Jenna turned over in bed and pulled the pillow over her head. Monday morning again. She hated this bit, up and out without a moment to spare before another day in the office full of those morons.
She swung out of bed and landed lightly on her toes as she lightly floated into the bathroom in her night gown. a quick wash and change and soon was sitting at her dressing table staring at the face which needed to wake up.
Light foundation, cat eye flicks with eyeliner, blusher and subtle eye shadow later, with a quick lip gloss and she was ready to dress. Her long blonde hair brushed her back as she moved to the wardrobe and passed by all the wonderful clothes she wished she could wear. Prada, Gucci, you name it she owned it, but all too revealing for the guys in the office and she didn’t need to show more than a piece of thigh and she always got what she wanted. Men!
Nobody knew her secret, her mum and dad thought she was just unlucky in love, her brother joked all thetime about his mates she could date, but deep down only Jenna knew how much she wanted to be with a woman. Not any woman. The mystery woman she saw daily and knew nothing about.
Jenna had many clothes like she wore today, tight and sensitive but easily hidden with a cardigan over the top. She knew what she was doing, parading herself for the woman on the train before hiding herself away for work. Terrible she Thought, what was she like?! The woman had never even looked at her but here she was selling herself out and with not much luck. She unbuttoned the blouse one button too far showing the black lace bra beneath, grabbed her bag and coat, leaving quickly for the 07:42. It had to be that train.
She got to the station in time and was disappointed to see delays. As far as she could see people were queuing. 100s on the platform and more waiting to enter. She was bound to be late. She slipped past some and smiled passed others, her beauty opened doors and she knew. She got to her usual spot just as the train was pulling in, 5 people deep in a crowd, she regretted this journey but knew she had to push herself on so not to be late. Head down and push, she thought, as she was carried by the tide of people onto the train, bumping and flowing until she stopped next to a hand pole and relaxed. The hot train, and the crowds were unbearable, already – 45 minutes standing in the crush to follow, so she removed her coat whilst she could and slipped it between her legs to hold it. As she stood up again, she caught her cleavage, her bra still exposed – that had to be fixed.
Standing up she began to fumble with the buttons on her blouse but stopped still as she saw whom was next to her. Staring straight at her was her mystery romance. Right in the eyes, the dark Latin eyes and dark brown hair, her smile filling her face as she smirked at Jenna and raised an eyebrow as she glanced down at the breasts roaming free. Jenna fumbled more, her fingers all turned to thumbsas she failed to grasp the satin buttons. A hand raised from the Latin beauty and held her hand briefly before pulling it back down to her side, suggesting to leave the buttons as they were. Jenna blushed, inwardly and outwardly, her legs quivered, holding the coat taught between her legs was not a good idea with this stimulation.
Maria smiled as she pulled the blonde’s hand down, she had longed for this for as Many journeys as she could remember. She was attractive and Maria could feel her panties became wetter as the pretty blonde tried to hide herself as she was being bumped and pushed closer and closer to Maria. Soon they were literally touching, her exposed bra brushing against Maria’s white top, face to face as they stood there in silence and met eyes. Little did the two strangers know but both had been wanting this moment since they first glanced at each other months ago.
Jenna moved her hand down and as she let her hand be led away, she felt it being pulled slightly across to the skirt of the woman. Jenna froze, never had she done this, it was alien, but felt right as she caught the hem of the skirt, and had her hand pushed onto the pale flesh of the thigh beneath. She didn’t move at all as the train began to move, the hand keeping contact with the thigh, the skirt slowly rising a little with the movement and Jenna’s red nails began to draw an outline and lightly scratch. No one could see, every one so tightly packed together, only those two women knew where her hand was going.
The train jolted as it began to slow for the next station, more people to arrive. People swwayed with the movement as they had nothing to hold on to, Jenna too began to fall back slightly as the brakes were applied. Two hands grabbed her waist, and pulled her close, keeping her upright. The traveller held her body Against her own, with only her hand beneath free still to feel her way around the thigh. Jenna crept her fingers up until they found the satisfaction of the panties, sodden and slippery. Maria smiled at Jenna and opened her legs slightly, giving Jenna a green light to continue. Held in place, squashed in all directions, she had no choice but to remain still and her hand could continue to explore. Pulling the elastic to one side, she exposed her bare lips and began struggling the wet slippy skin. This lady was aroused, and if she had felt her own, it would have been just the same.
