The Birth of a Pony Girl

Author’s note: Thanks to rottlheory for the editing.

Rose masturbated in front of her computer watching porn. Masturbation is her morning routine and pony girl porn is her kink.

I know it’s wrong, but I can’t stop myself. If my mother finds out I masturbate, she will kill me! Rose thought.

Rose circled over her stiffening clip. She was in her most exposed state when her stepmother Anna walked straight in to her room. Anna couldn’t see Rose’s computer screen because of the partition, which allows Rose adjusted her position.

Rose’s cheats turned bright red as she felt that her pleasure was wrong, and she should exercise more willpower to control herself.

“You’re spending too much time on this computer. I shouldn’t have bought it for your eighteenth birthday. Our country house offers freedom from city life. Go for a walk. The weather’s wonderful out and the beautiful trees behind our house are filled with sing birds. What a beauty created by God!” Anna said.

Rose had to obey. She had fantasized about being naked in public, and her sexual frustration led her to do something foolish. The thrill of getting caught outweight her desire to avoid it.

Behind the house, she ensured no one can see her, and pulled down her pants, exposing her privacy to a couple of birds in a tree a few metres away. Rose took her belt and pulled it throughout between her legs, standing up with her legs apart. She rubbed herself so hard it’s surprise that she’s got a clip left! She struggled not to cry out with pleasure. Her body convulsed and trembled as an intense orgasm surged through her core. She might have lost consciousness for a moment.

“Oh, my god! I knew it. You’re masturbating!” Anna screamed.

Rose turned and screamed, but no sound came out. Her stepmother was standing there with her angry eyes. Anna had taken Rose and put her across the knee, which revealed Rose’s well-rounded ass.

“I’m sorry, mother. I won’t do it again.”

Smack! The first blow caught Rose off guard and made her flinch. Smack! Anna laid into Rose’s bottom, slapping both her cheeks hard, while Rose wriggled and whimpered under her punishment hand.

“Ouch! I’ll be a good girl. I promise. Please, mother. Please stop.”

Rose’s chest tightened, and hot tears prickled in her eyes. She continued to promise to be obedient and never upset mother again.

“I need to punish you so you will share the sufferings of Jesus. It will bring your focus to God and constant punishment will be a reminder of your continued sin in the eyes of God. I need to punish you on earth in order for you to avoid punishment in your next life.”

“Sorry, mother, something’s just wrong with me.”

“I know what it is. It is the Devil! I will punish you every day to drive evil spirits from your body.”

When the spanking stopped, Rose was sobbing. Anna hung Rose.

“I love you. That’s why I must punish you. I will protect you from sin. I will take your computer away, helping you reflect on your life and God. Now, go.”

Knowing her face must be as red as her ass, Rose ran to her room. She spent the rest of the day blaming herself and avoiding mother as best she could.

At the next day, a strange woman arrived at their home. It was Patricia, whom Anna find by asking help in church to heal her stepdaughter from sin.

“Thank you Patricia, for agreeing to teaching my stepdaughter how to control her sexual desires. She shouldn’t be doing these dirty things!” Anna said.

“For this matter, there are far more permanent solutions, but I prefer to teach through obedience and punishment. Can you show me her computer, that you tell me is the reason for her behavior?” Patricia said.

After Patricia checked the computer, they went to Rose’s room.

“She still needs more punishment. She is far from cured of whatever devil has touched her soul.” Patricia said as they walked into Rose’s room, surprising Rose.

“This is Patricia. She will teach you to control your behavior and if you decide to masturbate again, she will spank you! Make sure you spank her naughty bottom well. Don’t hold back on her.”

With this brief introduction, Anna left the room.

“I hear that your stepmother has already spanked you. Take off your clothes and show me your ass,” Patricia said.

Rose unfasted her skirt and let it drop. She stepped out of it, then she put her thumbs into her panties and pulled them down an inch or two. Rose stopped and hesitated to take them off in front of the stranger, but then slide her panties off and stepped out of them. Rose felt her skin turning pink, her ears getting red and hot. She felt the gusts of the air conditioner hitting her skin. She covered herself with her hands.

“No need to cover yourself. You have a fine body.”

Rose said nothing. She was ashamed of her naked breasts and erected nipples.

