The Bully & the Brat: Sober

In the thick of it.

The following day, Jeff climbed out of bed. His head hurt, and he needed a drink, but the first thing he saw in the kitchen was his precious little wife. Her eyes narrowed on his tired face before he reached the bar. He bypassed his bar cluttered with bottles for the refrigerator and a cold water bottle.

“Do you want breakfast?” Anna asked, raising his irritation.

Jeff Shook his head and stared at the contents on the shelves. His mind was distracted and destructive by nature. He wanted her to leave so he could sneak one shot to stop his headache. But she stood firm against the island counter with another argument on the tip of her tongue.

“You need to eat breakfast. Did you set an appointment with a doctor yet?”

“Anna,” he calmly replied, his voice etched in irritation, “I just woke up. I am not hungry, and I haven’t had time to do anything.”

“Want me to do it for you?”

“No. I got it.”

“I don’t believe that,” she folded her arms and blushed when he turned towards her with a clinched jaw. Despite her racing heart, she spoke her mind in intervals, the same concerns she had uttered the last few weeks. He needed to get sober and visit a doctor about his physical health.

“….This is something you need to do,” Anna while.

Jeff swiped his browser and gave a thumbs up that she found dismissive and continued her rant, “Jeff you need to see someone.”

Walking into the living room, he plopped on his chair and reclined back as she continued her spill of words that went on and on in one ear and out the other. He was going to change but on his own time. He didn’t need her on his back judging his every move.

“I’ll fucking do it if you shut the fuck up,” Jeff tapped at his phone and jumped upon Feeling her small hand knock against his head.

“Don’t talk to me like that!”

He turned to face her sneer and chuckled, “I’m sorry. Alright?” His voice came in a soft bass and he grabbed her hand, “I’ll do it alright. Just back off. You are stressing me out.”

“I am stressed too, buddy,”

“Who the fuck are you calling Buddha?” With a hard yank, Jeff dragged her to his stern expression, “You are a little worry wart. What you need to do is calm down. I got this.”

“I am going to make an appointment for you, and you better go.”

“Alright.” Jeff shrugged with a small smile lingering against his mouth, “You care about me, don’t you?”

“Duh,” Anna stuck her tongue out as he brought his finger up to rub her arm. It worked to calm her anxious thoughts, and she smiled as his finger caressed her cheek.

“I am going to do better. Okay? I’m trying,” Jeff smiled, “I’m sorry I snapped at you. It’s been a long week, baby girl. But you don’t have to worry so much. I’ll be fine.”

Anna grabbed his hand, keeping the same bravo, “You better.”

Jeff returned to his phone buzzing in his palm and dismissed the call to look back at her seriously adorablepout.

“You tell me the place and time, and I’ll be there, little girl,” he reached for a kiss and frowned when she bypassed his lips, placing her glossy brims on his forehead.

“Hell no,” he smiled, “I want a real kiss.”

Anna snubbed him, waving her hand on her walk down the hall. Knowing enough for him to act, she sped her walk to a galloping skip and giggled as he inched closer. As soon as she stepped into her room, he grabbed her waist. Lifting her with two nudges, he attacked her cheek with kisses, swinging her legs up on his left arm.

Being carried like a little was a thrill, but she squirmed, repeatedly swinging her legs, “Put me down!”

“Why? So you can run from my kisses,” Jeff leaned in to kiss her lips but she playedfully grabbed his jaw, holding him back.

“No! No kisses till you go to the doctor!” Anna vowed, twisting her head from his lips, “Ah!”

Landing on her bed in a bounce, she wiggled her legs as he pulled them together and stacked them up against his stomach.

“Since you want to play bad girl, I will treat you like a bad girl.”

“Nuh, uh,” Anna giggled.

“Uh, huh,” Jeff nodded, spreading her legs in and out.

Her pussy held no morning scent or arousal. He knelt and scooted her thighs closer, leaving her cookie exposed to his stern eyes. Her sweet giggles came along with her hand to cover her pussy.

“Stop,” he slapped her hand away, “Stop laughing and show Daddy his property.”

“No. My pussy doesn’t belong to you anymore. You have to earn it.”

Jeff smashed his finger against her clip, and she shot up like a deer in headlights, awaiting his response. Quietly, he caressed her flesh until her breath hitched and a clear residue leaked from her fresh gap. Her eyes drifted to his face. He was handsomely flawed, with specks of sparkling gray in his bear. She was younger at 21 but couldn’t deny his mature charm.

“This is my pussy, Anna,” he swallowed hard and leaned in, “Tell me it’s mine,” he kissed her mound, sending her mouth to open and close.

“Umm,” she lifted her night dress, balling it up against her stomach.

