The Business of Samantha Ch. 05

The nude white slave girl lay prostrate in front of her mistress, N’Pana.

She had now been enslaved for over a month, and had just returned from being spared to her owner’s friend, N’Butu, for fourteen days.

Since being tricked into enslavement by N’Pana, her mind and body were now run as a business asset. Her new owners were moulding her to ensure the highest value on the auction block, which was being achieved through degradation and punishments that she had never before imagined. Her previous life as a successful, educated businesswoman had been taken away from her, and had been replaced by an existence of obedience and servitude. She had laboured naked in the fields, and was trained to service the sexual needs of both men and women.

N’Pana read the document produced by N’Butu and her husband, summarising the unfortunate Samantha’s progress during the recent leisure of her person. It was like a parent reading out a school report to their child.

“You haveclearly worked hard, and endured punishment well whenever you slackened,” said the Mistress.

Samantha knew to keep her mouth shut in front of her owner. The report seemed quite positive, and so she hoped that she would be spared punishment.

“However, your abilities with regard to fucking need to be improved! Cunnilingus is rated as good, but fallatio is specified here as being mediocre. You appear to have no imagination at all when it comes to sexual positions.”

How could this be, thought Miss Barrington? She had provided coitus to N’Butu and K’Naka for hours at a time. K’Naka had cum over her body three times during the last marathon session.

“It’s not a lack of dedication and work. It’s an insufficiency of suitable tutoring. I can’t blow you, but N’Sisi is still going to have to have to administrator harsh justice to your backside for this.”

N’Sisi selected a wooden paddle for the remediation. Samantha was marched through to the kitchens so that the servants couldwatch.


“She is becoming more profitable with each lesson that we bestow upon her,” said K’Tunu. “I estimate that we have doubled her income value since you first enveloped her. However, there is still work to be done.”

They could hear N’Sisi administratoring justice to poor Samantha’s bottom. There was an almighty whack, followed by a yelp from the unfortunate blonde slave. It sounded like she would be learning her lesson.

“I agree, my love. There is so much potential in this asset, and we should exploit it to the full.”

“What do you recommend next?” asked K’Tunu.

Another loud walloping sound, and another scream from Samantha. They could hear her sobbing now.

“The filthy Lord that was mentioned in N’Butu’s note. He sounds particularly perverted. Do you think he could mentor the white girl?” asked N’Pana.

“We could lease her out to him. Perhaps we could give a reduction to him in exchange for extending her education?” said K’Tunu.

Samantha hurried past to resume her duties. Tears ran down her face. She was rubbing her bottom, which glowed red.


Samantha and N’Juta stood in line, with their legs apart and hands behind their heads, fully naked. Their pussies had been freshly shavled, and they glistened due to the oil that had been rubbed all over their bodies. A chain, perhaps eight foot long, went from Samantha’s collar to N’Juta’s.

N’Juta was the alpha in the slave team where Samantha normally worked. The beautiful ebony maiden was very well brought up, having attended private school in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, her family had fallen on hard times, and so due to the accrugal of debt N’Juta had been sold into slavery.

This annoyed her endlessly. Imagine being the spoilt daughter of wealthy parents, and then suddenly being made to labour outdoors, under the whip, in the altogether, as well as being trained to provide sexual service to her owners?

Perhaps this was why she was so aggressive towards Samantha. She would tease, spank and ravish the poor white girl whenever she chose. Poor Samantha would always end up, after giving and receiving release, with an exceedingly red backside.

Normally, they would work in the orchard naked, collecting the special Natawe fruit that was used in the making of the country’s potential aphrodisiac. However, their owners had decided that they would be hired out for a different purpose for the next couple of weeks.

They were standing in the kitchen of Bibury’s villa, waiting for Lord Bibury the younger to come and view the two assets that had been placed under his tutelage.

N’Pana had spoken with him about educating Samantha in the ways of sexual submissiveness, of which he was quite the expert. Bibury agreed, as long as N’Juta was thrown in as part of the deal.

The two slaves had walked, chained and naked, all the way to Bibury’s home. By this stage Samantha had been distributed so fervently that she didn’t need to be supervised by one of the maids for the journey.

They stood naked on display in Bibury’s villa, waiting for him to arrive…


The chain was affixed to Samantha and N’Juta’s collar by N’Sisi, after they had been summoned from the orchard and oiled.

