The Cost of a Debt Ch. 08

Thank you to everyone for their suggestions and ideas. Please continue to send feedback.


Alex sat at her desk staring at the screen to her laptop computer. Brian had called her to tell her to call in sick to work and that he had a week adventure in store for her. Alex obediently called in to the Physics department chair, Heidi Kent, and was able to get the day off. She had no idea what weekend plans Brian had in mind for her. Her husband Mike was going to be out of town, so she told him that she was going out of town with her best friend Michelle, so that he would not be suspicious if she wasn’t home.

Alex shut down her laptop and went back and laid in her bed. She could not imagine what was in store for her, but for some reason, it began to excite her. Since she started teaching nearly 15 years ago, she had been in control of most aspects of her life. As a teacher, she has to make sure she is able to control the class or else her career would have been fairly short. Her relationship with Brian and the Club has been the first instance where she had little to no control over her fate.

She had been the focal point of sheer lust and sexual animal desire for John and his four other friends. They had their way with her and it was something that Alex had never experienced. There was no love or emotion in her adventure. It was just raw sex.

While Alex laid there, she looked up to her alarm clock. It was 6:25 am. On a normal day, Alex would have been dressed and rushing out of the front door of her house. But today, she would be picked up and driven to an unknown destination where she could possibly spend her entire weekend. A few minutes later, she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

“Mom, I’m leaving,” David said through the door.

“Okay, have a nice day,” Alex said. She heard him walk away from her bedroom towards the front door of their house. David opened the door and left.

David was the reason why she got involved in this mess to begin with. If he hadn’t gotten himself into such a huge gambling debt, she would have never been brought into this mess. But for some reason, she was not terribly angry with him. Alex was upset, but if it weren’t for the debt, she would never have had the opportunity to explore her suppressed sexual desires.

Alex had a little more than 2 hours before the car was due to pick her up, so she decided that she was going to try to get to sleep for another hour. She closed her eyes, but her anxiety for this weekend wouldn’t let her get to sleep. She tried for the next 45 minutes, but wasn’t able to sleep for more than 10 minutes. The silence in her bedroom was broken with the ring of her cell phone. Alex got out of her bed and picked up her phone. She looked at the caller ID screen and it was Brian.

“Hi Alex,” Brian said. “Were you can to get the day off?”

“Yes, I was,” Alex answered. “My boss was able tofind a substitute for me.”

“Great,” Brian said. “Is everything settled with the family for the weekend?”

“Yes, I told Mike and David that I will be going out of town with a friend,” Alex said.

“Excellent,” Brian said. “Like the email said, a car will be by to pick you up at 9:00. I hope you are ready for the weekend.”

“I will be,” Alex said. The two hung up. Alex walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Once in the bathroom, Alex took off her robe and hung it on the hook on the door. She then turned and stared at herself in the mirror.

Alex ran her fingers through her platinum blonde hair. Then her eyes looked downward towards her pierced breasts. She looked like a stereotypical hooker. Surprisingly, she wasn’t embarrassed by this.

Alex then proceeded to take a shower. As the water ran over her body, her fear of being caught left her. She was becoming excited by the thoughts of other people using her body for their sexual desires and pleasures. While showering, she also shawed her pussy, just as Brian had trained her to do.

After she was done, she towel dried herself off and went back into her bedroom. She went and picked out some of the approved clothes for the weekend. She pulled them out of the closet and laid them on her bed. Alex then remembered that she had to get the outfit that Ana had given her the night before from her car. She went to search for a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to wear.

Alex walked outside to her car. She saw her middle aged neighbor, Ralph, outside. When Ralph spotted her outside, he had to take a double take. His eyes opened wide, while cracking a smile on his face.

“Hi Alex,” he said. “I see that you dyed your hair.”

“Yes, I did Ralph,” Alex said. “What do you think?”

“I think it looks great,” Ralph said. “You look gorgeous.”

“Oh, you are just saying that,” Alex said.

“No, I am not,” Ralph said. “I certainly hope that Mike knows what a lucky guy he is.”

“Oh, that’s sweet,” Alex said grabbing the bag from her trunk. “I will tell him that once I talk to him tonight.”

