The story you are about to read is true…and it is for Master, as always.
There were no two ways about it…she had to be punished. As much as it pained Him, He could not claim to love her and yet allow her error to go unchecked. She had masturbated while He was away. It was not that He forbade such a thing. It was that she had not asked His permission, had not thanked Him for her orgasms, and had not even intended to tell Him. She had only inadvertently revealed her error to Him as they talked of other matters. Her orgasms belonged to Him, and while He was generous with them…they still were his. She had violent the rules, and she knew it.
She belonged to him. All of her belonged to him. She reiterated His ownership of her each time He strapped His collar around her neck, and asked her, “what belongs to Me?” He retired the very memory of the words she spoke each time… “My tits belong to You. My cunt belongs to You. My assbelongs to You. My mouth belongs to You.” At His prodding, she would continue. “My heart belongs to You. My body belongs to You. My tomorrows belong to You. The very breath in my lungs belongs to You.”
“And what else?” “I belong to You, Master. All of me belongs to You.”
Coming back to the present, He looked at her. He had handcuffed her hands together, and Then secured them above the bathroom door. As always, she took His breath away! Long. brunette hair, framing her beautiful face. Full breasts, successful nipples…she was the total package. Each and every time He looked at her, he felt his body responding… always!
He looked down at the whip in His right hand, admiring the way the short leather thongs dragged from the struggle wooden handle. It was black, of course. All of His toys were black. He hefted it in his hand, liking the feel of it. He imagined the “whooshing” sound it would make when He used it in a moment to punish her, imagined the way the thongs would wrap themselves across her ass, the red stripes that would cover her ass. Normally when He whipped her for His pleasure, He would allow her to cum about every third or fourth lash. There would be no orgasm for her today, for this was punishment. He always commanded her not to cum when He whipped her for punishment.
He knew what He would feel in a moment. He knew the surge of lust that would surge through Him like a raging fire. It would not be because He was hurting her. He was no sadist. It was when He saw her level of submission and surrender to Him…that did it every time. She would gladly receive her punishment, and do it for no other reason than that He said it was to be so.
And of course, when He was though, He would reform His lesson with pleasure. The pain to teach her that she had done wrong, the pleasure to reform His lessons as He taught her what she should have done, and how she was to do in the future. He hadn’t quite decided what He would use…but He was leaning towards her mouth. She so enjoyed Him taking her mouth and throat for his pleasure, and tasting his cum usually caused her to have her own orgasm!
He knew what He would feel in a moment, but He wondered to Himself, “what will be gong through her mind? What will she feel?” With a shrug, He drew back the whip…
Whack! The whip licked her ass, bringing with it delicious pain mingled with pleasure.
“One! Thank You, Master!” It has begun… We can finally let go of our reserve and serve Him in our truest submission. There are three of us inside this body that belongs to Him. we are His wife, His slave, and His soulmate and we are all His of our own will… completely. we have displeased Him and now He punishes us rightfully.
“Two! Thank You, Master!” Do not cum body. This is punishment and not meant for pleasure. Relax and serve Him by showing Him complete submission. Breathe deeply and give the body to the Master. It is, after all, His.
“Three! ThankYou, Master!” Yes! Master breathes hard now… He will take His pleasure when the whipping is done. He will use this body to please His own and in that i will be free to lose myself in the vigor of his Mastery. i will have my own fulfillment when He takes His! Do not cum, body. Do NOT! i could not survive knowing that I disappointed Him even in punishment.
“FOUR! Thank You, Master!” Exquisite is the pain that carries His love to my heart. Relax… open palms on the cool finish of the white door; cool against my palms… my nipples… the front of my thighs. Don’t pull too hard on the leash. This is not a true whipping post where restraint is futile. Discipline comes in many forms and the leash is not secure … do not pull on the leash.
“FIVE!! Oh, Master! Thank You!!” Fuck me please!?!?!!
“SIXXX!! Thank You, Master!” Surely He has lit the whip on fire for i am an inferno! Relax… cool palms… do not cum body… cool nipples… do not cum body… He feels it too…the desire that builds inside to serve Him with complete abandon. To have Him dominate this body that is His by right!
“SEVEN! Thank You, Master!” Cool air on my wet cheats… How long have i been crying this mixture of pain and joy? Do not cry out. It is just and fair punishment and when He is finished He will take me with an even fiercer love. Do not withdraw… rather throw abandonment to the wind and beg for more! Take what You need, my Love…. leave nothing untouched by Your mastery.
“EIGHT!! Oh god! Thank You, Master!!” An instrument is beautifully crafted, but silent without the Musician. The Musician… a Master of his chosen instrument and skilled beyond what can be taught; born to play, but silent without the instrument. Together…? They make beautiful music. We are One.
“NINE!!! Thank You, MASTER!” Thighs wet with desire to please YOU… Nipples ache for Your touch… Ass red hot and ready for my Master’s final blow before He uses His very good girl to release His desire! How will he do it? What part of me will He choose? The ass that He whips so mercilessly? The cunt that drops with desire for His magnificent cock? No… He takes great pleasure from my mouth and throat and today it is the greatest of pleasure he will seek. Take me, Master! I am Yours!
“TEN!!! MASTER, THANK YOU!!!” Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your Discipline! Thank You, for being real and for rescuing me from a former life… Thank You. i love You with all that i am.
He throw down His whip, and reached for her…Now, the pleasure!
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