The Bondage Gallery

Part 1 of 3: The Photography Offer

Elizabeth looked at the paintings with sharpened eyes.

She had the downtown art gallery renovated after she bought it nearly a year ago. It was expanded to include more space in the display rooms. The lights were also brighter. It became exactly what she envisioned when she purchased the place.

She continued inspecting each painting Alongside the customers in the gallery. Her standards were very high and she expected everything to be flawless. So far, each painting was perfectly positioned with the right amount of lighting.

Her eyes switched to the door when a new visitor came. He was tall and dressed like a casual businessman. He must have been in his early 40’s, she estimated. She noticed that he wandered the gallery and looked to the small crowd instead of the artwork. He was clearly looking for someone to speak with.

“May I help you?” she asked politely.

“You must be Elizabeth.”

She smiled, “Thatwould be me.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you. My name is Frank.”

“Pleasure to meet you Frank,” she replied as they shook hands.

“Beautiful place you have here. I love what you’ve done with it.”

“Thank you. It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth the effort.”

He nodded. “I’d have to agree.”

“You’re an art lover I’m assuming. Looking for anything in particular? We’ve expanded our collection of artwork to include paintings, photography, sculptures, and mosaics.”

“Actually I’m looking to sell.”

“What kind of art?” she asked.

“Human art.”

“We certainly have a market for that,” she replied.

“I’m new to this. Well, I’ve been doing photography for many many years. I’ve just never sold any of it. I’m not familiar with how this process works.”

“No worries. It’s actually very simple. But first, I would need to see whatever artwork you have before we can discuss a deal.”

Frank suddenly looked dumbstruck, breaking his cool demeanor. “I have to apologize. I’m empty handed right now.”

“It’s no trouble. I was a struggle artist before. I know what it’s like.”

“I’m not exactly a struggle artist. I’m a lawyer. Photography is just a hobby. I plan on donating the profits to charity- assuming that anyone would actually buy my artwork.”

Elizabeth nodded. “A humanitarian. I like that.”

“I care about people,” he smiled.

“Of course you do. Especially since your artwork is, what did you call it again? Human art?”

“It’s a form of human art. I’ve photographed many beautiful women over the years. I hang some of the pictures in my apartment. But it’s come to the point where it would be a travelty to keep the pictures a secret. I have to share them with the art world. They’re extraordinary.”

Elizabeth nodded again. “Extraordinary art should always be shared. That’s my philosophy.”

“Then I’ve come to the right place.”

“Email me some pictures of your artwork. I won’t waste your time. I’ll give you a blunt critic, then I’ll let you know if I’m interested.”

She handed him a business card from her pocket. He took the card, then he smiled at her, almost in a flirtatious way. He slide the card in his pocket while looking her in the eyes.

“We’ll keep in touch Liz. I hope this relationship can continue.”


With that said, Frank turned around and left the art gallery. For that moment in time, Frank was the only person Elizabeth could see in the semi-crowded art gallery. She knew she was infatuated with him, but she didn’t know why.


Later that day. Elizabeth finished a late night shower after a busy evening. Her body was dry but her hair was still wet. There was a small towel wrapped around her head and she put on a smooth silk bathrobe. She sat in front of her computer and checked her email. There were 6 new messages.

What caught her eye was an email titled Pictures I’ve taken. She immediately knew who the email was from, and she clicked it open:

Hello Liz,

It’s Frank. We spoke earlier today. I made an inquiry about possible selling you my artwork. I’ve attached the pictures. Let me know what you think.


She downloaded the files and there were exactly 50 pictures. She took her time looking at each image. The pictures featured a variety of beautiful women from different age ranges and ethnic backgrounds. All of the images were professional quality. Some of the pictures were taken indoors in an apartment, or outdoors in the city streets.

The pictures seemed innocent at first. There were shots of the women smiling, posing, and doing fun things. The rest of the shots were taken in the apartment. There was a sensitivity to all of the pictures, which perfectly captured the personalities and feelings of the different women.