“Okay, have a nice day,” Ralph said.

As Alex was walking back into the house, she noticed that Ralph couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She could see his reflection in the windows of her house, and it seems that Ralph was checking out her ass as she walked into her house. Once inside, she could not believe that she was blushing. Not only had she been fucked by a group of 5 young studs, but now she is grabbing the attention of middle-aged men as well. She walked back to her bedroom with a smile across her face.

She placed her outfit onto the bed next to the clothes that she had pulled out earlier. Alex changed into the outfit that she had on last night. The pink tube top was definitely snug around her breasts. One could easily see the outline of her pierced nipples. It was also a little short, exposing her navel. The white skirt was just long enoughto cover her ass. If she had to squat down to pick up anything, she would be flashing anything behind her. Alex went to her underwear drawer and pulled out a white thong to put on.

As she pulled the thong up her legs, she noticed that it was 8:55. Time had definitely flown by. She hurried and found a pair of heels to go with her outfit and put everything else in a duffle bag. She did not want to be late for the car’s arrival. She gathered everything and took it to the living room of her house. As she got to the front door, she noticed a black limousine with tinted windows parked in front of her house. She could see a tall man in a white dress shirt and black pants walk up to her door. Alex opened the door with her bag in hand.

“Alex,” the man asked.

“Yes,” Alex answered.

“I am going to be your driver for the weekend,” he said. “Please follow me.”

Alex stepped out of her house and closed the front door. She then followed the man back to the limo where he opended the back door on the passenger’s side for her. Alex looked around and saw no one outside. She was somehow relieved. Alex stepped into the car. The man took her bag and closed her door. She could hear him put the bag into the trunk. Alex then heard him walk to the driver’s side of the car where he got in. Before she knew it, he was driving off to their destination, which was still a mystery to her.

Alex stared out of the windows in the back seat. Soon she found herself lost in thoughts of her suppressed sexual desires. She never could figure out why, as a strong and educated woman, she was trapped in the conventional expectations of sexual desires. Basically, she married the one man that she had sex with (until the other night), and had raised a family. With her career and family, she was expected to be satisfied with “ordinary and traditional” sex. This frustrated her, as she had long envied other women her age who had non-binding sexual relations with multiple men.

Before long, the car had pulled up to an industrial warehouse in a neighboring county. The warehouse was in a somewhat abandoned area and was surrounded by a chain-linked fence with barbed wire at the top. There was an automatic entrance to the warehouse, and the driver was waiting for the gate to open. Once the gate opened, the car started moving again. The driver turned into an open delivery area in the warehouse. Once inside, the car came to a stop and the outside delivery door closed. Alex figured that this was her stop. Someone soon approached the car and opened the back passenger door. It was Brian.

“I am glad that you made it,” Brian said. Alex made her way out of the limo. The driver of the car then went to the trunk and opened it. He then walked over and handed the bag to Brian. Brian took the bag and motioned for Alex to follow him.

“I’m sorry for the outer appearance of our little compound, but it meets our needs,” Brian said. Alex remained silent while followinging her trainer. They approached a door in the corner of the building and Brian turned around.

“Okay, before we go in, I want to make something clear to you,” he said in a stern voice. “You are to behave just as I have trained you. You will do what I say and when I say it. If you question me, I will not only punish you, but I will do so publicly when you least expect it. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Alex replied.

“Yes, what,” he asked.

“Yes, I understand,” Alex said with a sense of fear.

“Good,” Brian said. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a collar and short leash. He reached up and put the collar around Alex’s neck and he held onto the other end of the leash.

He then opened the door and led Alex down Two flights of stairs. The stairs were dimly lit and she was extremely careful going down. As they went down, she could hear the sounds of machines and the footsteps of other people. She could hear them mumbling, but the sounds of the machinees started to drop out any loud conversations.

Once they got to the bottom floor, the two walked another 20 feet before they stopped in a rather large, but empty, room. There were a few women walking around, but most of them were men dressed in white sanitary suits.

