Chapter 3 – Donna’s Story
‘Damn Sid, you’re right, she is a beautiful sight.”
Donna was looking down at Pam Martini, the bitch she knew from the office. What she saw now was a frightened young lady on all fours wearing nothing but a collar and a blindfold. She was leaned to a whipping post and quietly sobbing to herself.
Donna knelt and stroked Pam Sweet Pussy’s hair. “Awww, good girl, good girl,” She teased. She turned to look at Sid’s reaction as she spoke. “Yes, Sid, she would make the perfect little puppy dog for me.”
Hearing that remark sent shivers through Pam. She did not know exactly what Donna meant but she knew a puppy dog reference couldn’t be a good thing.
“Now, now Sweet Pussy, you’ll be fine. I would never hurt a little puppy dog, unless of course,” Donna raised her hand and brought it down hard on Pam’s ass cheek. Smack!! Pam jumped inhaling rapidly through her nose. “Unless of course she was a disobedient or a bad little doggie.You’re not going to be a bad little doggie are you?”
Pam Shook her head back and forth rapidly answering “No Mistress”
“Boy, Sid has done a lot of work on her,” Donna thought. She smiled as she unhitched Pam’s tether and dragged her into the center of the room.
Sid was already comfortable sitting in his easy chair with his pants down around his knees. It was always fun to watch Donna work. She had more imagination than most people he knew in the lifestyle. Donna could reduce hard-core subs to blobs of jelly and he had seen her do it. Pam Sweet Pussy was in for the ride of her life. He could hardly wait to see the show.
Donna whispered something in Pam Sweet Pussy’s ear. Sid couldn’t hear it but he saw the effect. Donna jerked Pam’s collar and commanded, “Up girl up.”
Pam Sweet Pussy lifted her arms off the floor. She knelt upright with forearms up and hands limp at the wrist; much like a canine in a dog show. Her mouth open, tongue hanging out, Donna alady had her panting.
“GOOD GIRL!! Are we a happy doggie? Wag that cute little tail for me,” Donna turned and turned at Sid.
Pam gave her ass a little wiggle but clearly not enough; Donna delivered a singing swipe to her ass. “OOOOOOwwwwwwwww” cried Pam.
“Wiggle that tail of yours and show Sid how happy you are or I’ll whip you ’til you bleed.”
Pam then shook her ass so rapidly her whole body was in motion. Sid would have sworn he heard her ass cheeks slapping together. Again Donna brought her lips close to Pam’s ears and whispered. Pam’s lower lip trembled as she anticipated the next command.
“Beg girl, beg!” Donna ordered.
The girl hesitated. Donna didn’t, she brutally yanked Pam’s lean tight and rained down a barrage of stinging slaps on the poor girls cherry red rear.
“I said Beg… Beg!” She ordered.
Without hesitation this time Pam knelt up, throw back her head and let out a continuous stream of barks, “Arf arf arf arf.”
“Now howl like the bitch you are.” Donna’s chuckling voice was like a slap of humiliation.
Pam too frightened not to comply, released a small sight before she sang out, “OOOOwwwwwwoooooooooo OOOOwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooo.”
Donna took advantage of that moment to wet a finger and shove it into Pam’s pussy. Not daring to stop Pam keep up her howling as Donna furiously frigged her cunt Without letup. The effect was electric. Pam was so overwhelmed with sensings she began to furiously gyrate and grind herself into Donna’s hand. Her body was reacting to the onslaughts and it was loving them. She could not deny that she didn’t want Donna to stop working her pussy.
“She’s soaking Sid, she is fucking soaking!! “Ever see such a bitch in heat?”
Donna pulled back her hand and Pam moaned her disappointment. It was several seconds before she could stop shaking.
Donna put her sticky hand in Pam’s mouth and said “Lick it up little doggie, lick up your cunt juice.”
Next Donna reached for what she called her doggie strap-on.It was a huge black rubber cock that she often used to bring her ‘bottoms’ to tears. She wrapped it tightly around her upper thigh with Velcro so that it stood straight up when she sat. Then, dragging a sweaty, horny Pam Sweet Pussy behind her; Donna sat on the chair next to Sid and extended her leg.
“Hmm I think my little doggie is in serious heat.” Donna sniffed at the air like a K-9.
“Fuck is she right” Pam thought. “I would let anyone or anything fuck me right now.”
Pam’s only focus now was how to sooth the relentless burning in her pussy. Donna shoved her toes up Pam’s slit and wiggled them until the girl shuddered and fell forward on all fours facing her torqueor.
