Our first anniversary at a BDSM solstice celebration
Author’s notes:
1. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this story are not necessary either condoned or recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk.
2. All characters are fictional and any likeness to any living person is purely coincidental. The story is purely imagine and, to the author’s knowledge, bears no relationship to any factual occurrence.
3. This series follows on from the Holiday Loving series and Chapter 1-6 of The Country Club. While it is stand alone, it will make more sense to read those stories first.
I answered the phone on the third ring, introducing myself briefly.
“Hi, Neil, Bev here, remember? Medieval Torture Club Bev. How’re you going?”
“Hi Bev, yeah great. Been expecting a call from you guys. You coming roundThis weekend to set up the gear?”
“Yeah, if that’s Ok with you. Can we stay Saturday night?”
“Well, actually, we were sorta counting on it. Been looking forward to it for a while now. Also looking forward to celebrating our first wedding anniversary the following weekend.”
“Oh, that’ll be fun. Tom and I’ve been discussing that and have worked out a few scenerios, but that’s for us to know and you to find out.” She giggled as she thought of what they’d planned. “Anyway, if it’s all Ok with you and Mandy, we’ll be round mid-afternoon Saturday, stay the night and set up the gear either Saturday or Sunday.”
“Yeah, that’s great, Bev. See you both then.”
After I ended the call I found Mandy and told her the arrangements.
“Mmmm, that sounds like fun again,” she commented, getting a faraway look in her eyes as she remembered the spring equinox event. “I’m looking forward to Tom’s huge cock in me again.”
“And what’s wrong with my slightly less than hugecock?” I asked, feigning announcement, “It’s perfectly adequate for its purpose and Bev likes it just fine.”
She wrapped her arms around me, then grinned as she realized I was simply teasing her. “I know, darling, but variety’s the spice of life. I really don’t know how Bev takes Tom’s cock all the time; it’s fine for special occasions but she must be huge inside.”
“She is, or was, last time I visited. You’re much tighter.”
“Thank you, I think. I’ll take it as a compliment anyway. Guess you can check again tomorrow night.”
“Guess I can,” I replied.
The remainder of the day and Saturday morning was spent organizing the myriad things that needed to be organized prior to the relatively large group booked for the weekend. We would have a full house, all chalets booked plus the guest room in the lodge occurred by Tom and Bev.
They arrived soon after 2pm on Saturday and we greeted them as they emerged from their car. I noticed that Mandy eagerly throw herself into Tom’s arms while I hugged and kissed Bev as she pressed her voluptuous and scantily clad body against mine, making me realize how much I like summer warmth. After the initial greetings, we went through the lodge to the back patio where we’d already set up cool drinks out of the hot summer sun.
“Good Trip?” I asked as we settled down in the chairs.
“Yeah, excellent, not too much traffic so we made good time,” replied Tom.
“Still took too long,” grumbled Bev, “You know, it’s a strange thing about time; it seems to go so quickly until the very end. It hardly seems any time since we were here, but on our trip, once we were on our way, time seemed to drag. Still, we’re here now and I hope Mandy hasn’t drained you too much.”
“Drained him? This is Neil we’re talking about here. I’ve just kept him in training especially for you,” protected Mandy with a grin.
Even in the shade of the building the temperature was still well into the eighties, so in a lapse inthe conversation, Mandy suggested a swim, to which we all agreed. We walked the short distance to the pool, Mandy and Tom holding hands, as were Bev and me. Once there, after we’d checked the water temperature, we simply stripped off and divered into the cooling water, surfaced, then swam to the far end of the pool where the sun would be behind us.
I rested back against the pool edge, the water just below shoulder level, and watched as the girls swam to us, Mandy making a bee-line to Tom and Bev swimming directly to me. She touched the end then moved over to rest her body against mine, her nipples firmed up by the cool water. We embraced and I ran my hands over her smooth body, cupping her ass cheeks, feeling her pussy.
“You’ve shaken,” I said, pleased and surprised, “I guess I’ll need to have a close inspection at some stage.”
“You’re most welcome to do so, but I’m sure my highly talented pussy hairdresser has done an excellent job. I’m sure you won’t find a single hair out of place, or even in place,” she chuckled.