Jenna went to try to slip her finger into the lips whilst they held the embrace. Maria shook her head gently and pulled her thighs together, trapping her hand in her panties and pulled her closer, two women embracing. They stood like that for the next 30 minutes, not speaking a word, hand in the panties and being held to her body. As they left the train, Jenna pulled back her sodden hand, and Maria guided it to Jenna’s mouth and smiled again, brushing past Jenna as she left the train and Jenna glued to the spot with her hand in her mouth.
Chapter 2
Jenna locked the door of the bathroom in her 10th floor office and leant back against the door. What the hell just happened? Was that real? She moved her hand to her mouth and gently nipped it with her lips and tried to taste the musky scent which had engulfed her on the emptying train an hour earlier. Her other hand slipped down her stomach and held her sex through the fabric of her skirt, pushing against her lips as she rode the sensings and senses. She was considerably horny and didn’t quite care who knew. Exploring under the hem of her skirt she found her panties were sodden. Totally wet and she felt her lips through the lace, her fingers outlining her desire to see her Latin friend again. Flushed and aroused, her desire overwhelmed her and slowly she fingered herself thinking of the dark eyes and smile, and the wonderful strong thighs holding her hand so tight. Her legs tensed as she stood against the door, her thighs shaking in her heels, as her knees buckled together, she bit herlip to suppress the grosses and the most intense feeling shot up her groins and into her hands as they held her sex close. Her thighs went to jelly and she panted breathlessly as an orgasm took over her and she slowly slide down the door until she was sitting on her heels at the base.
Jenna sat at her desk, trying to calm down and taking deep breaths whilst Jon gave another patronising speech on the spreadsheet she sat in front of. She looked down to her handbag, imagining his reaction if she hadn’t of clipped it shut, her panties folded nearby hold within. She shuffled nervously, and was very aware that her arousal hadn’t left her yet. Jon carried on in a monotone which left her dreary, she drifted away, half listening when Tom throw over a packet of sweets for Jon to intercept. These lads like a game, and they couldn’t help but ‘help’ her most days, today was a little more pestering than usual. As she pulled her seat in and began to concentrate on the task on hand she saw the wide eyed shock on Jon’s face. She hadn’t even noticed him stretching down to receive the missed packet of sweets, however what he had seen whilst he scrambled under the desk would probably be much sweeter than any packet he found. Jon rose slowly from his knees, a picture of the naked shaft deep in his mind, Jenna in shock pulled down her skirt hem and flustered, realising her blouse was also still unbuttoned. Jesus, this could not be worse.
Jon stumbled through the words as Jenna pulled over the cardigan from her chair back, and hid her breasts from display and crossed her legs at the same time. How embarrassing. What could be worse in a office full of letching men than going commando and flaunting her breasts for all to see. Jenna blushed and changed the subject, a shocked Jon still trying to explain how the sweets had fallen down. She didn’t care too much, the damage had been done. Thanks Tom.
Jenna popped to the shops at lunch and bought a new 5 pack of panties from thestore and soon was much better atired for her afternoon. Coming back to the desks with her store bag, Jon blushed red again and Tom smiled at her, Men talk. The day melted away and Jenna thought more about the lady from the morning. Who was she and how did she know her actions wouldn’t have been rejected? Pulling her hand like that, bold move. Surely she had seen her before and maybe, just maybe the feelings were being Reciprocated. The girl never seemed to be on a train home, so Jenna began to plot what she could to find out more the following morning.
Tuesday morning couldn’t come to soon after a night that dragged like never before. Jenna had been up most of the night, choosing her clothes, changing her shoes, handbag changed three times and still she was nervous. This was exciting but she had no idea how to proceed. Was it a one off? Slipping into her tight jumper dress, her thick lace stocking tops could be seen through the fabric intentionally, her heels tall and towering. She wanted to be higher than her Latin lover, give her access to her hem of her skirt this time. She let her hair fall naturally around her breasts, encased in the tight fabric and liberally sprayed perfume. Shit, the time, after all that she was nearly late. She tottered out of the door in a hurry, grabbing her handbag as she did, no time to change over all her belongings into the one she picked, swung her coat on and wobbled off to the station.