“Your ass is nice and clean. Nosigns of spanking are visible, but don’t worry, after my spanking, your ass will be red for several days!”

Rose’s eyes were wide with fear.

“I will use special cream to prepare your ass. It contains an aphrodisiac which will make your ass more sensitive and spanking more pleasant. You know how psychologists say: Never spank the masturbating child, they may enjoy it. Do you enjoy being spanked, Rose?”

Rose said nothing. She was embarrassed and lowered her eyes. Patricia got some amount of cream and applied it on Rose’s butt cheats and examining Rose, like the hunter observing its prey. Then she ran her fingers down from the center of Rose’s bottom, along her pussy and just past her clip. Rose’s slight movement clarified that she welcomed this contact and craved for more. Rose finds herself vulnerable, embarrassed, humiliated, and aroused.

“You have a fine mind. I looked at your browser history that is full of kinky staff about exhibitionism and pony girl porn.”

“Please mam, don’t tell my mother. I am not like this anymore. I promise never to masturbate again!”

“People like you are very special, intelligent, athletic, and dirty. I think you might be a masochist, which is the perfect fit for me.”

Rose stood in total confusion. Patricia couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of transforming Rose into her new pet.

“I have a BDSM school for submissive brats like you. Most of them I fond out in church groups against masturbation. Your pony girl fetish is what I’m looking for. I’m excited to see your new look after dressing up.”

From her purse, Patricia took off a vertical strap, which she tied around Rose’s wait like a belt. Then she pulled it tight between Rose’s legs. As she tightened the strap, it slipped in between Rose’s lips, causing her to take a deep breath.

“Did you feel humiliated?”

“Yes, mam.”

“Good. Now walk like a pony by lifting your knee so your thigh is horizontal.”

Rose took several steps, enjoying how the strap stimulated her.

“Good pony, now come here!”

The thick leather collar hugged Rose’s neck.

“My little slut on a leash, you are owned and controlled by me. Let’s begin your training.”

Patricia removed the strap and used it like dental floss, stimulating Rose’s clip by rubbing it up and down. Rose climaxed in a matter of minutes. Her moans turned into little screams of pleasure. The waves of her orgasm ripped through her body. Sweat was dripping down her body, and she felt satisfied.

“Oh, my. Your orgasm is so strong. What a useless bitch. Should I train you again to turn you into a masochistic bitch?”

“Yes mam, please, train me into a masochistic bitch.”

“Next time, you will orgasm through pain. Pain will be part of your future training to become a masochistic bitch. I would spank you so your butt will be red for a week!”

“But why? I did nothing wrong. Please mam, don’t spank me.”

“I love these emotional changes. After orgasm exhaust, to spanking fear. I like to spank my pets, but more than that, I love mental torture. The world’s best torturers don’t apply pain alone, but temperature it with terror.”

Rose felt betrayed while Patricia took the leash, which was attached to Rose’s collar.

“Don’t forget about the collar around your neck. You know what this collar means? It means that you belong to me. Now let’s go to your stepmother.”

“But why?”

“For your physical and psychological torture. I will humiliate and torture you, so in the future, you will associate your stepmother’s room with pain.”

Patricia and Rose entered Anna’s room. The sight of a naked Rose with a collar around her neck on a lean shocked Anna.

“Why are you naked?” Anna asked.

“Punishments should cause behavior change. When you punish Rose, it is important that she knows she disappointed you.” Patricia said to Anna.

“What should I do?”

“You should spank her again. And you, Rose, should beg for your punishment. I will place the need for discipline deep into your brain.”

“Yes, mam. I don’t deserve sexual pleasure because ‘good girls’ don’t touch their bodies. My mere apology isn’t good enough. I deserve to be distributed and punished. Please, spank me for what I did. I’ve been bad, terrible and I deserve to be spanked,” Rose said.

“Yes, you need to be punished,” Anna said.

“Now, masturbate.” Patricia said to Rose.

“No, masturbation is a sin!” Anna scream.

“We should program Rose’s brain. The punishments will have long-term results. She will associate masturbation with pain,” Patricia said to Anna, and turned back to Rose. “Continue begging for your punishment.”

“Yes, mam. Please mother, spank me for what I did. Spank me while I masturbate. Spank me again. I’ve been bad and deserve to be spanked.”

“Yes, you need punishment. Remember that masturbation is a sin, that masturbation is pain.”