“Go five mile down road to white boss Bibury’s house. You anxious or both get wallop!” said N’Sisi, and then gave them directions.

N’Sisi spanked Samantha’s backside, leaving a deep red mark on her buttock the shape of the wooden paddle.

“N’Sisi know if you not turn up. N’Juta – you make sure filterthy white girl behave!”

“Yes, N’Sisi,” said the slender black girl.

They hurried quickly along the road, more concerned about arrival on time than being seen walking naked in public. The chain binding them together made it awkward to navigate any observations such as trees and bushes.

“You’ll have to step more lively, Samantha!” said N’Juta.

“I’m doing my best, but mypoor bottom’s really singing,” replied Samantha while rubbing her reddened backside. “It’s all right for you, you don’t get spanked and paddled as much as I do!”

“Then you should work harder at pleasure the master and mistress,” replied the ebony beauty.

“Lord knows I try so hard, N’Juta. But whatever I do never seem to be good enough.”

Samantha was now accepting of her position in society and the associated politics that determined whether she was to be fucked, rewarded or paddled.

“I’ll whip your bloody backside again if you don’t shape up!” said N’Juta. “I don’t care very much for being sent to Lord Bibury to be molested for the next two weeks. It’s all thanks to you and your lack of expertise in the saddle, so don’t expect me to handle you with kid gloves if you’re not doing what you’re supposed to.”

A wagon and horses was on the road, carrying a man and a woman. It slowed and pulled over.

“What’s this?” said the male driver, pulling the reins”Two slaves, walking down the road naked? I didn’t think that sort of thing was common now.”

“Our overseaser follows the traditional ways, free citizen,” replied N’Juta, smiling. ” The same as in the old days, when Queen N’Zinga was on the throne. It makes sure that we know our place.”

N’Juta kicked Samantha, who got the message and smiled broadly. The overseer had taught them to Always show willing and be respectful to free persons that they didn’t know.

The black lady sitting in the wagon climbed down to look more closely. She went over to Samantha.

“Goodness, a naked white girl. And you’re so pretty. How did you end up like this?”

“I’m honoured and blessed to be the slave of mistress N’Pana,” replied Samantha, smiling and trying to look as ecstatic as possible about her position. “We’re dressed as slaves should be. No spoiling us with clothes!”

The black woman reached forward and fondled the poor white girl’s breast. The slave’s nipples hardened.She reached down to Samantha’s sex and felt her wetness.

“I see that you have had the aphrodisiac applied. How often do you receive it?” said the black woman.

“We bend over and have it latered over our sex every few days, madam. It keeps us in line and obedient.”

“Goodness gracious! A few drops is usually enough to keep a girl rampant for weeks. But you have it poured on every few days? How do you cope?”

“We’re blessed by our owners whenever they fuck us, madam,” replied the embarrassed white girl, trying to look as contented as possible.

“Darling, tie the horses,” she said to the driver. “We’ve got time for a little pleasure before we push on.”

The black woman slapped Samantha’s red backside and ordered her to walk into the bushes by the side of the road. N’Juta, being chained to the unfortunate white girl, had to trail behind. The black woman’s husband followed, griping N’Juta’s buttock.

Samantha was pushed down on the grass onto her back, and the black woman sat astride her face.

“Be a good girl and lick hard. Suck my nubbin well, or I’ll get my wooden paddle from the wagon.”

Samantha commenced teasing the free woman. She licked the labia and searched with her tongue for the bud. She could feel the woman’s hands on her sex, stroking her. Her hips bucked as a fire started to rage in her cunny.

Meanwhile, the black man put his hands on N’Juta’s shoulders and pushed her down to her knees. He pulled out his cock, and the black slave girl put it in her mouth. She applied herself with as much vigour as possible, slurping and drooling while falling him.


It went better for Samantha than for N’Juta. The woman had made an effort to please the white slave girl with her fingers, so they both orgasmed.

“You both did Very well. If we ever meet your owners, we’ll tell them that you’re prime assets and worth every penny.”

The black couple got back on their wagon and drive off.

Samantha got up and dusted herself down. N’Juta was still on her knees, looking angle. Semen dribbled from her chin down onto her breasts.

“The first chance I get, I’m going to drop you in the shit,” said N’Juta.


Samantha and N’Juta, standing in line and displaying themselves, could hear booted footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Bibury appeared and stood in front of them.

