The Classroom Pt. 08

The next morning I went home from Alexia’s place. I was allowed to leave my cage off for the first time in about a month.

“Eli, you exceeded my expectations last night and for that we will reward you. I warn you that Amelia is a very horny girl. She wants to fuck every day, so if you have time we will play again tonight at 8,” Alexia grabbed my hand and made a cute appealing expression.

“Yes, I can do that,” I answered, excited at the prospect of unencumbered sex after so long in confinement.

“I have a challenging task for you today. Set your cage on the table by the door. It waits for you if you fail.” That sounded ominous. Alexia continued, “I want you to send me at least ten pictures of your erect penis today. I will check the time stamp, so no Cheating by sending 10 pictures of the same erection. Send them in at least 30 minute intervals. I want you in a constant state of arousal before tonight. You may not cum. If you do, you must immediately come here and letyourself in, put on your cage. ” She paused, “If you agree you may say, ‘Yes Mistress.’”

“Yes Mistress Alexia.”

Alexia gave me a door key code to let myself in. “May I use your bathroom before I go?” I asked.

“Sure, I have to get to work, so let yourself out,” I wasn’t even sure what Alexia did for a living. I made a note to ask her later. I did much of my work remotely, but if I got behind I would go into the office. I had been neglecting it the past few days so I needed to catch up. I decided to head to the office.

Amelia had already left so I was alone in the house after I went to the bathroom. I thought that I could take my first picture here before I left. I laid on her couch and replayed the events of last night in my head. I was erect quickly and took my first picture and texted it to her.

A smile emoji with a heart came back quickly. This was fun. Another message came, “Eli, there is a bag in my room, that I forget to put by the door, would you dome a favorite and put it by the door for me? It is a black leather bag by my drawers, you can’t miss it. ” followed by a kiss emoji.

Her room was on the second floor. I went up and in her room. The bag was right on top of a dresser. When I picked it up it was light. I noticed her drawer wasn’t closed and it was full of neatly folded bras and panties. I wondered if she did this on purpose. I couldn’t help but take out a few and imagine her in them. And carefully put them back. I was tempted to take a pair, but reconsidered. It was a juvenile temptation.

I went back down stairs and left the bag by my conspicuous cock cage. I let myself out.

I drove home and took a shower. I made myself erect again. I lathered my cock and I almost went too far. I visualized The panties that I looked at in Alexia, it was easy enough to get close. I was very close to coming before I stopped and took my picture. I rinsed off, snapped a picture and sent it to Alexia. A few moments later she sent back another cute combo of emojis.

As I drove to work I had a commute so I decided to make myself hard on the drive. It wasn’t until I had a few minutes wait with backed up traffic that I could get really hard. I snapped another picture and sent it to her. Her reply was, “Keep it up.” and an eggplant. Silly but fun.

A few minutes later she sent a self picture of herself topless in a bathroom mirror. “I hope this helps. And show me some pre-cum next time.”

30 minutes later I got to work, closed my office door and looked at her snapshot to make my next picture. This time I had some pre-cum, which can be dangerous, because that means that I am so close that I sometimes can’t stop. I touched the tip of my cock and lifted my finger, a strand of pre-cum stretched from the opening of my penis. I snapped a picture and sent it to her.

Her reply, “I love it, show me that in the rest of your photos, I want you dangerously close each time. And watch this next time.”

She sent a short video of her and Amelia making out in sexy lingerie on her bed. I got hard previewing it.

The next shot I made I almost came. I felt like I went over some cliff and barely suppressed the urge. Initially I wasn’t able to take a picture because I was so out of control. Once I avoided composition I had to masturbate again to get a good picture.

“I love it! Next time make it a video, show me how desperately close you can come.” with a wink emoji.

I finally got some work done and realized that I needed to take a break and send a video if I was going to send at least ten pictures before the evening.

I decided to go home. I got there, hurried in and I loaded the video Alexia sent me to my computer. I watched it while recording my masturbation. Her video ended and I was hard enough but not wet with pre-cum as requested. So I closed my eyes and imagined her sucking my cock, lightly rubbing it while sucking my nipples. Then I imagined Amelia putting her wet pussy in my mouth. I imagined the two of them tying me up and tormenting me to no end. Soon my cock was dripping with pre-cum. At that point I should have stopped, but I was caught up in my reverie and ultimately I barely contained my ejaculation. I clenched my cock to keep from coming.

It was the most dangerous yet, I stopped my video and sent it to Alexia.

“I want that cock,” was her next reply. About 20 minutes later she sent another video. This time it was Alexis in what appeared to be a dressing room, she was wearing the clothes she had on this morning. She took them all off and tried in a set of sexy black lacy underwear. She posed for me, then took out her phone and masturbated while looking at the pictures I had been sending. I could tell she was watching the video I just sent. She didn’t stop though. She came, which felt a little unfair. When she was done the camera turned to show that Amelia was in the dressing room with her and was the one that recorded thevideo. She smiled and gave me a peace sign.

Her demands were becoming more laborate. Now she insisted I go back to her house and put a butt plug in that she had in the black bag that I left by the door.

Her place was about 40 minutes away in the mid-day traffic. So I made my cock hard again as I drove. It was tricky getting a good cock picture at traffic stops. So I decided to take one when I got to her place.

I got to her place and let myself in. I wanted to take a good picture of my cock, so I left the bag for a minute and headed to the living room. To my surprise Amelia was there watching TV on the couch.

“Oh, hi, I didn’t realize you were here.” I said. Amelia had on a loose tank top and jean shorts. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were easily visible when she moved.