“Say it,” Jeff whispered against her folds, slowly declining his tongue, “Tell Daddy who owns this.”

Anna squealed, draping her leg around his neck when he slurped at her dry nub, dampening it with arousal. Her hand came down to lead him and he grabbed it, pinning it to his side.

Jeff broke his flick to smile, “You don’t want to play nice?”

Anna shook her crown and flipped her long curly locks to her shoulder, “You are not in charge anymore, Daddy,” his title slipped off her tongue with a tease that caused a lust to darken his eyes, “You obey me, now.”

Jeff scoffed and started to get up.

“Get back here and lick me,” she spoke, widening her knees in an attractive attempt to seduce, “Make me cum, and I might let you own her again.”

“I don’t just want that. I want it all,” he pinched her stomach, “EVery chubby little inch belongs to me. So you can say it. Or suffer.”

Anna dismissed his threat and placed her fingers on her swollen clip. Slowly, she swirled, keeping her eyes locked on his soul face. After a collection of sap coated her tip, she held her finger out.

His mind raced with a need to dominate, but he had a million different things going on today. He didn’t have time to play too long. Obliging her games, he flicked his tongue along her finger and twitched with an oddly satisfied thrill.

“You’ll be a good Daddy and let me cum, won’t you,” Anna bathed her tips across his pink lips rimmed by a full mustache, “I really, really wanna cum on your tongue.”

Jeff bit his lip. Using his beard, she pulled him down and scooted up closer to his mouth. Her heart sprinted, having him so close to her cookie, crumbling before his eyes. Sliding her fingers through his hair, she eased him down. He accepted his fate, taking small licks at her clip.

Her thighs tWisted back and up in preparation for his skillful tongue-lashing, “Oooh, my goodness,” she positioned herself on her elbows and pinched her nipples through her pale pink nightie, “Yeah, hmm, right there, Daddy.”

Her pussy jumped, creaming from his minor flicks while her body relaxed. She fell back and hunted her hips up, connecting her bare mound to the furry bristles on his chin.

“Hmm, oh my, hmm, Oh, yeah that feels so good, Daddy,” Anna bit her bottom lip so close to expressing an orgasm, “Uhh, ooh-“

Sitting up, she watched him lift his head and wipe his mouth. The games were over, and she witnessed his cock exit with a heavy and swollen bob. With a hand wave, he summoned her over. Perching on all fours, she twisted around, ensuring to shake her bottom in the process. His cock rose against her nose. Keeping her eyes up, she lapped her tongue against the veins in his shaft.

“Put it in your mouth,” Jeff commanded, which she obeyed, taking his tip in.

Softly, Anna suckled, savoring a salty mixture against her tongue. Yes, she had wanted to come, but still, she enjoyed his hand swimming against her forehead and the sharp breaths he took when she tightened her lips.

Anna pulled away, shivering with lust as her brown eyes peered up, “Will you fuck me, Daddy?”

Like a love-sick puppy, Jeff bent, attacking her plump lips with nibbles. Knowing she wouldn’t have to suck his cock anymore, she matched his password, wrapping her legs around his waist. He struck her slick gold with a hard jab and grabbed her jaw. Accustomed to his rough sex, she bit down on his bottom lip as he hurried his strokes, clawing at her small breasts.

“Ah, ah, oh, yes, fuck me fuck me,” Craving their dynamic’s power exchange, Anna played her part and slipped her fingers down to rub, “Ooh, my, yes, fuck me, just like th-“

Jeff grabbed her wrist, tossing it above her head. Holding it like a rein to his ride, he whipped his hips and leaned down with ascowl.

“YOU don’t tell me what the fuck to do,” he grew against her chef, “YOU, Tell me how much you love this cock.”

“You wish,” she giggled.

Jeff pulled out. Before she could process his swift movements, she was on her stomach. Using her hips, He dragged her back, improving her arch, and swatted her tanned cheeses.

“UH! Ohh,” Anna huffed from another round before he grasped a handful of her frizzy hair, “ah, stop.”

“Now tell me this little slutty cunt belongs to me!” His voice sent a chill down her spine but she stayed in defense mode, grunting and wiggling herself to escape. He placed two fingers in her juicy snatch and stopped her battle short.

“Ah, ooh, ah, ah.” Anna panted as his fingers crossed into her g spot.

“You better not fucking cum,” Jeff tightened his grip on her hair, slightly curving her head to see the need in her eyes, “Stop being a tough bitch and admit your a pathetic sub.”

“Ah, ohh oh,” Anna flew down when he pshed her head into the pillows.

