Marilys, a beautiful woman with long flowing black hair, full bosom, a rich complexion, stood alone in the open courtyard. The sun had been beating down on her for nearly an hour, but she didn’t move. She couldn’t move because she was commanded by a Master of the Crimson Mansion to stand on that exact spot until she was told to move. This was the beginning of the second phase of her training and although her legs felt weak she remained standing through the sheer force of her will. Driven by her desire to serve, to not fail the Master, Marilys knew she would endure not only this trial but all that would be expected of her in the coming months.
A cloaked figure, one of the many servants of the Mansion, fundamentally genderless and lacking any unique identity other than variations in shapes and sizes, emerged from a cloister and took Marilys by the arm. The figure led her carefully to a nearby stone benchmark where a bottle of water was waiting in a wicker basket. The figure was one of the frail ones. Marilys took to calling them, in her mind, the tall one, the fat one, the frail one even though there were several that could fit each description. The frail ones didn’t lack strength at all, only seemed frail. The Masters merely referred to them all as the Brethren.
Marilys gratefully drank the water and sat on the stone bench. The cloaked figure stood to the side, immobile. A man, one of the Masters, dressed in a standard doublet and tights walked down a pathway towards Marilys. A pair of red leather gloves was tucked into his belt. Seeing the Master approach, Marilys slide from the benchmark to her knees, eyes cast downward.
“I am Master Trajon. Before being accepted to the second and most intense level of training, you were told that you were to endure pain and humiliation like you’ve never experienced before. I am offering you this last chance to leave and avoid this level of training. Of course, once you quit, you will never be able to return to continuee your training. You will keep the honor that you have earned to this point. As always with the Crimson Manor, what you earn is what you keep. Do you wish to leave, initiate Marilys?”
Marilys had already endured the first part of the training. Grueling work, mind numbing tasks, and punishment after punishment for every infection made up a vast majority of her early training. She’d been flogged for breaking silence, she’d been spanked for making eye contact when not given permission, and she’d been bound and hung for incorrect shaving. On top of this, she’d been trained and taught a myriad of sexual skills to please man or woman. Marilys did not endure these things simply for the sake of doing it. She wanted to become part of the Crimson Circle. The words of Master Archas still echoed in her ears.
“What do you know of the Crimson Circle?” Archas asked of her.
“Master, I know the Crimson Circle is compiled of the most desirable companies and are gifted to the most powerful and influential people in the world,” she dutifully replied.
“What is the purpose of the Crimson Circle?”
“To gather information for the Masters of the Crimson Manor and report it faithfully to the Masters when asked for it.”
She couldn’t give up on that dream, not when she had come this far already.
“Master Trajon, this initiate desires to continue training.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Now, initiate Marilys, acknowledge that you understand that you will experience pain and humiliation unlike anything you’ve experienced up until this point.” “Master Trajon, this initiate acknowledges that no experience of pain or humiliation has been like that which has been experienced until now.” Trajon walked completely around her, looking her over as one would examine a piece of furniture.
“Good. Stand and follow me to your new quarters.” Marilys did as instructed and followed the Master to a cloister and then to a large spartan room. The floor was completelybare except for a wooden bucket. There was no door on the room and on the walls hung sleeping pallets. Marilys recalled her first chambers. They were private, comfortable, a welcome place to rebuild stamina after a hard day of serving the Masters. These quarters were horrid, and judging from the various sleeping mats hanging on the wall, not private.
“You will sleep here with the other initiatives. From now on, you no longer have a private life or moment. You will be watched and observed constantly.” Trajon glanced around the room. “Bring me the bucket and put it at my feet.”
Marilys did as she was told. The bucket was fairly large but squat. Marilys could smell the lingering scent of urine coming from the inside of the bucket. She set the bucket at the Master’s feet.
“After nightfall you are not allowed outside this room. If you need to go to the bathroom, you’ll use this bucket. Because you will share these quarters with others, you must learn to use the bucket in suh a way as to not make a mess. Take a piss in the bucket, initiate, and do not let a drop miss. Do you understand initiate?”
Marilys felt a bit of worry in her throat as she answered. “Yes, Master, this initiate understands she is to urinate in the bucket without missing,” Marilys lifted her skirt and squatted over the bucket. Her aim was off as the first trickle shot over the lip of the bucket to the floor before she was able to tilt her pelvis to properly target the bucket. She didn’t have to pee much, so she finished quickly.
Trajon was disgusted. “You filter sow! You and others have to sleep in this room and you define it. Apologize, initiate.”
Marilys fell to her knees, her eyes cast to the ground. “Master, this initiative is very sorry for being a sow, for defiling this room.”