“Do you need to take a picture for Alexia?” She asked innocently while watching the tv.

“Um, yeah.” I replied somewhat embarrassed.

“Take off your clothes, I will take a video for Alexia instead,”. My heart was racing and I did as she suggested.

“Oh, Amelia wanted me to put the plug in too.”

“Well, you had better go do that, strip first.”

I did, and then walked naked with a raging erection to the entry. There was some lubricant and the plug waiting for me in the bag. I had never put one in myself and it was very stimulating slipping it in. I started to walk back to Amelia who was waiting in the living room and the plug started vibrating each time I moved. It was shocking at first. I realized that walking activated the victory. So I made my way back to to Amelia in spirits. When I got to her my dick was already hard and wet. That being the case Amelia took my picture and sent it to Alexia.

The reply from Alexia was a request to send a video of Amelia bringing me to the edge of climax.

Amelia smiled and walked to the other room. She summoned me as she called back over her shoulder for me to join her downstairs. She walked to the stairs. As I followed the plug vibrated all the way. I thought it wouldn’t take long to make another video. I was already hard and dripping.

By the time I got down stairs Amelia had changed into a black body harness. I was still naked save for the butt plug.

Amelia brought me to the padded table. There were photography lights. There was a camera on a tripod and lightning diffusers positioned around the table.

“Lay down and put this on so it isn’t so bright.” I expected a blind fold, but instead it was a VR head set. I put it on, and it was disorienting. The image in the headset was of me laying on the table. The camera was feeding into the set such that I was seeing everything.

I watched as Amelia buckled my hands and ankles. I was immobilized.

“When you have gone limp again I will start recording for Alexia. And remember to tell me when you are close. I would hate for that great cock of yours to be locked up again,” she teased.

I watchedas Amelia walked off camera and I lay there waiting for my current erection to subside.

It did but Amelia didn’t come back right away.

I called out but I just laid there I decided to relax and realized I needed to think of completely unrelated things. Thinking about my present situation made me aroused.

About 20 minutes later. Amelia came back and I was limp.

“Let’s get started. Eli, I am going to make you come now. I have decided that there is no need to tell me when you are close because that isn’t how this stops. It took Alexia 15 minutes to make you come in class. I am going to do it in 10.”

A digital time started counting down inside the screen of my headset. Even though I was limp I guessed that if I didn’t resist that Amelia would have me spurting in no time. I was already at a disadvantage, the bondage and watching her preparing sex toys to stimulate me while wearing that harness. She looked amazing, the harness framed her tits. She hadn’t even touched me yet and I felt an erection building.

Amelia started by gently lifting my penis and positioning it straight up. She brushed her fingertips against it and had me erect in no time. Then she kissed and sucked my nipples as she lightly touched my penis. I closed my eyes to stop watching. And she stopped her sucking and touching. Curiosity got the best of me. I opened my eyes to see her bringing a clear male masturbation sleepe on my cock. It was lubricated but tight. The tip of my cock stuck out and the shake was enveloped. Amelia pushed a switch on it and it started vibrating.

She played with the tip, I would have told her I was close to coming, but the timer indicated that I needed to last 6 more minutes.

I started to beg her to stop. That made her smile and she started sucking my nipples again. I was helpless and doing Everything I could think of to suppress my orgasm.

“How does it feel if I activate your butt plug victory?” And with a remote she heldthat started too.

All I could say was, “oh god, oh god, I can’t. Oh god Amelia. Please I’m gonna cum.”

“You can come anytime Eli, but Alexia had fun things planned for tonight, that you won’t be able to share with your cock back in that cage. Hang in there sweetie.” She made a mock pouty face and then started licking the tip of my cock.

I gritted my teeth and held back orgasm after orgasm. The precipice kept hitting me in waves.

“Please Amelia, make it stop!”

Mercifully, she did. She pulled my cock out of the vibrating sleep, and turned off the butt plug and let me have a moment to catch my breath.

Then she pulled off the head set. It was bright and I had to close my eyes.

“Is it too bright? This should help,” and she blindfolded me now. My timer was at 4 minutes, but now I had no idea what time I had left.

“Open your mouth Eli.” Amelia put a penis in my mouth. I recognized that it was the face dildo that Alexia used on me the other night. Then Amelia was obviously fucking herself with the other side of the dildo. She began struggling with the cock sleepeve as she rode my face. Every thrust shoved the cock-like part of the face dildo into my tonsils. It made me gag, but like before it was a huge turn on.

She eventually stopped, the time must have elapsed. I was both relieved and desperate to come. I was so horny.

Amelia released me and thanked me. She wanted to know if I wanted to view the video before we sent it to Alexia. I did, I was desperately horny and curious.

We sat on the couch and she put it on the Tv. She stroked my cock as we watched then she brought my hand between her legs and I fingered her as we watched her video of tormenting me.

She came again on the couch as I fingered her. He moaned in pleasure just as we watched her use the face dildo at the end of my 10 minutes of torque.

“Alexia is going to love it.” And we sent it to her phone.

Alexia’s reply was, “I love it.”

Now that I got that done for Alexia, I told Amelia I needed to take out the butt plug so I could walk without constant stimulation.

As I did, I was still too aroused and I just came then and there. Right in front of Amelia. My cum gushed and gushed. I tried to clnch my cock to stem my orgasm, but I just covered my hand in a huge load.

She started giggling and I did too. Then we were both laughing. After all that, that is how I lost it.

I cleaned myself up and when my penis was calm enough, Amelia locked it up.


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