flash a dark grin and look for a slug of Brandy to quench a thirst, thrown by her forgetting that the glass is empty but my mind already on how I might rise to her challenge.

My eyes cast back towards Ari. I’d never requested exclusivity from her with our arrangement; how couldI when I returned home myself to her Step Sister after our regular meet ups. I watch his hands though slip on to her hips and when she doesn’t react I feel a surge of anger. She just keeps moving in time with the music.

Moments later he turns her to face him. She doesn’t flinch her reaction being to fix him with those steel blue eyes. She pouts a little sultrily as his hands seek to draw her closer. She confidently extends a hand flat against his chest and shakes her head a little. She doesn’t move away though; instead her own hands move over her body as she dances before him seductively. Teasing him as if operating as his own little private dancer.

I continue to watch fixed by her, fascinated like watching a nature documentary on how a creative attractives a partner. I know how this ends though. As Ari straddles his thigh gyrating while the loose skirt rides up a little as she rubs herself up over his thigh. Ari finally lets his hands fall on her. He doesn’t hold back, andshe doesn’t resist. I grimace, SL’s Ming the glass down on to a ledge. Stepping from the shadows I purposefully close the gap on them from where I lurk. Maneuvering between empire bodies on the dance floor, near pushing a brunette out the way in my anger. My eye catches hers as I approach him from behind. I slip my security ID from my pocket. Flashing the card in his direction I take the top of her right arm and physically pull them apart.

The sea of ​​bodies parts a little around us, momentarily distracted by the slight drama; he makes to protest on her behalf but Ari only fixes me with a sideways glance, her scowl furrowing her browser as I turn her and push her towards a fire exit door.

Crashing through the doors which close shut behind us I let go her arm. She turns on the heel of those delightful boots and looks me square in the eyes

“Jealous?” She challenges.

“No.” I reply calmly, “Just time for your birthday surprise.”


Stripped to theWait I stand there as Ari looks up into my eyes, nervously she bites the inside of her lip. I love to strip her of her confidence to challenge her bratty sense of self-belief. I know I’ve achieved this but I also know she won’t let me down. Despite the silent fear in her eyes.

“You’re fucking crazy” she shakes her head incredulously at me while looking over my shoulder.

“Put on your mask you’re about to see how fucking crazy I am.” I nod to her left, “Gentleman she’s all yours…for now.”

I step away leaving Ari stand completely naked, spare for her boots, between two black muscle bound stage performers. Leather gauntlets wrap tightly around her wrists.

Walking around back stage I see the two clearly disgruntled performers who were prepped and ready to go on stage for the midnight performance. “You’ll still get fucking paid …double” I offer in their direction as I approach.

Walking past them to the opposite side of the stage from where I’d left Ari.

I look across at them from my vantage point tucked beyond a long dark curtain at the side of the stage. Ari flanked by 2 males unrecognisable with the PVC mask now pulled over her head. Up close her eyes and mouth, visible through the shiny black balaclava might be recognized but from here and to the massed crowd out there she was and would be faceless. Her perfect body that was another matter. About to be put on display for everyone. A bunched length of red tipped white hair appears to sit atop of the PVC mask falling down her back to the tip of her ass, it’s not hers but a wig that adds to the misdirection.

Not that I believe there’ll be any suspicion among the small handful of the observers within the Club who know her. Steadily for the last 5 minute who’ve begun to congregate towards the stage. To her friends and to the crowd she was Just another anonymous performer, to be led out and fucked for their entertainment

The Music from the DJ booth falls silent. The crowd knowing what to expect jeer and cheer in equal measure.

The PA kicks in “Ladies and Gentleman the Dark Star is proud to introduce… Lola”

I watch a spotlight seek them out and follow them as Ari is led by the two black guys into the middle of the stage to a heightened cacophony of cat calls, obscenities and cheers in equal measure. Watching like everyone else as immediately her wrists are stretched wide apart and secured to a bar that’s hung from a stanchion fixed above her head.

Ari’s feet barely touch the ground but from the floor of the stage a spreader bar is retrieved and each of her ankles are locked into the silver bar now running between her legs.

Exposed to the crowd she’d mingled and danced among not long ago I can only imagine how she feels hung there, anticipating what’s next.

Pulling my own black lightweight cotton balaclava down over my face I step out on to the stage; the bright spotlight that falls on me preventing me from seeing far into the baying crowd.

Stepping up behind Ari I place my hands on her hips to steady her as she hangs star fished before the crowd. Even my touching her brings a roar from the those now pressing closer to the stage to witness her fate despite the TV screens around the stage and bar relaying a feed. No close ups had been my only request for today from the crew capturing this latest submission.

Stepping through her bound legs so that the spreader bar rests against the back of my ankles I whisper in Ari’s ear.

“Quick and hard is the order of the day …enjoy your moment.”

Unzipping my fly her body trembles under either nervous energy or the strain the restraint applications. Running my dick over her soft shavved little hole I briefly consider using her ass. As I take her body weight a little lifting her against the restraint she’s held in, raising her slightly before I enter her harshly from behind.

Her little grunt of discomfort and indignation barely heard againstthe jeer my intrusion raises from the crowd.

“Happy Birthday I state as my hips begin to work her tight young body.


Pulling out letting her wetness spill down the tops of her played legs, her climax genenuine and exhausting as she hangs there suspended from the frame in the middle of the stage, hung up by her wrists before hundreds of pairs of eyes.

“You’re a Dark Star girl Ari …welcome to the club,” I whisper in her ear.

Walking immediately away back across the stage. A safe enough distance away I raise my arm aloft. I don’t look back as my signal unleashes the traditional salute and the contents of drinks glasses rain down on Arabella left there hanging by her wrists.

“Get her showed get her clothes back to her and send her back out into the club” I say to one of the hostesses, a petite brunette, who while handing me a towel nods her understanding while standing to side of stage having watched what’s played out before her.

“God I’dlove to be out there.” she gushes.

“Seriously?” I stop dead wiping the towel across my chest.

“Fuck Yeah,” is her quick, unthinking, answer.

“I can make that happen” I grin. And she smiles as I look her up and down, “What’s your name?”

“Becca.” she replies with a broad smile.

“Then let’s arrange an audit for you Becca.” I reply as I pass her not even looking back.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes I insert the ear piece back in my ear I check in for anything I’ve missed during my hiatus

“Package in your Office for you Logan,” is Jamie’s cryptic response.

I’m already headed up the back stairs to my office anyway, so I don’t let my intrigue play any further then that. Opening the door to the office I recognize her immediately. Stood with her back to me in only a black bra, a black thong, and black hold up stockings.

“I don’t know who let you in here… but I’m afraid you’ve wasted your time… I’m in a relationship andI love her very much”

“Is the right answer Mr. Hughes” Hannah says slowly turning to face me, she looks amazing.

I quell a panic that her usual unnerving attention to detail will spot the subtle differences in the black shirt and suit from the one I wore earlier.


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