They speak of the loneliness of command and it’s 100% correct. Being the Captain isn’t easy, far from it but sex is certainly one way to save the stress day to day.
And if one-on-sex wasn’t available then masturbation was the only other way particularly after a long watch in fog or manoeuvring the mighty vessel into port.
He had a fertile imagination and even though he was now in his forties, his early forties, he could still manage four, maybe five wanks a day. Well most days anyway.
He had never married, argued with himself that he’d never met ‘The One’, although that wasn’t strictly true but she had been married to someone else, and all the other women he’d been with paled next to her.
His last leave had been a bit dry, well actually a drought. He hadn’t managed to pick up any suitable women, not one. Maybe he was losing his touch or maybe just getting old. The thought of not getting some sex, even if it wasn’t regular, scared him. But now he was back on board and had already had a walk through the casino and nightclub eyeing up the passengers. None had particularly caught his eye, although there was a group of British girls who had ranged from slim but not really attractive to, shall we say, good looking and overly volunteer. Maybe towards the end of their fortnight on board he might chance his hand.
He hadn’t had sex with many passengers and shyed away from the crew girls even though many of the dancers and singers, most of who came and went regularly as the shows were changed, were gorgeous. Of course they knew they were, and up their own arses, as the parlance goes.
On the first sea day after re-joining after his latest leave he had decided to walk through the ship and came across a game show in the nightclub. It was a bit meh, and he made a mental note to talk to the cruise director as the graspvine had shook down some complaints about the on board entertainment or lack of it.
What did catch his attention wasthe lady comppering the show. Petite and dark haired, pretty, and curvaceous, the one thing that didn’t attract him was the dour uniform, although the short jacket and trouser suit did show off her quite glorious arse. He stood and watched in the darkness for a few minutes, admiring her delivery and her sassy demeanour. Now she was a definite positive to the ship and as he turned to walk away, back to his cabin, he thought he would find out more about her, and mark her down as a promotion possibility.
Lying in bed he found himself thinking of her, this nameless brunette and within a minute a delicious wanktasy, a fantasy made for wank perfection, raced through his head. Of course the outcome was quickly an erection and he began to slowly masturbate as, in his minds eye, he sucked her firm perfect tits, licked her shamen cunt to an explosive orgasm, her shaped legs wearing his favourite lace top stockings gripping his head, then fucked her mouth, then her cunt, then her mouth again, before finishing with a facial, with three streams of cum shooting across her eyesbrows, her nose and her luscious red lips. God, if she was half as good in real life as in his fantasy then she’d be a fabulous fuck!
The following day, with the ship safely berthed and cleared he ventured back onto the bridge and looked down at the jetty to see the progress of the shoregoing. Passengers streamed towards the waiting coaches, off to sample Cadiz and Andalusia. He was just about to go and oversee the signing-off of some crew, including performers and the signing-on of their replacements, not that he needed to as the Purser was more than capable. It was then that he saw the slight figure walking back against the tide of people, clipboard in hand, having dispatched and waved off her designed coaches. He grabbed the binarys and trained them on her. She had a nice swing to her hips, waving at passengers as they passed and stopped to talk to a few.
As she continued on her wayshe suddenly looked up at the bridge, as if aware that she was being watched. He kept the binarys on her, she obviously wouldn’t be able to see his face behind them, and she smiled up at him. My god she was pretty, understood and completely natural with barely a hint of make up. He guessed she was maybe mid thirties and wondered if she was married or attached. It was only as she reached the foot of the gangway Did he realise it was the girl from the game show. She was held up by more and more passengers disembarking and he decided to head down there and hopefully engineer a chance meeting.
He took the internal lift, behind the luxury facade in the distinctly industrial interior of the ship and carefully opened the door before stepping out into the security area. He greeted the security officer and his dependy asking how things were going and after a few minutes the quite stunning brunette stepped off the gangway and passed security. He manoeuvred himself to be directly in herpath, then turned sideways to allow her to slide past in the cramped alleyway. This was achieved without touching her in any way, but allowed him to glance down at her ID badge. Her first name was quite incomprehensible but the surprise clearly Spanish: Perez and her home country underneath: Argentina which surprised him, plus some flags with the languages she spoke: Spanish of course, English, Italian and French. Clearly she was an accomplished woman and he was immediately impressed. He quickly glanced at her, nice complexion with a few freckles, which surprised him, minimal make up but in truth she hardly needed it.
