What follows is both a true account of the final, or perhaps we should say conclusive, meeting between the two notorious pirates Elizabeth Hill and William Bloodworth, and a loosely, even recklessly edited version of an RP between the present writer – who takes responsibility for any editing errors – and the wonderfully talented ContinentalCo. It features bondage, humiliation and sexual themes; reader discretion is advised.
The pirate captain was extremely beautiful, with glossy dark hair, hypnotic green eyes and a figure to die for. She was verily deadly, having killed twenty-seven men that she knew of and very likely twice as many without realising. But more than anything else she was arrogant.
Arrogance makes a man bold, and a woman double so; and it is possible that with less arrogance she would not have risen to such heights at so young an age. But it can also make a pirate laugh in the face of perils she should better avoid, and it might have been wiser not to have rowed ashore under cover of darkness when an enormous reward had been offered for her capture, nor to have slipped into the town in disguise. Whether this was a wise course of action or not, the pirate captain had a tankard of beer in her hand, a pair of pistols in her belt and a sack of gold coins in her coat, and felt that all was right with the world.
Unfortunately for Elizabeth – that being the name of our pirate captain, whose face was prettier than her name, but whose name was a great deal prettier than her deeds – the night was not destined to end well. For the man who had just walked through the door was a singular specimen. It wasn’t merely that he was handsome, and hard, and not to be trifled with: in a port town such men are ten to a shilling. Nor was it that he had very good reason to wish Elizabeth ill, for who did not? Rather, what made William Bloodworth unusual was that he had known the pirate captain intimately enough to recognize her in a darkened tavern, even in disguise, and he had lived to tell the tale.
‘Tis true: I would have known that wench anywhere. She was pretty than hell, and means too. Soon as I walked in the door, I knew it was her. I walked over to her shadowy alcohol and sat down uninvited, dumping a coil of stout cord and a handful of clothes on the table.
“Recognise me do you, lass?” I growled. “We’ve got things to discuss, you and I.”
A little tipsy, and not even looking at the man, I pushed the ropes and the fabric away from me over the table. Then I crossed my legs in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, somewhat defendively.
“I don’t know who you are, but I’m not interested in buying nothing. If you want some company, go look for a whore. Now get out of my sight and let me enjoy my beer. Otherwise, you’ll taste my bullets.”
Waiting for him to leave me alone, I played at holding my hat in the air with one foot. The beer was having an effect on me. But he wasn’t leaving. I looked at him discreetly, thinking that maybe he was a secret admirer, a wooer or something. Was that face familiar?
Crossing her arms drew attention to her pretty breasts, small but pert and framed by a white blouse unbuttoned down to the top of her tight corset. I wondered if she was trying to seduce me. The idea was pleasure.
“Don’t like the ropes, eh, missy? That’s a shame, because you’re gonna be wearing them before the night’s out.”
I casually reached over and picked up her tankard of beer, looking her in the eye while I drained it to the dregs.
“If I shouted your name, wench, every cutthroat and scoundrel in here would be falling over themselves to snatch you and claim the reward. So how’s about you treat an old friend with a little more respect, eh? You could start by making me a gift of those pistols you’re playing with under your cloak. Then perhaps we can talk about adjusting your outfit a little. You’re a pretty little thing, you just need to be displayed properly.”
My eyes opened wide with fear as I suddenly remembered. He was the captain of the first ship I served on, until I stole a chest of gold and one of the boats and escaped. He made himself respected by the whole crew. No man dared to disobey his orders. He was now older but still good-looking, and I would bet he was as tough and distributed as ever.
I sat straight on my chair and bent over the table in order to have more intimacy. He wasn’t looking at my face.
“What do you want from me?” I whispered, worried, and aware I was at his mercy. “I can give you money. Please, don’t reveal my identity to these people, or use that rope on me. I’m sure we can reach an agreement… don’t you think?”
I looked him in the eye pleadingly, as if I was a little girl who had been caught in a mischief. I trusted in my abilities to take advantage of his compassion. I had experience in that.
Will now… Mayhaps I could be persuaded to keep your secret. The last thing we want is to see you bound with chains and marched off to the gallows. What a shame that would be. What a waste of a fine pretty young wench.”