Elizabeth continued looking at each image. The pictures were slowly becoming more risk. Clotheswere being removed. There were several images of naked women. Elizabeth had no issues with selling artwork of naked women in paintings or photographs, but the ones that Frank had taken seemed much more raw. They were borderline pornographic, but there was still an elegance and grace to them. They were simply unique.

She knew instantly that she wanted them. And that she wanted to display them in her art gallery.

She emailed her reply:


I reviewed your pictures and I would be very interested in purchasing some. Can we meet? When are you available?


After sending the email, she got up and dried her hair in the bathroom. She continued with her usual beauty routine, applying cream to her face, and removing her robe so she could apply lotion to her body. She slipped on her night gown and checked her computer again. There was already a new email from Frank. She opened it:

A meeting would be great. But I’m busy with work for the nextSeveral days. How about Friday evening at my apartment? I have hundreds of photographs that I can show you. Then you can pick which ones you want.

Elizabeth emailed her acceptance, and Frank emailed back with the address to his apartment. She leaned back in her chair. She had never gone to a seller’s home before, but she was willing to make an exception for Frank. She continued looking at His pictures wondering what else he had to offer. She was curious about the hundreds of other pictures he had. There was something inside of her that wanted to see him again. Their meeting would be the highlight of her week, she thought.


Friday evening. Elizabeth paid particular attention to her outfit. She didn’t want to dress too formal, and she didn’t want to dress too casual either. She wanted to look appropriate, yet relaxed. She settled on a knee-length skirt and a buttoned top, with light make-up on her face.

The apartment wasn’t hard to find. It was in a nice comunity in the city.

She made her way to his floor, and then she knocked on the door. Frank answered casually dressed. They smiled at each other, showing their mutual attention.

“Please, come in,” he said. “I’m glad you made it.”

“Of course.”

Elizabeth entered the apartment and looked around. It was much more elegant than her own apartment. It looked classy. Everything was new. Her eyes turned to the picture frames on the wall. There were portraits of beautiful women that Frank had taken. Frank was definitely an art enthusiast, she thought.

“Like it?” he asked.

“You’re certainly very talented.”

“Thank you. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“I’m fine,” she replied.

“I like that you’re open minded towards my artwork. From the first time I saw you, I knew that we had similar taste in art.”

“Are you referring to the nude photos? I’m not prudish. That sort of thing has never bothered me. I used to pose nude for some of my art classes in college.”

He smiled, “Figures. You have the body for it. And you seem like the type.”

“What type is that?”

“The type that’s open minded to new & exciting things.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Elizabeth replied.

“As you should. Open minded women always have more fun.”

Elizabeth shifted topics. “Anyway, you I wanted to discuss selling your photos. I’m interested. And I think we can reach a deal.”

“Discussing business so soon?”

“That’s why I’m here.”

He nodded. “I like business-minded women. Right this way.”

Frank led her to the dining table where there was a large photo album. He turned to the first page to reveal a portrait of a woman. He slowly flipped through the pages. The pictures were intimate and bare.

“Do these women know that their images are being sold?” Elizabeth asked.

“I would never breach a person’s trust. Before I take pictures, I always let the models know that their images may be soldor displayed someday.”

“How do they feel about that?”

“Look at them. They’re beautiful. They’re exhibitionists. They love the idea of ​​being displayed.”

She nodded and looked at more pictures. “I can’t argue with that.”

“I never had an intention of selling the pictures I’ve taken. But the collection became so large that I had to share it. It shouldn’t be wasted in my apartment. It would be better suited in your art gallery.”

“These portraits look better than the other portraits in my gallery. I would love to display them.”

“Actually,” he said. “I’m not interested in selling the face or body portraits.”

“No? Then why show them to me?”

“Because I want to take things slow. I specialize in the human body. The female body is far more exquisite.”

“Well, I’d love to see what you have to offer,” she said.

Frank grabbed another large photo album and placed it in front of Elizabeth so she could open it herself. Elizabeth opened the album and saw a picture of a naked woman tied up, completely bound. The next picture was slightly more explicit, showing a woman in a completely helpless state of bondage. Elizabeth flipped through the large album and caught glimpses of women being tied while performing oral sex, or being penetrated.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

She slammed the photo album shut. “What the hell is this?”

“My art.”

