The Challenge: Ch. 07

Cassie awoke the next morning to a loud knock on her door. She blearily stumbled to the door, pulling on the bathroom as she walked.

She opened the door to find Val standing there with coffees and a bag of pastries. She looked stunning as always with perfect hair and makeup.

Val stepped in, smiling. “Well, you survived the first Challenge…and an optional one. How are you doing?”

Cassie went red with embarrassment, wondering how much Val knew…or watched.

“I’m ok. What time is it?”

“Almost noon. I decided to make sure you were still alive up here when I hadn’t heard from you.”

They sat opposite each other at the small table and chatted as they drank their coffees. Cassie was ravenous and devoured the two muffins Val had brought her.

“So, what happens next?”

“Can you stay here for a few more days or do you need to get back?”

“Sure. I don’t have to do anything back home…I just need to pack up my stuff and I guess find an apartment here?”

“If you want, there’s a place in my building.”

“That must cost a fortune…your place is amazing.”

“It’s a bit smaller than mine. But, it would be covered by Bradshaw for the year.”

“That’s incredible. That’s easy then…I just need to fly home and move here.”

Val smiled, looking very self satisfied.

“How about this. Stay Here in the hotel for the rest of the week. We can pick out some stuff for your new place and I can send your key to Boston and have a moving crew just send everything here.”

“Wow. But, I need to clean up my apartment, cancel the lease…all that stuff.”

“We have a PA there who can take care of everything for you. We may just need you to sign something or talk to your landlord on the phone. But they can do most of it. You’ll just need to update your address on everything.”

“And…that’s all paid for?”

“Yeah. Except for whatever rent and utilities you owe. That’s on you. But, I think your new salary should cover that.”

Cassie laughed. This was amazing. Her life had totally changed in the space of a few days.

“So…when’s the next mission?”

“Tomorrow. He’s giving you today off. Wanna shop?”


They spent the rest of the day updating Cassie’s wardrobe and buying something for her new place.

Val gave her a quick tour of the apartment which was being completely updated. Since it was Sunday, no one was working on it. The floors were all stripped down to the bare concrete. It was in the process of getting a new kitchen and bathroom and the walls were only partially painted. Cassie thought it would take more than a week to finish.

“You’re actually here at a perfect time. We’ll stop by the office tomorrow so you can pick out carpets and paint. Otherwise, they tend to do everything kinda beige.”

They had a totally normal dinner and ended up back at Val’s place for a nightcap.

The two women sat on Val’s couch chatting and sipping wine.

Cassie was wearing some of her new clothes. She’d splashed out on some jeans that seemed tailored for her body and a shirt that was somehow casual but looked expensive at the same time. She’d tied her hair into a ponytail.

When they arrived, Val had slipped off to change into some silk pyjamas and a matching kimono-style silk robe.

They were curled up at opposite ends of the couch, the TV playing some random reality show neither of them had ever heard of on very low volume. They occasionally watched it as they talked.

“Bradshaw is really generous with all of this. I can’t get over the apartment and the moves and everything.”

“He’s clever. On the books, it’ll look like the company is paying you a reasonable wage and you’ll have a job title, so this is all just moving expenses. At the end of the year, you’ll have several amazing letters of recommendation and stuff to put on your resume that the company will verify if you decide to work again.”

“He’s really thought of everything…”

“I told you we have a team. One person will even give you a few things to put on LinkedIn and they’ll take photos of you at a few events. Just to keep up appearances.”

“Why’d you buy an apartment in this building?”

“He bought the building and thought it’d be handy to have me near people doing the challenges…so he sold it way under market price. Plus it’s close to the office.” She shrugged.

Cassie stared out the window, soaking in the view. The two women sat in silence, drinking their wine list in their own thoughts.

“I was surprised you did that extra challenge…but, it went ok?”

Cassie was suddenly embarrassed. Val knew what she was doing…but doing the “extra” thing made her feel like a real slut and Not just someone renting themselves out for huge amounts of money.

“Yeah…I uh…it took four days off the contract…and uh…”

Val laughed softly. “Was my little Cass a bit horny?”

Cassie looked downward, mortified.