“Climb up here and hump yourself on my calendar like the horny little bitch you are.” Donna tugged at the leash.
Pam scanpered up onto Donna’s outstretched calendar; squatted and began to hump it; sliding her pussy up and down up and down. Like a maledog dry humping a leg. At first she was motivated by her fear but soon (too soon) she didn’t want to stop. The drooping folds of her pussy lips grow moist leaving a glistening track on Donna’s calm. With her eyes behind a blindfold it was easy for Pam to forget where she was and what she was doing, she melted into her rhythm and worked for her release. Sid was already pleased with what Donna had done with Sweet Pussy. He pulled out his cock to stroke it with the rhythm of Pam’s bouncing.
“OOOoooooo…little doggie likes that.” Donna piqued. “I’ve got something really special for my little pet, climb up here and sit on my thigh.”
Blindly Pam felt her way up the leg until Donna grabbed her by the waist and centered her pussy above the rubber cock.
“Here we go bitch” Donna shouted, She slammed Pam’s pussy down for the first penetration of what would be a long mind numbing ride.
“Bouncy bouncy fuck toy,” Donna called as she held Pam’s waist and bucked her up and down wildly on her thigh.
Sid was amazed Donna’s strength; he continued to whack at his own problem.
Pam deeply impaled by the huge rubber cock fall forward and put her hands on Donnas shoulders for balance. Grinding and grunting furiously Pam’s mind was gone; she was lost in her appetite and all her appetite demanded was more of that rubber cock.
“God let her let me come,” Pam hoped.
Donna was not nearly satisfied with Pam’s degree of mortification yet ; she wanted Pam completely broken. Do you love it slut?” she called out.
“Yes mistress I love it.” Pam was wiggling and twisting on that rubber cock with abandon.
“Beg me for it doggie bitch!” Donna yelled.
With no hesitation at all, Pam sent out a banshee howl as she felt the first throb of her orgasm advance. “OOOOOwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa, OOOOwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa.”
“Tell me you love me my little doggie fuck toy.”
Between clenched teeth, Pam cried, “I love you mistress, I love you mistress, Ilove you mistress, God I love you mistress!!”
Donna ripped off Pam’s blindfold while simultaneously grabbing hold of the girls bouncing titles. She obviously squeezed the nipples between her thumb and forefinger. The pain was excruciating but adding to the pain was shock. Pam needed just a second to recognize her new and she shrieked “Donna!!?”
Donna cried “Bingo bitch!” and quickened her pace while lifting, twisting and stretching Pam’s sensitive nipples.
Donna was recently denied a promotion at their company because of an evaluation Pam Martini had written. She wrote that Donna was too friendly with the male employees to be an effective manager and generally spread it around the organization that Donna was a bit of a slut. Sid, a long time friend of Donna’s couldn’t stop the evaluation but he let her see a copy of it. Donna was now having the revenge pay-back fuck of her life.
“Who’s the slut now bitch?” she slapped mercilessly at Pam’s tits.
“Owwwwwwwwwwww I am mistress, I’m the slut.” Pam cried.
“Wanna cum on me dumb cunt?” Donna pulled on Pam’s ears and drew their heads close together, “Wanna fuck your mistress?”
“Yes mistress, yes mistress, please let me come on you.” Pam was thoroughly defeated.
“Kiss me dumb cunt and tell me you love me.”
Sweet Pussy leaned forward to kiss Donna. Donna’s tongue shot out and came alive inside Pam’s mouth. When she pulled back she spat full in her toy’s face. Saliva ran down Pam’s cheeks.
Pam Sweet Pussy was sobbing in great heavens now as she closed her eyes and churned her cunt into the rubber cock. Donna wrapped a hand around Pam’s throat and with the other she began to radically bitch slap Pam’s face.
“Love it bitch?” she yelled. SMACK
“Yes Mistress”
“Then fuck me bitch.” SMACK
“Yes Mistress”
Repeatedly Donna slapped and yelled until finally the anguished was seized by an uncontrollable series of body racing spasms that bent herforward like someone was punching her in the stomach.
She grunted “UUUhhhhhhh” at each convulsion until unexpectedly her spine straightened, her head shot back, and she shrieked “AHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
At last, she fell forward on Donna upper body and broke down into unrestrained crying. That was all Sid could handle. He jumped up holding his cock like it was a fire hose got behind Donna and shot gobs of cum all over her back. Donna stood letting Pam; tears still rolling down her face, fall hard to the floor.
