The Contract Ch. 02

She stretched luxuriously in her bed, arching her back she stiffens her legs and groans from the pleasure of it. She turns her head, expecting to see the bowed head of the boy and frowns, for the first time since the week of his joining her he is not there. Immediately put in a foul mood she slips out of the bed and grimaces as her feet hit the cold floor. Strike two against him, he know by now how she detested putting her feet on the cold floor in the morning, singing she stalks to her bathroom.

Slipping her arms into the robe hanging on the door, she rummages under the sink, pulling out a bucket, she fills it with the coldest water that will come from the faucet. Her mind wanders to the boy, she had known it was a matter of time before he decided to test her to this extreme. He was too much of a man’s man, needing to be in control and the one with the power. She would not stand for it. This was her house, her rules and she most certainly hoped she did not need to remind himthat he had come to her. She did not have to chase her men, they always came to her. Her foot starts tapping as she becomes angrier. Seeing that the bucket is half full, she pulls it from under the faucet and moves towards the kennel room.

She stops in the doorway, hoping for his sake that the reason he was not front and center this morning was due to technical errors with the timed release on his kennel. Taking in the scene, she sights, the gate is wide open showing her that there was no failure and upon closer inspection she sees he is still sound sleep with a very impressive erection. She admits it for a few minutes and grits her teeth as she watches his hand wrap around it, knowing that if she allows this to continue he will make himself cum in his sleep. Gripping her bucket in both hands she flings the water on him, watching it splash across his face, bring him wake with a shocked shout, “What the fuck!!”

She hisses at him, “What the fuck is exactly right!!! Get yourlazy, over sleeping ass out of that cage right now!!” At her words his eyes widen as he remembers in an instant where he is and what he has done. Some small part of him feels the need to defy her, he croouches in the cage staring at her his body tension as he refuses her order.

“Oh, really? Is this how the day is going to start out? You want to test me so early in the morning? You fucking piece of shit.” She reaching round to the front of the cage, her hand going to the timer, watching him intently she flips a switch, smiling as the cage became electrified the zaps making him jump and scuttle out of the cage, directly into her waiting hands. She immediately grabs him by the hair, jerking him to her, face inches from his own she hisses, “You will learn this lesson well. I will not stand for tardiness in the morning, I absolutely will not tolerate you touching any part of you that now belongs to me,” her foot slams quickly and roughly against his softening cock as she says the last.Jerking his face back hard, she brings her hand down with force across his cheek, “This ultimate disrespect you show me by not coming to me when I command is absolutely the last time I will see this, correct?” She stars at him, waiting.

“Yes, yes Lady, please I am sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t good enough, not nearly good enough! Assume the punishment position now.” She releases his hair, shoving him away from her, tapping her toe impatiently as he moves, pushing his ass in the air somewhat hesitantly. He knows he’s fucked up, he realizes he may have seriously overstepped by defying her especially when he had already failed her this morning. She growls as he doesn’t move fast enough, she leans over and grips his hips, jerking them up. She brings her hand down hard on his cheeses, first one then the other. No gentle build up like he is used too when she spanks him, just hard uncaring slapses one right after the other. In no time at all his body is jerking, his ass is on fire, he starts whimpering. She spanks his ass in silence, letting him feel the anger through every hard crack of her hand on his ass. She knows she needsn’t speak to him of his transgressions, she knows how his mind works already. Quickly he starts begging, “Please, Lady..please, I’m sorry.. please Lady!!”

She ignores him, not fully satisfied she finally starts speaking. Her words matching with each strike of her hand on his ass. “I do not like starting my day like this, it upsets me. You upset me. I really am wondering if you are even worth my time or effort. Do you think I should let you continue your training? Do you think you deserve a second chance, you filter piece of shit??”

“Yes..please Lady don’t make me leave, please. I will do better. I swear it. Please I don’t want to Leave you. Anything you want, please!!” he cries, her words ripping through him. His biggest fear now that she will kick him out.

She slapse his ass a few more times hard as she can, watching him jerk. “Turn over, bitch. Your punishment is not finished. That was for simply not being where you are supposed to be every morning.” She moves to the closet while he turns, she pulls out the cock cage she had made especially for him, coming back to him she looks down.

“Since you can’t seem to control yourself even in your sleep, it is time for the cage. I’ve been rather nice to you so far. I have not locked you up, giving you the chance to prove to me that you have some will power. Obviously that trust was misplaced. Stand up.” She looks at him dispatchately, waiting for him to stand before her. Gripping his cock she quickly slips it into the cage before he can become hard again. She snaps the lock in place and looks up at him as she slips the key around her neck, watching as his eyes follow it as it comes to lay between her breasts. “No more orgasms, no more touching at all for you. You are filter.”

His eyes drop, his ass is on fire his cock is locked. He nods, “Yes, Lady. I am truly sorry.”

She laughs. “Your defiance amuses me to some degree. You are sorry for now, but I suspect we have a few more fights on our hands. Get on your knees, now.” He complies quickly and gracefully, going to his knees before her, shuddering as his cock attempts to get hard in the cage her power overwhelming him. She rests her hand on his head then pushes hard. He knows what she wants and immediately bows his head, his lips soft against her toes as he kisses them, lavishing them with his desire to please her.

She sights and walks away, “Come along bitch you have much to do today…”


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