“I wouldn’t have thought…I didn’t think I’d…,” her voice trailed off.

“You enjoyed the night and needed to get off?”

“Yeah.” She took a large sip of wine, downing half her glass.

Val laughed and topped up her glass.

“Come here.” She stretched out her arms and bad Cassie to move over to her.

Cassie snuggled next to her, Val’s arms gently hugging her from behind. She kissed Cassie softly on the back of her head.

She spoke softly into her ear, “this challenge does weird things to you. It pushes you. It forces you to try things you’ve never dreamed of doing. It opens doors you didn’t know existed. It’ll leave you craving things you never would have imagined you’d like. When you’re done, you’ll *really* know yourself. Just keep your eyes open and don’t beat yourself up when you react in ways you didn’t expect.”

Cassie snuggled back into Val’s chest. She felt safe and relaxed in Val’s embrace. Her hands were fold gently on Cassie’s tummy.

They sat quietly like that for a long time, with the TV flickering in the corner and the silent lights of the city outside.

Cassie spends the night at Val’s. They slept together in Val’s bed. Cassie was exhausted. But, their goodnight kiss became password and their chaste spooning turned into gentle lovemaking before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


Cassie woke up to find Val had gone to the office. She left a note telling her to get herself ready for a challenge starting at 11am. It was only 9, so she wasn’t rushed.

She showed and helped herself to breakfast.

She was scrolling through her socials when the other phone chimed.

She picked it up and opened the app.

“Mission #4 [Day 3/361]: Spend the day out with V doing whatever you’d like. Flash your boobs, pussy and ass in places where you could be seen. V will record as verification. 15 total flashes are needed–each in a different place. No more than 3 in each location. Must be completed by midnight.

Accept or forfeit?”

She clicked accept and changed clothes and waited for Val to come back.


Val arrived back at her apartment just before 11.

“So, where do you want to do this?”

“I don’t know Austin very well…but I was Google and thinking maybe we’d walk to the capitol and maybe do some there and on the way? Then maybe the mall or something?”

Val looked thoughtful. “That’s a good start. We’re only about a 15 minute walk from the capitol…so that’s a good place to start.”

Cassie had changed into a billion knee length skirt and a loose top with comfortable shoes. She grabbed the handbag–she liked having the taser with her just in case.

“Let’s leave that taser in my car. Security at the capitol might be a problem.”

Cassie frowned. But, she was right.

They stopped in the parking garage on the way out and put the taxer in Val’s car.

Cassie realised this was actually a good place to start the task.

“How about we do one here?”

Val looked around and couldn’t see anyone.

“Ok. But let’s do it near the office…the challenge is there has to be potential for you to be seen. I don’t think a totally empty room counts.”

Cassie nodded and they walked down the ramp. Near the exit was a small office. Inside, a guy of about 20 was sitting behind a desk wearing a hi visibility vest with the apartment management company’s logo on it. He seemed to be doing something on a computer.

“I’m going to bend over and flip up my skirt…are you ready?”


Val had her phone out, pointing it at Cassie.

As casually as possible, Cassie bent over and flipped the back of her skirt up so her ass was exposed.

“Got it.”

Cassie stood back up.

“One more…” She faced Val, but looked over her shoulder to make sure the guy wasn’t watching them. Then she lifted up the front of the skirt, showing her bare pussy to Val who filmed it.

“Got it.”

Cassie dropped her skirt and headed for the exit. As they neared the office, she could see the guy was smiling and looking back and forth between her and the computer screen.

“We have cameras everywhere you know.” He said as they got close. “I can see everything from here…not that I’m complaining…”

Cassie just nodded and walked quickly outside, putting her dark sunglasses on as the exited the garage.


As they made their way across downtown, they passed a construction site. There were dozens of men at work, but the building was surrounded with 8 foot tall wooden walls with some temporary walkways covered in with railings.

Cassie picked faced parallel to traffic and flashed her boobs at Val. The picture showed 7 cars at the red light, but no one looked her way to notice.

They crisscrossed their way across the grid patterned streets downtown, finally arriving on Congress Avenue–the main north south street that essentially dead-ended at the state Capitol building.

