The Birthday Present

It took me a long time to realize the impact that one day had on me. How did he describe it, like a story of how to have a relationship in only one day, one space of 24 hours almost to the minute? We met at a conference. I know that sounds so very cliché the academics equivalent of a convention. OK. But this was supposed to be a bunch of writing professors not a group of rowdy sex crashed drinks. Actually we were all quite sober. The pre-keynote had just started and everyone in the ballroom seemed to crunch softly on their salads so as not to be rude. I had chosen a table strategically near the doors to make my escape if the keynote dragged on too long—like last time.

I sat with a colleague from my school, two of his friends from Reno, a group of graduate students from Canada, BC I think and two empty seats. Suppressing giggles in walk two people and the man asks if he can sit at the table. I said, “Certainly.” I said it immediately; of course, it might have had something todo with how stunning this man was. He had pretty gray hair that was short but in a playful way, a Jimmy Dean set of curls gelled into his hair on top, but it was his eyes, a creamy blue-violet, set into one of the most beautiful man faces I have ever seen. He would have made Orlando Bloom look a little on the homely side. This could be interesting.

He must have caught me staring at him because he began flirting right off about the food, his being late, and him being so grateful I didn’t mind. I tried my best to focus on his companion but could not. She wasn’t attractive or ugly, just rather invisible to me.

“My name is Gabby by the way, short for Gabrielle.”

“Oh really well my name is Larry By-the-Way perhaps we are cousins,” he retired.

“Hopefully not More than second cousins,” I snapped back.

“Yes or kissing would be out of the question,” he continued the string.

“Perhaps we could make an exception. You do look a bit like me.” With that he winked at me and another round of quick one lines flew across the table. Our table mates we noticed at the same time were not talking or listening to the key note, but instead were entertained by our rapid fire. As we finished the entrees he passed me a note asking me to switch seats with one of the Canadian girls. His “friend” said she had to get going and left quickly. I nodded in agreement and asked the girl to switch with me.

The closeness did not make him any less attractive only more so as I could feel the heat off his body and smell his unique scent. By the time we had tea and coffee everyone at the table had left but us, and it was obviously our turn.

“What shall we do?” I asked not caring what he suggested. I decided then that despite a husband and children and house and a stable, painfully boring life in that moment I was his.

“Go for a walk,” he suggested and off we went despite wearing pumps and carrying my briefcase with a laptop and left over copyies from my presentation.

Walk we did for about two hours all around Minneapolis warm actually for October there. He talked endlessly about his life, his ex-wife, his girls, his girls all 20-somethings. One is a lingerie model he said, and all I could think of was my less than flashy underwear. Although being in excellent shape and young looking for my age 46 (for less than 12 more hours) I decided right then the chances him of seeing me naked were near 0%. I found out he was about six months older than me, but still. He kept saying his psychiatrist thought it would be better for him to date someone his own age, he just pictured dowdy, short, fat ladies, not someone like me. I wasn’t sure how to take this. My feet were so sore, I needed a break, and asked him to walk me back to the hotel.

“So what’s next?” he asked.

“I really need to drop off my case and change out of these clothes too.” I was still wearing my conservative presentation clothes a black skirt, purple wrap top, and a black blazer.

“Oh are you staying here then? I always wanted to see one of the rooms. You can trust me,” he added.

“Trust you to what.”

“To whatever. Here I’ll carry your case.” Before I knew it I was alone with him in my 10th floor room.

He ran to the window, “Nice view,” and began pointing out landmarks. He sat down and asked if he could check his email on my laptop. I agreed, and then went to the other room of the suite to change. It had an 80% wall, so I felt safe. It was a nice setup with a place to hang my clothes and a vanity for putting on makeup. I put on jeans, boots and a v-neck long sleepe black t-shirt, brushed my teeth and throw some water on my face, puffed up my long dark brown curls a bit.

When I came back out, he whistled softly between his teeth, and his eyes, ahhh, well next I knew I was sitting across the table from him as he said, “All finished. I cancelled all my plans for the next 24. I’m all yours.”

I told him I didhave one meeting at 5 with an important colleague, but after that sure I was free to have dinner. But it was only about 3. “What do you want to do now?”

He reached out to touch my hand. I took his hand and looked at it carefully, noting little scars from past mishaps. “How about we make out on the bed for a while and see what happens?”

