The Chronicles of Donna Pt. 01

Many thanks to CranialFornication for his editing assistance and friendly advice to get this story off the ground.


Donna was feeling sorry for herself. She was in the lobby bar of her high-priced hotel, drinking rum and cokes. This was her last night in town for a business conference and it was not going well. For three days, every one of her well thought out ideas had been shot down, leaving her to doubt not only her own worth, but also her career. She was one of many assistant Vice Presidents in charge of marketing for Target and so far she was batting a big zero. After today’s disastrous finish, she could not wait to get back to her room, rip off her business attire, shower, and put on jeans, a Packer sweatshirt and a Bulls baseball cap and get to the bar.

She had eaten an Order of wings and settled on a course to drink herself into oblivion. Didn’t even feel like eating anything substantial, which was unusual for her. She always had an appetite. Which was part of her overall problem. She stood five foot six inches tall and weighed two hundred twenty pounds. ‘Dumpy Donna’ was what she called herself. In high school, she was a slim and trim cheerleader, but that was twenty five years ago. Now, at 43, she had a pretty smile and a delightful caramel brown complexion.

The bar was a large peninsula in the center of the room and she was on the lobby side of the bar. Halfway through her third drink, the front door to the bar opened and three men walked in. The first two were handsome, black men in their twentyties. But gentleman number three? An absolute Adonis. Thirty something, white, in shape, tall, and absolutely gorgeous. The three walked in and sat at the bar directly across from Donna. When the white guy saw Donna across the bar, his face lit up, sporting a huge smile as he waved at her. She waved back and thought to herself, ‘Great. The man of my dreams walks in and not only am I Dumpy Donna, but I look like ‘Joe Shit the Ragman’! Apparently, when he ordered his drink, he told the bartender to pour her another as well. The bartender delivered her drink and she raised her glass, intending to toast her benefactor across the bar. But, when she looked up, he wasn’t there. She looked and couldn’t find him.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her and felt a hand on her shoulder. Glancing back, she saw it was him. “Pardon me, but you are much too pretty to be drinking alone.” Indicating the chair next to her, he asked if it was taken and if not, could he sit there.

“Uh, uh, um, yes, no, please go ahead,” she stammered, inwardly cursing herself for not being able to talk coherently.

He scooted the bar chair closer to her and sat down, their thighs were almost touching. He touched his glass to her still raised glass.

“Cheers! Here’s to a pretty lady on a Thursday evening! My name is Rick!”

“Hi Rick. My name is Donna and how many drinks have you had? Or maybe you lost your glasses onthe way here.”

“I assure you, there is nothing wrong with me or my vision. This is my first drink and I am wearing my contact lenses. The clear ones in fact, so you can see my true eye color.”

She looked into his eyes and saw they were a beautiful shade of grey. Like everything about him-perfect. He put his left hand over her hand on the bar and leaned over until his shoulder was touching hers.

“Forgive my forwardness, but I couldn’t believe my luck when I walked in and saw you, the girl of my dreams. And then, you even smiled back at me, and what a smile!!”

His thumb began rubbing softly along the back of her fingers. It’s like there was a direct wire from her fingers to her pussy. Her pussy felt like it had just caught on fire. She could feel her wetness soaking through her panties and into the crotch of her jeans. She figured in another few minutes, he would be able to smell her arousal. His thigh touched hers and she had to set her drink down before she dropped it. She put her hand on top of his. He looked down at her small brown hand against his much larger, white hand and thought it looked totally sexy. He could feel her cold fingertips on his skin and it made his cock stiffen. She looked in his eyes again and she could see his lust. Pure animal desire. He stood next to her and leaned down close to her ear.

“I want you! Now!”

Something inside her melted as he gently nuzzled her neck. She could feel her nipples hardening under her sweater, and amazingly, her pussy got even wetter.

“Rick, I have a room here on the third floor.”

“Great, mine is out by the airport.”

He held her hand as she stood up and as she turned, he lowered he lips to her’s for what he intended to be just a brief brush of lips. But when their lips touched and rebounded, he just had to go back for more. Her lips parted and closed on his upper lip, tugging gently on it. He took her lower lip between his teeth and gently nibbled on it. Quickly, he put an arm around her as her knees got weak and she nearly fell. Keeping his arm around her waist, he turned her towards the door and walked her out into the lobby. They walked together to the elevator, quickly rode to the third floor and walked two doors to her room. She fumbled in her pocket for the key card and he took it from her and opened her door.

They barely had the door shut when Donna throw Both arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Their lips met and didn’t take long till both tongues were getting acquainted. Rick nibbled and licked her lips, causing her knees to weaken again. He grabbed her to keep her from falling, closing one large hand over her ass and pulling her tightly against him. She could feel his cock bulging in his pants and feel huge. He loved the feel of her denim clad ass and squeezed it repeatedly.