He engaged in a little small talk, never his forté he was the first to admit, and when an apparent sudden rush of shoregoers emerged from the bank of lifts he ushered Miss Perez towards the stairs, never a favourite of the American guests in particular, in order to get far from the madding crowd. Just before they started the climb up they had to negotiate passage past a wheelchair-bound elderly passenger waiting patiently for her turn to disembark. She looked up at him and said “Well played Captain and good luck.” Finishing off with an extravagant wink, unseen by Miss Perez just in front of him. He smiled back at her and rolled his eyes upwards.
“I’m ashamed to say that your name is quite confusing. Is that the word? Maybe confounding? Or maybe I’m just being thick.”
She compounded his befuddled comment by saying “What, Perez?”
“No, the first one.” She put her right hand over the badge and waved her left hand in dismissal.
“It’s Tina, everyone just calls me Tina.”
They reached the next deck up and it was deathly quiet in comparison to the deck the gangway was on, and made it much easier to talk.
“I’ve never been in the bridge.” she said, quite out of the blue.
“On the bridge. You go on the bridge rather than in.”
“Oh right. So it’s ‘I saw you on the bridge even though you were in the bridge’?”
He immediately knew he’d been rumbled looking at her through the binarys.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Do you often watch people with binarys?”
“It depends on if the subject is interesting enough.”
“And was it?”
“Yes, very.”
“And the bridge?”
“Perhaps I could give you the tour sometimes? When you’re not engaged.”
“I’m not, nor am I married.” She flourished her left hand to show she wore no rings on her third finger.
The inference hung in the air for a second or two, but it seemed like an eternity.
“I’m just going to have a coffee, would you care to join me Miss Perez?”
“I’m sorry Captain but I’m a little tied up.” She smiled sweetly adding “I believe with a game show.”
The thought that she might well be literally a little tied up given half a chance flashed through his mind, but ever the gentleman he smiled and carried on walking towards the overpriced coffee outlet. Not for him of course, as the ladies who worked there knew his order, a macchiato and two of those delicious almond cookies, and although it went on his account it was ultimately all gratis for the Master of the vessel.
As their paths reached the place where they would inevitably go their separate ways she half turned to him and said quietly “but I will be available in an hour.”
He nodded and in barely a whisper replied “I wish to see you in my office in thirty minutes Miss Perez. Please re-arrange your schedule accordingly.” And with that he strode away, satisfied with his morning’s work, a smile on his face that you couldn’t remove with a chisel.
He got his coffee and went to his cabin. The after outer door led straight into his office, a windowless space, then forward to his dayroom and forward again to his bedroom and en suite bathroom. Both dayroom and bedroom had an external window on the starboard side and although not nearly as big as some of the accommodation he had had on other merchant ships, it was a far cry from the double cabin Tina shared with another girl from the events team: twin buns and hardly room to swing a cat, with intimacy a near impossibility.
He went into his office and not wishing to spill coffee on his white uniform shirt and trousers undressed in his bedroom and hung both up, he took out a white company polo shirt and tennis shorts, de rigeur off duty attire. He peeled off his socks and contemplated Whether to lose the underwear or not. They ended up being slung into the dhobi bucket along with the white socks. Dhobi bucket? Just a bucket you put your dirty washing in, which makes it easier to carry to the laundry.
He stepped into the shower and quickly freshened up, a bit over the top for a bridge tour, but hope springs eternal, as did a healthy erection as he thought of the delectable Señorita Perez. He took the Gillette razor and the shaving gel and carefully shacked his scrotum and trimmed the rest of his hair back using the barbers scissors he always carried, then rinsed off and brushed his teeth.
It only took him five minutes to dry off and dress, slipping his feet into a pair of espadrilles, sprayed on some Aramis, his favourite after shake, brushed his spiky blond hair and sat down to drink his coffee. He glanced at the clock, maybe she wasn’t coming after all. Oh well, maybe he had been a bit too forced, too commanding, she was South American after all, and clearly an independent headstrong woman, when the quiet knock started him.