“So why the shake? Your pussy looked great with its neighborly trimmed, narrow bush before.”
“Well, two reasons. The first is that a hairy pussy looks terrible with a micro-bikini, which is what I wear at normal beaches and when I’m not allowed to be naked in summer. But the main reason is so it doesn’t catch on fire.”
She remained silent after that statement, watching the changing expressions on my face.
“It’s not that hot,” I said, “You mean catch on fire like burst into flames?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“So, how’ll that happen?” I noticed that Mandy was cuddled up to Tom’s body, holding his expanding cock, already huge, waiting to hear Bev’s answer, probably so she would be able to decide whether to shake or not.
“Well, in our club the summer solstice is a time for spiritual and physical cleaning, and the best and most traditional way of cleaning is with fire. As you are aware, anything that has passed through fire is sterile, which is why flames can be used to sterilize needs and scalpels in an emergency situation. Women were traditionally seen to be unclean at certain times, especially during their periods, when, in the past, in some cultures they were isolated in small shelters by themselves and there were all sorts of taboos about what they could and couldn’t do. Well, we’ve come past that a bit, fortunately, but we still complete a cleansing ceremony with fire at the start of the celebration.”
“So, what happens with that?” asked Mandy nervously.
Bev picked up on her tone and was quick to reassure her. “Nothing really bad, provided you have no public hair,” she assured her. “What happens is that we light a fire in a narrow trench, about six inches wide and four feet long, supported off the ground. Then Everyone gathers around as each woman in turn is sponged with an alcohol mix then spreads her legs and walks the length of the fire, straddling the trench. If you have pubic hair, the alcohol accumulates there and burns for a few seconds, which is long enough to singe any hair you may have, which may create some small skin burns. However, if there is no hair to trap the alcohol, your body heat plus the warmth of the air evaporates most of the alcohol and the worst you feel is a whoosh of flame for a split second as it all burns off. Needless to say, you don’t stop and chat as you’re walking along the trench, but it only takes about a second and is usually totally harmless.”
Mandy and I remained in stunned silence for a few seconds, so Tom added an interesting anecdote.
“We have had a couple of cases where a woman was slightly scorched, and one case where she was unable to participate for the rest of the weekend. She was a first timer and had a large, red, bushy pussy, of which she was very proud. We tried very hard to persuade her to at least trim it but to no avail; she insisted it stay like it was. As she was sponged it was easy to see what would happen. The liquid ran down her belly, as it will with you, but instead of simply dripping off onto the ground, it accumulated around her pussy. To make matters worse, she rubbed her bush, pushing the liquid further into the hair and even into her slit. When she walked over the flames she caught fire in a big way; there was literally a burning bush, the flames burning her bush to cinders and licking up her belly and ass. She was screaming once she reached the end of the fire and began running, which of course fanned the flames and caused even more injuries. Poor woman; no sex for her for a while. She recovered fully, however, and will be here this weekend, older, wiser and hairless. Others have decided to hold onto a landing strip they’d cultivated, but even that caught fire and was destroyed, but without the traumatic burning the poor redhead suffered.”
“Looks like you’ve got a job to do tonight, Tom,” said Mandy with a grin.
“Yes, it sure does. Then, of course, someone will have to take your hairless pussy for a test drive. I’d make a good test pilot, if you like.”
“Absolutely, wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As Tom had been relating the story of the flaming pussy, I’d felt my cock hardening despite the images he’d conjured up of the poor woman. Bev had also noticed the change and had repositioned herself so that the tip of my erection was between her labia. Once in position, she was moving herself slowly back and forth, stimulating herself and me, causing herself to secret slippery juices, which weren’t all washed away, and causing me to lengthen and move further inside her. She rested her head against my shoulder, watching Tom and Mandy engaged in similar activities as Mandy watched us. We all knew that cumming in the pool was forbidden, but we were far from that stage as we simply cooled off and teased each other in the nicest possible way.
“Actually,” Tom added as clarification, “The alcohol mix is aroundd 60 percent alcohol mixed with water. A 50 percent mix will burn, which is why it’s called proof spirit, so we make it 60 percent just to be sure. As the alcohol burns it evaporates the water, which uses most of the heat produced by the flames. So it’s almost very safe, unless you have hair to catch fire.”