“Well, then,” he began. “It looks like I have my work cut out for me. You walked here naked and chained to each other, and that’s how you will spend your time for the next two weeks. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master,” said the girls in unison.

“That doesn’t sound very enthusiastic!” boomed the filthy Lord.

“Yes, master!” they shouted, putting on the biggest smiles they could muster.

“That’s better,” said Bibury. He walked around, examining the two bodies that were oiled and exposed for him.

“You apparently need lessons in fucking, white girl,” he said, squaring up to Samantha. “Now should I invite some friends round to help, or should I just pop you both in the local brother for a few days?”

“Please, sir, we’re at your mercy and know our place,” replied the smiling slave. “Good slaves do just as they are told. I promise to learn how to fuck properly.”

“That’s a good start,” said Bibury. “Go upstairs to the fun room at the top of the stairs and we’ll find out what you’re capable of. We can work from there.”

Bibury slapped Samantha’s backside.

“Don’t just stand there showing off your fans. You’ve got work to do!”

The two girls hurried off up the stairs. When they got to the top, N’Juta grabbed Samantha and pinched her nipple roughly.

“Just remember where you are in the pecking order,” she whispered to the white slave girl.

The two slaves went into the large room. They could not believe what they saw. The walls were lined with devices for perversion and punishment. Whips, paddles, nipple clamps, butt plugs, canes…

In the middle of the room were what looked like motorised devices for spanking and stimulating unfortunate slave girls.

“If there’s any spanking to be done, you’re the one who’ll be on the receiving end, and I’m the one who’ll be doling it out. Understand?” barked N’Juta.

Samantha nodded and accepted her fate.

One of Bibury’s slave girls walked in. She was Chinese looking, and wore a white smock, as well as a slave collar.

“Two filter bitches ready to be trained?” she laughed, in a well-heeled English accent. “Your bums will be black and blue before the first session is over.”

N’Juta stared at Samantha with the most hate-filled look imagineable.


The two slave girls lay on the floor, with spreader bars attached to their ankles keeping their legs apart. The bars were attached by a long chain to pulleys in the ceiling.

Bibury and his Chinese slave girl started pulling the chains hanging from the pulleys to hoist them up.

Samantha and N’Juta stared in appreciation as their trusted feet rose. As their legs reached the vertical, they felt their bottoms being lifted. Then their shoulders departed the floor, and eventually they hung there with their heads at waist height, still joined by the chain.

“A splendid view, don’t you think Changying?” said Bibury, laughing.

“Like meat ready to be tenderised,” replied the beautiful Asian.

Changying walked over to the instruments on the wall next to her. She chose a leather paddle.

“Does this meet your needs, master?” She had a mischievous smile on her face.

“An excellent start, Changying! You can make sure they both behave decently. Or rather, actually!” he laughed.

He stood near N’Juta’s face.

“Hurry up and get it out then, young lady!”

Changying walled N’Juta hard across her buttocks with the leather paddle, bringing a yelp from the dangling black slave. She quickly undid Bibury’s zip and broughtout his cock, placing her lips around it. Another slap with the leather and her head was bobbing back and forth, making slurping noises.

After a few minutes, and several walls, Bibury held her head tight to his groin as he came. As he withdraw, a long string of cum mixed with saliva trailed from his cock to N’Juta’s mouth.

“That was damn good, girl. Let’s see if your fellow slave can reach the same high bar that you’ve set,” exclaimed the filthy Lord.

N’Juta reached up to rub her sore bum. Having been enslaved for a year now, she had got to know how to behave, and thus very rarely found herself being punished. The useless white slave was going to suffer when they got back to the orchard!

Bibury placed his member in front of Samantha’s face. The virile Lord’s cock was still Surprisingly erect! Perhaps he used the aphrodisiac oil also?

“Off you go, girl!”

Samantha throw her face into stimulating his manhood. She licked and sucked for all she was worth, but that didn’t spare her from Changying’s fierce spanking.

“Use your tongue to stimulate the tip, there’s a good girl,” said Bibury.

Whack! Another stroke from the leather paddle.

“Lick around the shake, and get it right down your throat. No, much deeper than that.”


“Now put one of my balls in your mouth and cares it with your tongue.”



Bibury finally came across the white slave’s face. Her backside had changed colour from the intense walloping. There was a dark red patch across each buttock which contrasted starkly with her tanned skin. She hung, exhausted and spent. Her backside was on fire.