“Oh, it looks like they are about to get started,” Brian said. The two of them were now standing in front of a beige latex screen. The screen was About six and a half feet high and three feet wide. Alex noticed that there were a total of six lined up, in a parallel fashion, down the middle of the room.

As they stood there, two men in white jumpsuits approached them. Trailing behind them was a woman who was wearing nothing but a white thong. She walked behind them with her head down, signaling to Alex that she was submissive. What caught Alex’s attention was the fact that the woman had platinum blonde hair, just like her.

“Do you mind if we watch,” Brian asked.

“Nope, not at all,” the man said.

He then reached up to the top right side of the frame of the screen and unzipped and opened the screen. Brian looked at Alex whose eyes were fixed onto the latex contraction standing before her.

“Do you know what this is,” Brian asked.

“No, I don’t,” Alex replied.

“It’s called a vacuum bed,” he said. “Just wait until you see this demonstration.

Once the zipper was opened, the screen looked like a bag wide enough for someone to go inside. The woman was given a foot long clear tube that she put into her mouth. The other man in the white suit placed a blindfold on the woman’s eyes and guided her into the vertical vacuum bed. He then reached into the bed and guided the breather tube to the hole that was cut in the top layer of latex. The breather tube was now sticking out through the bed. The first man Then bent down and sealed up the right side of the bed.

Both men then stepped back. One of them then walked to a power generator that was behind the vacuum bed and switched it on. Within seconds, the vacuum turned on and sucked all of the air out of the bed trapping the woman inside the two layers of latex, exposing a transparent outline of the woman through the rubber. Alex could see all of the details of the woman’s profile and the woman’s blindfolded eyes. Her nipples were pressed up against the rubber seal.

The sight of this fascinated Alex. The scene looked like it was something straight out of a science fiction movie. She could see the other woman try and struggle to move inside, but she was unable to move an inch. The latex had, in a sense, frozen her in time. She could see the woman breathing, but that was the only amount of movement that could be seen.

“It’s useless to try and break out of it,” Brian said. “The latex and vacuum are too strong to overcome. She is pretty much stuck in that position.”

“What’s this for,” Alex asked.

“Member inspection,” Brian said. “Members always like to inspect everyone that they are planning on working with.”

“I see,” Alex said a little confused. Within moments, 3 men walked into the room.

All three were middle aged and looked very distinguished. Each man had a clipboard with a few forms in their hand. They walked up to the vacuum bed and carefully looked at the bound profile of their subject. Alex could hear them commenting on the woman’s breast size and overall figure. As they walked behind the woman, one of the men grabbed the woman’s ass. After a few minutes, the three spoke to one of the workers in the jumpsuit and they walked out.

“Hello Alex,” the Head Master said. “What do you think about our little demonstration and inspection?”

“It’s interesting,” Alex replied hesitantly.

“Just interesting,” the Head Master asked surprised.

“I have never seen anything like it,” Alex answered.

“Oh come on, this doesn’t turn you on,” the Head Master asked. “The thought of a woman bound inside a latex bed being inspectedd to be used doesn’t make your pussy wet?”

Alex nodded her head. She had been strapped down to a table and had her nipples tortured, yet the thought of being inspected while being bound in a vacuum bed intrigued her.

“I hear that your training is working out great,” the Head Master said. “You are taking well to Brian’s direction.”

Alex looked to Brian who smiled at her. She had given up a lot of control of her own life and body to him.

“John and his friends also were very, very pleased with you,” the Head Master said. “In fact, he said that having you was a dream come true.”

“I see,” Alex answered. It was just days before that she was being used by her former student and his friends. She was never attracted to any of her former students in the past.

“I do have to say that I love your new look,” the Head Master said while struggling through Alex’s dyed hair. He smiled knowing the amount of control that he had over her.

“Uh, thank you,” she repliedpromptly. She put her head down as the Head Master walked around and stood in front of her.

“You now look like one of our girls,” the Head Master said with a smile.

Moments later four other women were led into the warehouse by two other men dressed in white jumpsuits. Alex looked at the other four women and noticed that all four of them had supposed length, platinum blonde hair. All four were middle aged and wearing the same outfit that she had on. The outfit on each seemed to be a little too small. Alex, Brian and the Head Master stood there while each woman was stood in front of their own vacuum bed. Each contraction had a number on the ground.