I licked my lips, looking up and down her trim, tight body.
“A pretty little thing like you is used to getting her own way, I suppose. What would you do to persuade me? Offer a kiss from those sweet lips, perhaps? I can’t say as the idea is unappealing, madam, but a fierce tiger like you… I’d need to be taking precautions to protect meself. I don’t want to be nursed a bullet in the gut or a cutlass between the ribs. So how’s about we start by handing over them weapons you’ve got, and maybe you should take off the cloak too, just so I can see what you’re up to. I wouldn’t worry about being noticed, it’s plenty shadowy over here.”
There was a little more grey in his dark hair and bear than I remembered, but the tone of command in his voice was exactly the same. How was it I never ended up in his bed? I bit my lip, reluctant at the thought of handing over my weapons. But, since I had no choice, I unbuckled my belt and placed it on the table along with my pistols. I looked at him spinefully.
“There’s no need to do this. You’re leaving me without the means to defend myself.” I crossed my arms again, annoyed. Then he reminded me I had to take my cloak off too. I let it fall to the floor.
I felt exposed, even though we were hidden from the rest of the people. Now he had a clear view of the thin white bloom over my corset, unbuttoned to my cleavage. I followed his eyes and realized I was leaving too much on display. I rushed to cover myself.
I picked up the pistols and dropped them discreetly into a sack next to me, and pulled tight the cord around its neck.
“I hope you’re not trying to obstruct my view, missy,” I said, smiling. “You should be trying to act friendly if you want your secret to stay secret. And you certainly haven’t got anything to be ashamed of. Those tits of yours are as shaped as two sweet round apples. I wouldn’t mind getting my teeth around them and having a good taste!”
I chuckled, gazing at the smooth silky skin of her breasts and throat, and wondered what the rest of her looked like under the shirt and corset and tight leather breeches. She was a heavenly creativity. Then I remembered what I was about.
“About that kiss,” I began. “Nothing would please me more than to oblige you, but I fear you will snatch a knife from the table while our lips are locked and gut me like a fish. I seem to Remember you killin’ a man that way more than once. So here’s my proposition: I’ll rope your wrists together behind your back, good and tight so you can’t slip free, and then we can concentrate on our kiss without worryingAbout checking the tavern for knives. And I bet my view would be better that way, too.
“Of course, if you’re not in the mood for a kiss, I could always find other things to do with my lips… like maybe talking to the other gentlemen in here about a certain lady I was once lucky enough to sail with…”
I snorted and rolled my eyes, blowing my bangs out of my eyes in frustration. There must be some way out of this. I just had to play for time, perhaps by appealing to his baser instincts.
“All right Billy… As you say.”
I stood up and walked slowly around the table, then turned and bent over with my hands behind my back, offering them to him. Since his eyes were at the height of my hips, he could take a good look at my rear too. I was proud of my arse, which was pert and pleasantly round.
“Please William… don’t tie me too tight,” I requested in the submissive, flirty tone men enjoy so much. This seemed the best way to distrac William from thoughts of revenge, but my cheats were red with embarrassment. As you will imagine, I’m not the kind of girl who is used to begging for mercy.
Now I had taken a closer look at him, I could see that the years had been kind. His black bushy bear, dotted with grey, gave him a masculine and experienced appearance.
“That’s more like it. This is a new side to you, Betty: respectful and obedient. I enjoy seeing you meek and humble. But I’m afraid tying you loosely would defeat the purpose. I would find it much more convenient to bind you tightly and inescapably. So let’s see how tight we can cinch these ropes, shall we?”
I took her wrists, looped a thin piece of cord four times around them and yanked it viciously tight, biting into her smooth, soft skin. Then I secured the cord with a triple knot of fiendish complexity. There was no chance of that pretty wench slipping a knot tied by William Bloodworth.
I put my stronghands on her hips and manhandled her into a position facing me.
“There now: the tigress is unable to claw at me. You look good helpless, wench, a neighborly bound captive. And I very much prefer looking at your tits without those hands of yours blocking the view. Much better to have them trusted behind your back. Now, come here and give me a kiss.”
I reached out and grabbed the front of her white shirt, and pulled her towards me.