After nearly half an hour of delicious teasing and light-hearted conversation, both women seemed to manage to signal as together they lifted off our now fully implanted cocks and pushed away to swim to the far end. Tom and I looked at each other with a grin.
“Well, that was nice while it lasted,” commented Tom, “Probably time to go and start setting up anyway.”
I agreed and we boosted ourselves out of the pool, collected our clothes and remained naked, our cocks waving in the air with Every movement. Bev and Mandy saw we were out and climbed up the steps, then came towards us, stroking our cocks before collecting their clothes and walking inside with us. Once inside, we had glasses of water to rehydrate ourselves, then dumped our clothes and went to the storeroom. Once unlocked and open, I was able to see the gear which we hadn’t seen or used for three months. The sight brought back memories of erotic visions from the equinox event. This time we knew where each piece was to be placed and how they were assembled. It took only a short time to fully set up the equipment and, once it was set up, I noticed Mandy running her hands over some of it windfully.
Tom asked me to help him unload some new gear from the car and we brought in several boxes, which he began unpacking. Mandy watched with interest as she tried to guess what the new equipment was for, until Tom asked if she’d like to try it out.
“Yes please, well, for women’s stuff anyway. Neil can try out the men’s stuff.”
The first item was a large stainless-steel hook with a ring at one end and a large ball on the other. Tom told Mandy to stand with her legs wide apart and helubed the ball end and slide it into her vagina. I watched Mandy’s face as she felt it sliding all the way in until it obviously pushed against the end, while the lower part of the hook was still about two inches below her pussy.
“It can go either way, front or back,” Tom explained, “And in either orifice. So, it can fit into your ass or cunt and when it’s fastened, it can keep you from bending over or from straightening up. As it is now, with the ring in front, it could keep Mandy from straightening up.”
As he was saying this, he attached a leather strap to the ring then placed the loop of the straw over Mandy’s head. Mandy remained standing straight.
“Bend forward, Mandy,” commanded Tom.
She did, allowing Tom to adjust the strap so that it was almost tight. He stood up and took a step backwards, then reached into the box and brought out a flat plate with two holes.
“Hands behind you,” he ordered again.
Once Mandy’s hands were behind her, he placedthe plate over her thumbs and closed two clips, trapping her thumbs so they could not be removed. He then simply stepped back and observed Mandy as she slowly realized that she was trapped in a bent-over position, and completely helpless to do anything about it. If she tried to stand she simply pulled the hook further inside her, and she was unable to adjust the harness with her hands trapped behind her back. She struggled for a few seconds, realized her prediction, then gave up.
“Ok, smartass, I get the picture. Please free me. It’s painful in this position.”
“That, my dear, is the whole intention,” replied Tom with a grin. “Shall we change the configuration so it becomes a little different?”
“Yes, please, anything’s better than this.”
“Oh, really? I guess you’ll be able to decide soon enough.”
Tom unfasted the strap and removed it from the ring, then took a thinner harness from the box. I noticed it had two powerful looking clover clamps on it and itseemed to be made of a heavy-duty elastic. He attached it to the ring, then he clipped a clamp to each of Mandy’s nipples behind her rings. Mandy wriggled in disappoint, but remained silent, apparently enjoying being able to stand straight for a few minutes. Tom then told her to bend forward again and adjusted the harness before standing up and stepping back.
Mandy immediately started to stand upright but then noticed that as she did so, the elastic pulled her clamped nipples downwards, which caused her pain by the look on her face. While the previous harness physically prevented her from standing straight, this harness allowed this, but at the price of having her breasts stretched and nipples squeezed by the clover clamps, which tightened as more tension is placed upon them. So, this time she had a choice; stopped and relatively pain-free breasts or upright and intense breast pain as well as deeper penetration in her cunt.
“Ok, I take it back, this is worse than before.Now get it off me please.”
Tom simply looked at her and smiled. “When it’s time,” he said quietly.
He then pulled out some more equipment from the box and turned to me. My heart sank a little; I far preferred watching people in erotic pain than experiencing it myself.
