The Challenge: Ch. 11

Cassie sat on the couch, trying to relax. The control room door was closed and Val was organising things in the video room–or as Cassie was thinking of it–theatre.

She took advantage of the break to freshen up in the bathroom. The shower looked tempting, but she decided to sit instead.

She noticed there was something on the table, hidden from view by a piece of black clothes. She lifted the clothes and it looked like a pile of latex…things? It didn’t look like a catsuit, but she couldn’t make out what it was. She gingerly put the clothes back down over it, hoping she hadn’t broken a rule or something.

The time on the clock read 3:42 pm. She had the rest of her break plus two hours. She was already tired and felt both stretched and empty from the dildo challenge. She wondered what was next.

Val came out of the theatre and sat next to her on the couch.

“You’re doing great. That #6 was a bonus.”

“That was…uh…something else.” Cassie exhausted foreffect. Val smiled in reply, nodding slightly.

They chatted for a few minutes. Cassie was just about relaxed when the clock read 4:00 pm.

Val pointed towards the table, “Let’s get you into that outfit. It’s under the clothes, hidden for dramatic effect.”

Val helped her slip on what turned out to be an absolutely skin tight latex bra and panties. The tops of each breast had opened circles and the crotch was open as well. There was also a hood that covered everything except her face. Val gave her some earbuds to slip on under the hood.

Val led her back into theatre. She found out later that Val had flipped the mattress over. When she entered, she was surprised to see the silk sheets replaced with a large rubber looking base sheet.

Val had her lay on top of the rubber sheet with a pillow under her hips, with her legs slightly bent and arms outstretched, forming an X shape.

She then carefully placed a rubber top sheet above her.

Val leaned down next to Cassie’s ear.

“This is a vac bed. When I turn it on, you’ll be trapped in this position until I turn it off. I’ll still be able to hear you like before. I’ll also be fitting you with some special VR glasses that will let you see what the cameras in this room see. Ready?”

“I’m ready.”

Cassie’s heart was racing. This sounded kind of terrifying. She Didn’t like the idea of ​​being totally immobilised– and fully exposed.

Val stepped out of sight and the whir of the vacuum began. It took less than a minute for Cassie to be completely frozen in the rubber prison. It was slightly warm, making her exposed skin feel cool by comparison.

Val leaned back down over her and slide the glasses in place, giving her a gentle kiss of the lips.

Moving her eyes changed which camera the glasses were focused on. Cassie quickly figured out how to select between the eight cameras–one in each corner and one in the middle of each wall.

The angles and zoom settings were all different and she guessed that Val was controlling those. They’d change slightly from time to time and Cassie found it frustrating to only be able to watch whatever Val did with no control over her view. It was like another level of physical restraint.

The wall screens had been turned off. She could see her trapped, inert body encased in the translucent rubber lit by what she guessed were dim lights somewhere above her–out of the cameras’ views.

The earbuds started playing white noise, drowning out the sounds in the room–including the vacuum.

She was left alone for a few minutes before Val returned. She was wearing a headset.

She watched her lean down between her parted legs. It was surprisingly seeing herself from above and feeling what Val did to her. It was like seeing in the third person, but feeling in the first.

Val lubed up and inserted a very small butt plug into her ass. Then inserted a tiny egg shaped toy into her pussy. Both had tubes connected to balls identified to the ones on the pumps earlier.

She was still wet–had she ever stopped being wet since this task began?

Val pumped up the butt plug first. Cassie felt it grow inside her ass to a size that was still comfortable. Next, Val pumped up the one in her pussy. She kept pumping until Cassie felt very full. She wasn’t as stuffed as she had been with the dildo, but she felt slightly overfull.

Val finished by turning them both on–making both inflatable toys vibrate at a low setting, teasing her deep inside.

Suddenly, Val’s voice replaced the white noise in the earbuds.

“You look lovely, Cass. Quite exposed.”

She extended her fingertip and gently rubbed Cassie’s exposed clip. It felt amazing and made Cassie squirm ever so slightly since she was held tightly.

She heard Val laugh softy, “Don’t stir. I’ll probably make that greedy cunt of yours cum before I let you go.”

Val took each exposed nipple in turn and squeezed and gently twisted them, making them rock hard.

“Now, Cass. I’m off to the control room. See you shortly.”

Cassie watched her leave the room. She was left staring down at herself, enjoying the gentle vibes inside her.