“Oh god, Rick. I can’t believe what you are doing to me! I have never in my life… I want you so bad right now! Please, let’s get naked! I need to see you and feel you!”

They quickly separated. Rick took off his coat and tie and unbuttoned his shirt as she throw her hat on the floor and pulled her sweatshirt over her head. As he bent to untie his shoes, she kicked her tennis shoes off and quickly peeled off her jeans and panties. He stood and undid his pants and pulled them off, along with his boxes. When finished, they stood to admit each other. All of a sudden, Donna began to feel self consciousness about her body. Her flatby breasts and large stomach, her fat legs and ass, compared to his perfect body. Obviously, he worked out regularly. His smooth, muscle chest rippled, and his pubic hair was neatly trimmed, but his cock! Oh my god! His cock! At least nine inches long and as thick as a coke bottle. And standing straight in front of him. She started to turn away.

“What do you want with me? A fat old lady? You’re gorgeous! You deserve so much better!”

He caught her wrists and forced her to face him. He started walking her backward.

“Nonsense! You are exactly what I want. You are soft and sexy. And your ass and legs? God, talk about absolute perfection!”

Suddenly, the back of her legs struck the mattress and she fell back on the bed, giggling. He followed her down and was soon laying on top of her, with his lips doing unspeakable things to her neck and earlyobes. She was breathing erratically, like she had just run a mile and her hips were rocking on the bed. He kissed her lips again, then slowly worked his way down, over her throat and across her chest.

When he reached her breasts, his tongue twirled circles around her nipple, causing it to stiffen beautifully. He took,her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it gently. Her hands went around his neck, holding him against her breasts. He could feel her heart racing and hear her deep moans. He pulled his lips from her nipple and moved to her other breast. He bit her distended nipple causing her to arch her back and sharply inhale.

“Oh! God! I love it!!” She raised her ass of the bed, trying to rub her hairy pussy against his hip. He pushed her back down and bit her nipple again. Her eyes watered and she moaned loudly. She held the back of his head as he continued to bite and nibble on both her breasts and nipples. She took one hand from his head and reached between her legs to try to play with her pussy, but he caught her hand and told her to stop. He put her hand back on his shoulder. It stayed there for a short while, then moved back to her pussy.

He got off the bed, grabbed his necktie, and tied her hands together and tied them to the head of the bed. She looked at him questioningly. He said nothing, but moved between her tighs and started licking and nibbling on her plump flesh. She squirmed, trying to get her pussy under his mouth, but it didn’t work. He nibbled and licked his way down to her knees, then back up. He ran his tongue through her bush, but still wouldn’t touch her aching pussy. He teased her full lips with his tongue until they were full enough to bite on. She moaned even louder. His tongue moved to her perineum, causing her to jump. Slowly he ran his tongue from the bottom of her juicy snatch to the top. When his tongue touched her clip, she screamed. He wrapped his lips around it and sucked on it.

Donna was ready to explode. It’s as if his tongue knew where every nervous ending in her pussy was and was torturing every single one. She reached to feel his huge cock inside her, but didn’t want to break the spell his mouth was weaving. She could feel an orgasm building fast, and it may be the biggest one she ever had. Suddenly, her hips convulsed and her thighs wrapped around his head as her orgasm began. He quickly shoved two fingers inside her twinching snatch and pressed against her G-spot.

“Oh my fucking God, Rick. I am cumming, damnit. Oh! God! Oh! God!”

And she couldn’t stop.

After what seemed like an hour of ecstasy, he removed his fingers and lips from her quivering snatch and allowed her to come down from her orgasmic high. Her thighs, his face, and the bed were soaked in her juices. He moved slowly up her body to kiss her, allowing her to taste her own juice for the first time. She licked her own juice from his face.

“You taste pretty good, for an old woman!” He said teasingly.

He untied her hands and her arms went around him, hugging him tightly.

“My god! Are you trying to kill me? I thought I was going to have a heart attack for a minute!”

“But what a way to go! Are you ready for this?” As his cock nuzzled against her drenched pussy lips.

“Oh, yes I am! But, please, be gentle. It’s been a while, and never that big!”

He slowly inserted the head between her lips. She was tight, but very wet. It slowly slip in. He stopped after a couple inches to allow her to get accustomed to it. When she started moving towards him, he began again. Her head was tossing fromside to side and she was breathing very roughly.

“Oh! Goddam! It’s a fucking telephone pole! It is so big!”