“Don’t you dare to-mmmph!!”
The scoundrel’s strength was irresistible, and his lips met mine, his tongue trying to slip inside my mouth. His beard ticckled and his breath smelt like alcohol, but for some reason I didn’t resist very much. I closed my eyes and blushed as he kept me close with one rough, tanned hand while the Other opened my blouse and pulled down my corset, revealing my breasts and their hard, pointy nipples.
With my hands tied tightly behind me I could not hide my perky tits and arousednipples from his gaze. “Ght ahff!!” I demanded, my mouth covered by his. His teeth bit my lips sweetly before giving me a break.
“You’re disgusting,” I whispered angrily, his face still close to mine. “I hate you, and you will pay for putting me in this humiliating position.” But his blue eyes burned into me so deeply that I was overwhelmed with embarrassment and looked away.
I laughed at her embarrassment.
“You’re not used to be a prisoner, are you Betty? You’re used to be in control, but now you’re a man’s helpless captive. Poor sweet damsel. I could push you out into the room if you’d prefer, so everyone can see you trusted and humiliated, everyone can enjoy your naked breasts and laugh at your helplessness. Or you could stay here in the shadows with me, if you’d prefer?”
She nodded sheepishly.
“Very well. I think you’re still a little too… free for my liking. Turn around and I’ll bind your elbows nice and tight.Just so we can be sure there’s no danger of you escaping.”
I lazily twirled another piece of rope, smiling at the wench’s disappoint and waiting for her to obey.
I looked down and pouted my lips, humiliated. There was nothing for it but to obey the scoundrel’s demands. I turned around, offering him my arms with the wrists already tied together.
“Listen, William. I promise I won’t try to escape. This is not necessary. With my hands tied behind my back I’m defenceless. Don’t do this…”
Soon I felt his strong and experienced hands guiding my elbows together, forcing me to arch my back. “Please! We can kiss each other again… but do not do this to me.”
I was starting to feel too vulnerable and exposed; it was more than my pride could take. No one had ever treated me this way. But I felt confused… There was something about having my hands bound by this old captain, being manhandled and overpowered, that turned me on. I triedto fight it.
“You know you’re much older than me, right?” I whispered over my shoulder. “Being tall and handsome doesn’t stop you being an old pervert.”
“Aye, girl, I suppose that’s exactly what I am! An old pervert who loves binding pretty young damsels, then having his wicked way with them when they’re helpless. I confess there is nothing I like better.”
I grabbed Betty’s arms and pushed them together, gently but firmly, until the elbows touched, eliciting squeaks of protest from her pretty mouth as her back arched and her breasts were forced out even more. Quick as a flash I lashed her elbows tightly together with thin cord and secured it with another triple knot. Still holding her bound arms with my left hand, easily keeping her under control with almost no effort at all, I started to spank her lovely round arse with my other hand.
“You know, wench, I’ve often dreamed of having you like this. Helpless, humiliated, and at my mercy. I can really enjoy my revenge this way. There’s absolutely nothing you can do to resist me now… unless you want to call for the watchman, which I don’t think would work out well for you. I’m sure you don’t want to be seen like this, do you? Far better to give old Billy his fun for a while then be on your way when I’m satisfied, eh?”
I peered over her shoulder to get another eyeful of that delicious bosom, which was jutting out like the figurehead on a ship.
“You’re wearing too much, I think. That shirt and corset need to go.”
I fumbled round for a knife, and planned where to make the first cut.
I let out a shocked yelp when I feel his hands on my posterior. My face turned red… but behind all the anger I felt against This dreadful, heartless man, there was a hint of pleasure. I was turned on.
I shook my body, offering a little resistance when he stood up and gazed at my breasts over my shoulder. I felt his manly beard on my neck, tickling my soft skin. Then he whispered to me that he was going to cut off my clothes.
I turned to face him and, once more, our faces were very close… maybe too close. I looked into those deep blue eyes, then at his lips.
“Listen, Billy. If you humiliate me like that I swear to God I’m gonna kill you when I see you again. You will pay for what you’re doing.”