The street was busy with cars and pedestrians, so Cassie decided not to try anything here.

They walked the few remaining blocks and entered the Capitol grounds–basically a park surrounding the Capitol building which resembled the US Capitol building in Washington DC. A few state police officers sat in cars in the parking area and some tourists Wandered around taking photos.

They nodded at the officers and continued on into the building. It was nice and cool inside with a handful of people milling around looking at the murals and statuses.

Since the legislature wasn’t in session, the House and Senate chambers were open for viewing. They went up to the public gallery of the Senate and took a seat. There were a few people on a tour below them, the guide talking them through the highlights of the chamber.

Cassie pulled up her top and Val took a picture. When she turned around, the tour guide was scowling at them. But, it looked as though the tour group had been oblivious.

They went out to the domestic area and leaned over the railing. But, they quickly realized it was too visible—at least 20 people were standing on the ground floor looking up at the domestic with many of them taking pictures.


“Unless you want to be internet famous. Not here. Let’s try the annex.”

They went underground to an area full of offices, conference rooms and a gift shop. There were large open areas that resembled a shopping mall with walkways overlooking the ground floor and only a handful of people were in this area.

“This is perfect. I’ll go stand next to the gift shop door…if you go over there, you’d have a clear view.”

Val nodded and made her way to the opposite end of the building giving her a clear view of Cassie from a distance.

The area was suddenly empty.

Cassie wanted people in the background as much as possible so she didn’t break the mission’s risk of getting caught provision. So she had to wait.

She messaged Val and told her to take some video, but that she wanted people for the official shots.

She nonchalantly flashed her left boob, pulling her loose, low cut top down, exposing her nipple. Then she let go of her top, letting it snap back into place.

She took a few steps forward to the railing and repeated it, this time with her right boob. She felt silly, but was also enjoying it. She felt like a real rule breaker taking a risk. But, she figured at worst they’d just get asked to leave.

She peeked into the gift shop window and saw and older couple making a purchase. She’d do something when they came out. She gestured to Val who seemed to get her plan.

Val leaned against the wall, messing with her phone.

After what seemed like ages, the older man and woman emerged from the shop. As they walked out the door, Cassie was able to get briefly behind them and to the side and flipped up her top.

The older woman turned suddenly just as Val was pulling her top back down. She frowned and looked at Cassie briefly as though she knew something had happened but couldn’t decide what. The old man seemed oblivious.

Cassie just smiled and nodded at the woman, then casually walked away and made her way to Val on the opposite walkway. They started walking towards the rear exit of the building, chatting quietly in the echoey space.

As they neared the exit they heard footsteps. Hard leather stepping on the granite floor like a drumbeat.

Cassie looked over her shoulder and her heart sank. A tall Texas Capitol policeman was walking quickly towards them, catching up to them.

She looked ahead, resisting the urge to look back again. She wondered if they’d seen her on the cameras like the parking garage guy.

When they were just 10 foot from the door, the trooper caught up to them. But, he walking quickly past them just acknowledging them with a simple “ladies” greeting and a nod. He was apparently just in a hurry to get somewhere and it was nothing to do with them.

Cassie looked at Val who made a gesture of fanning herself with her hand. She shook her head and they both giggled with relief.


They decided to go to a few locations by car, so they started walking back to Val’s apartment. They took a different route back, zigzagging down different streets in the grid, this time passing more coffee shops, bars and restaurants. Cassie noticed that one bar had a few pool tables, so she hatched a plan and led Val inside.

The place was nearly empty since it was still before lunch in a Monday. A few middle aged guys sat at the bar and a couple were off to a side in a booth. No one was playing pool.

Cassie got them a couple of drinks and some quarters for the pool table and headed towards the far end of the room. The tables were at the far end of the bar, away from the door and the bar area. They had the whole area to themselves.

They started playing pool. Val broke, scattering the balls across the table. After a few shots, Cassie whispered her plan to Val who nodded and leaned against the back wall, her phone at the ready.

Cassie made a few random shots–she wasn’t great, but wanted it to look like just girls out taking pics for their socials.

She finally had the cue ball where she wanted it Near the centre of the table.