Slowly, inch by inch she took it all. When he finally felt his balls against her ass, he reached back and grabbed her legs. Throwing her legs across his shoulders, he slowly withdraw his cock until just the head was inside. Suddenly, he rammed it all the way home. She screamed and he saw her eyes roll back into her head. He remained motionless inside her for a moment to allow her to catch her breath. She looked him in the eyes. “Please!” He withdraw again and rammed back deep, this time not stopping but beginning to fuck her furiously. She felt her orgasm building up again rapidly. She had never in her life felt so full. Rick could feel his nut sack tightening as his orgasm built as well.

“Damn Donna, you are too damn tight. I can’t hold off much longer!”

“Fill me up, Rick. I want it all!”

Just hearing herself saying that was enough to trigger her orgasm. She began to spasm and scream. Rick could feel her tight pussy clenching on his cock and sent him over the edge. He shot load after load into her still quivering pussy. Slowly, his thrusting and her quivering slowed down. He supported his weight on his arms and looked down on her face. Her eyes were closed and she had a geneine look of contentment on her face.

Her eyes opened and she smiled. “Hey Rick, can I keep you? Can I take you home with me?”

“We can talk about that. I am personally in favor of it. But we know nothing about each other but our names. Let’s shower and get dressed and go eat some dinner. My treatment. And we can discuss things.”

“Okay, but that means you have to pull that tree out of me. And I will miss it.”

“I bet it can find its way back there after dinner. And before breakfast, and after breakfast, and maybe a couple more times.”


“Yes. I promise. Try and keep me away. You might need an army. So far, I like what I’ve found!”

They crawled out of bed and moved to the bathroom where they quickly showed. Without too much playing, they washed and dried each other. He quickly dried and brushed her hair for her. Afterward, they dressed.

She chose to put on her business attire from earlier so she would look more appropriately dressed as opposed to his attire. As she started to step into her panties, he stopped her and told her she wouldn’t need them. He put them in his pocket. She stepped into her dark blue, knee length skirt and pulled it in place. Reaching in her suitcase for a bra, she looked questioningly at him. He nodded sufficiently, so she put it on. She put her white button down blouse on and left a couple buttons at the top undone. He unbuttoned two more. She stopped him from putting on his tie and unbuttoned his shirt to match her’s. They each put on their jackets and walked out of the room, hand in hand. They inquired at the front desk as to availability of a nice restaurant and discovered one right next door that was open late. They quickly walked there and were seated at a table by the front window. They ordered drinks, appealer and steaks. When they were served their drinks, he took her hands and looked her in the eye.

“Tell me about Donna.”

“I am Donna Aderson. Forty three years old. Graduate of University of Missouri. Proud resident of Kansas City, Missouri. I’m in town for a business meeting for Target, that for me, went horribly. All my ideas were shot down and I was miserable until you walked in. I am an only child and both my parents were killed in an auto accident ten years ago. I am presently employed as an assistant vice president for Marketing for the Target stores. Although I don’t know how long that will last after the past week. What else would you like to know, or what can you tell me about Rick?”

“I am Rick Hendricks. Twenty nine years old. Graduate of the University of Kentucky. Current resident of Louisville and CEO and owner of Hendri’s Specialty Apparel. I’m in town because I am opening my second store, and the first one in St. Louis at Plaza Frontenac. I am the youngest of two brothers and two sisters. They and my parents live in the Nashville area. And I really would like to see a lot more of you.”

“Why? What can you want with an overweight woman who is almost old enough to be your mother?”

“You aren’t that big or that old. Only fourteen years and I happen to like bigger women. I like to feel woman when I hug someone. Not my own elbows. I don’t want to have to worry about breaking someone either.”

“Well, there is plenty to feel with me, and I will allow you to try to break me…if you can!”

“Well, if we continue to see each other, I can guarantee that I will try.”

“Why is that?”

“Did you see the movie, Fifty Shades of Gray?”

“Yes, I did. And I’m looking forward to the sequel!”

“Do you think you could live like that?”

“Like her, or like him? I wouldn’t want to be in charge. But I am kinda submissive…”

“Good! Cause I’m kinda dominant. In fact, quite dominant. But not like in the movie. A lot of my fun can be like earlier.”

“You were kinda dominant then. And I enjoyed it. Maybe you could show me some stuff after dinner and I can see if I like it.”

Their meals came and they ate in relative silence. After dinner, they ordered another drink and as they were drinking, Rick slid his chair closer to Donna and put his hand on her knee, under the tablecloth. He slid his hand under her skirt and worked his way up her thigh. The higher his hand went, the bigger her eyes got. When he slid two fingers into her pussy, he found it to be hot and soaking wet.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m gonna make you cum, right here in this restaurant!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”


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