“Progress is certainly being made, and I see you’re making the effort,” said Bibury, “but I think Changying is going to have to have to step it up a notch.”

The Chinese girl smiled and went to retrieve another tool from the wall. She came back with a stiff riding crop.

“Shall we work on the white slut’s breasts, master?”

“Damn fine idea, Changying,” replied the master of the house. “I honestly don’t know what I’d do without your skills!”

Changying smiled and accepted the compliment. Samantha shuddered.


N’Juta lay on her back on the floor. She wore a strapon, with the straps going around her waist and groin.

Samantha rode the mock phallus, kneeing with her legs either side of N’Juta. Their collars were still attached together by the long chain. Samantha gyrated her hips fiercely, dripping with sweat. Her cunny was on fire, and she was close to cumming again.

N’Juta held the riding crop firmly in her hand. Whenever Samantha slowed or false, she whipped one or other of the white girl’s breasts.

“Ouch!” exclaimed Samantha, as the crop slapped firecely against her nipple.

“Put some effort in, you stupid girl!” ordered N’Juta.

Bibury sat on a wooden chair, with Changying kneeing next to him. They both laughed and cheered as Samantha was put through her paces.

“The black girl seems keen to discline her fellow slave,” said Changying to her master.

“An interesting dynamic, don’t you think?” replied Bibury. “I never thought we’d get this sort of enthusiasm when we ordered her to discline the white slut.”

“I’ll still make sure that the black girl gets some decent bruises on her derriere,” asserted Changying. “She should know who’s in charge, even if she dominates the white pussy.”

“I think these two will be a delightful addition to our party tomorrow evening,” said Bibury, laughing. “That gives us today and tomorrow to make sure that the white girl achieves the appropriate level of filtering.”


Bibury sat, naked, at his desk. Samantha sat astride his cock, on his lap, facing away from him. On the desk was an old manuscript, from before the days of Queen N’Zinga.

The document was quite explicit in its detailed drawings of positions for cooperation, with written descriptionions below each illustration.

Samantha rode his cock, gyrating her hips with each thrust. The aphrodisiac was doing its job, and the combination of forced nudity and domination was bringing Samantha close to orgasm again. She felt both ashamed and excited by her prediction, which made her blush and also turned up the heat between her legs. She had no control over her body now.

“You’re starting to get the idea, you filthy girl!” blurted Bibury. “I expect to see you putting in a good deal of effort on these drawings!”

“Yes, master,” groaned Samantha.

“Now read out the descriptions. You’re going to need to learn all of these positions by heart.”

Samantha read the pornographic descriptions out loud as she rode the filthy Lord.

“Riding the master’s cock, the slave girl places her hands Behind her head to accentuate her breasts…”

She pondered that this was probably the most degrading day of her life. However, she also sumised that Bibury had muchMore in store for her.

Nearby, still chained to Samantha, was N’Juta, who was leaning, facing against the wall with her bottom sticking out, and her legs apart. Changying sat on a stool behind the beautiful ebony backside, with her finger sticking into the black girl’s sex. N’Juta rod Changying’s digit, bucking her hips and moaning.

“This one is has been well trained by her owners,” said Changying to her master.

“Yes, it looks like she’s quite accomplished. But I’m sure you can still make improvements. Don’t hesitate to wallop her backside where necessary.”

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent putting Miss Samantha Barrington through her sexual paces. Fellatio, cunnilingus, anal and oral were practically incessantly, as well as a large variety of sexual positions contained within other manuals from Bibury’s personal collection.

At the end of the day, Samantha and N’Juta were marched to the pantry, where they fell asleep on some old sacks, utterlyexhausted.


Samantha lay on her back, spread-eagled on the kitchen table. N’Juta was still chained next to her, holding a pot of henna.

Changying grasped a brush between her fingers, and was adorning the white girl’s breast with the henna.

“This one is another variation of doggy-style,” explained the Chinese girl. “Only this shows you with your hair being pulled back.”

Samantha was quite disturbed and humiliated by the illustrations of sexual positions being painted across her body. Bibury had the idea this morning while she and N’Juta were both serving him. He decided that the illustrations would be a reminder of the different positions Samantha was being taught. Also, whenever one of the filthy Lord’s friends wanted to use the white girl, he or she could look at the catalogue of positions, choose their favourite, and Miss Barrington would be compelled to perform as depicted.


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