She grabbed a bridge stick and set her cue on top of it. As she leaned far over the table, facing the bar area, she flipped up her skirt onto her back and spread her legs slightly, giving Val a clear shot of her ass and pussy peeking out below.

She took the shot, then lowered her skirt and put the bridge back into the rack.

Cassie looked towards the bar, but none of the regulars nor the bartender had spotted her. The couple in the booth were looking at something and had also misssed the show.

She went around the table, now facing Val, and leaned over to take a shot, surprisingly pulling down her top giving Val another pic for the challenge.

Cassie walked over to Val to see the pics.

“Perfect. Let’s go.”

They dropped the balls into the table and left their half finished drinks on the shelf near the pool table. They gave the bartender a friendly wave as the exited.


They stepped out onto the street and Cassie started looking for the next location.

As luck would have it, a bus was coming down the street heading in their direction.

Cassie made a quick decision and walked quickly to the bus stop, making it just in time for the bus. They got on and found a seat near the back. It was nearly empty, with only 7 other passengers.

Cassie made a circular motion with a raised finger and Val quickly took video of the inside of the bus. Val was sitting one row in front of her, facing backwards over the seat.

There were only two people behindd them on the bus. A young woman was listening to her phone–maybe a podcast?– and looked intently out the window.

The guy was dressed in some kind of uniform and looked exhausted. He just sat in his seat, zoning. Cassie guessed maybe he’d just finished an early shift somewhere.

Cassie sat sideways in the seat and leaned back against the window and hiked up her skirt. She held her lips open for a Second then slipped a finger inside herself as Val filmed.

No one seemed to notice.

Cassie decided to just go for it.

She pulled her loose top downwards and to the side, letting her right breast peek out of the stretched neck hole, smiling broadly at Val as she filmed.

Cassie nodded at Val, then clicked the button to request a stop. She did what she’d wanted and didn’t want to add too much walking to their day since the bus was heading away from Val’s place.

“Film me when the bus stops and let me out first…I think I can do one more here.”

Val just raised her eyesbrows and smiled in reply.

As the bus slowed down, Cassie quickly stood up and flipped up the back of her skirt as she started to walk towards the exit.

She turned back briefly and saw the guy was smiling back at her. He gave a thumbs up. The woman hadn’t noticed and was still lost in her podcast looking at the world pass by.


Back at the garage, they got into Val’s car and headed for the mall, both women wearing their dark sunglasses against the intense Texas sun.

On the way, Cassie lowered and reclined her seat and slipped off her top. She took several selfies from different angles, making sure nearby motorists were visible.

“I think someone’s enjoying themselves.” Val said jokingly.

Cassie blushed but it was true. “Yeah…I am Actually. This feels just…naughty. Naughty but harmless fun.” She giggled.

“Are you wet, Cass?” Val asked, not taking her eyes off the road.

“Yeah…this is hot.”

“You’vegot about…10 minutes before we get to the mall…why don’t you jill it?”

Cassie was mortified. She didn’t want to play with herself in front of Val. But, they’d done just about everything else…

“It’s up to you. But, I love listening to you cum.” She smiled, looking briefly at the still topless Cassie.

Cassie pulled up her skirt and spread her legs. She closed her eyes and began rubbing herself. What was she becoming? She was dripping wet and she quickly had two fingers inside herself while rubbing her clip in small circles.

It felt amazing. She loved knowing Val was there, watching her. She loved the thought that someone might notice what she was doing. Maybe some guy in a big pickup or a truck might be high enough to see exactly what she was doing. All of that made it more exciting.

“We’re getting close…are you gonna cum for me?”

She felt the car slow down and stop briefly. She opened her eyes and saw they were off the highway and on the street just behind the mall. Val had to stop for a stop sign and quickly took a video before she had to drop the phone and drive on.

Cassie wondered briefly what Bradshaw thought of her. Was she just some slut for him to play with?

Val turned the car and it began climbing the hill into the mall’s spraying parking lot.

“Almost there…” Val was teasingly pressuring her. Cassie knew the closer they got to the door, the more people would be nearby.

But Val’s statement was true for Cassie as well. She was so close.


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