Maria waited at the station like she did every morning from 7:20. Just to make sure her beautiful blonde friend didn’t get on an earlier train without her. Like clockwork, she would appear just before the 07:42 turned up and board at the same doors as Maria. She saw the wobbling sight of Jenna walking towards her, in a stunning all in one dress that hugged her figure and left little to the imagination. Men stopped and turned, even those with their partners were taken in, as the beautiful blonde walked down the platform. Maria felt flutters in her panties, just like yesterday, when she finally got to feel her and those fingernails trace her thigh and leave her wanting more.
Jenna arrived next to Maria, not knowing what to do. Looked ahead and stood still. This was ridiculous. After yesterday, she couldn’t even look at her. Maria felt the same. Between them they stood there in silence, like two nervous school girls, both unwilling to make the first move. The train pulled in as the tension grow and Maria took the lead and walked in, going to her usual area, Jenna following and making a bold move, sat next to Maria. Maria looked down, and studied the long legs, noticing the stocking tops under the fabric and her heels making her calves tight and her knees wobble. She smiled, and took the sign and gradually moved her hand onto the waiting lap of Jenna. Palm down, and held her leg on the stocking top lace she could feel below.
“Do you have a business card?” she finally spoke, her thick Italian accent decorating the air, as she felt Jenna tense up.
“Yes, hold on” Jenna replied, and quickly grasped for her bag and popped open the clap. Inside to her horror were the damp lace panties from yesterday, still there, still wet. She could have died on the spot. This was not part of the plan! Maria saw too, and deliciously put her hand in the bag, bunched them in her closed hand, and moved them into her own bag by her side.
“That’s perfect, thank you” Jenna pulled out a card and gave it to Maria, Maria read it and put it in with the panties.
“Now I have a name to go with the scent Jenna” she excered, looking out the window and slowly rubbing her stocking top.
Jenna looks down at the orange manicured nails resting on the hem of her leatherette skirt, the fingers toying with the hem and the small decorative zips on each side. Her stocking tops peeked into view as she fidgeted in the seat, the creamy white thick lace showing to the whole of the train. Maria continued her slow discovery with her fingers, looking out of the window still – refusing to make further eye contact. It drive Jenna wild with frustration.
Jenna crossed her legs, offering more of her leg to Maria, her high heel now dangling next to her leg. Jenna’s long white milky legs were what Maria craved more than anything, wrapped around her as they embedded and rubbed their sex together whilst the passwordately kissed. “Back in the room Maria!” She told herself as she tried not to show her eagerness or desire to openly.
The young male opposite was enjoying the early morning show more than he really should have. The tent in his trousers and the dark grey wet spot showing clearly that the two sexy women opposite were performing a semiconductor dance directly opposite him. The blonde’s heel brushed his leg as she swung over her high heel and exposed even more of the stocking tops he had spotted when he sat down. He wouldn’t forget this in a hurry. He slipped his phone into camera mode and began filming as he watched in awe as Maria began to unzip the hem of her skirt.
Maria couldn’t help it, she wanted Jenna right now and then, but in public all she could do was gently play and think where it would lead to. Jenna on the other hand was frozen in shock with her Latin friend running her hands over her legs whilst the boy opposite clearly was filming. Like a prize on display, a toy being shown off, Jenna just let Maria as her own high heel slipped gently down onto her toe and dangled provocatively. Fuck, she wanted her badly – she had her card (and her panties) and the ball now was in the Italian’s court.
Jenna looked down to see Maria pull up the small zip, just enough to show the thigh beneath the stocking, and traced her hand down the leg, towards the heel. Maria being felt up in public, was too much and she felt her clip flutter into life, and her tiny white panties suddenly become wet as she became the hand to explore higher. Not in public though, it was goingto happen.
Maria unzipped the other small side of the dress, exposing properly both stockings and tracing with her orange nail varnish down to the calm. As she did, the heel that was bouncing on the toe slipped off onto the floor. Maria glanced at Jenna, to see her quietly panting and her eyes closed, enjoying every moment. The train would soon be pulling into the station, Maria had to act fast, she turned in to Jenna and whispered in her ear.