His heart was racing, pulsing in his ears, this woman had really had an effect on him and he tried to breathe in through his nose to calm himself. The second knock was more independent and he stood and went into the small office.
“Come in.”
The door opened slowly and the breath was knocked out of him as she came into view. She was dressed all in black, a black blouse with a high collar, trimmed with black lace, very demure but not exactly made for ripping off, a black pleated skirt which came to mid thigh, definitely more sexual potential there, with a wide black patent leather belt cinching in her waist. Her shapely legs were clad in plain black stockings. Well he hoped they were stockings but he conceded they were probably tights, the look finished off with flat black pumps. Her hair was completely different from 35 minutes earlier; very cute pigtails, expertly braided and finished off with black ribbons. She wore more make up too; smoke eyes, longer eyelashes and glossy red lips. The overall effect was breathtaking and completely throw the normally unflappable Captain.
“C..come in.” he stammered.
“The bridge?” she ventured.
“Will still be there.” he countered and took her by the hand gently drawing her into the tastefully decorated office. He closed the door behind her and ushered her into the dayroom.
“Wow this is really nice Captain.”
He raised an eyebrow, pursued his lips and inclined his head as she completed the sentence;” in comparison to my …box.”
She was correct of course. He offered her a glass of vino but she decided as she was essentially still on duty and settled on a cuppa.
As he made the tea they chatted and he established that she had been on board less than a month. He knew her trip length was unlikely to be less than six months, some of the crew did nine, while his own trip length was three months as it was for all the senior officers.
She sat in the only chair in the room and he sat on the day bed, the built in sofa. She was amusing and coy and he totally fell for her, inside five minutes. She was breathtaking in everything respect but more than anything he really wanted to fuck her.
The phone rang and he went into the office to answer it. It wasn’t important and as he turned he noted her posture, upright, knees together, very demore and proper, a real lady, not the usual type who enjoyed sailors company.
She put her tea cup and saucer on the coffee table andglanced up at him, smiling nervously.
He stopped dead in his tracks and smiled as he said “Miss Perez”
“Please Captain, call me Tina.” she interrupted.
He cleared his throat. “Tina, you are the most attractive woman I have met for many, many years,” he went on “I can only apologise in advance, but I have an overwhelming urge to kiss you.”
Her expression turned from smile turned to surprise.
“Are you sure Captain?” and then quizzical.
“Yes, please may I kiss you?”
“Well yes, but I saw at least four dancers this morning who..”
He cut short her self deprecation: “Who I wouldn’t trust with a pre-paid hundreds dollar Mastercard never mind to be discrete!”
“And you would trust me?”
“I’d like to think so. Well, I hope so.”
Tina stood up and didn’t wait for anything else to be said, just reached up and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him with a password bordering on ferocity.
The kiss having lasted several minutes moved from her mouth to her neck and he gently turned her so he was almost behind her. He pulled down the zip on her blouse, which came half way down her back. He kissed the nape of her neck then overlapped kisses downwards as he pushed the blouse towards her shoulder, exposing her black bra. The back panels of the bra were trimmed with black satin either side of black mesh. He licked and kissed along the mesh as far as he could, undid the hook-and-eye bra fastenings and then said “Tina, may I touch you please?”
“Yes Captain.” came her reply, which was hardly out of her mouth when he grabbed her right breast with his left hand and squeezed it roughly, which prompted her to plead “Please don’t hurt me Captain, please.”
He stood upright and without letting go of her full firm breast he took her left ear lobe between his teeth and bit gently then said “I have no intention of hurting you Señorita Perez but unless you have objects otherwise I do intend to fuck you, but first I need to get my tongue in your cunt. I think that’s something we probably both need right now, n’est ce que pas?” He didnt speak Spanish but his French was passable.
A thought flashed through his brain and made him freeze momentarily. Where the fuck did that come from he thought?
He let go of her breast and reached down to undo her shiny leather belt which he allowed to fall to the deck. He then unbuttoned the two large buttons on the waistband of her skirt, pulling the zip right down as it to found it’s way down to the deck, past the perfect hemispheres of her gloriously glorgeous arse and shaped legs.