I could have said no, I could have asked him to leave, I could have made a joke, I could have remembered I was married, but I didn’t think I only acted. He was beautiful, this was a treat, he made me feel alive, interesting, even a little pretty. My answer was a smile. He dove on the bed and waved me over. I laid down next to him, and then he kissed me, not softly, but with such password power I felt like my mind was blanking and I could only feel his kiss and his lips and his tongue. He pulled away and remarked how he was impressed with my kissing prowess. I could not speak. We kissed for several minutes, rolling around, pulling at each others clothes, hair, wrapping limbs, pressing bodies. Then everything stopped. He said, “I don’t want to hurt you.” I looked at him even more ravishing, beautiful than before, soft light shining in the window. “Then don’t,” I said as I pulled off his shirt and my own, and quickly taking off my black not exactly sexy bra.

He admired my round, firm, small breasts. “You really are beautiful,” he said and laughed as he gently caresed my breasts, and kissed them carefully. I kissed him too all over his chest, rolling my tongue around his nipples across his strong chest and down his abdomen that was tight and muscled. He was in better shape than many of my students. So gorgeous I thought, and I was worked up. My phone went off. I turned it off without looking. I unzipped his pants.

I craved to see what was making such a tight bulge against the fabric of his jeans. Out came the most unusually shaped penis I had ever seem the end was thicker than the rest like a shovel, but thepole itself was long and thick enough to do a wonderful job. I was instantly in love with it. My tongue immediately explored its shape closing my lips around the delta shaped end in my mouth as I caressed it tightly, and began giving him a best of world blow job, using every trick for variety of sensing and reading what he liked and didn’t keeping him on the edge as long as I dared. Pulling and sucking on the little Raised part of his skin from under his testicles up to the head, and worshipped it again as I beat it against my tongue and then shoved it all back into my mouth to its root pushing the wedge down my waiting throat and pulsating it with a swallow like motion I learned from a friend. He was pulling at my hair, grabbing my shoulders, begging me to let him cum. I kept stopping short; I wanted this to be one event he never forgot. When he finally did release he tasted like French pastry. I gobbled it down, and he pulled me towards him, his breathing still harsh, he kissed me tFinally, and said, “Your turn.”

I couldn’t let him do it just yet. Those hidden underwear and lack of close trimming, yikes it wasn’t happening. Plus I had to get to the meeting and seem like I could think, speak, be intelligent. I needed a shower and a moment. He agreed to pick me up at 7PM sharp in his car out front. “Be on time,” he warned. I would I assured him. The time went quickly as I scrambled to choose an outfit and make my meeting. It went well enough, and then before I knew it, my phone rang. I had turned it back on, and settled some problem at home during our break. “Hurry before Guido tosses me out of here.”

“I’ll be right there.” I practiced across the lobby wearing a very low v tank top with a flowing fishtail skirt, covered by a see through nylon floucy beaded black jacket and my boots hurt with little black socks with pink and red hearts, and no pesky panty hose or panties, feeling quite naughty, but relieved of my embarrassing undies for now. He jumped outof the car to get my door, “Madame,” he said as he bowed low. “So beautiful,” he whispered.

We drove around and finally settled on a place near the hotel after all. It was a pub that he liked, and when we walked in it was like paparazzi time. The women from the hostess to the wait staff were tripping over themselves to make sure he was given the best table and service. “Friends of yours?”

‘I don’t think so,” he said and turned again. That face could make anyone forget they had a brain.

“Have whatever you like. This one is on my college.” I ordered a martini and eventually some lovely tenderloin entrée. He ordered the fish special that was also very tasty. The food, the drinks, the moment. The place was getting business. It had a bar business on top of selling food, and the place was filling up quickly.

We decided to use the restrooms before spinning back out into the streets, and I was waiting for him outside the bathrooms when I noticed this little room with gauzy curtains covering the entrance. Inside was a couch and lamps with pink bulbs. A man brushed up against me and asked if I needed a partner to go in with. I told him no in my sternest voice, and then I read the neon slashed over the door. Kissing Room. I blushed hard just as Larry came out of the restroom. “Shall we?” he asked and could I say no?

We entered and went immediately into one of those fabulous long kisses. He let his hands loose on my tensing body, just grazing ever slightly my freshly trimmed triangle. The soft material of my skirt caused me to tremble even more. He raised the hem of my skirt enough to reveal my calendar and he gasped when he realized I was hoseless. He pulled the skirt up to over my knees and pushed them from one side to the other. In the pink light they gleemed. “You have the most gorgeous legs,” he said as he dove in once more. We were stopped by some giggling from outside the room. I glimpsed a group of college age girls poking at each other. “Shallwe?” he said again and we quickly left and headed back to the hotel.