“Leave those zips up for me today Jenna, I want to imagine you are showing me those thigh tops all day. I’ll message you later today for a time and place tonight we drink.” And with that, she straightened herself and delicately picked up the heel from the floor.
“You want to put on her foot? No?” She asked the flustered boy opposite. He nearly dropped his phone and quick as a flash got up and moved to the doors. Maria giggled as she stood, handing the heel to Jenna and slipped past Jenna who just sat there gathering herself, watching Maria move down the train. As Maria got to the door, she pulled her hand out of her handbag and moved a black folded lace material to her nose, inhaling heavily and smiling back to the flustered Jenna watching a woman with her sodden panties.
A short time later, for the second time in two days Jenna slumped back against the toilet door as she held her hand over her sex. Still she had no idea who her lady was but she was enjoying every moment of their game. Across London two more cubicles were also feeling the effects of the game. Maria held the lace panties close to her nose and inhaled one more time before slotting them in her bag. And the boy, Luke, from the train this morning let the last cum drip into the toilet as he watched the video of the Blonde’s legs from the morning – he had never seen anything quite like it. He clicked share and put the video on a discord channel he had open and soon the video went viral.
Chapter 3
Maria sat in her office and re-wrote the message for the 4th time that morning, hesitating on each word as she typed. She loved how the morning finished and thought that Jenna had potential to be her ideal partner. Too many times she had been to eager, too strong or too heavy with her tastes and gyms and scared people away. But here was Jenna, whom after the mildest domination had arrived at the train station the following morning clearly wanting more.
She hoped she hadn’t scared her off in the morning with the prolonged leg fondle, Maria had enjoyed it almost too much, her mind was enrolled with the beauty of Jenna. She had to know how she looked without that figure hugging dress on, how her body looked in just the lingerie she wore below and how much she could push Jenna to be her play thing. Of course it wasn’t just a play thing like you would play with a new toy, this was the elite, most beautiful toy you could possibly have. Have? Own? Maria felt herself moisten at the prospect of owning such a beautifulslave. Maria had played with others but no one that quite did this to her. Jenna was different.
“All Bar One, Mansion House Tube Station. 6pm. I’ll have your cleaned panties Jenna. Make necessary arrangements to stay out until morning xx” said the text. Jenna looked at the message again and again. This was real! The Italian had messaged. she tried to decrypt it. Cleaned panties? Sucked? Licked? Washed? Her head was a spin. Staying out? Well that could only mean she was going back with her. All too much. She looked down at her exposed stocking tops, having left the zips as instructed, and began to zip them back – it has been too much for poor Jon this morning, the sight of Jenna sitting down with her thighs clearly showed above the thick lace was enough to send him to the bathroom. The boys were all over her, and she had enough.
“Show me those beautiful stockings Jenna” came a second message. Jenna froze. Wow, she was wonderful. Jenna felt her submissive it began to get scratched and butterflies in her belly as she took her phone and held it far enough away to catch the hem, lace and tigh in a single shot. Sent. God knows where all this was going but it would be fun finding out.
The afternoon dragged for both women, Jenna was asked to take three further more photos showing her legs and heels to prove her compliance, Maria each time taking a trip to the bathroom to conduct an inspection of the photos in privacy. Maria had decided the photos were more than enough of a sign that Jenna knew what was happening and she too wanted what was to to unfold. Maria laughed at herself, she wasn’t prepared for tonight. Taking a long lunch to prepare, she stopped in a department store and the stationary cupboard to fetch new items for them both for the night and following morning. Booking a local hotel was easy and the rest would fall into place as the night unravelled.
6pm soon arrived and Maria sat in the wine bar, the low corner table specifically chosein the dark corner out of the way. She could see all the came and went from here, and watched the mix of workers and tourists making the bar busy with loud chatter and laughter above the din of the music. The beautiful Jenna stood out like a white rose, pulling her dress down as she walked, trying unsuccessfully to hide her stocking tops from view as she glanced round frantically trying to find Maria. Maria sipped her wine and made no effort to Attract the attention of her plaything for the evening. Instead her usual smile plastered across her face as Jenna slowly squeezed by the crowds of people, her breast jiggling around, her thighs flashing and her feet wobbling in her silly high heels.
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