The scoundrel didn’t listen to me, or perhaps didn’t care. Because with two cuts of his big knife my shirt and corset fell down in pieces, leaving my pale and curvaceous bus naked and exposed. It was so embarrassing: I didn’t know where to look. My eyes went to the ceiling and remained there. I bit my lips with frustration. The cold air of the tavern gave me goosebumps and I felt my nipples going hard again.
I could feel him behind me, looking at my tits over my shoulder, his warm and alcoholic breath on my nape.
“Okay… is that enough for you, Bill?”
“Oh no, missy, we’re jus’ getting started!”
I turned the wench around to face me and sat her on my lap, arms tightly trusted behind her back, chest arched outwards, tits exposed. She must have felt my lust growing through her tight leather breeches.
“Comfortable, girl? I can do anything I like with you, and you can’t do a damn thing about it. And just think: a few feet away there’s a crowd of people who’d love to see you bound and naked like this. It would make their year! Should I tell them you’re here? Carry you out from this shadowy lil’ naook?”
I was grouping her perky breasts while I gloated and laughed. She wriggled and compromised but couldn’t escape my attentions, and blushed at the idea of being exposed publicly as a humiliated captive.
“There’s plenty more rope in the sack, Betty. Which part of you shall I bind next? I’ll let you decide. Shall I rope up your legs all neat and helpless, or shall I tie up your chest a little more? Everyone says Billy Bboodworth is a proper gentleman, and the lady’s wish is my command.”
I chuckled, and added: “Of course, if the lady doesn’t make a choice I’ll have to go with me own preference, and she might not enjoy that so much. So let me know how you’d like to be bound next, and make sure to call me sir while you do it.”
Oh no. It was so humiliating. Sitting on his lap as if I were a little girl. I looked down at the floor in embarrassment and said: “Please don’t show me to these people, sir.”
I had never felt this defeated and humiliated, but despite it all I felt like I was enjoying myself. The tight rope restraining me, the feeling of this captain’s hands grouping my nude torso… I think it turned me on. He was being disrespectful and inappropriate with me, but I couldn’t deny he knew how to touch me. I wondered how many girls he’d treated this way.
Going back to reality, I tried to think which part of my body I should ask him to tie up next. If there was a chance to escape, I would need my legs and feet free to run away.
“Please tie my chest a little more, sir,” I requested in a shy and girlish voice. “Pin my arms to my torso with a harness of rope. You’re a very experienced sailorman, so that won’t be a problem for you.”
I shivered when his rough hands ran across the naked skin of my hips, my back and my tits. I feel so vulnerable…
“Anything you say, wench. I would never deny a lady her dearest wish. One bound chest, coming up!”
I grabbed a coil of rope from my sack and started looping it around Betty’s chest, the first four or five loops sitting snugly above her pert breasts and the rest below. I yanked each loop as tight as I could, the rope biting into the damsel’s soft skin and making her flinch with discomfort.
She was obviously unable to slip free of what was already a tight harness about her arms and torso, but I hadn’t finished. I ran the rope forward over one shoulder, hooked it under the lower ropes in front, yanked upwards, took it back over the other shoulder and secured it together behind her neck with a tight knot. This lifted and framed her tits, putting them on display like the wares in a shop.
“You look good this way, girl,” I commented, leering at her helpless upper body. “You arms are held neatly and securely behind your back, well out of the way of the good stuff at the front, and this rope corset I’ve woven for you presents your tits to best advantage and prevents you from hiding them from view. Much better than those silly garments you were wearing before. You’re a lovely, helpless little decoration for me to enjoy. It seems a shame not to let everyone share the pleasure…”
And I looked again at the crowd in the brightly lit centre of the room, absent-mindedly caresing the soft skin of her tits and wait with one strong called hand while the other held her still.
“If we’ve finished binding you up nice and tight, it’s probably time to introduce you to the room. Unless there’s anything else you’d like me to do with the rope and clothes in my bag? As I say, the lady is in charge… within reason, of course.”
I turned to look at the rabbit he wanted to present me to: drinkards, swindlers, bounty hunters. All of them rough men, ugly and smelly. I shook my head and faced William again, snuggling into him and pleading with my eyes. It was like I needed him to rescue me from those people, even though he was the one who had rolled me up and turned me into a prisoner!