“No. It’s porn. I’m an art dealer. I run a respectable art gallery. I’m not a pornographer.”

“I know,” he said calmly. “That’s why I came to you. I’ve heard you have a great reputation for being on the cutting edge of modern art.”

“That’s right.”

“Then why not except my photos?”

“It’s porn,” she insisted again. “I’m not going to display those in my gallery.”

“Liz, please. I don’t think you’re understanding…”

“I understand just fine. Those images are demeaning towards women and have no place in our society. I think you’re a talentedguy, but your efforts are misguided. I wish you the best of luck trying to sell them. I’m sure there are other galleries which would be willing to accommodate you. But I won’t. Have a good night.”

“You’re leaving already?” he asked, knowing the answer.

“Have a good night, Frank.”

She turned around and headed towards the door. Then she left without saying a word.


Two weeks later. The day was winding down. Customers and people browsing began to leave the gallery when it was almost time to close. Elizabeth spent her time chatting with people and discussing art.

Closing time was in a few minutes. All of the customers had left. The small staff prepared to close the gallery. The front door opened and Frank entered carrying a large envelope and a bouquet of roses.

Elizabeth approached him and greeted him with an awkward smile.

“We’re closing,” she said.

“I know. I’ve been busy lately and I came here as fast as I could. Can we talk fora minute?”


“These are for you,” he said, handing her the roses.

She gladly accepted them. “Thank you. But they aren’t necessary.”

“I insist. They’re for our last meeting. I wasn’t trying to ambush you with those pictures.”

“Well, I accept your apology.”

“I wasn’t apologizing,” he stated.

“Oh, then why did you come here? Just to bring me flowers?”

“I wanted to let you know that I’ve been speaking to other potential buyers and galleries in the city. But I’m only interested in you. Call it a hunt, but I think we’d make a good team.”

“Frank, listen, I…”

“Take this,” he said, handing her the large envelope. “Those are some of my photos. I’ll give you a week to make your decision, then I’ll make a deal somewhere else. Hopefully you’ll give it some thought instead of dismissing them.”

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “You’re really serious about having me distributed your art work.”

“Like I said, I think we’d make a good team. My intuition is always correct when it comes to women.”

“Is that so?”

“It is. I’ve always understood women. I think I understand you too.”

“You don’t know much about me,” she replied firmly.

“We’ll see. Have another look at the pictures. One week, then I’ll take them somewhere else.”

He turned and walked away. Elizabeth was taken aback by his confidence and attitude. She had never met a seller so brazen and arrogant. She looked at the roses and envelope in her hands, and she considered tossing them in the trash. Instead, she took them home with her.


She returned to her apartment and released an audible gasp as she tried to unwind. She put her purse on the kitchen counter. The roses were put inside of a watered vase. She put the envelope on the same kitchen counter. After pouring herself some juice from the refrigerator, she sat down to relax.

Curiosity got the better of her and she looked at the large envelope from Frank. She opened the envelope and poured the pictures onto the counter top.

The photos were of beautiful naked women. They were explicit. The photos showed the women in various forms of restraint. They were bound by rope or strapped to a table. Many of the photos showed the women being spanked, flogged, or struck with a wooden paddle.

The last set of photos showed each woman during intense states of orgasm. Their Bodies thrashed. Their faces changed. Their hair swung. Their mouths were wide open as they screamed in pleasure.

Elizabeth felt conflicted by the pictures. She thought they were lewd, but tastefully done. They were definitely stimulating to her in some way. She was intrigued. Frank was without a doubt a talented man who was highly skilled with a camera. Each shot was perfect. There was no denying that.

She knew she couldn’t sell or display all of the pictures. But she could sell or display some of them. There were several images that would have been a welcome edition to her gallery. And there was no way she was going to let her competitors in the city get a hold of them.

After thinking for several minutes, she picked up the phone and called Frank to arrange an appointment. She needed to meet him again.

Part 2 of 3: The Bondage Room

A week later. There were butterflies in Elizabeth’s stomach as she waited in the elevator, on her way to Frank’s apartment floor. She dressed in a slightly more casual manner, showing a little more skin than before.