Jeff smiled, jutting his fingers to the hilt, “What was that little Brat? I know good and fucking well you want to cum on my fingers. If that’s your plan you better tell me what I want to fucking here and quick.”

With too much pride weighing on her shoulders, she couldn’t do that. He pulled his sticky fingers out and shoved them into her mouth. Pathetically, she sucked them, eagerly awaiting another act of depravity.

“You’re lucky I’ve got shit to do today or I’d stay here all day until I broke you to pieces. You’d like that wouldn’t you mean bitch,” he chuckled.

Anna nodded, revealing herself for a moment. He smiled and grabbed her waist positioning her back on her arch. She roosted her ass. Holding his shake, he led his cock inside, amazed by the gooey texture. He wilded his hips to punish then slowed relishing her tight box.

“Uh, fuck,” Jeff slapped her ass, “Work those hips you fake ass dominatrix.,”

Anna waved herCheeks, carrying her hips back and forth. His cock was molded into her flesh, pulling at her will to fight. His palm came down with fire that paused her grind and she gripped the sheets as he pulled at her hips.

“Fuck! Fuck,” His curs came out in grunts while his cock coated her tight walls, filling her to the brim, “Don’t you fucking move,” he spat, holding her hips to fully milk himself, “You need to be used like a true, little slut.”

“Mmmm,” Anna while, swinging her arms back.

“Stop it…. Uh, There you go. That’s it. Take all of it, little cum slut.”

“Ohh yeah,” Anna moaned not from his cock but his degrading words.

Biting his lip, Jeff held her tighter, letting his cock limp and ease out of her creamy snatch. He looked down at her limp frame laying peacefully on her stromach. He rubbed the redness on her cheeks and flipped her over.

“You are a Pathetic, little Dom,” he shook his head, “You might want to stick to being a good girl.”

Annastuck her tongue out and he caught it with two fingers, “Sthoop!”

“Say ‘I’m Thaddy’s little Cum Thlut,” he mocked with a laugh before removing his hold.

“Stop being mean.”

“Who else am I going to pick on?” He pinched her cheek, “My little tough bitch.”

Her brow arched up at his insult and he quickly held his hands up in surrender.

“I’m sorry,” he spoke with sincerity, holding in a laugh, “I’m sorry, Ma’am. I don’t want any problems from you little Dom.”

“Get out of my room,” Anna folded her arms, “Next time, I will dominate you and I’m going to have you screaming my name.”

Jeff pulled off his shirt and laughed “You wish,.” he said, tossing it on her head.

“I am not washing this!” Anna grabbed the shirt from her shoulder and looked at his bare back muscles naturally flexing on his way to his bedroom. It came so fast and hard, she had to pee. He made her so horny it hurt. Had they not had other responsibilities, she would barge into his room with and tease him for a spanking and another rough fuck. Laying back on her bed, she sniffed his shirt, getting another whiff of his masculine scent. She was in love with that asshole.

Anna hurried to close the door and laid back down, needing one more orgasm to start the day. All was well until Jeff barged in and caught her.

“What the hell are you doing with my shirt, huh?” Jeff chuckled, massaging his cock through navy suit pants.

“N- nothing,” Anna placed his shirt beside her, leaving her dripping cunt exposed.

“Bad, bad, bad girl,” Jeff stepped over to the bed and she backed into her stuffed animals lined against the headboard.

“I wasn’t…”

“Turn around, horny slut,” he glanced at his Rolex, “I’ve got fifteen minutes and I want to use you again.”

Immediately after Jeff fucked her brains out, Anna set him up for an appointment with a doctor. She had to take control of his well being. Even though he tried to control her,he couldn’t control himself most days. He was a hot mess. But even with his sexual debauchery, unsavory drug use, and aggressive demeanor, no one had ever made her feel as safe as he did on his weakest day.

‘I am trying,’ was his new mantra that was flattering to her young heart.

Anna knew deep inside he would get better and be the best husband she could ask for. Right now, it was time for Her to be the boss. He had to accept that fate if he generally wanted her to submit to him. First things first, he had to get healthy. She trusted him about as far as she could throw him and called the doctor’s office the next day to ensure he showed up for the 9 o’clock appointment. He went, which was enough to fulfill her to cook his favorite food and tidy up his room.

Anna wanted to give him the chance to try, but she couldn’t help but pry. Holding her phone, she scrolled through Tik Tok, but nothing seemed to distract her. Her nerves got the best of her and she exited out of theapp and dialed his phone.

Jeff smoked a cigarette in his car, an unusual act but he needed it. His nerves were shot to hell from a third-minute delay for the old lady doctor, and then four frantic nurses fussing at his arms for a vein. The twenty-minute long stillness as he awaited the results from the one blood test, heightened the intensity urge to drink. He finally snapped at the Doctor around the Second diagnosis. She immediately ordered him to the hospital to evaluate his mental state. He refused and it wasn’t an easy task to get him there. But after one nurse called the police, he was met with threats of being confined and changed his mind.