Donna not yet finished, got down and pinned Pam’s shoulders to the floor with her knees. She bent over until the tip of her nose was touching Pam’s nose and said. “I hope you enjoyed that Pam Sweet Pussy because I have just started with you and you will not be coming again for a very very long long time.” Then she spat full in Pam’s face.
Turning towards Sid, Donna grinned and winked.
Smiling and shaking his head Sid thought ” You da man Donna, you da man.”
Two Months earlier:
Donna rolled over and nibbled on Sid’s ear. “Thank you master, thank you master thank you master. Can we do it again Master? Pleeeeaaasssssee Master, Pleeeeaaasssssee Master”
Awakening, Sid chuckled at her sarcasm. Donna was a ‘switch’ and when she called Sid ‘Master’ it was just for the current session, if that long. Still, she was his favorite bottom and she new it. “If my little fuck toy will fetch her paddle, I will be happy to toast her ass again.” He offered.
They were off and on partners for years. As a result theirs was no longer a textbook D/s relationship. They had traveled too far, too long together and over time had come to regard each other with respect as equals. Still…she loved it when Sid would slap her ass around and Sid loved to slap it around for her. Sid top, Donna bottom; that about summed them up.
The idea of pairing Donna and Pam Sweet Pussy together stared Sid in the face for months before he was willing to risk the coupling. Aware of the hostility between the two women Sid wasn’t sure about his ability to control what could turn into an explosive situation.
Pam Martini, AKA Pam Sweet Pussy, the MIT, Ivy League bitch was smart, attractive, young and had everything given to her on a silver platter. Sid had made her his reluctant collar a while back but had not really taken her much further than fuck-toy. Lately, he felt she was beginning to enjoy that role a bit too much.
Donna on the other hand was a scrapper. The daughter of a single parent mom, she went to night schools and worked to make every opportunity she ever had. In addition, at 41 she was one great looking mature woman. However, what Sid liked about her most was that she was a true, died in the wool, no compromise, unapologetic slut. She loved sex. She thought about it all the time and when she wasn’t thinking about it she was doing it.
It was natural for her and Sid to match up via a BDSM personals web site. Donna was a young subbie wannabe who found Sid; an older experienced Dom, just the patient teacher she was looking for. Problem was, he was in North Carolina and she was in Albuquerque. They corresponded for a long time before they decided to meet. When they did; Donna knew she would never go back to Albuquerque. She immediately moved in with Sid, then moved out, then moved back in, she got jobs, she lost jobs, until she finally settled down after Sid got her a decent position at his Corporation. Over the years she had developed into a loyal, if squirrelly, friend, a good employee, and an outstanding session partner.
Sid always feel that Donna was playing at being a submissive; playing well, but still, just playing. When he saw her rear her dominant side from time to time; he Thought she was magnificent. He suspected she was a latent D and that was the Donna he wanted Pam Sweet Pussy to encounter. So one evening, he finally told Donna about the evaluation the managers had received from Pam about Donna’s performance. Pam had thrown a black-ball into Donna’s file and cost her a promotion. She was climbing up by keeping Donna down. Sid had known about it for weeks.
He found it hard to believe the little bitch was still pulling that kind of shit after what he was putting her through. He was planning his own special treatment for Pam Sweet Pussy but now he decided to turn Donna loose on Pam.
When he called Donna into his office one day to show her the evaluation; his friend’s response was predictable. She whispered through clanced teeth, “I am going to beat the fuck outta that bitch.”
Sid restrained her and filled her in on Pam’s situation as his captive. A purely evil smile crossed Donna’s face when she put the puzzle together. “So when can I have her Sid? When can I have her?”
“Problem is,” Sid said in a sarcastic drawl… “I have her prepared to meet a really dominant mistress, I’m not interested in a luvy duvy lesbo session, do you know where I can find a strong female ‘dominant’ to handle her?”
Donna raised her eyesbrows, “Don’t fuck with me Sid, what do you want, do you want me to beg…you know I could take her apart… let me at her!”
“I’m just not sure you’re up to it subby”, Sid teased. “I haven’t seen your dominant side in so long I’m not sure I was right about you.”
“Sid, for this I can be the Queen Goddess Mother of Dominant Mistress Bitches. Let me at her!” Donna’s eyes alone were enough to convince Sid that she was right. Still he played his game.
“Convince me of that and she’s yours.” Sid laid down a challenge.
Donna paused and thought a moment while staring at her friend. She liked the verbal sparing Sid always pulled her into. She liked Sid.
Her eyes lit up as an idea took hold. “OK, here’s the deal. Let’s get a room at the Reserve Hotel next Friday. You stay in the bedroom closet and I’ll go down to the bar and pick up a vanilla. If I can make the guybeg for his mommy before the night is through, Pam is mine. Deal?” Donna smiled.