“We have an interesting little device here,” he said as he indicated that Bev should come and stand in front of me, “It’s a couples’ game. Now, if you two stand face to face,” we moved into position and automatically embraced each other, “Great, you have to embrace,” he said as he fastened thumb clamps to us both so we were now locked into an embrace, which I didn’t mind at all, so far.
“Now the fun begins,” he continued as he moved our legs apart and placed a device between them that looked like a T on a stable base, with an attachment point at each end of the crossbar. I feel my cock hardening between Bev’s legs and wondered if I should wriggle my hips to work it inside her or just wait. That question became irrelevant as Tom fitted a large dildo to the end of the crossbar between Bev’s legs, then adjusted it until it was fully inside her vagina. He then took a ring clip and pulled down on my balls before fasting the clip around the neck of my scrotum. He attached metal hooks and rods to this clip and then fastened the rods to the end of the crossbar between my legs, leaving them loose. He then took a substantial broad webbing strap and wrapped it tightly around both our torsos several times before fasting it and tensioning it even more, preventing us from moving our bodies separately. If my hips moved up or down, so did Bev’s hips move in the same way. He stepped back to observe his setup and checked on Mandy, who had been distracted by watching what he was doing but was also in a pain phase where she was standing upright a little More to try to ease her back. Her nipples were dark red and stretched far more than I would normally think to stretch them, a point I took noteof for future playtimes.
“Now for the interesting part,” grinned Tom, kneeling down between us and pulling down on the hooks from my scrotum ring, feeding the rods further through the holes in the end of the crossbar.
“Bend your knees a bit, both of you,” he ordered.
We both obeyed, Bev grimacing from the pain of the massive dildo pressing upwards against the end of her cunt. Tom pulled my balls lower still, stretching my ball sac to what I thought was the limit, then he fastened the rods in that position and stepped away.
My immediate reaction was to lower my body to take the strain off my stretched balls; Bev’s immediate reaction was to raise her body to take the pressure off the end of her cunt. If either of us did either of these it would cause greater pain for the other one. We looked at each other and, despite the pain, we grinned at the simplicity and temperance of this device. Meanwhile Tom had taken goal of Mandy and was detaching her from the harnessshe wore. Once the harness was detached from her nipples, she bent backwards, easing her lower back as Tom removed the hook from her cunt.
“I’ll leave the clover clamps on for a while and show you the other way with the hook,” he told her, “Now, bend over and spread your legs.”
Mandy did and he eased the slippery ball of the hook through her sphincter and into her asshole, then attached the harness.
“Stand up and bend backwards a bit, as you did to ease your back.”
Mandy did and he pulled the harness over her shoulders, lifted her breasts and clipped the harness to the clamps. He then adjusted it so that her breasts were pulled high even when she was leaning over backwards. Any move Mandy made to lean forward caused her to squeeze and stretch her breasts and nipples.
“Now, can you imagine getting a title caning while you’re in that bondage?” he asked. “The underside of your breasts would be very painful for a long time, I would think.”
“I’m sure. Thisis very painful; even more painful leaning backwards than ben forwards.”
“Yes, but you’d soon forget that if I started caning you. Shall we try?” Tom removed a cane from the neary stand and swished it in the air threateningly.
“No, please don’t, not at the start of the weekend anyway. Maybe later, possible.”
“Hmmm, Ok, but you don’t know what joys you’re Missing out on.”
“And I like it that way, at present.”
Meanwhile my balls were becoming quite sore, as would be expected, and Bev was in obvious pain from the dildo pressing so far inside her. We hoped Tom would finish with Mandy and release us but decided to wait it out for a few more minutes. As though reading our thoughts, Tom left Mandy as she was and came over to us.
“So, how’s this loving couple getting on?” he asked, “Enjoying our prediction, are we?”
“No, we’re not, honey, please release us, it’s now past enjoyable.”
“Oh, it was never meant to be enjoyable, except for onlookers, of course,” he commented as he released the rods from the end of the crossbar, allowing me to stand with Bev, which raised her hips the inch or so needed for more comfort. “I’ll expect you’ll find Bev’s cunt a lot longer for you tonight than last time,” he grinned, assuming that we’d be swapping partners as we had previously.
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