“This room is a gift from the Masters of the manor, you could be sleeping in the courtyard. Now, lick it up.”
Marilys, still on her knees, frozen. She couldn’t believe she was just told to lick the few drops of her urine from the floor. The thought was disgusting. She hesitated. Hesitation is a sign of disrespect and disrespect is dealt with swiftly. Trajon kicked the bucket over, spilling the small amount of urine onto the floor, making the accidental drop truly seems minor. Trajon grabbed her by the head and put her face onto the wet floor. “You’ve only increased your punishment, initiative. Now lick it all up!” Marilys fully aware disobedience could mean dismissal, began to lick up the urine on the floor. It tasted bitter but was tempered by the dusty taste of the floor. It took her several minutes to finish the task. When she lapped at the last drop, Trajon commanded her to knee in the corner. She quickly did as she was told.
Trajon picked up the bucket and walked over to her. Although she couldn’t see him do it, she Heard him pick the bucket up. It was odd to her. During her entire time at the Manor, she had never seen a Master do anything that might be confused as menial let alone something like handling a piss bucket. It was something she planned on remembering as it definitely seemed abnormal.
“Beside from training with the masters, your new role at this level is to service the Brethren in any way they want at anytime they want it.”
The Brethren, as the Masters call the mysterious robed figures, were a complete enigma to Marilys. They were neither master nor slave. They were of both genders and seemed to exist to carry out the menial labor of the Masters. She was now shocked to learn that the Brethren weren’t going to carry out the will of a Master but their own will on her.
“Does the initiate understand her new duty?”
“Yes, Master, the initiate understands she is to service the Brethren in anyway, at anytime, they want.”
“Good. In less than one hour, your room mates will return and take you to the dining room. Until then, you will stay in the corner and wear the bucket on your head as a badgeof shame. Your rooms will be instructed to remove the bucket.” Trajon set the foul smelling bucket on her head and left.
Time crawled as Marilys waited, her sense of smell overwhelmed by the bucket. She reflected on how she first came to the Crimson Manor just under a year ago. Out in the world, she was once a public relations rep who organized events for corporations and elite clientele. That was how she met Kimberly, a simply gorgeous blonde, in her late twentys, dressed to the nines, perfect hair done up tightly, and an amazing figure. Kimberly was on the arm of a CEO of a highly regard Wall Street firm, one of the few that achieved its status through sterling ethics. She was captivating to all who saw her, yet she was quite dutiful to her companion.
By chance, Marilys was in the bathroom at the same time she was. Marilys had walked in as Kimberly removed her lace panties. Marilys apologized and Kimberly just smiled and told her not to worry about it. “I don’t embarrass easily,” Kimberly assured Marilys.
“A gift for your date?” Marilys asked with a nervous giggle.
“Oh, no, not at all. He asked me to do it. I’m obligated.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…”
“Don’t finish that thought, I may be escorting Mr. Brenner, I am not a whore. Though, many may not understand the complexity of the relationship.”
Marilys nodded. “That’s okay, it’s none of my business.”
Kimberly left the bathroom. For the rest of the night, Marilys couldn’t help but watch the Kimberly with Mr. Brenner. She witnessed him slide his hand up her skirt several times. It was inconspicuous but since Marilys was intently watching she didn’t miss the subtle actions. As the party wound down, Marilys had to Take care of some small details, like tipping the waiters and making arrangements to move decorations from the room.
Mr. Brenner and Kimberly were still there, and it seems now they both were looking at her with the same intensity as she waswatching them earlier. Mr. Brenner said something to Kimberly and she quickly stood up and walked to Marilys. Marilys got flustered not knowing what to expect but Kimberly held out her hand, “Hello, I’m Kimberly.”
“Oh, hi Kimberly. I’m Marilys. Is there something I can do for you?”
“Yes, Marilys, there is. At least something for Mr. Brenner. He has requested that I come over here and give you a kiss since you’ve seemed to be so interested in me all night.”
Marilys blushed. Before she could say anything, Kimberly leaned in and kissed her on the lips. A soft kiss.
Kimberly pulled back and gave a quick smile and wink. “I think I’ll be seeing more of you. Mr. Brenner likes the way you look.” Kimberly dug in her tiny pursuit and pulled out a card. “Take this, you may be interested in doing something more. You certainly have the looks, and if you have the strength of mind, you can go far.”
As Kimberly walked away she lightly slide her hand down Marilys’ arm. Marilys stood frozen, not fully realizing what had just happened.
Kneeling in the corner now, with the stinch of piss in her nose, she realized that even back then she knew she wanted more from life than what was given her. She was not about to let this chance slip away from her.
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