Smack! Mother had spanked Rose on the ass.

“Learn to be spanked without losing concentration,” Patricia said.

“Masturbate!” Anna said.

Rose rubbed her clip faster, up and down, almost vibrating.

Slap! Anna beat her naked bottom. It was painful and broke Rose’s concentration. Slap!

Rose concentrated better, swaying and pushing on her clip. Soon, she throw her head sideways, her face screwed up. She closed her eyes and scream. “Oh!” Her whole body configured and shook. She staggered forward and went into a deep orgasm. There was a long silence. Rose’s head hung in deep shadow.

“You were very good. Looks like my cream helps you a lot, didn’t it?” Patricia said, lifting Rose’s face.

Rose burst into tears. She was embarrassed, humiliated, and shocked. Her body trembled from the intensity of the experience.

“Being sexual is sinful for women. I want you two drive to the police station tomorrow, where Rose will confess that she’s a pervert and exposedherself in public. They might even throw her into jail,” Anna said.

Rose felt terror. It will ruin her life.

On the next day, when Patricia arrived, Rose sat up in the car. Patricia smiled as she heard the yelp when Rose’s butt contacted the sit.

“Something the matter?” Patricia asked with a laugh.

“No mam, everything’s perfect.”

Patricia dropped Rose to the police station when Rose cried.

“Please mam. Don’t drive me to the police station. Please, I don’t want to be thrown into jail. I will do anything you want. Please, don’t ruin my life.”

But Patricia focused on the road and ignored her. Rose closed her eyes with her hands and burst into more tears. Car stopped at an unknown big house.

“Where are we?”

“We are at my BDSM school. I will give you a choice. You can become my pet and call me a Mistress or you will live the rest of your life in jail.”

“Please Mistress, allow me to be your pet.”

“Good choice.”

Patricia led Rose through the house to the garden with the pony girls. Rose could live out all her kinkiest desires. Rose felt incredible excitement, which she felt between her legs, the worst ache in her pussy she had ever experienced.

“You can masturbate if you like the view.”

Rose let her hand travel to her panties. She gasped as her middle finger slide over her clip, shuddering with pleasure.

“Look at this, ponies. This is who you will become.”

All were athletic, with bodies that were almost muscle in appearance.

“You would expose yourself in front of others, racing almost naked as a pony girl!”

Rose was excited yet uncomfortable about being exposed to an audience that would see her naked body, especially her genitals.

“Mistress, how they trained? Do they have sex? Will I still be virgin after training?”

Rose began moving her hand harder.

“I don’t want to say too much away as intrigue are at the heart of the training. It seems you may have a strong wish to be dominated, to be a slave and place yourself below all other human beings. Does this embarrass you?”

Rose smiled, blushed a lot, and nodded.

“Yes it does, Mistress, but I love the shade.”

“Perhaps you are a born to be a slave. Perhaps this is who you are.”

Rose’s face became red with excitement as she prepares to engage in initial, shameful acts. Rose became closer and closer to the edge of orgasm.

“Would you like to come?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Then beg for it.”

“Please, Mistress! I need to come! I will be a good girl! Please! I need to come!”

Rose pressed harder and faster on her clip.

“You may come.”

The orgasm hit Rose so hard she lost all sense of where she was. Her muscles were so tensed so furiously, that Rose feared she would hurt herself. Her muscles relaxed, and she fell to the ground.

“Mistress, what will I tell my mother? How will I explain it to her?”

“We will tell her the truth. That you will be in training for controlling your sexual urges through obedience and punishment. And you must not touch yourself without my command!”

“Yes, Mistress. I understand. Thank you, Mistress.”

“You’re a lovely girl, but I don’t want a girl. I want a pony. Have you ever seen a pony wearing clothes? Of course not! So, get your clothes off.”

Rose undressed and stood naked in front of Patricia.


She fastened the collar around Rose’s neck and attached the leash. Rose followed behind Patricia, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and fear of what she will do.

“You will have your first exercise as a pony by running in large circles around me, while I stay standing in the middle. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”


Rose ran, while Patricia stood in the centre of the circle, and twirled around, as Rose ran laps around her.

“Look at you, my little pony on a leash.”

Everything Rose wanted had becomereality. The thought of her future training thrilled her.


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