“Well, it looks like there is one left,” the Head Master said. “Shall we take you to the last one, #6?”

Alex turned and looked at the woman who was trapped inside of the vacuum bed. Through the latex, she could see that the woman’s nipples were clearly erect and that her breathing was extremely fast and short. Alex could only imagine that the woman was coming close to climax.

“Alex, did you hear my question,” the Head Master asked.

“Yes, and yes, I am ready,” Alex replied. A cold sensing went down Alex’s back. In truth, she was nervous and extremely anxious about being bound inside a vacuum bed.

“Very good,” the Head Master said. “Brian, can you take care of preparing her. I will go and talk with our members and be back shortly.”

Brian then took her hand and walked her down to the end of the row. Alex briefly glanced over to look at all of the women who were taking off their clothes. All had their backs towards Brian and Alex as they walked by. Once Alex and Brian reached the end of the row, the two of them turned and stood in front of it.

“Now, I will need you to take off Your skirt and top and place them on the ground behind the vacuum bed,” Brian said. Alex obeyed and began by reaching down to her waistline and started to unzip her skirt. After unzipping her skirt,she let it fall to the ground. Next, she took off her top. She now stood in front of the vacuum bed like all of the other women in the room.

“Very good,” Brian said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small egg shaped object and showed Alex. “I like the fact that you don’t question my orders now. Just for that, I think you deserve a reward.”

Alex looked down into Brian’s hand. She didn’t know what it was, nor what to do with it.

“I want you to put this inside your cunt,” Brian said handing her the egg. Alex was clearly hesitant, but reached out and took it from Brian. She looked at the cream colored egg in her hand.

“Go ahead and put it in,” Brian commanded. Alex obeyed and spread her legs and pushed the entire egg inside of her. It slipped in fairly easy Because she was extremely wet from watching the demonstration of the vacuum bed.

“Very nice,” Brian said while watching her put it in. He then gave Alex a clear vinyl tube. “Here, as you get in,put this in your mouth. This will be your breathing tube.”

Alex opened her mouth and put about an inch of the tube into her mouth, leaving 4-5 inches of tubing hanging from her mouth. The inside of the tube began to fog with each breath Alex took. Before long, the two men that placed the other woman into the vacuum bed were approaching Brian and Alex. The feeling of excitement grow as they came closer.

The two men in white jumpsuits were soon standing next to Brian. They immediately walked over to the side of the vacuum bed and unzipped the side. Alex watched as unsealed and opened the bed. After they finished, they stepped to the side. Brian reached into his other back pocket and pulled out a blindfold.

“Put this on and step into the bed,” Brian commanded. Alex obeyed and first put the blindfold over her eyes. Then she was guided in between the sheets of hanging latex and stood there. Brian could sense that Alex was becoming extremely nervous. He reached in and thentook the breathing tube and ran it through a cut out in the latex sheet in front of her.

“Okay, now all I want you to do is stand there with your arms away from your body,” he instructed her. “You will now have you spread your legs slightly.”

Alex repositioned her body. At the same time, she was trying to calm herself down.

“Are you ready,” Brian asked. Alex nodded. One of the men in the white jumpsuits began to zip up the vacuum bed trapping her inside. She had no idea what to expect, but knew that she would soon find out.

Within moments, she could hear the roar of the vacuum pump being turned on and the latex tightened around her. As the air was being sucked out, the latex confirmed to her body. No matter how hard she tried, she could not move. She could not see anything and because the vacuum was on, she could not hear anything.

Brian stood outside and admired Alex’s bound state. He admired how Alex’s nipples and piercings could be seen through the someWhat transparent latex. He walked around Alex’s immobile body and looked at her ass. He reached out and grabbed her ass. Alex felt his hand, but could do nothing.

“She still needs to work on her body,” he said out loud to himself. “Her ass is not all that firm.” Brian reached into his front pocket and pulled out a small remote control. It had a single button on the front, but was small enough to hide in someone’s hand. He pushed the button causing the egg inside of Alex’s cunt to come to life.


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