Driving down the highway, Jeff inhaled the tart smoke and pulled at the plastic band on his wrist. His phone sharply buzzed on the leather passenger seat and he reached for it.

“What?” Jeff answered the little twats call with a grunt, flicking ashes against his collared shirt.

“Don’t What, me!” Her squeaky voice sounded against his earlyobe.

“What the fuck do you want, is the question.”

“Watch your mouth. You don’t have to be so hateful,” Anna shot back, grudgingly propping her short legs onto his coffee table-a no-no in his house.

“It’s been a long fucking day, Anna.”

“I’m sure, you probably had a lot of tests to do,” Anna said with a hint of sympathy in her voice, “Um,…What did the doctor say?”

“You were right. My blood pressure was high. I’ve got a prescription now and I’ll take them and get them refilled. Are you happy?”

Anna knew from his attitude that he had cut something from his life, perhaps the cocaine,

With his changes and his blood pressure medicine in clutch, she felt better, yet worry still lived rent-free in her mind.

“What else?” Anna asked.

“That’s my business. I don’t have to tell you everything going on.”

“Just freaking tell me,” she rolled her eyes.

“You’re not my mother, Anna.”

“I am your wife!”

Her sharp tone took him by surprise and he grinned, “Exactly, you are my wife. And I don’t have to tell you my every move.”

“Uhh, just tell me!”

Jeff laughed despite the seriousness of his multiple overlooked diagnosis, “They did a blood test, and my glucose levels were high, so-“

“I told you!” Anna grewled, “You should have been going to the doctor. You have to take care of yourself, and stop-“

“Shut up and stop bitching at me, girl,” Jeff raised his voice, but she continued.

“Did the doctor gives you a pill for that too?”


“Good. I’ll be making sure you take your medicine every day.”

“I bet,” Jeff rolled his eyes and took a side road into the highway.

“When’s your next appointment?”

“I don’t know,” he gravely spoke into the phone receiver, “I need a new doctor. The one I got was damn near eighty years old. Stupid bitch didn’t know how to use an iPad.”

“Dr. Lambert?”


“Who was it?”

“God,” Jeff groaned into the receiver, “Will you stop with the questions? You are not a nurse yet, Anna.”

Anna laughed at his announcement, used to his demeaning ways, and proceeded with the conversation, “How many pills did he prescribe?”

Taking a side road, Jeff ignored her, but she continued her inquiries in her ear, “Did he gives you a meal plan?”

“I-I don’t know. Do you know how annoying you’re being right now?”

Anna twirled her ankles and giggled, “Answer my questions and stop being a baby. I want to know everything he said and which pills you need to take in the morning and at night. How many did he give you to take at night?”

“Will you shut the hell up?”

“Will you tell me what the MAN gave you!”

“It was a woman doctor, if you must know, nosey girl. I don’t know. I am on my way to pick them up right now. Do you need anything?”

“Umm…. I need Lube,” Anna giggled at her request.

Stunned, Jeff cleared his throat, “Lube?”

“Yeah, Lube. Like lubrication.”

“I know what the fuck Lube is. But what do you need it for?”

“None of your business.”

“Excuse me?” Jeff turned the volume up on his phone, suddenly free of tension and amused by her squeaky voice, “What do you need Lube for? You best answer me before I decide what you will use it for.”

Anna tapped her knee and sat up, allowing her big dog to work his way onto her lap.


“It’s my business,” she huffed, “I don’t have to tell you everything.”

“Very funny,” Jeff scoffed into the phone speaker, holding it between his head and shoulder, “You can ask me a million questions, but I can’t know what it is my little wants with Lube?”

“No, no, no,” Anna teasingly chatised, giddy with her title slipping from his sharp tongue, “We aren’t back together yet. You have to-“

“The hell we aren’t back together. You’re mine, you know that. If you don’t, you might need to get your head checked, too.”


“Nothing,” Jeff mended his slip-up with a chuckle, “I was messing with you, baby girl.”

“You better quit messin’ with me before I spank you….” Anna held her breath for a response.

“What in the hell has got you so bold this evening?” Jeff asked, pulling into a Walgreens drive-thru.

“I just like that you’re being a good boy,” she bit her lip.

“I’ll show you a Good Boy when I get home.”

“Aw, really? Will you let me use you again?”

“When did you use me?” Jeff laughed and handed his card to the pharmacist, “Keep talking shit, and I’m going to use that smart mouth of yours.”


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