The white noise was suddenly replaced with the sounds of sex. It sounded like an orgy of men and women, all grunting, moaning and orgasming.

She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the sensings, imagining what the people she was listening to looked like and what positions they were in as they fucked.

She was completely caught off guard when the vibe in her pussy stopped. She opened her eyes and was able to see a woman in a latex catsuit kneeling between her legs. For some reason, she didn’t think it was Val. She was the wrong shape or something? But, maybe the catsuit was throwing her off?

The vibe in her pussy deflated and she watched the woman remove it. The woman then removed the long black gloves from each arm, exposing her lovely brown skin almost to the elbow.

She watched as the woman rubbed lube over her fingers. Then she slide her right hand easily inside Cassie’s pussy, closing her hand inside her.

Cassie had never been fisted before. She realized that’s what the dildo had been for–to stretch her a bit so this part would be easier.

Cassie felt the bumps on her hand as she fucked her with her fist, slightly turning it left and right as she did, teasing her g-spot perfectly and repeatedly.

It felt amazing and she had a halfway decent view on one camera that had zoomed in tight. Cassie watched in fascination as the woman’s arm slide back and forth, shallow then deep.

Val’s voice was suddenly in her ears. She was speaking kind of softly in a husky, sexy voice, “She’s *very* good with her hands. Isn’t she Cass? You’ve never been fisted like this, have you?”

Cassie explored. The orgasm came out of nowhere. The fist inside her seemed to just make it happen. She rode the fist as best shecould give her limited range of motion. The mystery woman knew exactly how to touch her.

She gently removed her hand from Cassie’s pussy and then put her two hands together palm to palm, fingers nested between one another.

Cassie gasped as she gently eased both hands inside her together. Inside her pussy, she interlocked her fingers, filling Cassie more than the dildo had. She cried out in surprise, then tried hard to relax.

It was even more intense than before. It was like a massive force moving inside her, The hands pressed deep into her, massaging her g-spot and sending ripples of pleasure along her inner walls as they expertly slide back and forth.

Being trapped under the layer of rubber, all she could do was lay there and feel. The woman’s gentle rocking and the buzz in her ass were her whole world.

She lasted less than a minute before she exploded, her body stiffening and pressing against the hands, being held firm by the vac bed. She cried out loudly into the room, watching herself struggle below.

The woman kept going until the last of Cassie’s orgasm had finished, then she gingerly slide her hands out from her pussy. She reinserted the toy into her and re-inflated it, turning the vibe back on.

Cassie watched as the woman methodically wiped her hands clean of Cassie’s juices and lube onto a towel, then half crawled up near her face to lay next to her. The woman wore a hood with only her eyes and mouth visible. But, even those details were hard to make out in the dimly lit room from the camera’s angle above.

“So…you’re Cassie? The new girl…yum. I’m sooo looking forward to getting to know you better. I’m Missstress Keyla…Bradshaw always lets me…play…with…his…toys.” She accented the last few words by gently stroking a single finger across Cassie’s breasts, then tapping her on each nipple.

Cassie decided not to speak. She didn’t know what was expected, but she couldn’t really obey or disobey anyway.

Keyla reached between her legs.

“Open your mouth, cunt.”

Cassie compiled and Keyla slide her finger covered in her juices into her mouth. Cassie obediently licked it clean.

“See what you’ve done? A few minutes playing with you has made me all wet. I’ll be leaving here in a little while…and I don’t intend to leave unsatisfied.”

Keyla leaned back and turned up both of the vibes inside Cassie. The sudden jolt made her moan softly. She’d cum so many times today…and it just seemed to make her body want more. She squeezed both bulbs, inflating the two vibes a bit more and making Cassie feel over-full again.

“That’s better. Val tells me you’re good with your tongue. So I think I’ll have a little test drive. Start with my ass, OK?”

Keyla shifted her position and kneeled over Cassie’s face, facing her feet. She lowered herself downward onto her mouth.

The camera angles were awkward, so Cassie felt Keyla’s skin on her face before she thought Keyla would be that close. She obediently stuck out her tongue and found her asshole by feel.

“That’s it, slut. Get in there good…lick aaaalll around. Deeper…deeper. That’s nice.”

Cassie could barely make out what Keyla was saying with the earbuds in, but heard enough to adjust what she was doing. Keyla seemed to enjoy making her lick her ass and stayed there for what seemed like ages, just letting Cassie lick the outer rim, then tongue fuck her ass, getting her tongue in as deep as she could.