I had never been unfaithful to my husband in 15 years of marriage. Unfortunately much of our marriage was sexless, and he was never fond of kissing, or touching, a get down to business kind of guy. He wasn’t always that way, but marriage seemed to turn him off. Here we were only three days apart and now with a man in my room, and I didn’t think really. I would be leaving for the east coast in the morning. I was turning 47 at midnight. This was a birthday gift to myself. He brought in a small overnight bag and we went in the more private entrance.

Back in the room I brushed my teeth, but did not change my clothes. Larry reminded me that I owed him his chance to undress me and have his way with me. I agreed. “You must promise to do as I wish, whatever I wish.”

“I promise.” He seemed like a gentle person, and yet I did have a flash of fear then. He was a stranger. What did I know about him other than hewas also a writing teacher. He taught at a local college. He lived in St. Paul. He was mentally ill but functional at least lately. He asked me to leave the light on in the other room, but turned off all the lights in the bedroom area. He pulled the curtains open to a sea of ​​city lights. He asked me to stand in front of the windows facing a mirror. He rolled over a chair and sat me down. He pulled up the skirt and pulled off my boots worshiping them. He caresed one and asked if he could keep one as a souvenir of this night. He then pulled off each sock slowly rolling them down. Then he pulled up the skirt over my knees and bunched it back to reveal my labia. He kissed me lightly there, and then asked me to stand again. I was enjoying his slow attention and not really minding his bossiness. He told me to look in the mirror. “Can’t you see it?” he asked sharply. “Look.” He commanded. Then he removed my top layer, then my tank top, and then I was naked in front of the mirror from the waist up. “Look at you…you’re beautiful.” He kissed me on each nipple, and then pulled my skirt off as he gasped. “See yourself, who you really are, a beautiful woman.”

Before I knew it we were on the bed. He held my wrists together above my head, and pulled some cuffs out from under the pillows putting one on each wrist. They were soft on the inside, but hard leather with heavy rings on the outside. He snapped them together and to another buckle that he had attached to the underside of the bed. “Now I will have my way with you,” his voice stern and hard edged. I was more excited than nervous as he undressed quickly, and I saw my price. I struggled to reach out to him.

He smiled wickedly as he grabbed my breasts squeeze them harshly as I let out a small cry, he blew air into my ear and said, “Imagine it is a cold day outside. It is raining. I come in the bedroom and find you sleeping under a thick blanket naked, yet longing for me to be inside you, desiring me in your dream of me, you wake to hear me crying softly. I pull out a tie and wrap it around your neck.,” he is wrapping a tie now around my neck, pulling it tightly, “You try to breathe, and you realize you can’t. I tell you I love you, you are perfection just like this, you can have no greater perfection. You don’t struggle,” he hisses into my ear,” You let me pull it tighter, Your need for me more than air.” He is pushing his body down on mine. Just as I began to see pinpricks in front of my eyes he looses the tie and then begins to ravage my body. Biting and sucking and tearing at it. On my breast, my nipples, my ears, my lips, my neck, my stomach, my tighs, my labia, finally pushing his tongue into my engorged pussy. I was moaning, I was lost in the moment, every cell of my body alive and awake, and I am cumming like the whole world is coming and he plunges into me at some point. His shovel diving in deep and past deeply to the end of where anyone has been, and I am a mass of ecstasy, writ, an animal.

He turns me face down then. Apparently the wrist tie down can spin. He grabs two ankle to thigh bands, and pulls out two ropes to keep me in position face down. I let him do what he will. He takes me again from behind roughly using my breasts like levers in his penetration game. Then he pulls out suddenly, and begins using his tongue again. This time he is working up to my ass, and I try to pull away. “You said anything. A promise.” He put a finger up my pussy and then up my ass just as quickly. He followed this with another from an opposite hand. Then I felt lubricant, and heard some noises that frightened me. What was he doing? I turned my head to look and watched as he positioned a straw-on so that his penis and balls fit through the open bottom and the Realistic dildo sat on top of his set. He was lubing the fake penis when he caught me looking. “A special gift, for a special girl.”

Then he was back on me pushing in the dildo in my top hole and his own lovely shovel into lower one and began a gentle stroke that sent me into a river of orgasms, so indescribably delicious that the whole world seemed to share them. I was without any thought. I was focused open now and each moment. He kissed my back as he panted on me exploding into me.

Hours have passed when he finally releases me. He licks me carefully sucking me clean and tenderly healing my aching sex. He massages me all over gently as I fall into a deep sleep.

I woke later than I should have, and he hurried me to make it to the airport on time. He kissed me tenderly and sweetly. Tears rolled down his face. I knew I would never see him again.

It wasn’t until Chicago that I saw the text messages, there were two.

“You really are the sweetest thing.”

“Oh by the way I forget to say Happy Birthday.”

I smiled.


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