All it took was two knocks before Frank answered with a smile. She tried not to smile back, but she did anyway.

“Welcome,” he said. “I’m glad you’ve reconsidered.”

She entered his apartment. “I’m sure the other art dealers must be disappointed.”

“Some are. But they’ll get over it. Can I get you a drink this time?”

“I’m fine thanks,” she replied. “You know, you’re the first person who’s ever gotten me to reconsider artwork that I’ve rejected.”

“What changed your mind? My persistence? My handsomeness? Or do you just like me?”

Elizabeth held in her smile. “I looked at your photographs more carefully, with a more open mind. You were able to capture something rare in those pictures. There was a vulnerability to those women. They really opened up to you.”

“Other photographers don’t have my ability,” he replied.

“And what ability is that?”

“The ability to give women powerful orgasms.”

“I noticed that in the pictures,” she replied uncomfortable. “Obviously I won’t be displaying those images in my art gallery.”

“Which is understandable. Not all of my work is suited for the general public.”

“Have you ever considered making a website so you could sell all of your photographs? I’m sure you’ll find an audience for your work.”

“I’m not very good with computers,” Frank stated. “I prefer human interaction. I also don’t have the time or patience to run a website. I just want mypictures seen by as many people as possible. If I made a website, no one would visit. But if they were in your busy gallery, then my goal is accomplished.”

“A lot of artists feel that way. But like I said, I can only display some of your work, not the provocative ones.”

“I understand. It’s a bit hypocritical that you would proudly display nude portraits throughout Your gallery, but you won’t display images of women in pleasure.”

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “No offense, but it’s the year 2015, and hitting women is no longer fashionable.”

“Tell that to the women in my photographs.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked.

“It means you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Have you considered that the woman in the photos enjoy what I do to them?”

“You seem like a successful guy. Women will enjoy anything if you pay them enough.”

“You think I pay them?”

“Most models expect to get paid.”

Frank quickly turned around and opened a drawer to get a large photo album. It was a different album than before. He placed the album on the table, nearly slamming it, and sifted through random pages.

“Do you think these are fake?” he asked. “Do you think I paid these women to fake these expressions on their faces?”

“No,” she admitted, looking at the pictures.

“Let me ask you, when was the last time you had an orgasm like these women? Has a man ever made you cum like this? Have you ever made yourself cum like this when you’re touching yourself late at night?”

“That’s none of your fucking business.” she shot back.

“I think you’re just another big city feminist who’s so obsessed with her career that she forget to handle what’s between her legs.”

“You’re full of shit.”

“Am I? You’re obviously here for a reason.”

“I thought we could do business together,” she replied. “I guess I was wrong. Have a good night Frank.”

“Wait,” he said in a commandingtone. “Don’t leave yet.”

“And why not?”

“Because you haven’t seen the best part.”

Frank sifted to the back of the photo album. The photos were far more graphic. The strikes to the women were harder and more painful. Different sized objects were inserted inside each woman’s vagina or anus. There were even images of women performing oral sex on a man, presumably Frank, and having their mouths covered with sperm.

“This is borderline sexual harassment,” she said. “Why are you showing me this?”

“These women aren’t hired models, whores, or porn stars. They’re normal women, just like you. I’ve never paid them a dime. They come to me because they love it. They want to be photographed because they know it’s beautiful.”

Elizabeth gave him a long and hard look. She knew men. And she knew he wasn’t lying. He was telling the truth, and it confused her.

“I guess I don’t understand the whole bondage thing,” she admitted, calming her tone. “It just doesn’t’t make sense to me.”

“Pleasure is pleasure.”

Elizabeth flipped to the front pictures of the photo album, which showed a woman being flogged powerfully on her naked ass.

“You’re telling me that women actually enjoy this?” she asked incredulously while pointing at the picture.

“Her facial expression says it all. I still remember that photo shoot. She came like a river that day.”

“How? How on earth could a woman enjoy being treated like that?”

Frank smiled, “There are a number of reasons. Take your pick. Most women enjoy surrendering their bodies to a dominant figure. Some like the discipline and punishment aspects. Or if you want to get clinical about it, some like the endorphins which are produced from the pain.”


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