“Deeper! Deeper! That’s it…all the way in there…good girl…”

Keyla raised up and turned around, then lowered her pussy onto Cassie’s mouth.

“Now, make me cum, you little bitch.”

Cassie began licking. She started with her tongue inside Keyla, her clip rubbing Cassie’s nose. Keyla ground down onto her, pressing her clip firmly against her face and grinding as Cassie worked to tongue her, Keyla’s sweet juices covering her face from above.

Cassie enjoyed eating women out, but this was challenging. She normally liked to use her hands to spread their lips or finger fuck them while she tongued their clip. But, this vac bed reduced her to just a mouth. She could slightly tilt her head, and that was all. She had to rely on her lips and tongue for everything.

Keyla shifted, pressing her clip onto Cassie’s lips. Cassie started writing letters and numbers with her tongue, trying hard to focus on just that. She was hoping she could make Keyla cum quickly before her tongue got too tired. She listened carefully and noted which “letters” Keyla seemed to like the most.

Her lungs filled with the musk of Keyla’s juices. The only other thing competing for her attention was the buzzing in her pussy and ass which was slowly building up on her, making her squirm a bit in response.

Keyla started to cum. She pressed down hard onto Cassie’s face, grinding down hard onto her mouth as she came. Cassie pressed her tongue back hard, fighting to keep pressure on her clip. The pressure only eased when her orgasm passed.

She raised herself up, pausing only long enough to smear her juices across Cassie’s face. She finished by gently tapping her cheek with her hand.

“You *do* have a skilled mouth, cunt. I can’t wait to use it again.”

She left the room, leaving Cassie encased and immobilised, the vibes still buzzing inside her. They were keeping her slightly excited, but weren’t moving her towards orgasm. Just a sexy ticker to distract herself her.


She was left alone for several minutes, but it was hard to gauge time. Cassie closed her eyes and tried to relax. The white noise was back in the ear buds.

She heard something and opened her eyes. But, the VR glasses had gone dark.

The vibes inside her switched off. Someone must be near? The toys were deflated and removed from her.

Then she felt something slide into her pussy. It feel like another dildo, but just a normal setched one. But, after tonight, she wondered if she’d only want larger toys? She must be so stretched…

The dildo was pushed deep inside her, then pulled back just a bit. It stayed there for just a moment, then began fucking her very slowly.

Then she felt something latch onto each nipple one then both. It was on tight and sent a bolt of pain through her.

The glasses came back on and She saw herself being fucked by a machine. A long dildo was mounted at the end of a rod which was pushed in and out of her pussy at a slow, steady pace. Both nipples were topped with a nasty looking metal clip, pinching her.

The machine kept that pace for a while. Cassie was enjoying it, but wanted it a bit…harder. Faster.

A voice spoke in her ears. It was Keyla.

“How’s that for you Cassie? Val and I are just watching the clock countdown your remaining time. Are you enjoying yourself, cunt?”

“It looks a bit slow. Shall I turn it up?” Keyla asked slightly mockingly.

“Yes, please.” Cassie said.

The dildo suddenly got very fast. Too fast.

“How’s that, cunt? Want it faster? Or deeper maybe?”

The dildo was pounding her too quickly, she struggled, trying to adjust as best she could with her limited range of motion.

“Please, slow it down…please…”

It got too slow again. It now took a full 30 seconds to slide in and out of her each time.

Cassie witnessed. They were literally fucking with her.

“Could you make it just a little bit faster? Please?”


“Please…Mistress Keyla…please make it go just a little faster.”

“Why, cunt? Why do you want that?”

“I’d like to cum. I’m close…but this machine is all wrong for me to cum.”

“Tell me why you need to cum, slut.”

“I’m a…I’m a greedy cunt…I crave cumming all the time.”

“Would you lick my ass again to cum?”

“Yes, Mistress Keyla.”

“Would you lick Val’s ass?”

“Yes, Mistress Keyla.”

“I’ll make you a little deal. I’ll turn up the machine and get it juuust right for you. But, you have to agree to lick Val’s ass before you leave this area. Deal?”

“Yes, Mistress Keyla.”

The speed of the machine increased. It was almost perfect.


“It’s good. Thank you, Mistress Keyla.”