Sid did not quite expect this approach. He thought a moment and responded,” O K, I like it, but Donna, no weight lifters, kick boxes or bikers. If I have to pull some asshole off of you, make sure he’s a wimp.”
Donna pursued her lips and blew him a kiss. “Sid, my hero, you so sweet.”
As she walked away she realized her panties were soaking. She checked her pursuit for her vibrator then took a quick left towards the ladies room.
Friday night was certainly date night at the Reserve Hotel. Sid paused just long enough in the foyer to glimpse Donna on the prowl in the bar.
“Some guy is gonna have quite an evening.” he thought, as he stepped into the elevator.
He could not have been in the closet for more than fifteen minutes (seemed likes hours) when he heard the rattle of keys in the hotel room lock. Then the muffled sounds of a drunken conversation and people fumbling with clots. Donna could always pull men out of a room at will. She was good. Sid sat back to watch her show.
Suddenly, Donna and her pickup crashed into the bedroom and fell on the bed in a shadowy heap. Sid’s eyes bulged. The guy was fucking huge. Huge. No doubt, Donna had looked for the biggest guy she could find to take up to the room; just to fuck with Sid. As he focused on the guy, he realized he probably couldn’t take him out with a club. Donna was pretty much on her own. Actually, this was one of the things he loved about Donna. Never dull. Never fucking dull.
The light snapped on filling the room with light. “Let’s get a look at you lover, I want to see what I’m working with here.” Donna already naked dove across the bed and reached for the guys belt. He was busy tearing his shirt off. Ripping down his trousers and underpants in one quick swoosh, her mouth went right for his genitals.
“Whoa” He witnessed as his knees buckled.
Just as unexpectedly as she began to suck him she stopped. He was still thrusting before he realized there was no longer a mouth around his cock.
He let out an indistinguishable grunt before he said “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, love we have all night and me want to love you long time GI.” She flashed her teeth at him.
Then she darted back to his cock and swallowed it down to the root. The guy shuddered as she began a rapid deep throat treatment. Without warning, she stopped again.
“Hey what’s the…” Before he could finish Donna shoved a wet finger up his ass and began to massage his prostate.
When his jaw dropped she went back to work on his cock. Which she did expertly. She continued this stop and go blow job anal massage until the guy could’t stand upright any longer. He fell to the floor on his knees.
“Want more lover?” Donna asked.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“Well ask for it,” she bent down until her mouth hovered over his cock. He could feel her hot breath.
“Suck me!”he barked and tried to grab hold of her head.
She didged his attack, leaned back on the bed opened her legs and started toying with her clip. “Ask nicely love…ask nicely.”
The guy shook his head to clear it and said, “Please suck me baby.”
“Try, please suck me… mistress,” Donna stared at him hard letting her tongue roll around and around her wet lips. All the while stroking her clip.
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Please suck me…mistress.”
“Good Boy” she cried, pulling him up on the bed.
She soon had him prone with his cock pointing straight up into the air. Her blowjob was an advanced study in cock tease. Sometimes her finger was up his ass as she deep throated him, other times she grabbed him with both hands and frigged him like she was curning butter. Stopping now, starting again. Blowing, sucking, licking. It was the sporadic stop and go that was making him crazy. In a daze he grabbed her and throw her on her back.
“Fuck me baby.” he snapped.
She bounced right up on her knees, grabbed his cock and started to stroke it.
“I’ll fuck you when I’m ready love, I’ll fuck you so well you will worship me. Ask me nicely to fuck you love.” Her strokes were putting him into a daze again.
“Please fuck me…mistress.”
“Get on your knees and face the headboard lover.” she was a little delicious at this point. He turned and faced the bedpost without question. Donna wasted no time. She shoved her face deep between his cheeks and stuck her tongue far into his asshole. Her hands reached forward grabbing his cock and she stroked him in rhythm to her tongue pokes. He had never felt such sensings and could no longer rationally process the messages that his body was sending to his mind. His whole world was the pleasure coming from his cock and his ass.
He might have objected if he had not abandoned his mind by now, but when she slipped the vibrator into his ass; he just lowered hiself onto his forearms and gave Donna better advantage to shove it in and out. Shortly, Donna turned the vibrations on full and pushed it into him to the hilt. He buried his head in the pillows as he let out a howl.
She patted him on the ass. “Do not move lover.” Donna whispered in his ear…” I’ll throw you out of here if you do.”
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