His disappointment that she wasn’t wearing stockings but tights was but momentary and he dropped to his knees and pulled tights and black lace kneeers together down to Her ankles. She reached down cross handed and pulled the hem of her blouse up and over her head, until she wore only her bra which promptly fell away. As he knelt he lifted her feet in turn and removed pumps, tights and knickers leaving her totally naked. She was even more gorgeous than in his fantasy and he traced his right hand up the back of her left leg pushing inside her right tight with the back of his hand forcing her to open her legs ever so slightly as she shifted her weight. He caressed her right buttock with his right hand and leaned in and kissed her left cheek. Her skin tasted delicious.
He allowed his fingers to slip between her arse chefs past her perineum and then onto her cunt. He raised an eyebrow as he encountered public hair, soft downy and definitely short and curly but pushed on, parting her lips and slipping two fingers into her hot wet vagina aided by his thumb. His left hand meanwhile had caressed her tummy. It wasn’t washboard tight like he suspected many of the Dancers had but it was soft and quite lovely and he allowed his fingers to trace down to her hairline. Her pubes were trimmed into a strip, soft and long enough to twirlThey in his fingers for a second. He continued down and parted her lips with his index and third fingers, crooking his middle finger to locate her clip and began to apply pressure while he massed it in circles, both clockwise and then anti clockwise. She moaned and her head seemed to jerk before she throw her head back and grunted.
That thought flashed through his minds eye again and it made him freeze, if only for a second or two but she noticed and looked down at him. “Everything ok, or are you disappointed?”
“Disappointed? God no, anything but. Although..l” He looked up at her and smiled in reassurance.
“Although I was hoping you’d be wearing stockings not tights. It’s something I’m a bit addicted to.”
She pursued her lips “Hmm, sorry I don’t have any, so maybe you’ll have to buy me some.”
That, he decided, would not be a problem, indeed it would be a pleasure, although getting ashore wasn’t something he could easily do unless they had an overnight somewhere. A brief discussion on the practices followed and it was decided that Tina would go ashore and buy him a nice surprise, clutching his Euros of course.
“Am I the only one getting naked today?” She asked playfully.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the hip, allowing the fingers of his right hand to slip out of her cunt which he immediately brought up to his nose. He breathed in her muscles which she observed without reaction but then he put his fingers in his mouth, tasting her juices, closing his eyes in appreciation and leaning his head back. She breathed in deeply through her nose turned on by him appreciating her taste. She took hold of a handful of his fair hair in her left hand and reached down slipping two fingers into her sopping wet cunt, coated them before withdrawing them then shoving them into his mouth replacing his own fingers. His right hand moved onto her bottom his left hand straying down to his cock as if to reassure himself that he was erect. He needsn’t have worried.
“Take you hand off me, and don’t you dare wank yourself without permission.” she grew. “Put you hands behind your back when you’re tasting my come.”
He did it unquestioningly excited by the change in her demeanour and she smiled as he obeyed. She withdraw her fingers from his mouth and re-wet them in her cunt, before putting all four back in his mouth.
THAT thought flashed across his frontal lobe and he struggled to catch his breath. Thinking she was choking him she withdrew her fingers and wiped her hand by grabbing a handful of hair effectively changing hands over. She then turned to her right, so she was facing the bedroom door and dragged him towards it by his hair with him scrambling behind her.
Once inside she let go of his hair, and, after telling him to strip, shut the door in his face. She looked around the bedroom and en suite then sat on the edge of the high bed.
Meanwhile in the dayroom he shed his clothes, he wore only a polo shirt, white shorts and espadrilles which took him about five seconds to shed. He left them in a pile by the daybed and opened the bedroom door. She sat with her legs crossed and smiled up at him then immediately at his erect cock, his shamen scrotum and clipped back pubes. She beckoned him forward, reaching out so she could wrap her small slender fingers around his cock. She pulled him close Then opened her mouth and slide her bright red lips over his cock head and as she withdraw raked her teeth across his glans, making him catch his breath. And that thought again! Oh fuck, this was getting dangerous!
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