“Your time here is almost done. The machine will be turned off in exactly two minutes. If you don’t cum before that, you won’t cum for a while.”


Cassie felt close. But all the attention and play today made her unsure if she’d make it. If she were home by herself, she’d take it slow with a vibe. Under pressure with this fucking machine…it would be harder to cum again.

Cassie closed her eyes and focused. She could just slightly press into it, the vac bed letting her push back just a bit. But, it was easy to get into rhythm since the machine never varied. She knew exactly where it would be at every second.

She felt like she was trying to walk upa staircase to orgasm, but was stuck just a few steps from the top. She felt so close. She needed something to push her over the edge.

Suddenly, the machine stopped and the glasses went dark again. It was only a tiny bit inside her.

She tried to hump it so she could finish. But, she couldn’t move enough to do anything. She cried slightly in frustration.

She thought she heard footsteps over the white noise that was back in the ear buds. Then she felt the machine move away from her, pulling the dildo away from her pussy. After a pause, the clamps on her nipples were removed.

The VR glasses suddenly lit up, but only with white text on a black background–

“Mission #5 completed. One additional day removed from your contract.



“Mission #6 [Day 4/360]: This challenge is twofold. You’ll spend the next 7 days in a chatity belt–only removed for supervised cleaning. Also, you’ll act as keyholder to a man in long-term chatity.

Accept or forfeit?”

She accepted.

A few minutes later, Val and Keyla removed the ear buds and glasses and began deflating the vac bed. Cassie blinked as her eyes adjusted. The video screens were back to playing scenes from the meadow.

Val helped her stand and guided her into the bathroom.

“Take a shower. I’m going to tidy up then we’ll meet you in the outer room,” Val said, closing bathroom door.

Cassie was completely spent. How many orgasms had she had? Her poor pussy must be destroyed from all of that. She’d never tried half the things she did today. Her pussy wanted her to finish that last orgasm. But, there was a camera in here and she wasn’t sure if her chatity week had begun or not.

The shower had some really nice shampoo and body wash. She took her time soaping up and letting her body shake out. She felt slightly tight from being in the vac bed so long and rubbed her arms and legs to relax them.

She dried off with a soft towel and steppedout into the main room with it wrapped around her.

Keyla and Val were sitting on the couch–Keyla still wearing the hood so her face was mostly hidden.

“Stand there, cunt.”

Keyla stepped over to the table and held up a chatity belt for Cassie to see.

“I’ll lock this on in a second. You’ll be able to pee through these holes and there’s a big hole in back to poo through,” she turned the belt around like she was giving a tour or trying to sell it to Cassie.

“Every part that touches your skin is nice and soft. But, it’s reinforced with titanium. You’d need serious tools to cut it off. There are only 2 keys. I’ll have one with me at all times. The other will be in Bradshaw’s office for safekeeping. My number is in your phone if you need to freshen up. Any questions?”

“I have to wear this for a week?”

“Yes, cunt. I’ll meet you next week to unlock you.”

She looked at Val who just shrugged.

“Yes, Mistress Keyla.”

Keyla kneeled downand adjusted it so it was tight but not constricting. Then she locked it and made a show of putting the key on her neck, wearing it on a small chain.

“Now, before we finish…you agreed to do something for Val?”

Cassie nodded.

“Val?” Keyla nodded towards her.

Val smiled obviously which sent a chill down Cassie’s spine. Val had been her anchor, her rock during all of this. She’d be terrified if that changed.

Val turned around, pulled down her pants and leaned over the table.

“Get in there, cunt.”

Cassie’s heart sank. She got down on her knees behind Val, gently spread her ass cheeks and started licking around her anus.

“I’d her tongue in your ass?” Keyla asked Val.

“No. She’s just licking the outside.”

“Get that tongue in there. Now. Don’t make me get my whip.”

Cassie immediately pressed her tongue into Val’s ass. As deep as she could go.

“Any better?”

“Yeah. She’s learning.”

The two woman laughed and Cassieturned criminal with embarrassment. She felt humiliated and couldn’t believe how Val was treating her. Just like an object rather than her friend.

“Shall I make her lick you out before I go?”

“No. I’m kinda tired. I’ll have her lick me at home later.”

“A good choice, Val. Well, I’m off. And you, cunt. I’ll be seeing you next week and Val had better have nothing bad to tell me. Got it?”

Cassie leaned back, “Yes, Mistress Keyla.”

Val pulled up her pants.


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